
  • "We are all chasing the same feeling"
    My friend Pania said this while a bunch of us had met for coffee part-way through a group bike ride.
    Pania, Cheryl and Steve had all just completed the Coast to Coast multisport race, which runs from the West Coast of New Zealand's South Island, to the East Coast. The 243km is covered by kayak, mountain running and cycling , in either a one-day format "the Longest Day" or a two-day format.
    The event has become almost a rite of passage for multisport athetes around the world.
    Pania, Cheryl and Steve were buzzing from the event and also from having all been on the podium, I had not long raced Ironman New Zealand, Alison had just run her 3rd 100km ultra and others were due to race in then next few months.
    The conversation turned to why we all trained for hours and weeks and months, while putting ourselves through learning brand-new scary skills in our late 50s (kayaking for both Pania and Cheryl). Week after week, we bike 100s of kilometres, run for hours, swim and kayak, go the gym, do yoga .. while working, looking after kids, parents, friends, pets, and for some including voluntary work in the community.
    Why do we do this? "Well, we're all chasing the same feeling" - said Pania.
    We were all speechless, reflecting on Pania's insight. We got back on our bikes pondering the feeling we were chasing.
    I had to get to the bottom of Pania's statement - so I asked her to come onto the podcast and give us the full story.
    One thing's for sure - the finish line is only a very small part of the answer.
    Enjoy Pania, her amazing story, insights and the way she has with words :-)

    I am sooo stoked to be an Ambassador for Nuzest - a 100% Kiwi business that makes high-quality plant protein powders, the BEST plant protein bars ever, as well as nutrition support powders for adults and children.
    Plus they are - hands down (and I have tried most of them) - the BEST TASTING PLANT PROTEIN products. I'm a vanilla fan but my husband tells me the chocolate on is yummy too!
    Check them out at www.nuzest,co.nz and use the code APC15 for 15% off your purchase!

  • This is Amy's story - it blew me away and inspired me so much!

    Apologies with some audio inconsistencies - I recorded this a while back, thought I had lost the track, but found it again .. sooo happy!

    Everything was 'rainbows and unicorns' until Amy got married.
    Then the change in personality.
    The alcoholism.
    The snide remarks.
    The control.

    Amy has such an amazing perspective on things ... what kept her moving forwards from deep within this controlling relationship was the certainty that all she could control was her happiness.

    If you know someone who might be in a similar situation, please share this episode to inspire them and give them hope!

    I am sooo stoked to be an Ambassador for Nuzest - a 100% Kiwi business that makes high-quality plant protein powders, the BEST plant protein bars ever, as well as nutrition support powders for adults and children.
    Plus they are - hands down (and I have tried most of them) - the BEST TASTING PLANT PROTEIN products. I'm a vanilla fan but my husband tells me the chocolate on is yummy too!
    Check them out at www.nuzest,co.nz and use the code APC15 for 15% off your purchase!

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  • A Way Forward took a bit of sabbatical!

    The podcast was created at the height of COVID19 back in 2022 and just like a huge number of podcasts, got put aside once the world whirred back to some kind of altered normality.
    BUT this has given me time to think about all the stories I want to share. Not only those amazing stories from my friends as well as my life and health coaching clients, but also the incredible journeys and feats from my endurance coaching clients.
    All of us have this need to move forwards, whether that is putting one foot in front of the other, standing still to move forwards, or being able to reframe a situation and alter its perspective to get through a situation.
    I truly believe all these stories need to be shared, to inspire us but also to understand, empathise and really connect with each other. Without connection, there is nothing!
    Enjoy! Aimee x


    I am sooo stoked to be an Ambassador for Nuzest - a 100% Kiwi business that makes high-quality plant protein powders, the BEST plant protein bars ever, as well as nutrition support powders for adults and children.
    Plus they are - hands down (and I have tried most of them) - the BEST TASTING PLANT PROTEIN products. I'm a vanilla fan but my husband tells me the chocolate on is yummy too!
    Check them out at www.nuzest,co.nz and use the code APC15 for 15% off your purchase!

  • Elle came to see me at the lowest point of her relationship with Joe. She was terrified of staying in the relationship and she was terrified of leaving. She not only felt stuck but doomed .. she could not see a way forward for her and her son Sam. It took a few months of regular sessions with Elle for her to have the courage to consider leaving, for her to feel empowered to actually leave, and for her to believe there was a future for her and Sam, of her choice, where she was free of the emotional ball and chain she was dragging around.

    This is Elle’s story.


    I am sooo stoked to be an Ambassador for Nuzest - a 100% Kiwi business that makes high-quality plant protein powders, the BEST plant protein bars ever, as well as nutrition support powders for adults and children.
    Plus they are - hands down (and I have tried most of them) - the BEST TASTING PLANT PROTEIN products. I'm a vanilla fan but my husband tells me the chocolate on is yummy too!
    Check them out at www.nuzest,co.nz and use the code APC15 for 15% off your purchase!

  • Do you find yourself stuck in a rut because you can't tell someone what you want without making the situation worse? Or because you just don't say anything at all and try to suck it up ... but this only leads to resentment, sadness or you feeling like you are isolating yourself within the relationship?
    In this episode, we explore a way to move forward from this very common stuck place by looking at first connecting, then asking for what you need. The connecting is achieved by using a form of communication called NVC or non-violent communication, which is rooted in empathy and explores the context of the problem we have in order to give the listener the full picture.
    I really hope you get something out of this episode, even if it is just you knowing there is always a way forward.
    Remember if you'd like to share any thoughts you might have on this episode, or if you just want to connect, head to www.aimeeperrettcoaching.com or email me at [email protected].
    Have a great week! <3

    I am sooo stoked to be an Ambassador for Nuzest - a 100% Kiwi business that makes high-quality plant protein powders, the BEST plant protein bars ever, as well as nutrition support powders for adults and children.
    Plus they are - hands down (and I have tried most of them) - the BEST TASTING PLANT PROTEIN products. I'm a vanilla fan but my husband tells me the chocolate on is yummy too!
    Check them out at www.nuzest,co.nz and use the code APC15 for 15% off your purchase!

  • Are you stuck?? Let's find a way forward.

    A Way Forward is the podcast I have always wanted to make but have never had the courage to start, let alone finish. In the end, with the support of my clients, friends and family, I think it just burst out of me. I let go of all the imperfections so that I could get my message to the world: there is always a way forward, however small the step we take. But how can we/do we take this step? How is it possible?
    In this first episode, I set the scene for future episodes, a mixture of real-life stories, ideas, thoughts and strategies to understand this moment of moving forward from that stuck place, stickiness, or whatever it is that is preventing us to get back to the flow of our beautiful life.

    Aimee <3

    I am sooo stoked to be an Ambassador for Nuzest - a 100% Kiwi business that makes high-quality plant protein powders, the BEST plant protein bars ever, as well as nutrition support powders for adults and children.
    Plus they are - hands down (and I have tried most of them) - the BEST TASTING PLANT PROTEIN products. I'm a vanilla fan but my husband tells me the chocolate on is yummy too!
    Check them out at www.nuzest,co.nz and use the code APC15 for 15% off your purchase!