AA4 Abdominal Anatomy 4
The anatomy of the retroperitoneal spaces
The second part of this podcast includes the relevant embryological development of the GI tract.. this should enhance understanding of the surgical anatomy of the abdomen
Please assist us with contributions to PATRON at :
All gratefully acknowledged and appreciated it helps us to continue this important series
Further requests for podcast topics to be covered may be made by contacting our Production Manager Margaret Anderson at megando57@yahoo.com
Please watch out for the new anatomy book series adapted from these podcasts the first of which on the Head and Neck will be appearing later this year (2024)via Springer-Verlag publishers available at all bookstores and online outlets, Amazon, Abe Books, Barnes and Noble etc.
Very Best
Andrew Zbar
AA3 The Basic Anatomy of the Peritoneal Cavity
The basics of the anatomy of the peritoneum and peritoneal cavity are considered. The next podcast defines the anatomy of the retroperitoneum and the embryological development of the GI tract (and its clinical and anatomical relevance)
Please send us a small contribution for all this work so that we can continue to complete a digital podcast compilation of the entire body at
All greatly appreciated and acknowledged
Mangler du episoder?
The Anatomy of the Inguinal Canal, Scrotum and Testis
AA2 Inguinal Anatomy and Inguinal Hernia Made Clear!
In this podcast the anatomy of the inguinal canal is explained as is the mechanics and development of hernia repair…
All contributions gratefully accepted for expansion and continuation of this series at:
Don’t forget the new books coming out via Springer based on these podcasts which include line drawings of the anatomy explained so that you can practice and master them…
Drawing is Understanding and
Understanding is Remembering…
Designated as Anatomy of the Abdomen 1 (AA1)
This is the first of the abdominal series after a hiatus working on our new anatomy pocket books. The first of these on the Head and Neck will be available in all bookstores early in 2025 under Springer-Verlag publications.
This podcast discusses the anatomy of the rectus abdominis and the obliques.
Summary AT7
Anatomy of the Coronary Circulation and Conducting System
This podcast covers the coronary artery and venous anatomy and the anatomy of the conducting system including practical aspects of anomalies as they pertain to anatomy.
The next podcast is a Thoracic Quiz before we start the Anatomy of the Abdomen.
Please subscribe by patronizing our group so that we can continue through 2024.
Most grateful Please visit
The second main podcast on Art and Anatomy…the story of anatomical illustration
Vesalius and Stephan van Calkar, Albinus and his resident artist Wandelaar, the Hunter brothers and their artist van Rymsdyk and the Bell brothers.
The next in this series is Exhibiting Bodies…the business of displaying the human body in the galleries and the museums
Music Birds of Norway licensed by Soundstream
AT6 The Anatomy of the Heart
Returned after a 4 week working break.
This podcast discusses the external and internal anatomy of the heart with consideration about how to dissect the cadaveric heart.
The next podcast includes the arterial supply and venous drainage of the heart as well as the conducting system and the anatomy of the posterior mediastinum.
Please assist us with a contribution through Patron (not Patreon!!) at:
All contributions to help us keep going will be acknowledged and gratefully received.
If you have any suggestions or comments please feel free to contact us on megando57@yahoo.com
megando57@yahoo.com is our academic PA Margaret Anderson who looks after the editing and production of these podcasts. Many thanks to our indispensable Margaret!
Also includes the anatomy of the anterior mediastinum
The next podcast is on the Anatomy of the Heart
Please make any contributions at:
Please also contact us at our work office with suggestions or for notes at megando57@yahoo.com
Best Wishes and enjoy youyr anatomy
AT4 - The Anatomy of the Mediastinum and the Diaphragm
This podcast subdivides the mediastinum explaining the clinical reasons behind such categorization. The anatomy and embryology of the diaphragm is discussed along with the genetics of congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
The next podcast will consider the anatomy of the lungs, pleura and bronchopulmonary segments.
Please feel free to contribute via patron at:
So that we can continue this important podcast series.
Most appreciated
Best Wishes
In this podcast I examine the osteology of the thoracic cage and the anatomical features governing thoracotomy and minimally invasive thoracoscopic surgery. It is a grab-bag of extra areas not often covered in anatomy courses.
The next podcast will include the mediastinum, the lungs, pleura and bronchomediastinal segments.
Please make a contribution to our Patron system at:
so that we can continue this work.Any contribution (if you have appreciated this work) is greatly appreciated.
Please let me know any suggestions and additional podcasts you would like by contacting our PA Mrs Margaret Anderson on megando57@yahoo.com
Thanks so much for listening and your support in this important project to get out onto the internet a high postgraduate level of clinical and surgical anatomy of the entire body.
Music Martha Argerich Bach Partita C minor.
An explanation of the history of developing a curriculum on how to examine a corpse.
