
  • Sun, Venus and Jupiter enter Gemini this week, shifting the energy of the sky from earth, earth, earth to AIR! AIR!  AIR!  We get to fly.  Jump!  Shout and have a great time!

    Venus in Gemini takes the Taurus and Libra planets with her.  She's in mutual reception with Mercury on a world point in Taurus.  Lots of changes and exciteent!!

    The Full Moon in Gemini/ Sagittarius takes place on May 23.  Jupiter also has a once every 12 year aspect with Neptune, a working sextile to get things growing and accomplished!  Go for it!  .

    Make wise choices.  Choose joy! All the outer planets are moving full steam ahead.  Action. 

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • I included last week and this week.  Last week, I am pleased to report, I was in NYC for follow up tests on my cancer surgery last fall.  All clear and great results!

    Last week Mercury, Sun and Saturn met up in their annual journey.  Mercury was combust the Sun and Saturn making communication precise and blurry at the same time! We have big solar flares so our insides and the outer world will be feeling intense.

    Mercury is super busy this week, making aspects to virtually every planet and gathering information as he goes.  He culminates the week by entering Aries for prominent news on the New Moon this weekend.

    The New Moon in Pisces falls on the Saturn/Neptune midpoint promising failures, collapses and releases. The Saturn/Neptune midpoint is the failure point in a chart where the structures collapse.  Watch for disasters or departures.  The New Moon is at 20 Pisces and involves both Orpheus and Eurydice indicating descents into the underworld of partners.

    Last but certainly not least, Mars squares Uranus bringing the energy of collapse, action and sudden changes.  The buildup happens prior to the actual square so Thursday, Friday and Saturday are action packed!

    Make wise choices.  Choose joy! All the outer planets are moving full steam ahead.  Action. 

    Pay attention to Mercury's messages even if they are a bit vague!

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • Last week Mars and Venus met up with Pluto in Aquarius to get their marching instructions for the next 19 years ~ at least the launch of the Pluto in Aquarius cycle. This week, the heavens calm down a bit.  Not many aspects in the heavens.  We have big solar flares so our insides will be feeling intense.

    There is a full moon in Virgo/Pisces at 5:23.  Think back to August 27 for the new Moon in Virgo at 4:03, The May 27, 2024 opening quarter with the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Virgo at 6:05 to see the next step in taking action.  Now at the full moon we see in clear light the next chapter.  The closing square November 22 at 1:14 for the Sun in Sagittairus and Moon in Virgo.  Expand into the light.

    Venus and Mars, loaded up with information from their conjunction last week with Pluto, get married this week to launch a new cycle of connection and relationships.

    Finally, Venus in Aquarius squares Jupiter in Taurus pushing us to consciously take action, including all our recent learning. 

    Make wise choices.  Choose joy!

    All the outer planets are moving full steam ahead.   You will feel your life take off!    

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • The heavens calm down a bit.  Not many aspects in the heavens.  We still have some pretty big solar flares so our insides might be feeling intense but the aspects are largely supportive. r.

    Mercury, Mars And Venus in Capricorn are making aspects to the other Earth Planets ~ jupiter and Uranus now direct in Taurus and Juno retrograde in Virgo. 

    Venus is stimulating and making a minor grand trine between Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces. Get your money and bills cleared up. What do you desire?   

    Venus is in Capricorn.  She rules the South Node in Libra encouraging Saturnian choices.

    Mars is in Capricorn offers a plethora of action and activity doing what you want to do!  He squares the nodes of fate, an aspect called the bendings.  Go forth and create! Mars rules the North Node of fate currently in Aries encouraging action.  The South node of fate answering to Venus in Capricorn encourages you to do your Saturn. 

    Make wise choices.  Choose joy!

    All the outer planets are moving full steam ahead.   You will feel your life take off!    

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • Another intense week awaits us as Uranus stations to turn direct in the heavens.  We feel the station five days before and after.

    Mercury and Mars meet up in Capricorn and both square the Nodes of Fate.  Fated events take place.  

    Venus enters Capricorn.  She rules the South Node in Libra encouraging Saturnian choices.

    Mars is in Capricorn offers a plethora of action and activity doing what you want to do!  Go forth and create! Mars rules the North Node of fate encouraging action.  The South node of fate answering to Venus in Capricorn encourages you to do your Saturn. 

    A full Moon in Leo and Aquarius.  Sun and Pluto are opposite that Full Moon.  Pay attention to power dynamics. 

