
  • Many entrepreneurs struggle to prioritize among their creative ideas and opportunities.

    That "openness to opportunity" may seem like a good thing but it comes with a massive cost: lack of focus. And lack of focus results in a lack of progress.

    So if you find yourself failing to get traction or feeling overwhelmed in your business, you may be stuck in the Abundance Dilemma.

    In this week's episode you will discover:

    How to create your own guide for which ideas to prioritize and which to park How to say "no" to an idea without squelching your creative process or feeling stuck with previous commitments How to build momentum behind your chosen direction so that it becomes a self-reinforcing loop of success

    For the full show notes and transcript visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/307-the-abundance-dilemma

  • Many business owners struggle to align the calling they feel in their hearts with their work in the world.

    They either go all in on their spiritual beliefs and fail to create a business that actually thrives, or they sacrifice their values in order to "succeed" and end up not loving the business they created.

    In this episode, we help you navigate the challenges of building a business while being true to your inner guidance as a spiritually attuned person.

    You will discover:

    Why having a compelling story isn't enough to bring in customers, and what to do instead How to get over any hesitation about sharing your vision, and to do so in a way that attracts your ideal people How "trusting in the Universe" can often backfire and lead to inaction and feelings of victimization Why spiritual business owners are more susceptible to overwork and burnout, and how to set better boundaries for yourself

    For a full transcript and show notes visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/306-pitfalls-of-being-a-spiritual-business-owner

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  • Join us for behind-the-scenes conversations with some of our closest friends and mentors as they share their insights at the recent Superabound book launch party.

    You will learn:

    How people called on their vision to get them through difficult times in their lives Why self-love and success as an entrepreneur go hand in hand How yoga and other physical practices help to transform impatience and self-criticism How difficult emotions can be used to bring about important change

    For the full transcript, video, and show notes visit https://besuperabound.com/podcast/1-minute-wisdom

  • Generosity not only feels amazing, it can be a growth engine like none other for your business.

    The problem is, most "expert growth tactics" focus attention on ourselves and what we can get—e.g. more leads!—rather than on our customers and what we can give.

    Prioritizing what your customers and prospects want is how you create a generous business. And we walk you through some of our favorite ways to transform "business as usual" into creative, fun, and generous ways to grow your business. Yes, including getting more leads.

    You will discover:

    How to get testimonials without making your customers feel like they're suddenly on your marketing team How to improve customer service without spending much more on it No-cost and low-cost ways to increase engagement with your brand and increase referrals

    Watch the video and get the full transcript for free at https://besuperabound.com/podcast/305-creating-a-generous-business

  • As a spiritually-minded entrepreneur or leader, you want to grow your business, but with integrity and in alignment with your values. Today's episode is all about how to do that.

    Lots of leaders look to their marketing or sales as the best way to grow, but what if you invested that energy in making your product breathtakingly good instead?

    It's not only an effective way to grow your business, it's also a lot of fun and helps turn your customers into fans who want to spread the word about you. (This has been one of our secrets to growth, btw).

    You will discover:

    How to grow your business through improving your product or service rather than just marketing better How personal development goes beyond your own benefit but also makes you a better coach, leader, or mentor How to go deeper than the frameworks and systems you learned and develop your own How to practice relationship-based selling and why it’s more important now than ever

    For the full show notes and transcript visit https://besuperabound.com/podcast/304-how-to-stand-out-through-excellence-with-master-coach-bev-aron

  • If you want to succeed in your business or at work, you need to grow as a leader.

    That's because being a better leader helps you get the results your business needs in a way that simply isn't possible if you lack those people skills.

    In today's episode, Dr. Yeng Yang breaks down the principles she uses to lead her teams and handle tough situations in a professional environment.

    You will discover:

    Why trust and authenticity are necessary for leadership and how to practice them How to build professional relationships that go beyond small talk and lead to real connection as well as results The importance of vision and how to use it to unite people through challenging times

    For the full show notes and transcript visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/303-leading-through-relationships-and-authenticity

  • Is it just us, or are there more scammers than ever selling quick fixes to tough business problems?

    Whether it's promising to fill your calendar with qualified prospects, automate your entire life with AI, or some other too-good-to-be-true offer, it can be tempting to believe that someone out there has figured out the secret to your biggest problem.

    But more often than not, it's just sleazy marketing aimed at the biggest pain points that business owners and leaders face.

    To help you avoid wasting your precious time, money, and energy on what is likely a scam—and the resulting fallout for your brand and future prospect relationships—we share the mindset tools that will help you not get lured in, and to invest in your own solutions instead.

    You will discover:

    Why trust must always be at the heart of the sales process, and how to build it with prospects How to use your vision and values to crack the code of whatever problem you're facing What to listen for when vetting potential service providers for a big task in your business

    To get the full show notes and transcript, visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/302-dont-get-scammed-by-quick-fixes

  • Why is it so hard to ask for what you want sometimes?

