How is YOUR family learning a second language going to change the world? We share the stories of families opening a world of possibilities to their kids through learning a language together.
We get honest about struggles of not having kids speak back their second tongue. And we give you the tools as either a native or non-native speaker to help your kids grow over the long-haul.
Join Adrienne Babbitt and Juan Mendoza, leading the way in the movement of the Family Language Exchange brought to you by Learn with Me Languages. -
This is the place to help put you on the path to a deeper connection with yourself and your family. Every Monday you'll hear a discussion with a new expert on relationships, family, meditation, spirituality, and much more. Justin provides weekly takeaways on Wednesday and meditations on Friday to send you into the weekend with calm and confidence. It's time to center yourself, reconnect with the people around you, and get heavily meditated with the host of Mindful Impact, Justin Francisco. Email: [email protected]
Withywindle is a whimsical interactive show for kids who love stories, words, and groan-worthy jokes and features your favorite authors and illustrators. Part book club, part game show it's an adventure through the wild world of wordplay. Each episode we chat with a very special guest, usually an author or illustrator of children's books, plus tell silly jokes, share riddles, talk about stories and books, eat snacks, and much more! -
Подкаст-канал «Мама в кубе» - создан Иркутской региональной общественной организацией «Родители Сибири» при поддержке Фонда президентских грантов.
На вопросы мам о развитии и воспитании детей отвечают мамы-специалисты в разных областях.
Ведущая канала – руководитель общественной организации «Родители Сибири», педагог-психолог, многодетная мама Анна Кузьмина.
Дискуссии на канале затрагивают такие важные и актуальные вопросы, как: детская агрессия, половое воспитание, травля в школе, гаджеты, подростковый возраст и др.
Дорогие слушатели, вы можете задать интересующие вас вопросы о развитии и воспитании детей для обсуждения на канале! Направляйте их на эл. почту Родителей Сибири: [email protected] -
The Optimizing Mothers Podcast is here to optimize the chinuch of our daughters by inspiring, uniting and celebrating the foundations of Bais Rivkah’s families.
This podcast is a branch of the BRANCHES INITIATIVE by Bais Rivkah School.
Sara Blau, a mother like you will lead you on a journey that’s focused on optimizing everything you are already doing and making it better.
Enjoy both conversational and solo style episodes.
For more info on this initiative, go to: or -
Pasakas par drošību internetā 7-12 gadus veciem bērniem, lai veicinātu drošu un jēgpilnu interneta lietošanu. Pasaku autori Rīgas Franču liceja skolēni. Pasakas ļauj izdzīvot raibu raibos notikumus – kā rūķis Urķis rada datoru, kas vēlāk palīdz glābt nolaupītu princesi; kā Reksis palīdz Ķepainim atbrīvoties no interneta atkarības; kā Rēzija iemācās veidot drošu interneta paroli; kā zaķu Garausīšu ģimene cīnās ar datorvīrusu; kā Gliemezis nolemj kļūt par jūtūberi; u.c.
Pasakas apkopoja un publicēja Latvijas Drošāka interneta centrs ( -
Featuring the leading thinkers, practitioners, and experts navigating the future of learning, Remaking Tomorrow podcast is powered by Remake Learning, a network of people and organizations that ignite engaging, relevant, and equitable learning practices in support of young people navigating rapid social and technological change.
«Не усложняй» — подкаст о том, как жить с опорой на себя, создавать счастливые отношения и любить детей без условий.
Ведущая подкаста — Любовь Сурудо. Психолог, коуч и популярный блогер. Вместе с гостями она легализует право на ошибки, убеждается, что с ней (и с вами!!) все в порядке и рассказывает о сложном простым языком.
Не усложняет! И вам не советует)
Найти Любу в запрещённой соцсети можно под ником @love_enot.
*В этом подкасте мы упоминаем социальную сеть Instagram.
Instagram является продуктом компании Meta, эта организация признана экстремистской и запрещена на территории России.
Практикующий врачи-тройняшки рассказывают реальные случаи из практики, частых заболеваниях у детей и правильном уходе за их здоровьем.
Доктор Тройняшки - три ВРАЧА-БРАТА-БЛИЗНЕЦА, вылечили более 15 000 пациентов, авторы книги "Три в одном: Книжка для начинающих родителей", лечат детей и обучают их родителей медицинской грамотности.Instagram -
Telegram -
Электронная почта: [email protected]
DayBreak is a news and opinion show for all ages. Hosted by two middle-schoolers, this show features interviews with experts and tips form listeners that put a new spin on the news. Infused with fun, this podcast comes out every week with new stories on current topics. Subscribe now!