    A minor grand trine is formed by Venus in Capricorn sextiling Saturn in Pisces and trining Jupiter in Taurus.  Get your money and bills cleared up. What do you desire?  

    Make wise choices.  Choose joy!

    All the outer planets are moving full steam ahead.   You will feel your life take off!    

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • An intense week awaits us as the planets argue in the heavens.  Stick to your convictions on what you believe in. 

    Mars is out of bounds in Capricorn offering a plethora of action and activity doing what you want to do!  Go forth and create! Mars rules the North Node of fate encouraging action.  The South node of fate has a finger of god asking you to release and let go, be free, follow your bliss!

    Moon in Aries Tuesday and Wednesday is very intense and full of ending energy

    A minor grand trine is formed by Mercury in Capricorn sextiling Saturn in Pisces and trining Jupiter in Taurus.  Get that list going! 

    Mercury is direct moving through the last bits of his retrograde shadow ~ finishing on Sunday the 21.  Continue to talk to your ghosts as they appear!  Using guidance from your ghosts focus on what you are interested in creating for the world. 

    On Saturday, the Sun and Pluto meet at 29:59 Capricorn.  Sun moves into Aquarius.  Pluto moves into Aquarius.  A new chapter begins while the old life still sticks like gum to your shoe due to the Pluto/Sun conjunction.  Get it cleared up!

    Make wise choices.  Choose joy!

    All the big outer planets are moving full steam ahead.   You will feel your life take off!    

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • We have a fabulous opportunity with this New Year to make resolutions that stick!! 

    Mars is out of bounds in Capricorn offering a plethora of action and activity doing what you want to do!  Go forth and create! 

    There is a new moon in Capricorn at 20.  Its trine Uranus and square to the Nodes of Fate.  

    Mercury is direct moving through Sagittarius, clearing his retrograde shadow.  Continue to talk to your ghosts as they appear!  This week he enters Capricorn and gets firm in his committments. Not much air in the sky.  Make those physical commitments to your life!

    Eris turns direct causing a bit of problems with drama and intensity.  

    Make wise choices.  Choose joy!

    All the big outer planets are moving full steam ahead.   You will feel your life take off!    

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • Happy New Year!  Not much going on in the heavens this week.  We have a fabulous opportunity with this New Year to make resolutions that stick!! 

    Moon is in Virgo New Years with a lovely closing aspect to Pluto.  Mercury is stopped ~ ruling the Moon in Virgo making commitment a priority of the Virgo Moon and all resolutions made under her.  Habits are ruled by Virgo ~ new habit heaven!  

    Mars is out of bounds in Sagittarius.  He enters Capricorn this week, also out of bounds, offering a plethora of action and activity doing what you want to do!  Go forth and create! 

    Mercury is direct after January 1 and moving through Sagittarius, clearing his retrograde shadow and moving forward.  Continue to talk to your ghosts as they appear!  

    Jupiter is direct in Taurus, ruling the Sadge and Pisces planets, helping them ground in reality.  Not much air in the sky.  Make those physical commitments to your life!

    Happy New Year!  May your year be full of blessing and joy.  Make wise choices.  Choose joy!

    All the big outer planets are moving full steam ahead.   You will feel your life take off!    

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • A week of change, change and more change.  

    Mars is out of bounds in Sagittarius and meets up with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius to reveal all sorts of secrets, information, ideas and ah ha moments.  We are on the second pass so still more to be revealed when we have our third pass.  Once Jupiter stations and turns direct at the end of the week, Mars has a whole new lease on life!!

    Jupiter stations to go direct on Saturday so we feel him stopped in earth and adjusting our approaches to things.  He and Uranus went retrograde in September while they waited for the rest of the planets fo finish the job.  Now things will move full speed ahead!  

    Chiron stations and moves direct.  He's traveling towards Uranus bringing change to existing structures that have caused us pain in the past. 

    Venus enters Sagittarius and puts on her dancing shoes.  The Node of Fate is still on the world point so relationships shift more into freedom mode with both Mars OOB and Venus in Sagittarius ruling the Aries North Node and Libra South Node.

    Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius returns people to your life and connects you with others.  Talk to your ghosts!!. 

    A huge grand cross and mystic rectangle fill the heavens making this week a fated one on planet earth. Choose Wisely!!

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!


    The Moon wans and heads toward the new moon in two weeks.  Let go, let go, let go....

