
  • We’re back to finish reviewing the radio drama for Return of the Jedi! In this episode we’re looking at the sixth and final episode of the Jedi radio drama, ‘Blood of a Jedi’.

    Some of the topics that Steve covers during the show include:

    Does this episode cram in all that’s left of the story effectively? Steve writes his own scene for the episode and includes it. Some bit part players sound really bored. The staff that work in the sound effects library need a holiday. Threepio appears in some odd scenes. What the hell is a lousy backshooter?

    You can email the show [email protected]

    We’re also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/showshakestars

    We’ve just joined Instagram, find us here: https://www.instagram.com/ashowtoshakethestars/

    We are also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return soon with a special Return of the Jedi retrospective episode, but in the meantime, May the Force Be with You!

  • In a special bonus, we present an episode from Steve's other podcast, 'Ben & Steve's Video Store'.

    In this episode, Steve and Ben discuss their thoughts on Return of the Jedi, as we fast approach the 40th Anniversary of the final part of the original Star Wars trilogy.

    We hope you enjoy the episode. If you like what you hear, check out more 'Ben & Steve's Video Store' wherever you find your pods.

    Steve will be back with a regular episode of the show very soon, looking at the sixth and final part of the Jedi radio drama, 'Blood of a Jedi'. In the meantime, May The Force Be With You!

    You can email the show [email protected]

    We’re also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/showshakestars

    We’ve just joined Instagram, find us here: https://www.instagram.com/ashowtoshakethestars/

    We are also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

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  • We’re back to continue reviewing the radio drama for Return of the Jedi! In this episode we’re looking at episode five of the Jedi radio drama, ‘So Turns a Galaxy, So Turns a Wheel’.

    Some of the topics that Steve covers during the show include:

    · CANON! CANON! How does Leia remember her mother? Steve gets nit-picky! · Steve gets very angry when one of his favourite scenes from ROTJ gets ruined! · Brock Peters sounds bored. · Some major revelations for Luke and Leia, and some great performances from Joshua Fardon and Anne Sachs. · Some surprising omissions from the original radio drama script.

    You can email the show [email protected]

    We’re also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/showshakestars

    We’ve just joined Instagram, find us here: https://www.instagram.com/ashowtoshakethestars/

    We are also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return in May, looking at the final episode of the Return of the Jedi radio drama, ‘Blood of a Jedi’, but in the meantime, May the Force Be with You!

  • We’re back to continue reviewing the radio drama for Return of the Jedi! In this episode we’re looking at episode four of the Jedi radio drama, ‘Pattern and Web’

    Some of the topics that Steve covers during the show include

    CANON! CANON! There is yet another reference to ‘Shadows of the Empire' A link between Star Wars and Star Trek: The Next Generation Adapting the speeder bike chase for radio, with mostly successful results The show reaching out to Mark Hamill, with no success at all Threepio has some Coronation tips for King Charles Leia fat shames Wicket!

    You can email the show [email protected]

    We’re also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/showshakestars

    We’ve just joined Instagram, find us here: https://www.instagram.com/ashowtoshakethestars/

    We are also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return soon, looking at So Turns a Galaxy, So Turns a Wheel, the penultimate episode of the Jedi radio drama, but in the meantime, May the Force Be with You!

  • We’re back to continue reviewing the radio drama for Return of the Jedi! In this episode we’re looking at episode three of the Jedi radio drama, ‘Prophesies and Destinies’

    Some of the topics that Steve covers during the show include:

    Princess Leia getting all ‘John McClane’ on Jabba’s ass’ A great new additional scene on the Millennium Falcon CANON! CANON! Steve talks about a reference to ‘Shadows of the Empire’ An interesting way in which Brian Daley takes a scene from the start of the movie and dumps it here, to better dramatic effect Obi-Wan gets all Trumpy The Emperor debuts a new game show!

    Here’s a link to the Shadows of the Empire blog that Steve talks about: https://bwspotlight.com/2017/01/02/chapter-by-chapter-star-wars-shadows-of-the-empire-ch-37/

    You can email the show [email protected]

    We’re also on Twitter, follow the handle @showshakestars

    We are also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return soon, looking at Pattern & Web, the fourth episode of the Jedi radio drama, but in the meantime, May the Force Be with You!

