On Psych Flow, we take a look at everyday phenomena and occurrences through a Psychological and Neuroscientific lense. Show host Sara; BSc Psychology, MSc Clinical Neuropsychiatry and special interests in social discussions will co-host with friends and opinionated guests who have experience in relevant fields in order to provide you with intriguing discussions in each episode!
A podcast about linguistic fieldwork, where seasoned fieldworkers share their stories from the field.
Philosophy in the real world. Interviewing intellectuals across the globe. Grappling with the biggest ideas. -
Ideje o zavesti, vesolju, drogah, naši kulturi, tehnologiji in prihodnosti človeštva ... AIDEA je potovanje k samouresničitvi in globljemu razumevanju medsebojne povezanosti vesolja.
Vodi Klemen Selakovič. -
Marcus Aurelius wrote Meditations in Greek while on campaign between 170 and 180, as a source for his own guidance and self-improvement. These memos survive and continue to inspire others to this day. These writings take the form of quotations varying in length from one sentence to long paragraphs. He explicates the Stoic philosophy that the only way a man can be harmed by others is to allow his reaction to overpower him. He shows no particular religious faith in his writings, but seems to believe that some sort of logical, benevolent force organizes the universe in such a way that even "bad" occurrences happen for the good of the whole.
View our entire collection of podcasts at
All Librivox recordings are in the public domain -
Želite li naučiti kako biti organizirani i efikasniji? Brain Books podcast će vam predstaviti najbolje knjige koje će vam pomoći u tome.
U ovom podcastu analiziramo knjige koje vam mogu pomoci da postanete najbolja verzija samog sebe.
Više o knjigama i svemu ostalom saznajte na našem IG podcast.brainbooks: -
Psihologija kakva jeste, a ne kakvu zamišljate. Kako je praktikujemo, kako istražujemo psihološke fenomene i šta psihološka nauka sve (ne) zna. U ekipi nema psihologa, sve su psihološkinje.
The future is full of epic “what ifs." What if we could read minds? What if a hostile attack took down our nation’s power grid? In every episode of Hyperthetical, host Kerry Bishé asks one of these questions. Then, we explore that question two ways - through speculative science fiction, and through insight from the world’s most brilliant scientists. The result is a genre-bending story woven with real facts and science, bringing together education and imagination. Time travel into a near-future where our biggest “what ifs” become “now whats?”
Join us every other week on Friday as we attempt to give advice, answer questions, discuss research, and provide a candid look into the world of graduate school through the eyes of two 1st year (circa 2016) PhD students and their guests.
If you'd like to send us a question or come on the show to talk about a something send us a message on our website or on twitter @gradanon -
A podcast on The 10 Questions of Human Existence.
Who am I? What's my purpose? How do I face suffering? Why does any of it matter? These questions define our lives.
Lawyer-turned-philosopher Patrick Daniel gallivants through culture, philosophy, and lived experiences to find answers to the 10 questions that connect us all.
Subscribe and follow @WiseHypocrite everywhere -
Our lives have changed with the coronavirus crisis. But have they changed forever? European Investment Bank experts examine the implications of the COVID-19 crisis for sectors from education and digitalisation to urban mobility and medicine—and for your everyday life.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sve su to vještice je mim-stranica koja propituje patrijarhalnu kulturu bilježeći svakodnevnicu. Uz kontekstualizirano korištenje fotografija poznatih filozofkinja, spisateljica, novinarki, glumica i njihovih kolega, Sve su to vještice nastoji ponuditi subverzivan i duhovit narativ o neposrednom ženskom iskustvu. Podcast emisija Sve su to vještice na sličan način, uz različite gošće, tretira teme kojima se potrebno dodatno posvetiti. Urednica: Hana Ćurak
The paranormal podcast for believers, doubters and everyone in-between.
Become a Patreon and support the show here -
unpolitischer Lifestyle-Podcast -
Podcast produced by Rethinking Economics Italia. Every two weeks, we discuss a subject relating to Economics and question the common understanding of that subject. Our episodes take the formats of either interviews with Academic and professional experts or short stories we call "I want to know".
Predsjednik i potpredsjednik Studentskog zbora Filozofskog fakulteta u Rijeci, Filip Pjerobon i Adrijan Štivić, međusobno i sa svojim gostima otvaraju teme važne za studentski život, kontekstualiziraju društveno-političke aktualnosti te razgovaraju o bezvremenskim temama iz raznih područja znanosti i kulture. Adrijan Štivić i Filip Pjerobon vole potragu za znanjem, izazovne debate te se zalažu za pluralizam, demokraciju i ljudska prava. VAŽNO! - Stavovi i mišljenja izgovorena u podcastu nisu nužno stavovi Studentskog zbora FFRI niti ostalih viših instanci.
In this six-part podcast series, we showcase stories of refugees as they adjust to their new lives in Virginia. These personal stories are woven together with useful teaching moments about the resettlement process. Season one will consist of six thematic episodes, which aim to bring the listener into the daily lives of refugees through field interviews (at home, work and school), personally-recorded audio diaries and reflective studio interviews.Hosted by Ahmed Badr, a writer, social entrepreneur, poet, and former Iraqi refugee working at the intersection of creativity, displacement, and youth empowerment. On July 25th, 2006, Ahmed's home in Baghdad was bombed by militia troops. He and his family relocated to Syria as refugees before receiving approval to move to the United States. Ahmed is the founder of Narratio, a platform for youth empowerment publishing artwork from around the globe. In the last three years, these storytelling initiatives have reached over 20 million people across the world. In September of 2018, Ahmed was selected as one of 17 UN Young Leaders by the Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth.Visit for more information and additional content.
Dans ce podcast, Léa et Clémentine s’interrogent sur les réseaux sociaux, qui constituent aujourd’hui des outils de production de contenus militants. Iels se demandent dans quelles mesures ces outils numériques peuvent-ils représenter une alternative aux médias traditionnels (presse écrite, télévision, radios…), permettre aux militant.e.s féministes de s’en affranchir, et de (ré)inventer leur propres modes d’action et de participation à la sphère politique? Pour y répondre, on vous a préparé 4 mini épisodes...
petit teaser: dans ce podcast vous entendrez des extraits de nos interviews avec Marie-Noëlle Bas, présidente de l’asso chienne de garde et Elvire Duvelle-Charles, co-fondatrice de Clit-revolution.
Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre d'études de Culture Digitale à Sciences Po Paris en Décembre 2020 par Clémentine Mathieu et Léa Pisu.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
In this podcast, we look at philosophers, abstract ideas, concrete cultural issues, and everything in between with a down-to-earth demeanor and willingness to explore.
Z vami delimo informacije, ki v sebi nosijo potencial, da spremenijo vaše življenje, pogled na življenje. To so informacije, zaradi katerih se lahko sprejmete takšne kot ste ali postanete še boljša verzija sebe.