Hello, hello! … and tara, tara.
Must be Strong...
So, Pawn Heart reaches the end of the line, offering a review of the epilogue episode ‘The Last Problem’, the standard season overview and awards, and a bunch of mildly wistful musings on putting the podcast together.
To all who’ve joined me, for all or part – thank you!
Hello hello! We’re coming in to land... please ensure all loosethreads are neatly tied around your waist and that you have secured any bits that may fly about and blind a kid in the overhead lockers. Will the talented trio of Nicola, Mike & J-Hab successfully bring this huge vessel in for a PhotoFinish? (Any more metaphors you want to mix in there?)
YES! They will.
AVOID! Spoilers.
LEARN! How to correctly pronounce ‘Dubuc’. (I’m talking toyou, Pawn Heart.)
All this and more in this careful and militarily precise coordination of arcs and plot strands… -tastic instalment!
Email - allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @allplottedout
Mangler du episoder?
Hello hello! The show ties up its Ponyville affairs with anep that tries to have Mrs Cake and eat her too [citation needed]. More references, gimmicks, references, apples, meta-humour, references and references than you can cake a Cake at. Oh, and a wedding. So that’s nice.
HAPPY! Apples and/or marriage.
REMEMBER! That one?
STARE! Into Mayor Mare’s mangy eyeballs.
All this and TENUOUS BONUS APPLE-BASED CONTENT in this week’s eeyup-tastic instalment!
Email – allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @AllPlottedOut
Hello hello! Season 9 methodically works its way through tickboxes and loose ends with a (sort of) final CMCs caper and a swansong to the already dubious Daring Do universe.
HOOF! It to Daring Do for being given some prime real estate in the final season despite having comparatively little character.
REST! Your dog for once, as Claire Corlett acts in her normal register.
WALK! –en. Possibly.
All this and some desperate piffle about Stalybridge in thisweek’s doub-tastic instalment!
Email – allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @AllPlottedOut
Hello hello! At last - we can all enjoy the benefits of a salt-free meal thanks to a couple of sterling stories showing the makers still offering great character-based one off eps while also subtly moving pony pieces into place for the finale.
GABBY! Gabby. It’s Gabby! … did I mention Gabby, though?
BRACE! Under your desk for more crowbarred in Oppenheimer refences.
I’M! Not going to miss making myself think of three of thesefor each episode write-up.
All this and Silverstream’s Dad in this week’s scholastic instalment!
Email - allplottedout@outlook.com
Twexter - @allplottedout
Hello hello! A couple of big-hitting regulars take theirbest writing swing this week – Michael Vogel fixes his eyes on the Equestria Series with an assured [trawls Wikipedia] bunt, while the other steels themselvesfor their very last time at the… place where… the baseball players… swing. Will Confalone hit a home run with his body-swapping swan song? Or will he switch brains with [more Wikipedia trawling] Mike Redmond managing the Marlins?
… what’s a baseball?
HAIL! The return of …Thing the vet pony. She’s a vet.
RHYME! Your way out of a regular show role.
BLAST OFF! And strike the Evil Bydo Empire! (okay, scratchthat one)
All this and a quasi-interesting fact about the word ‘staycation’ in this week’s swap-tastic instalment!
Email – allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @AllPlottedOut
Hello hello! The bad vibes hang about a bit longer as Pawn Heart seems to get a whole ant colony up his bum about a “Comedy Episode” ™, which rapidly snowballs into filler content. The other episode is, fortunately, rather good.
CHERISH! The RD and Smoulder banter.
CONTORT! Characters beyond recognition because funny or last season or whatever
LISTEN! To the Extended Dance Mix of ‘Bizarre Love Triangle’ by New Order rather than the album version
All this and more in today’s entitlement-tastic instalment!
Email – allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @AllPlottedOut
Hello hello! Pawn Heart puffs up and pads out for this "special" quinquinquagenary episode of All Plotted Out!
MORE filler!
BIGGER pauses!