  • We’re back to continue reviewing the radio drama for Return of the Jedi! In this episode we’re looking at episode two of the Jedi radio drama, ‘Fast Friends’

    Some of the topics that Steve covers during the show include:

    Why Jabba the Hutt is exactly the same as Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party The reproductive life cycle of the Hutts If a Sarlacc has a bad curry, does it take 1,000 years to digest? Why the key members of the Rebel Alliance would be AWFUL Bothan Spies How do you adapt a number of dialogue free scenes from a movie for radio?

    You can email the show [email protected]

    We’re also on Twitter, follow the handle @showshakestars

    We are also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return soon, looking at Prophesies and Destinies, the third episode of the Jedi radio drama, but in the meantime, May the Force Be with You!

  • We’re back to review the radio drama for Return of the Jedi! Obviously, we will start with episode one, ‘Tatooine Haunts’.

    Before breaking down the episode, Steve gives a brief history of the Jedi radio drama and how it came to be 13 years after The Empire Strikes Back aired on NPR.

    Some of the topics that Steve covers during the show include:

    His complicated relationship with The Rise of Skywalker How Brian Daley weaves in some of the Star Wars expanded universe into the canon of the radio drama (CANON, CANON!) The new casting for Luke Skywalker The complex relationship between Darth Vader & Emperor Palpatine Huttese swear words How Steve now likes Anthony Daniels!

    You can email the show [email protected]

    We’re also on Twitter, follow the handle @showshakestars

    We are also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return soon, looking at Fast Friends, the second episode of the Jedi radio drama, but in the meantime, May the Force Be with You!

  • Before we move onto the Return of the Jedi radio drama, it’s time for a look back on Empire, with a retrospective episode. Here, Steve is joined by special guest Scott Alden for a spoiler filled chat about The Rise of Skywalker, before we move on to discuss our favourite and least favourite things about the Empire radio drama.

    Steve & Scott discuss the amazing work that went into the Hoth battle in the episode ‘Fire & Ice’ as well as the great work the first few episodes of the radio drama does in establishing the tone for the story, as well as the really making you feel the cold of Hoth and the Rebel base.

    We also talk about the struggle of adapting Darth Vader for radio, how John Lithgow does a fabulous job as Yoda and how Perry King could be a better Han Solo than Harrison Ford (I know).

    You can email the show at [email protected].

    You can find us on Twitter under the handle @showshakestars

    We’re also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    If you want to contact Scott about is upcoming Coen Brothers retrospective, you can reach him on the following Twitter handles:



    A Show to Shake the Stars will return very soon with our review of the first episode of the Return of the Jedi radio drama ‘Tatooine Haunts’ but in the meantime, May the force be with you!

  • Join Steve as he reviews the tenth and final episode of The Empire Strikes Back radio drama, ‘The Clash of Lightsabers’.

    Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader continue their lightsaber duel in Cloud City (along with some cringe inducing dialogue) as Lando, Leia, Chewie, Artoo and Threepio attempt to escape Imperial clutches.

    Steve discusses how the radio drama handles one of the biggest revelations in modern popular culture, how Artoo saves the day more than once and Steve also strangely manages to criticise and praise Brock Peter’s performance as Darth Vader at the same time.

    We also see the return of psycho killer droid 2-1B! Hurrah!

    You can email the show [email protected]

    We’re also on Twitter, follow the handle @showshakestars

    We are also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return with a special Empire Strikes Back retrospective episode but in the meantime, May The Force Be With You!

  • Join Steve as he reviews the ninth episode of the Empire Strikes Back radio drama, 'Gambler's Choice'.

    Han Solo has been turned into a coffee table, Leia, Chewbacca & Threepio are about to be turned over to Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker and Artoo are coming to the rescue.

    Meanwhile, Lando Calrissian is beginning to discover what it means to strike a deal with the Dark Lord of the Sith.

    And Luke Skywalker is finally heading to a confrontation with the man who killed his father, his mentor and his Aunt & Uncle.

    Steve talks about adapting a lightsaber duel for radio, as well as shedding light on being a supervisor for a Carbon Freezing chamber.

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return with 'The Clash of Lightsabers'.

