Украинка Анна Филимонова и россиянин Алексей Пономарев говорят о войне России против Украины и о том, как нам теперь с этим всем жить дальше.
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The latest in news, politics and entertainment.
Подкаст о главных новостях: глобальных и локальных, российских и международных, политических и социальных, экономических и культурных. Серьезно и с долей иронии. Телеграм-канал подкастов
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A podcast about Asia, Asian America, and life during the Coronavirus pandemic, featuring Jay Caspian Kang. -
The Hot Room is a podcast by The Hill Times, Canada's all-politics, all-the-time newspaper in the heart of Parliament Hill. We talk to politicians, experts, and other reporters about the biggest stories of the day.
Hot Room podcast theme music written and performed by Gavin Gardiner for The Hill Times. -
This podcast is produced by Amnesty International volunteers from across Europe, with a focus on human rights in the European Union
Independent Thought is a podcast hosted by Desmond Price. The podcast covers current political events, life events, & everything in between. If you’re looking for a way to drown out the monotony, dive into Independent Thought! Support this podcast:
Saving lives at sea is not a crime
But for the past few years, European states have treated those brave enough to save refugees from drowning in the Mediterranean as if they were breaking the law.
Welcome to The Civil Fleet, a podcast by that focuses on the NGO refugee rescuers in the central Mediterranean and beyond. -
Мир катится в ад, а мы не знаем, как воспринимать происходящее. В подкасте «Последний выпуск» Кирилл Сиэтлов и журналист «Новой газеты Европа» Никита Кондратьев пытаются успеть поговорить о всем безумии вокруг, ведь каждый выпуск может стать последним.
White Ribbon Podcast is a podcast about a little political and life in Thailand maybe education in Thailand because I'm student.
My English isn't good for native speaker but I tried to do my best 😅
I'm trying practice my English.
Thank you for listening
[email protected] -
Since 1990, TV8’s Good Morning Vail has been your source for weather, mountain information and activities in the Vail Valley. Now under new ownership, TV8 gives you even more reasons to tune in to learn what’s happening in the community.
The United States will no longer play global policeman, and no one else wants the job. This is not a G-7 or a G-20 world. Welcome to the GZERO, a world made volatile by an intensifying international battle for power and influence. Every week on this podcast, Ian Bremmer will interview the world leaders and the thought leaders shaping our GZERO World.
Каждую среду обсуждаем избранные материалы из западных медиа. Культура, общество, политика, психология, безумные кейсы, мнения самых респектабельных авторов мира и дружелюбная атмосфера: здесь мы думскроллим вместе с вами, дискутируем и бережем ваши нервы от безумия мира.
Ukrainos karius remiančios organizacijos Blue / Yellow podcastas. Apie įvykius Ukrainoje ir paramą jai.
KQED Public Media for Northern CA
Это первый русскоязычный подкаст, полностью посвященный жизни трансгендерных людей в России!
Сейчас правительство принимает закон, запрещающий трансгендерный переход.
Мы убеждены, что то, как государство относится к уязвимым группам показывает, как оно будет относиться ко всем нам в будущем. Мы хотим, чтобы как можно меньше людей верили в риторику российского правительства.
Вы услышите истории Лёши и Эльмиры и вместе с ними пройдёте тот путь, который проходят многие трансгендерные люди в России. -
The Princeton Tory Podcast is the inaugural podcast of The Princeton Tory, a student-run publication of conservative political thought breaking down the political scene on campus.
Інтэрв'ю з вядомымі беларусамі пра актуальнае і вечнае. Падпісвайцеся, каб ведаць сваіх!
Tory Radio first started in 2005 and was founded by Jonathan Sheppard who felt the grassroots of the Conservative Party needed to hear the voices of the people running and leading the party and acting on its behalf. -
Prison Prophets provides a powerful connection to incarcerated artists via interviews and original music. We take the listener inside the prison, where we hear the stories of 25 incarcerated men, many in their 50s and 60s. These voices have never been heard by the public, nor has the music, which was created for an album addressing mass incarceration. We hear each man talk about his first memory of music, and speak or sing lyrics that are lifelines keeping spirits alive even when many have no hope of parole. These interviews and songs testify to the healing power of music, dismantle prejudices many may hold about those who are locked up, and foster awareness of our common humanity.