... I'm sorry.
Email - allplottedout@outlook.com
Twexter - @allplottedout
Hello hello! This week we encounter two eps that deal with their Final Season responsibilities very differently - one triumphs by using a last season arc as a springboard for character dynamics, the other... is just an excuse to shove a fan favourite character in, really.
LAUGH! Because plot says so.
CAPPER! It's Capper! That was Capper.
QUESTION! The validity of comparing the return of Cheese Sandwich to Twin Peaks: The Return
All this and ANOTHER CROWBARRED IN REFERENCE TO THE HAYS CODE in this [redacted]tastic instalment!
Email - allplottedout@outlook.com
Xtro (or whatever it's called now) - @allplottedout
Hello hello! We swing back from a relatively quiet couple ofeps with a welcome dose of Haber-penned Trixie & Starlight banter, and some oddly unimportant headcanon-crushing hijinks with Scootaloo’s deadbeat – sorry, “ADVENTURE-SEEKING AND IMPORTANT” parents.
SMILE! At just how much character (and how many characters) the later show has built for itself.
FORCE! Use of the host’s radtacular new names for theshowrunner.
BE UNSATISFIED! As nothing changes for the CMCs except for Scootaloo’s folks teasing her with the possibility of parenting … then leaving again.
All this and ponies “doing chores together” in thisweeks Auntastic instalment!
Email – allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @AllPlottedOut
Hello hello! Well, they can’t all be winners – after a fairly strong start to the final season, we reach an inevitable fallow patch with a decent (if a trifle familiar) excursion to the Dragon Lands and the sadly underwhelming final script (and it is certainly a script) from an APO veteran. I’ll miss the hip hop puns - You may not.
LAUGH! At those who have the confidence to be themselves – for the children’s sake.
IGNORE! Your poorly elder brother. And laugh as he falls in a pit.
IRONIZE! The host overexplaining how bad overexplanation is.
All this and KILOtons more in this Oppentastic instalment!
Email – allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @AllPlottedOut
Hello hello! Pawn Heart returns from the flank-end of space to bid adieu to Brian Hohlfeld, who hands in his final paper with the flawedbut typically thoughtful ‘The Taming of the Yak’, and applaud the graceful finale prep-work of ‘Frenemies’.
REJECT! Difference as part of a healthy school curriculum.
GUSH! Over Kathleen Barr’s voice performance.
HEAR! How Pawn Heart feels about Surf and/or Turf. Again.
All this and a hairy trophy in this week’s (month’s?) outcastic instalment!
Email – allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @AllPlottedOut
Hello hello! So we reach the ACTUAL 200th episode, which sees the end of G.M. Berrow's rollercoaster writing journey with the show, but will her last ep hold more prose than cons, or will it bring the season to a full stop? (groan). Also, Patton is back, and this time he's brought the whole clan!
MILK! That scene in the pilot episode some more cos there's still a few background assets that haven't yet been plot-plundered.
SPIKE! ... Is still awesome.
THINK! ...of a third one of these for me, please - my brain is not what it was.
All this and an unusually subdued child actor in this week's Surrogacy-tastic instalment!
Email - allplottedout@outlook.com
Twixter - @allplottedout
We at last enter the weighted body of Season 9 with thereturn of the Young Six (and a bunch of other stuff from previous Young Six episodes) and an instance too many cooks actually making the broth by leaning into the knowledge that there are too many cooks.
EXPRESS! Yourself conceptually in a thoroughly uncommercial way.
CELEBRATE! 199 episodes (?).
REWRITE! A back story because the original one smelled a bit.
All this and an unanticipated Zephyr Breeze cameo in this week’s Heist-acular instalment!
Email - allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @allplottedout
Hello, hello! Welcome back to All Plotted Out! And so, ourlittle ponies enter the final furlong with the welcome return of a great writing partnership and the rather less welcome return of a terminally underachieving “threat”.
SKATE! One-hoofed on the thin ice of another unsolicited ‘Non-Compete Clause’ prologue.
