Tugget är podcasten av Hundstallet för alla som älskar hundar och hundliv. Hundstallet är en ideell organisation som vårdar och omplacerar hundar, och som ger dem en andra chans till ett bättre liv. I varje avsnitt bjuder podden programledare, Erika Garmelius, kommunikationsansvarig på Hundstallet, in hundvänner som delar med sig kring allt från hundadoption, och träning till, hur man bäst tar hand om sin fyrbenta vän.
A CHILD USA podcast discussing how adults can keep children safe and where society has failed to protect kids.
CHILD USA is the leading national nonprofit think tank working to end child abuse and neglect in the United States. CHILD USA engages in high-level legal, social science, and medical research and analysis to derive the best public policies to end child abuse and neglect in America. CHILD USA produces evidence-based solutions and information needed by policymakers, organizations, media, and society as a whole to increase child protection and the common good. Since its inception, CHILD USA has made great achievements in ending child abuse and neglect in America! -
Welcome to The Working Moms Podcast, where we discuss the juggle and struggle of balancing motherhood and career pursuits. We promise candid conversations where you'll get a reality check on what it's really like to be a working mom, everything you feel but nobody dares to talk about, and everything you didn't know but needed to hear! Join the community with your hosts Ines Dedic and Nejra Celik.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Tabberaset med Frida Lund och Klara Doktorow. En pod om livet, maten och vinet.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Are you a mom who is looking to build a profitable service based business in part time hours? Then you've come to the right place.
Many moms feel like we need to sacrifice our careers for our children but I wholeheartedly believe that we can have a thriving business and family at the same time.
In this podcast, we’re going to be diving into the ins and outs of running a business as a mom in part time hours including how to get visible without relying on social media, how to generate consistent leads in your service-based business, how to use automations to get more time back, and so much more.
This podcast will answer questions such as:
- How do I start a business as a mom?
- How can I run my business with my children at home?
- How can I grow my business without relying on social media?
- How can I meet my income goals in part time hours?
- and many more!
If you're ready to grow a profitable service-based business in 20 hours a week or less, then join us every Wednesday for new episodes of Moms Make Money where you can expect simple and sustainable business strategies for mom entrepreneurs.
Check out our services: -
Viggo Cavling är handelsresande i det talade, skrivna och digitala ordet. Chefredaktör på Travel News sedan februari 2018.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Nina Campioni träffar kända och okända kvinnor som berättar om hur det gick till när vattnet gick. Och alla andra detaljer om sina graviditeter och förlossningar. Från mamma till mamma. Support this show at
Support till showen
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En härlig och snackig podd med parhästarna Sanna Lundell och Ann Söderlund. Tillsammans har de nio barn och två hundar, de har skrivit böcker, gjort tv-serier och inspirerar och underhåller dagligen sina följare på både instagram, i sina bloggar – och här i podden! Här blandas tankar, funderingar och spaningar med diskussioner (och ibland en och annan gäst). Det här är en otroligt uppskattad, ifrågasättande, befriande, rolig, anti-idealiserande, smart och härlig podd – välkommen!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Få experternas svar på dina frågor om de allra minsta barnen 0-3 år. Konkreta och vettiga råd för dig som är småbarnsförälder!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Want to know exactly what is going on with your baby and your body this week? Whether you are in week 6 or week 36 of pregnancy, this show will give you just that in about five minutes.
Learn how big your baby is, what new developments are going on, how your pregnant body is changing, how you can find relief from some of the changes going on with you like morning sickness and back pain, what to expect at doctor or midwife appointments, how to plan ahead for breastfeeding, how to plan for the birth you want, plus get a tip each week for our partner!
To get each week delivered to your inbox according to your due date sign up at
The Pregnancy Podcast has so much more information on specific topics related to pregnancy and is an awesome resource in conjunction with the 40 Weeks podcast. -
Working Motherhood is a podcast created for you, the working mother. If you are looking for inspiration, encouragement, and helpful tips during your daily commute, workout, or “me” time, Dr. Portia Jackson delivers 7-days a week. Each episode brings you one of today’s most inspiring and successful working moms who will share their journey of having both a career and a family. We discuss their favorite success quote, challenges and obstacles, their “wow” moments of triumph, and much more. We end each episode with the “Overtime” segment where we ask our featured working mom 5 key questions that you don’t want to miss. Each day you’ll have a tiny action step to help you be the best working mom you can be.
From 2013–2022, the Brookings Cafeteria podcast presented experts, ideas, and solutions across a range of policy topics. You can listen to past episodes at The Brookings Podcast Network produces other policy-oriented shows that may interest you. Learn more at Follow on Twitter @policypodcasts.
Welcome to the Power Struggle Podcast! We are a modern day couple working towards balancing crammed calendars, active kids, and engaging careers. Follow along while we try to figure it out, and if nothing else, spend a couple of quality minutes together!
En skön podd om livet under småbarnsåren. Vi inspirerar och diskuterar livet, barn, jobb och karriär.
Welcome to the From the Nest Podcast where co-hosts and married couple, Ken and Candi, share conversations about marriage, family, parenting, entrepreneurship, and sharing their lives on social media. They are more significantly known for their succesful YouTube Channel “Our Family Nest”. With nearly 1 million subscribers, they share their daily lives through vlogging with their 4 teenage children (ages 13 - 22). The down-to-earth, Midwestern family of six, live based on traditional family values and bringing fun and laughter into their home. Join them weekly as they discuss different relatable topics from family life, work, and living the dream.
Välkommen till Sveriges första Visionärspodd! Vad innebär det att vara visionär? Hur får man in sin vision i det ständiga livspusslet som småbarnsförälder, egen företagare och eldsjäl? Eller bara som människa på 2000-talet? Detta sätter barndomsvännerna Elaine och Faje sina egna ord på samtidigt som de med sin sprakande kemi bjuder in dig till spännande samtal om #livet. Båda växte upp under tuffa omständigheter i Stockholmsförorten Bredäng men har tack vare sina visioner lyckats nå sina mål mot alla odds.
Ibland gästas de av folk de själva motiveras av i sin konstanta strävan efter att utmana sig själva och tänka utanför ramarna. Samtliga gäster har två gemensamma nämnare - tydliga visioner och inspirerande historier om hur de nått sina mål. Visionärspodden kommer att inspirera, engagera och peppa dig att känna att det mesta är möjligt bara du bestämmer dig.
Föräldrarådgivning när det fungerar som sämst med dem du älskar mest. En podd som hjälper dig att hantera föräldraskapets allra svåraste utmaningar. Har du problem med relationer, barn eller uppfostran? Skicka in dina frågor till våra experter på [email protected]
Strukturpodden hjälper stressade föräldrar, överarbetade tidsoptimister och dig som känner att du helt enkelt behöver ordning och reda i ditt liv. Här får du konkreta och enkla steg framåt för att nå ett liv med mer struktur.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.