If you ever wanted to know how we came to form the mechanisms and order of dissection, then this podcast is for you!
Next time we will examine how dissection came to be illustrated in Art and Anatomy Part 2 -"Picturing Bodies".
Please feel free to contribute to our project so that we can continue these podcasts by visiting:
Thanks so much for your help and I will catch you on the next podcast!
Music: If the Light Fades by Birds of Norway
Soundstream approved and licensed for use in public content
In this podcast I discuss the anatomy of the thoracic wall, its musculature and the intercostal space as well as approaches to the intercostal nerve and its blockade.
Next time we will consider thoracotomy approaches, the thoracic apertures, suprapleural membrane, diaphragm and its embryology (as well as the anatomy of congenital diaphragmatic hernia) and the relevant osteology (thoracic vertebrae, ribs, sternum). If you would like to help these productions please check out our patron (not patreon) site at:
and make a contribution. All gratefully acknowledged as it will help us to expand these podcasts over the next year. Vade mecum books (pocketbooks) are being produced of these podcasts and it is hoped that the first of these will be available towards the end of 2024.
See you on the next podcast
The Anatomy of the Thorax – AT1 - An Introduction
A simple introduction to our new area of study, the anatomy of the thorax.
A brief consideration of the embryological setup for the passage of intercostal and thoracoabdominal nerves and the intercostal neurovascular bundle structure.
In the next podcast I will discuss the thoracic wall and joints as well as the anatomical approaches in thoracotomy.
If you like these podcasts on anatomy, please support us at:
We will continue to bring anatomy in a new and clinically contextual way. I am now glad to report that ANATOPOD is reaching 120 Countries and I thank you all for your support and recommendations.
This podcast introduces the covenant between anatomist and artist in the dissection of the corpse. The next 3 talks introduce this interaction in the method of dissecting a corpse (How to Open a Body), the illustration if anatomy and the museum and gallery exhibition of bodies.
Lecture 1 How to Open a Body
Lecture 2 How to Picture a Body
Lecture 3 How to Exhibit a Body
Music: Birds of Norway If the Light Fades Approved by Soundstream
If you enjoy these podcasts please support us on
Most grateful
Please let us know your feedvback on this subject and I hope it is something you enjoy
ALL 11 Lower Limb Quiz (2)
Here is an additional lower limb quiz for you.
Try and figure out why the answer(s) is (are) correct or false and ask yourself, what do I know about this subject and why is it important clinically?
Don’t worry! All is explained for you so that by the time you have gone through all the podcasts on the lower limb you should pretty well understand it all and recall it.
We will be creating a vade mecum (pocket book) print version book on each of the regions of the body with their separate units and quizzes along with simple schematic drawings that you can copy and practice all of which will help you understand and retain your anatomy much more easily.
There is a small hiatus now before we gear up for the anatomy of the thorax.
A little diversion this month on the defining Medieval principle of humanity and monsters.
Music provided by Soundstripe Price to Pay (Instrumental) by Kevin Graham
If you like these diversions in anatomy please feel free to contribute at
Next time I am going into a 3 lecture series of Anatomy and Art
In the meantime always enjoy your anatomy!
ALL 10 The Lower Limb Quiz
Includes 20 MCQ’s and short essay questions
I will do a short 10 question Lower Limb Quiz and then we shall move on to the Anatomy of the Thorax
Please continue to contribute at
If you like this series and wish to assist us to continue producing fine anatomy podcasts.
We appreciate all the feedback and are honoured that this is becoming one of the most popular podcasts on Anatomy in the world. We could not do it without your continued support and suggestions for which I am always most grateful
Until next time continue enjoying your anatomy
A continuation of the theme of upper and lower limb homology in anatomy.
This podcast summarizes what we know about the development and the neurovascular and muscular similarities in the anatomy of the limbs.
I hope this teaching technique makes learning the practical anatomy of the limbs so much easier. I know that anatomy is not often considered in this manner but you will see that it rationalizes a lot of anatomy making it understandable, predictable and readily recalled. It is also useful for clinical examination and management.
Consider supporting us so that we can continue this important teaching work on
Thanks so much for your interest and support and above all enjoy your anatomy!
Music by Martha Argerich Bach Cantata
Who Killed Wirsung
This is the first of the episodes of The Anatomy Cupboard for 2023
Not so much a who-dunnit as a who was he!
If you like these podcasts please make a contribution at
It will help us to produce more and to do some research!
Music by Alice in Winter Hold This Place (Instrumental provided by Soundstripe)
ALL 8 The Anatomy of the Sole of the Foot
This podcast includes anatomic study of the sole of the foot as it pertains to the management of complex foot sepsis and trauma. The podcast uniquely discusses the biomechanics of foot stability from our knowledge of anatomy.
Please continue to support us at
I will be doing a neurological summary of the lower limb and then a Lower Limb Quiz
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