Loqomotions est une émission qui parle de transports, de mobilité et de l’influence qu’ont ces derniers sur notre quotidien et plus largement sur la société.
Que ce soit des modes de transports innovants, des applications que l’on utilise au quotidien ou actualités qui défraient la chronique
Yoann alias Ken Bogard épaulé de Chloé et Victor, vous partagent leurs expériences, leur vision et donnent du relief à des sujets que vous connaissez bien, puisque que vous vous déplacez tous les jours !
Chaque épisode traite d’un sujet sous l’angle de chaque chroniqueur, qui vous amènera à vous questionner sur vos déplacements, ceux des autres et ceux de demain.
Chaque chronique pourra être commentée et débattue sur le discord de Qualiter
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A podcast about various topics affecting America.
The official podcast of the San Diego Libertarian Party. We talk mostly local politics and issues, with some state and national issues thrown in.
臺灣心風景,讓我們探索不一樣的文化臺灣。📌臉書粉絲專頁👉央廣華語節目粉絲團 | Facebook
郵寄地址|臺灣104237臺北市中山區北安路55號 中央廣播電臺 華語節目 收
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Host Chris Gorin interviews experts about global affairs with a focus on East Asia and offering a perspective from Taiwan.
The Strait Up Podcast is the successor to Taiwan Today hosted by Natalie Tso.
Every week Ruth will be speaking to some of the countries' biggest success stories about their achievements, challenges, victories and dissappointments.
Ruth will cover the opportunities, triumphs, compromises, failures and inconvenient truths that they have endured and find out what drives some of Britain's most prominent people. -
⭐2023 央廣 Podcast調查活動-五分鐘填問卷抽大獎!
活動網址:《歹勢 打攪晒》是中央廣播電臺全新製作的影視節目,這是一個華粵雙語跨媒體的實境節目。
近年來,有不少香港人來到台灣開展新的生活,他們慢慢形成「在台香港人」的社群,大家身邊的鄰居、同學、朋友、工作伙伴,往往都會有香港人的身影,走在大街小巷,常常都會聽到廣東話。香港人初來台灣定居,生活中仍然有不少陌生之處,所以就像來到別人的家說一聲「不好意思,打攪了!」,這就是《歹勢 打攪晒》節目名稱的由來。
一連五集的《歹勢 打攪晒》來到了台灣不同的角落,基隆、宜蘭、台北、台中和花蓮,以香港新移民的新鮮視角,觀察台灣的生活日常,找尋新鮮有趣的角度。來自香港的主持人曾志豪,親身體驗清潔隊、農夫、咖啡店店長和夜市攤販的生活,甚至跟台灣人一起參加公路單車比賽,感受單車破風的熱血。
《歹勢 打攪晒》製作團隊是一個台港合作的團隊,主持人曾志豪是香港著名電台及電視節目主持人,節目製作人陸燕玲及導演易詠欣同樣來自香港。攝影師來自台灣,剪接師來自香港;片頭音樂是台灣的創作人,片頭設計則來自香港,兼容兩地文化,在創作中激盪出不一樣的火花。
《歹勢 打攪晒》3月5日開始,每週日晚上8:00,央廣官網、Apple、Google、SoundOn、Spotify同步播放。
☀郵寄地址▸台灣104237 台北市中山區北安路55號中央廣播電臺粵語節目
☀微信WeChat▸ rti0228856168(北安小姐姐)
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Join host Tim Dunn on a journey to discover the amazing stories behind London’s iconic transport network. From the Tube to the Overground and beyond, Tim speaks to guests who have personal connections with the system that keeps London moving - from engineers to celebrities, and artists to footballers. Series one celebrates the 160th anniversary of the London Underground, and series two uncovers the significance of the new names for London’s Overground lines. An official podcast from Transport for London.
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the podcast to discuss all the things we wish someone told us when we were in school!
Join Jonathan Youssef for a candid look at the Christian faith. Each week, Jonathan will tackle tough issues, answer the hard questions, and will host thought-provoking conversations with respected Christian leaders. Topics include theology, Biblical parenting, healthy sexuality, world religions, engaging a post truth world, and so much more.
Room410係由幾個香港人成立既本地知識型資訊頻道每星期會定期開直播節目,以及不定期發送短片懸案節目《懸疑未決》逢星期五晚上10:00,準時放送鬼故節目《迷離夜話》每隔個禮拜二放送獵奇節目《獵奇物語》每隔個禮拜三放送縱然世界再壞,都可以嚟Room410暫時歇一會【課金贊助】【Room410 Instagram】【Room410 Telegram】 provided by SoundOn
Welcome to Jem's Coffee Shop! Feel free to take a seat and sip on your favourite beverage while I talk about anything and everything every Tuesday! Follow @jemscoffeeshop on IG to stay updated! Please email for all business inquiries :)
Join retired police detective and private investigator Derrick Levasseur and true crime Youtube creator Stephanie Harlowe as they discuss the crimes making headlines while also taking a deeper look into cases that have fascinated them both personally and professionally. They’ll give plenty of insight and safety tips along the way to help make sure that no listener becomes the subject of the next episode….
This monthly podcast will provide you with snippets on how to live a clutter-free life. Your host, Derria, is a strong believer in self-care and encourages anyone to live a joyful and clutter-free life on purpose.
Please send questions to
New episodes every last Tuesday of the month.
About the Host
Derria Murphy is a seasoned organizer and host of the Declutter Empress Radio Podcast. With a passion for functional living spaces and effective organizational strategies, she guides her audience on achieving serene and clutter-free environments. Known for her practical tips and engaging storytelling, Derria empowers listeners to simplify their lives and create personal oases at home. Her expertise extends beyond decluttering, as she also explores productivity tools and mindset shifts necessary for maintaining organized, peaceful living spaces.
Music from Uppbeat:
Forest of the Ancients License code: 0KOOY8HJKZR12GWC
Make me Clean License code: DVF8I1ZGBMCSA75W