आपका सोचने का तरीका भी आपकी सफलता में एक बहुत ही बड़ी भूमिका निभाता है, Shiv Khera जी का कहना है की अगर आप अपने Thought Process को एक determination के साथ Execute करें तो आप सभी काम आसानी से कर सकते हैं ।
आप अपने Tough Times का सामना करना सीखिए, अगर आप Tough Situation से Deal करना सीख जाएंगे तो आप ज़िंदगी के किसी भी मोड़ से आसानी से गुज़र सकते हैं ।
Jagran Podcast लेकर आया है आपके लिए एक खास Motivational Series जो प्रतुस्त है Motivational Speaker Shiv Khera के सहयोग से ।
Stay Tuned to Jagran Podcast
A vocação religiosa
Образовательно-развлекательные разговорные форматы с комиками и не только.
История на ночь: Женя Чебатков, Расул Чабдаров и Томас Гайсанов разбирают крупные исторические события
SEGOZAVTRA: учёные + комики исследуют будущее -
Простыми словами пытаемся объяснить сложные вещи: от газлайтинга и стокгольмского синдрома до NFT и криптовалют. Предлагайте свои темы в отзывах к подкасту или пишите нам на почту: [email protected]
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Пятый сезон мы делаем эксклюзивно для сервиса «Строки»:
На всех платформах пятый сезон будет доступен осенью.
Реклама. ПАО «МТС»:
Erid: LjN8K65r7
"Empty Inside" is a podcast where host Jennette McCurdy talks with a different guest each episode, doing a deep dive into a specific topic. General topic areas are comedy, eating disorders, filmmaking, jealousy, therapy, and the crippling sense of doom we all face as we desperately try to fill the void within.
Pieturzīmes ir pirmais valodas podkāsts Latvijā. Runāsim, diskutēsim un domāsim latviski par latvisko. Pieturzīmes cilvēkos, grāmatās un valodā.
Aiga Veckalne ir valodniece un tulkotāja, kurai latviešu valoda ir ne tikai izglītība, bet arī aizraušanās, darbs un hobijs. Ikdienā viņa strādā Ventspils Augstskolā, kur arī studē doktorantūrā, bet brīvajā laikā vada valodas podkāstu “Pieturzīmes” un lietišķās sarakstes un iedarbīgas valodas seminārus.
Ja vēlies atbalstīt "Pieturzīmes", to var izdarīt šeit:
Sūti ieteikumus uz [email protected]! -
Freedom Fridays is the safe place you need to be free and stay free. Your moment and space for inspiration and encouragement. Equipping you with the tools to break free from limiting beliefs and the ability to help someone else do the same. Join creativist and founder of All For Freedom, Michele Mitchell as she shares stories, spotlights others, and speaks up for those who cannot speak for themselves. "You are more powerful and amazing than you could ever imagine. So come on in…it’s Freedom Friday." Support this podcast:
The world of leadership is rife with information, listicles and re-hashed advice. We all know that we need to have more difficult conversations, be kinder and more empathetic with those we lead, and walk the path of servant leadership.
And yet we rarely seem to get any closer to developing ourselves as the leaders we wish to be. Instead, we clutter our brains with more information, enact a new promise to ourselves and those around us to lean in and show up more powerfully than we did last time, and somehow remain running around in circles.
There’s no shortage of advice available to create incremental change, and they provide exactly that: create incremental change. You get better at doing what you already do, but slightly faster and slightly better. Boring.
This podcast will NOT provide you with incremental change. It will expose your hidden genius, unlock a new level of mastery in yourself, and, provide you paths to creating exponential power and growth. -
"My two sons' godmother, who is a first-generation Dominican in New York City, was having a really, really hard time getting through to her mother about taking extra precautions during the start of the COVID pandemic," says Juleyka Lantigua, host and creator of How to Talk to [Mamí & Papí] about Anything, Apple Podcasts' Spotlight show for January 2023. "It was like they were speaking to each other in two different languages. The cultural and generational differences between them seemed to push them further apart as their conversations progressed. I realized they represented millions of children and parents enmeshed in a drag-out white-knuckle fight because those of us who are 'Americanized' see the world—and most importantly, live in the world—very differently from our immigrant parents." Lantigua, who is a veteran reporter and founder and CEO of the digital audio and production company LWC Studios, launched How to Talk to [Mamí & Papí] about Anything in 2020. She found out quickly that many listeners could relate to the experiences discussed on the show. "It was a grand experiment, and we were nervous and excited," she says. "And then the emails started pouring in from listeners who never knew they needed these conversations or those who wished they'd had the show growing up 20,30, 50 years ago!"Each episode features a listener with a problem that can range from navigating relationships with parents who disapprove of their spouse to maintaining a relationship with a difficult parent for the sake of the grandchildren. An expert on the episode’s topic joins Lantigua on the show to offer professional advice and analyze the generational and cultural dynamics at play. "So many of us straddle that hyphen of being American and something else. So many of us are trying to honor our parents' ways while making our own way in the world," Lantigua says. "This is a place to find solace and really good advice."After nearly 150 episodes, Lantigua is taking the plunge into extending the brand with a sister show, How to Talk to [High Achievers] about Anything. And her hope is that there’s more where that came from. "My vision is that the "How to Talk to" franchise continues to grow and serve the rising-majority audience in the US for years to come.”
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