    You can email the show on [email protected]

    We're also on Twitter: @showshakestars

    We're also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

  • Join Steve as he breaks down the eighth episode of The Empire Strikes Back radio drama, 'Dark Lord's Fury'.

    In this episode, our heroes in Cloud City fall foul of Darth Vader, who is in a pretty grumpy mood, spouting evil rhetoric all over the place and is generally being a bad ass.

    Steve discusses what could well be his favourite scene in the Empire radio drama, as Han and Chewie consider taking Vader on in a fight around the dining table, in a scene that was written especially for radio and does not appear in the film.

    Other topics up for discussion include Lando hating his boss, a speaking Lobot and one of the most iconic lines of dialogue in Star Wars. I know.

    As mentioned in the episode, you can find the link to the alternate opening for the Star Wars radio drama here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MImAV6v_brU

    You can find the show on Twitter: @showshakestars

    You can also email the show on [email protected]

    We're also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    You can find Steve on Twitter: @spclark14

    As mentioned in the show, a new and improved Han Solo vote will appear on Twitter soon, under the hashtag #solovote

    The show will return soon with 'Gambler's Choice'.

  • Join Steve as he reviews the seventh episode of The Empire Strikes Back radio drama, ‘New Allies, New Enemies’

    Before talking about the episode, Steve briefly talks about the teaser trailer for The Rise of Skywalker and the return of Emperor Palpatine.

    In this episode of the radio drama, Billy Dee Williams joins the cast as Lando Calrissian and it’s good to hear the old smoothie.

    Steve also talks about the challenges of adapting significant scenes for radio, the lack of health and safety regulations in the Star Wars universe and an unusual amount of sympathy for See Threepio.

    Steve also apologises for the lack of recent episodes on a rather amazing Lego set.

    You can follow the show on Twitter on @showshakestars

    We’re also on Facebook: facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    You can also email the show on [email protected]

    You can also follow Steve on Twitter on @spclark14

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return with ‘Dark Lord’s Fury’

  • Join Steve as he reviews and breaks down the sixth episode of The Empire Strikes Back radio drama, 'Way of the Jedi'.

    Steve talks about asking John Lithgow how it feels to be the only actor to play both Yoda & Winston Churchill, as well as The Graham Norton Show (possibly) stealing his question.

    Steve also talks about Yoda's mischievous side being missing from the Star Wars prequels, as well as the introduction of The Emperor in the Radio Drama.

    There are also the usual tangents, with one looking at Darth Vader's breath. Yes, really.

    Please like and subscribe to the show wherever you find your Podcasts, every little bit of love and appreciation helps!

    You can email the show [email protected]

    Follow us on Twitter on the handle @showshakestars

    We're also on Facebook: facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    The show will be back soon with 'New Allies, New Enemies'.

    In the meantime, May the Force Be With You.

  • Join Steve as he reviews the fifth episode of The Empire Strikes Back NPR Radio Drama, 'The Millennium Falcon Pursuit'.

    Han, Leia & Threepio get the lions share of the action and dialogue this week, as our heroes escape the battle of Hoth and go headfirst into tangling with Imperial TIE Fighters, Star Destroyers, Asteroid fields and 'Space Slugs'.

    Steve talks about Han coming across as a bit of a sleazeball, Darth Vader acting like a teenager and some of the best dialogue written for the radio drama so far.

    You can email the show on [email protected]

    We're on Twitter, follow @showshakestars

    We're also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    Please subscribe and leave us a 5 star review on your chosen pod platform of choice, it would really help the show grow its audience and help spread the greatness of the Star Wars radio dramas.

    A Show to Shake the Stars will continue with 'Way of the Jedi'

  • Join Steve as he reviews the fourth episode of The Empire Strikes Back radio drama, 'Fire and Ice'.

    In this episode the Empire launch an all out attack on the Rebel Base on Hoth.

    Hear Steve discuss his feelings on Brock Peter's performance as Darth Vader, along with his thoughts on the wonderful editing and sound design of the major battle scenes.

    There is also a new alert to listen out for: PANTO VILLAIN ALERT!

    You can email the show at [email protected]

    We're on Twitter: @showshakestars

    We're also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    There's no #solopoll on Twitter this week as Solo doesn't really have a lot to say during this episode.