    Mars in Scorpio rules the heaven. Mars is in Scorpio for two months, one of his favorite signs, taking over the North Node of Fate and the Aries and Scorpio planets.which promises intensity. Oodles of planets in Scorpio ~ Mercury, Sun, and Cerers are in Scorpio. 

    Venus in Virgo rules the Libra and Taurus planets and she's governed by a stern Mars in Scorpio.  Instensity is the theme!   Venus in Virgo answers to Mars in Scorpio because Mercury answers to Mars.  She brings her Libra South Node and Pallas Athena as well as Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. 

    All Scorpio all the time.... 

    A huge grand trine and mystic rectangle fill the heavens making this week a fated one on planet earth. 


    There is a grand trine in earth with Venus trine to Uranus and Pluto and opposite Neptune. A complicated energy system that calls us forward. Proceed with caution and consciousness.  Fast action! 


    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • The eclipses are here!  The eclipses are here! 

    Mercury and Sun enter Scorpio as we build to a full Moon eclipse on Saturday.

    A huge grand trine and mystic rectangle fill the heavens making this week a fated one on planet earth. 

    Venus in Virgo rules the Libra and Taurus planets and she's governed by a stern Mars in Scorpio.  Instensity is the theme!   

    The eclipses are here!  The eclipses are here!!

    There is a complicated energy system in the heaven so proceed with caution and consciousness.  Fast action! 

    Mars is in Scorpio for two months, one of his favorite signs, taking over the North Node of Fate and the Aries and Scorpio planets.which promises intensity. 


    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • Mercury and Venus finshed their retrogrades and changed signs into Libra and Virgo. New ways of coping and communication are taking place. 

    A HUGE pattern with three fingers of god and a HELE form in the heaven carrying us off into new directions.  Think the balloon scene in the Wizard of OZ. How do you get back to Kansas and Auntie Em?

    The eclipses are here!  The eclipses are here!!

    Pluto stations to turn direct as the world's eyes turn to huge events.  The eclipses are on the world point of 22.5 Cardinal. 

    There is a complicated energy system in the heaven of three fingers of god or YODS, a minor grand trine and a hele.  Fast action! 

    According to Bernadette Brady's book, The Eagle and the Lark, this eclipse series is life altering and rapid ~full of Mars square Pluto energy.  And of course, Mars is square Pluto in the sky.

    Venus opposes Saturn in her annual opposition  However, she takes all the Libra and Taurus planets with her into the fall position of Venus in Virgo. The last 4 months of Leo Venus are finished!

    Mars enters Scorpio for two months, one of his favorite signs, taking over the North Node of Fate and the Aries and Scorpio planets. 


    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • Mercury and Venus finsh their retrogrades and change signs into Libra and Virgo. 

    A HUGE pattern with three fingers of god and a HELE form in the heaven carrying us off into new directions.  Think the balloon scene in the Wizard of OZ. How do you get back to Kansas and Auntie Em?

    The grand trine in Earth is active and shifting energy. The Kite takes off carrying you to a new chapter.  Mercury opposite Neptune sets off grand trine and takes us for a flight of dreams.

    The outer planets are applying a planetary squeeze to your insides.  Change is here. 

    Mars on a world point dives into the South Node of Fate releasing things and shifting into new realities. 


    Jupiter on the world point of 15 Taurus is making life altering changes!  Pay attention to things you value!!

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • Mercury and Venus retrace their steps over their retrograde shadow.  Ghosts visiting. Loves returning. Lots of truths come out!   Mercury is telling lots of truths this week!  Listen carefully.  Talk to your ghosts!  Your ghosts WILL appear!  

    Sun enters Libra at the world ingress!  Mercury direct and planets on world points brings lots of action this week.  Launch things!

    The grand trine in earth forms a kite with Neptune encouraging us to fly and take off towards our dreams.   Sun opposite Neptune sets off grand trine and takes us for a flight of dreams.

    Three asteroid in their new signs and season start to move us forward. Pallas Athena for legal and strategic news, Vesta for home and hearth energy, and Ceres for how we take care of each other and our selves. 

    Jupiter on the world point of 15 Taurus is making life altering changes!  Pay attention to things you value!!


    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • Mercury stations to go direct at 8 Virgo.... lots of truths come out!   

    New Moon at 22 Virgo starts a new Moon cycle with opening quarter square June 14, 2024, full Moon March 14, 2025 and closing quarter December 11, 2025. Mercury direct and planets on world points brings lots of action with this new Moon. Launch things!