    Even the most confident leaders get tripped up with this one.

    It's because asking for what you want makes you vulnerable. You show other people how you need them. And that can be a scary thing.

    But it also empowers you by inviting others to contribute, and frees you from pretending you can do it all yourself.

    In this episode you will discover:

    How to overcome the hesitation of asking for what you want and make clear requests instead Why it's okay to benefit personally when you ask for something, and how not to back away from it How to get through feeling out of control or weak, and emerge even stronger on the other side

    For the full show notes and transcript, visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/301-learning-to-ask-for-what-you-want

  • Change is one of the hardest things there is for a person to do. Just look at how many people out there feel stuck, or might actually be stuck without even knowing it. And even if you may know what to do in order to change, actually doing it is often another story. And a much rarer one. But after 300 podcast episodes and over 5 years running a coaching business, Erin has some thoughts on the topic. She and Steve discuss what they’ve learned over the years helping people make real changes in their lives. You will discover: Why you don’t have to become a totally different person to make the most important changes in your life How to use internal static or “negative energy” to help you make shifts in behavior What inner ingredient is necessary before you can make any outward changes that last, and how to get it For the full show notes and transcript, visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/300-what-it-takes-to-truly-change-your-life

  • You may not think you have a problem with goals, but if you find yourself:

    Feeling low on energy or motivation Dreading Mondays Reaching milestones but not feeling fulfilled Working on things without knowing why

    Chances are you might be in what we call the Goal Swamp. This is where you're working hard but not getting anywhere you're super proud of.

    The good news is that you're not the problem (you never are, btw). The issues is in how society teaches us to think about goals.

    In this episode, you will discover:

    Why we set goals that don't fulfill us and how to change that habit How to tap into your emotions to create lanterns—or goals with soul Why self-awareness is the starting point for escaping the goal swamp, and how to build it

    For the full show notes and transcript visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/299-get-out-of-the-goal-swamp

  • As a leader you've no doubt experienced being bulldozed.

    You know, those times when a colleague is:

    Talking over you Making decisions that affect you without checking in Boxing you out of a situation

    Or any number of ways that we can feel not seen and not important.

    It's painful. But the good news is that there are ways to respond to this that lead to you being more empowered as a leader.

    In this episode, you will discover:

    How to respond in the moment when you feel misunderstood or angry How to create a safe space for when people just need to vent, and when to jump in with support How to set and share boundaries that make it harder for others to bulldoze you

    For the full show notes and transcript visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/298-when-you're-being-bulldozed

  • If you procrastinate on work...

    If you find yourself dreading certain meetings or conversations...

    If you experience self-doubt that blocks you from making progress on your dreams...

    ...you're probably using pressure as a major source of fuel for your work.

    The thing is, pressure can be effective at times. Deadlines focus the mind and many people rise to their best when there's an audience present.

    But to access your most creative ideas and solutions, you need a different source of fuel. One that doesn't deplete you when you use it.

    Listen and explore:

    How to create a container for your work that virtually guarantees that inspiration or playfulness will be your fuel instead of pressure Why swapping out "goals" for "lanterns" allows you to shift your inner state away from tension towards one of ease How to set up your day for the best chance of finding a state of flow while working

    Magic, wonder, and creativity is always just a breath away. This episode will help you tap into yours.

    For the full show notes and transcript visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/297-achievement-without-pressure

  • Trust. It's the key ingredient for any good relationship.

    And creating it in your team is how you grow. Trust in your team allows you to delegate, to communicate, to mentor and inspire them.

    Building trust is not just how you win, but it's the best way to win. Trust always feels good.

    But it isn't easy to create, since there are so many ways people (including ourselves) can fall short and break that trust.

    In this week's episode, Erin and Steve explore:

    Which actions build trust in your leadership, and which erode it How to make a mistake and still build trust How to make it easier for people to ask for help, admit mistakes, and trust each other

    Other topics include: the power of a sincere apology, leading by example in creating culture, practicing transparency to create trust, the role of values and vision in trust, the trust quilt, when it's okay to micro-manage, and more.

    For the full show notes and transcript of the episode visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/296-building-a-culture-of-trust

  • Do you ever feel stuck in fire-fighting mode in your business? Or like the feeling of overwhelm is a too-frequent companion?

    These may be early signs of burnout.

    And if you've listened to this podcast for a while, you've probably heard Erin's burnout story. But we haven't spoken much about Steve's.

    This week's episode includes a sneak peek into the upcoming Superabound book, sharing the story of Steve's journey down the path to burnout, and what you can learn from it to protect your own energy and wellbeing.

    The fact is, most people don't often realize they're close to burning out until it's too late. And yes, this includes coaches, yoga teachers, and even people you consider to be great leaders.