DIG! A genuinely funny Jerry Maguire reference.
PITY! Sombra, once more the clown prince of FiM’s rogues gallery.
All this and a generous 15 mins of bonus pon-age in this week’s scene-setting-tastic instalment!
Email – allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter (yes, Twitter) - @allplottedout
Hello, hello! Welcome back to All Plotted Out! 'TIS THE SEASON! ... well, tis A season... Pawn Heart weathers sweaty mounds of July snow to reckon with their previous assertion that 'The Hearth's Warming Club' is the best seasonal episode, before rifling at the bottom of the stocking for a trio of festive mini-eps which aired with passible proximity to Christmas for once.
FABRICATE! A new hat for Applejack, to match her own fabrications about the old one. ESCAPE! From a locked room again as the fad continues to defy gravity. MELANINIZE! In this balmy Winter Wonderland.
All this and Seasick Spike in this SPOOKTACULAR extravaganza! Well... it's at least a [i]vaganza[/i], anyway.
Email - allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter (or whatever they're trying to call it now) - @allplottedout
Hello, hello! Welcome back to All Plotted Out! At last, wegraduate from Season 8 with flying Rainbow colours (possibly), allowing Pawn Heart the chance to kick back, make awful puns, rant about “poetic logic” (whatever the flying feather that is), and have a parting shot at ‘Surf and/or Turf’.
MAGNETISE! Your home by putting a bunch of disparate items close together. PROBLEMATISE! The Hall & Oates-themed awards ceremony. PRIVATISE! … they’re watching you… they see your e-‘vry move. All this and niche besides in this week’s idiosyncratic pony-blast!
Email – allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @allplottedout
Hello hello! Welcome back to All Plotted Out!
This weak Season 8 (and Pawn Heart's microphone) peaks with the introduction of the Kirin, and we question the wisdom of doing a one episode Deadbeat Dad story involving a regular cast member.
BLOW! A trumpet in tandem with the genuine horn section the show has brought in. MARVEL! At the trivia that an MLP writer seemingly wrote an award-winning play about cheese. PLEASE! Turn down the gain on your microphone. It would be witlessly ironic if, after 20 years of wearing earplugs to gigs, I get irreparable hearing damage from a flippin' podcast.
All this and mor...gonzola (a cautionary tale) in this week's parmesan-tastic instalment!
Email - allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @allplottedout---
'Airport Lounge' by Kevin McLeod(incompetech.com) licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 -http://aux.incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/mp3-royaltyfree/Airport%20Lounge.mp3
Hello hello! Welcome back to All Plotted Out! This week finds Pawn Heart baffled by the reintroduction of the Pillars of Ancient Equestria and, more specifically, Rockhoof (groan), and once more babbling enthusiastically about the Young Six. SCRUTINIZE! The recruitment legislation of Equestria. REWRITE! History by telling foals Discord was just in a lovely sleep for a thousand years. OCH! Aye the noo. All this and an unrelenting "bit" where the host pretends they can't say the name Rockhoof (groan) in this week's fearsome instalment!
Email – allplottedout@outlook.com
Twitter - @AllPlottedOut
Wow - realised, several months after the fact, that I had originally uploaded a version with a heap of irrelevant sound files playing at random intervals (... yes, even more so). Apologies to all those who suffered through the prior version! Here's an earlier, slightly wafflier, but less aurally "busy" take. Worth the trade off? I'll let you decide...
Hello hello! Welcome back to All Plotted Out! Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile as Starlight & Trixie head out on the road under the guiding hand of Haber (not to be confused with the Merciless Fist of Dorgon), and submit entirely as Scootaloo is score-fixingly cute for another 22 mins. STAND AGOG! At the Trixie’s VA’s epic resume. CRINGE! At the arrival of some “fan mail”. HOOF! Rainbow in the chops for me - I’m not close enough. All this and a Christ allusion in this weeks glamp-tastic instalment!
- Se mer