Save 10% or more of your income every month to put towards a diversified portfolio of companies that you know inside and out.
“A man who goes to a hardware store to buy a power drill doesn’t need a power drill, he needs a hole.”
Mangler du episoder?
What is your company’s specific, overt benefit that you provide to your customer? Nail that down.
In advertising, you must choose between boredom, shouting, and seduction.
Picture and write down your ideal week to the minute, and be committed to follow through with this week.
“There is no limit to what you can learn once you see yourself as a scientist in your own lab”
“Common sense is the enemy of sticky messages.”
Action Item: Sleep during the hours 10pm and 2am and get sunlight right when you awake!
What is an experience with your product that your customers would love to share verbally with friends?
“Marketers tell stories, which let us lie to ourselves. Those lies satisfy our desires; It’s the story, not the good or service you actually sell, that pleases the consumer.” - Seth Godin
“I care only about what I can change”
- Lady Gaga
Give value to your audience (Jab), before you try to sell to them (Right Hook!).
“If you know your enemy and you know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt.”
Are you commited to being happy, no matter what happens to you?
“The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.” - Warren Buffet
What is the one thing you can do today that will make everything else easier or unnecessary?
“You have the power of your mind… not outside events”