    To help you assess and prevent burnout in your own life, we explore:

    How to recognize burnout signs early and turn them around The impact of "static" on your mindset and relationships, and how to shift gently shift it Where to find your best sources of unbiased support and perspective

    Other topics include: burnout as a continuum, the role of our human "negativity bias" on burnout, taking breaks for the body-mind-spirit, striking the balance between vulnerability and confidence as a leader, why it's okay to ask for help, and more.

    For the full show notes and transcript visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/295-assessing-burnout-as-a-leader

  • If you want to grow your business, one of the best ways to do that is by selling to bigger, more sophisticated—or what we call "high impact"—customers.

    It is something we've helped our clients do, and done ourselves both in our own business and in the corporate high-tech roles we've had.

    But the path to selling to high impact clients isn't always easy or straightforward. It's not as simple as updating your LinkedIn profile and doubling your rates. You need to establish trust and credibility in that new market, all without alienating your existing clients and revenue streams.

    In this episode, we explore some of the ways to make that leap successfully.

    You will discover:

    How to increase your income and impact while maintaining your integrity and values The role of continuing education (i.e. product improvement) in confidently charging more How to use the vision for your business to fuel your shift towards higher impact clients

    We also explore: creating premium products and packages, using client feedback to inform product roadmap, the importance of client communication in growing your business, authenticity in leadership, managing the fear of rejection that can come with a change in prices, and more.

    For the full show notes and transcript, visit https://besuperabound.com/podcast/294-working-with-high-impact-customers

  • What do you do with the more, shall we say, unresponsive people on your team?

    Just let them be? Get on their case about changing? Show them the door?

    All of these options can be tempting as a leader with a tough cookie manage. But there are ways that this difficult person can actually transform your approach to leadership and team development.

    Listen to this week's podcast to explore:

    Why most "uncoachable" people really can change, and how to help them discover their own leverage points The power of accepting your own role in a team member's resistance, and what changes you can make to your own leadership and team culture as a whole How to set a high standard of performance while being curious about why someone may not be thriving

    Other topics from the show include: transformative coaching, embracing individuals where they're at, how leadership is like jazz improvisation, unleashing creativity through coaching, the role of different personality types in miscommunication, why someone being a tough cookie may be exactly what the team needs, and more.

    Get the full show notes including transcript here: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/293-the-magic-of-working-with-tough-cookies

  • There's a reason a lot of people don't like the word "manifestation": it's usually a trick.

    Stripped of its roots in esoteric practices and disciplines, it gets sold as a cosmic piggy bank just waiting for your withdrawal.

    But just because its most common form is shallow doesn't mean it isn't real and can't work for you.

    In today's episode we explore what's wrong with the usual approach to manifestation and how to use it instead. And yes, it takes work, but maybe not the kind you're used to.

    You will discover:

    How to tell where you're blocking your ability to manifest How to attune yourself to the energy of what you want to manifest Why you don't need to be someone fundamentally different to manifest what you want

    Get the full show notes and transcript at: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/292-does-manifestation-work

  • Your business needs content to grow. And you don't have to train your own AI for it to flow, you may just need to learn how to channel your content.

    Whether you believe in spirits or not, we can all learn to connect with deeper levels of ourselves and the ideas that matter to our customers. That's what we dive into on this week's episode of the podcast.

    You will discover:

    An exercise that will help you get past self-judgment and procrastination and actually create content that matters Why meditation helps you go deeper in business, and how to be open to creative prompting from within How to build trust in your ability to channel content—and why it makes life as a whole that much more enjoyable

    For the full show notes and transcript visit https://besuperabound.com/podcast/291-how-to-channel-content-for-your-business

  • If you've ever had a deep spiritual experience, then you know how disorienting it can sometimes be to return to "the real world" of business and meetings and money.

    How are we supposed to reconcile these seemingly distant parts of our lives, where one feels so sublime, inspired, and loving and the other can seem so harsh and cold at times?

    We dive into this important question and more on this week's episode of the podcast. You will discover:

    Why you don't have to leave your spiritual beliefs at the door and how to connect with them in a way that works for any situation A question that can make your business more of a spiritual practice without needing to talk directly about spiritual things at work How to use your company's vision and values to connect with your deepest convictions about life and the impact you want to have

    For a full transcript and show notes visit: https://besuperabound.com/podcast/290-does-spirituality-belong-at-work

  • It's one of the hottest topics of our day—no, not AI: leading remote and hybrid teams.

    Businesses that get this right have access to high-performing talent around the globe. And businesses that don't find themselves in a world of hurt.

    When it comes down to it, the key ingredient to building a great team that spends some or all of its time working remotely is trust.

    In this week's episode of the Superabound Podcast we share an in-depth conversation with learning and development expert Kerry O'Brien that will help you lead your remote employees even more effectively.

    You will discover:

    What are the 3 ingredients required to build trust, no matter where your team is working How to communicate differently to prevent unneeded conflict in a remote team How to grow quickly as a leader of remote employees so you can be as impactful as possible

    Get the full show notes with transcript and video at https://besuperabound.com/podcast/289-building-trust-with-your-remote-team