    If you enjoy the show, why not leave us a five star review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts?

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return with 'The Millennium Falcon Pursuit'

  • Join Steve as he reviews the third episode of The Empire Strikes Back radio drama, 'A Question of Survival'.

    Steve tackles some thorny issues this week, including a killer medical droid that could be roaming Echo Base, Threepio flirting with another droid and Leia engaging in questionable conduct with her brother. Although, to be fair she doesn't know it is her brother. Ugh. Also, Darth Vader makes his debut in the Empire radio drama!

    You can follow the show on Twitter, our handle is @showshakestars

    Please look at the the #solovote on Twitter, where you can vote for your favourite line of Han Solo dialogue from the episode.

    We're also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    You can email the show: [email protected]

    We'd really appreciate any likes for our social media feeds and please subscribe wherever you find your podcasts.

    If you could leave us a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts, Steve will personally send you money. (CORRECTION: he won't)

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return with 'Fire and Ice'

  • Join Steve as he reviews the second episode of The Empire Strikes Back radio drama, 'The Coming Storm'.

    Steve goes off on tangents this week and talks about unused music from the films score being used in the radio drama, as well as discussing a brand new scene featuring Han & Luke going camping in the frozen Hoth wastelands. It's not quite like that but you get the idea.

    Han gets all officious with a poor Deck Officer, and Artoo & Threepio (a.k.a The Loose Wiring Brothers) must learn how to deliver bad news in a nicer way.

    Please look out for the Han Solo poll on Twitter!

    You can email the show [email protected]

    We're on twitter @showshakestars

    We're also on Facebook, search for A Show to Shake the Stars.

    If you love the show, please leave us a 5 star review.

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return with 'A Question of Survival'

  • Join Steve as he reviews the first episode of The Empire Strikes Back radio drama, ‘Freedom’s Winter’.

    Before Steve breaks down the episode, he is joined by very special guest Mark Newbold from Fantha Tracks, where they discuss the radio dramas, The Phantom Menace nearly 20 years on and lots of other things all Star Wars related. (Some Star Trek too)

    Then Steve resumes his usual incoherent ramblings by giving a brief history of the Empire radio drama and then reviewing the first episode.

    Steve talks about setting the darker tone for this instalment in the Star Wars saga, as well as some naff comedy involving Threepio and another droid.

    You can email the show on: [email protected]

    We’re on Twitter: @showshakestars

    Facebook: facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars

    If you’d like to follow Steve on Twitter you can find him on @spclark14

    The first Twitter poll to find Han Solo’s best line of dialogue will soon be up, please vote, share and retweet! (not that I’m desperate for listeners or anything).

    Please like and subscribe to the show and leave us a 5 star review, so we can attract more listeners.

  • This week Steve is joined by special guests Steve 'The Ginger Prince' and Phil Genery in a retrospective episode that looks back specifically at the Star Wars radio drama.

    We discuss various topics such as meeting Darth Vader at Tesco, James Earl Jones reading the dictionary and Luke having a serious man crush on Biggs

    We also talk about how some elements of the radio drama closely tie in with the new modern era Star Wars movies and acknowledging the genius of Ben Burtt.

    Also, which scene do we all not like, which veers from high camp to downright disturbing?

    You can find the show on Twitter @showshakestars

    You can email us on [email protected]

    We're also on Facebook

    A Show to Shake the Stars will return with our review of the first episode of The Empire Strikes Back radio drama, 'Freedom's Winter'

  • Join Steve as he reviews the final episode of the Star Wars National Public Radio Drama, 'Force & Counterforce'.

    It's squeaky bum time as the Rebel Alliance launch a desperate attack on the Death Star as it approaches Yavin IV with the sole goal of wiping the rebels from existence.

    Hear Steve discuss squeaky bums (a lot), the change of Tarkin's character in the radio drama, as well as the writers of Star Trek: The Next Generation stealing some of Brian Daley's dialogue.

    Before we move on to The Empire Strikes Back, A Show to Shake the Stars will return with a special retrospective episode with some special guests!

    You can email the show at [email protected]

    We're on Twitter: @showshakestars

    We're also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ashowtoshakethestars/