Our heroes find themselves face to face with Enzo Serra, friend and enemy(?) of Marcus. The silver-tongued fox is trying to get into the armory for some interesting gadgets. How will our heroes respond? Will they strike a deal with the miscreant? Or double cross him and take the artifacts for themselves?
With Phoenix (the man not the ship) exploded, our heroes continue their way through the Palace to shut off the defenses. But, they seem to have lost track of McRaven and the rest of the crew. How will our heroes fair now that they don't have to babysit some NPCs? How does Claire feel about Marcus trying to protect her? And what does Micah think about Nona trying to get a piggyback ride from an inquisitor? It only gets more dangerous from here!
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We find our heroes on the path that they just saved, en route to the secret entrance into the Palace. The Phoenix Pham's number one priority is to shut off the defenses of the Palace in order to give the rebels a level playing field, but will they be able to stay focused on the task at hand? Would our heroes be able to overlook an evil plot and prioritize their original goal? Or will they step in to stop evil, even if it delays their task? And does anyone else smell smoke?
After turning a GravTank into a very expensive paperweight, we find our intrepid heroes making their way to the secret staircase into the palace. Time is of the essence as the race to the basement begins! What obstacles will the Phoenix Pham face? Will they be able to find this secret staircase? And did you also hear that explosion?
The Phoenix Pham spring into action as Eli West calls for the fall of the Chancellorship. With mayhem breaking loose in the concourse the first task for our heroes is to get the civilians clear of the danger and then to secure the media tower nearby. What obstacles will our heroes face in these first few moments of chaos? How will the organized forces of the Orphans of the Orchid and Acolytes of the End fair against those loyal to the Chancellorship? And is anyone else a little nervous about where that tank's cannon is pointed?
The day has arrived: the new Chancellor's coronation. The Phoenix Pham and friends are ready for the day's festivities to begin. Will today be the day the Chancellorship finally falls? What will come of Zuri and their relationship with Vaughn's crew? And who was that NPC again?
*Queue Heist Music* Alright Phoenix Pham, here's the plan. We're going to...oh what? There's some things you want to discuss first? Alright. In this episode we find our heroes preparing for the coronation. Micah tries to talk to Vaughn about Zuri while Nona and Claire try to (poorly) talk Marcus into being clipped. With the day of the coronation fast approaching, do our heroes know where they stand?
With Cyril Sharpclaws defeated once and for all our heroes make their way back to Vaughn and the rest of the crew. With just a few days left before the coronation, the Phoenix Pham find themselves with some free time. How will they these last few peaceful hours? Where does Marcus now fit with the rest of the crew? And why is Nona asking "God" yes or no questions?
The Phoenix Pham finds themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place: running from Cyril and letting him get the last laugh or facing down a small army of Ursim. With the newcomer Marcus, our heroes might just stand a chance against this onslaught of Sharpclaws. I guess there is only one way to find out. Will our heroes survive the conga line of bears? Where has Carter Greer gone? And who is going to pay for that kitchen fire?
The Phoenix Pham find themselves at the business end of a not too happy bear. Cyril Sharpclaws is back for revenge! How will our heroes fare in this ambush? How prepared is Cyril for this fight? And does the Ursim mafia prefer cannolis or honey?
With our heroes just starting to come to terms with their grief, they find themselves needing to move, to do something, anything. With the coronation only days away there is still some work to be done, so it's time to head to Principa to prepare for the coup that will take down the Chancellorship. What tasks does Vaughn have planned? What state with the Phoenix Pham find the city in? And who is that man and why does he have that many knives?
Tragedy strikes our heroes in a sudden and terrible way. What will they do now? What will become of the Phoenix Pham? And who is cutting the onions?
I've seen fire and I've seen rainI've seen sunny days that I thought would never endI've seen lonely times when I could not find a friendBut I always thought that I'd see you again
We find our intrepid heroes between missions. The Phoenix Pham, with the semi-competent help of the Acolytes of the End, rescued Vaughn McRaven and several more political prisoners, striking a blow to the Children of the Silence and the Chancellorship. One last mission to take: stopping the coronation and toppling the Chancellorship. Can our heroes trust Devas and his crew? Will Skye be able to provide vital information for this final mission? And what is that, that Titus is mumbling about?
Our heroes have triumphed over Goose's trap and were able to save all of the hostages. It's time to finally take stock about what to do next. What will the Phoenix Pham learn from talking to a coherent Vaughn McRaven? Will Devas still be creepy doing that thing he does? And will Micah and Skye be able to reconcile their differences? No? Oh...generally these questions are rhetorical.
The ambush is underway! We find our heroes, full of drugs and hope, taking on a cargo ship brimming with enemies. Micah has made her way under deck while Alix and Nona aim to control the upper deck. Is this it? The fabled return of the McRaven? Will our heroes escape unscathed or will they lose a friend or two along the way? And who is the sixth prisoner?
The Phoenix Pham are prepped and ready to ambush this convoy. The plan is set, the team is in place, and the convoy is approaching. With a cocktail of drugs in their system, will our heroes be able to rescue the McRaven along with the other political prisoners? Will Micah and Skye confront one another? And does this make us pirates?
Our heroes have finally started preparing for the event we have all been waiting for: bringing back the McRaven. The information is good and now it's just a matter of getting folks in the right positions and making one decisive strike. What lies in store for the Phoenix Pham on this ambush? Can the McRaven actually be saved? And who is that that just teleported in with Zuri right in the middle of our dinner? He seems like a drama bitch.
The Phoenix Pham are in a sticky situation. They have the data they came for, but now some Inquisitors stand in their way and one of them is Micah's sister Skye. Will our heroes be able to complete their perfect infiltration? Will the still be able to ambush McRaven's prison transfer? And, most importantly, will Micah be able to keep her cool?
We find our intrepid heroes planning a heist of a Silence Operations base. While not being known as the "stealthy types", this task has been given to them and the reward is solid information on the transport carrying the McRaven. Will the Phoenix Pham find their way through the base without arising suspicion? What obstacles will they have to navigate? And what kind of callsigns are Wyvern and Goose?
Our heroes have finally discovered the truth, that Dorian Gray and Jordan Donahue are one and the same. As they contemplate what this revelation means, Isis and the rest of the crew start to discuss next steps to breakout Vaughn, but something still seems screwy with Devas. What is the magnet man hiding? Will our heroes be able to successfully save Micah's substitute father figure? Or will he fall at the new Chancellor's coronation? Only one way to find out, by going straight into Helk itself.
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