    The grand trine in earth forms a kite with Neptune encouraging us to fly and take off towards our dreams.   

    Three asteroid change signs and season this week ~ Pallas Athena for legal and strategic news, Vesta for home and hearth energy, and Ceres for how we take care of each other and our selves. 

    Jupiter on the world point of 15 Taurus receiving his third square from Venus and Juno on the world point. Partnerships form, change and shift!  Very publicly!   Pay attention to stories and events about money, love and things you value!!

    Mercury is telling lots of truths this week!  Listen carefully.  Talk to your ghosts!  Your ghosts WILL appear!  

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • Uranus stations to go retrograde on Monday, stopping the forward motion of change.  We go backwards until January 2024.  

    Full Moon at 7 Pisces Virgo amplifies the new moon energy from February 2022 and open quarter moon November 2022.  Carry things forward!

    The grand trine in earth forms a kite with Neptune encouraging us to fly and take off towards our dreams.   

    Mars enters Libra and aspects Jupiter on the world point of 15 Taurus.  . 

    Venus stations to go direct, ending our Venus retrograde. Pay attention to stories and events about money, love and things you value!!

    Mercury retrograde so the receipts appear, details are shown, people are talking.   Talk to your ghosts when they appear!  And your ghosts WILL appear!  

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • The grand trine in earth forms a kite with Neptune encouraging us to fly.~ it gets triggered by Mars this week.  

    Sun enters into a finger of God.   Sun is the APEX talking to Neptune and Pluto as the legs. A very Major crossroads!  Dreams dissolve and Structures fail or fall as Sun illuminates and leads us forward. 

    Venus is retrograde ~ pay attention to stories and events about money, love and things you value!!

    Mercury stations retrograde untile September 15,  The receipts appear, details are shown, people are talking.   Talk to your ghosts when they appear!  And your ghosts WILL appear!  

    Mars trines Uranus and Pluto setting off the grand trine in earth and opposes Neptune triggering the kite to take off!

    Sun enters Virgo and Mars enters Libra shifting the energy in a profound way!  Sun opposite Saturn brings matters to a close!

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • Venus joins the Sun and starts a new 8 year creative cycle at 20 Leo.  

    The New Moon in Leo has a grand trine in earth as well as an ear so Mercury, Mars and Pallas Athena are listening closely to instructions coming through.  A Kite encourages us to fly. 

    Sun enters into a finger of God.   Sun is the APEX talking to Neptune and Pluto as the legs. A very Major crossroads!  Dreams dissolve and Structures fail or fall as Sun illuminates and leads us forward. 

    Venus is retrograde ~ pay attention to stories and events about money, love and things you value!!

    Mercury in his shadow means the receipts appear, details are shown, people are talking.   Talk to your ghosts when they appear!  And your ghosts WILL appear!  

     We can go through it or we can grow through it. 

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • The nodes are in Aries/Libra for 18 months.  The nodes of fate shift reminding you of 18 month cycles starting December 2004, April 1986, August 1967 and January 1949. We launch into I AM energy!!

    Venus releases her finger of God.   Venus is the APEX talking to Neptune and Pluto as the legs. A very Major crossroads!  Dreams dissolve and Structures fail or fall as Venus pushes us forward.  Venus retrograde ~ pay attention to stories and events about money, love and things you value!!

    Mercury leaves  his opposition to Saturn and the receipts appear, details are shown, people are talking. 

    Mercury enters his upcoming retrograde shadow on August 4.  Talk to your ghosts when they appear!  And your ghostsWILL appear!  

    Mars swings a hammer of Thor with Pluto square Node of Fate in Aries. 

    I predict Jan 6, 2023 Indictment of Trump on Tuesday August 1, 2023.  

    We can go through it or we can grow through it. 

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!

  • Pluto squares the Nodes of Fate three times this week!  It brings amazing FATED changes this week with multiple shifts!!

    The nodes are in Aries/Libra for 18 months.  Pluto squares them at the anaretic degree of 29.   

    Venus and Mercury form a HUGE finger of god, or YOD, in the sky as the APEX talking to Neptune and Pluto as the legs. A very Major crossroads!  Dreams dissolve and Structures fail or fall.

    Mercury enters Virgo. Mars in Virgo, drives the North Node and encourages us to break free of our limitations!.

    Both Chiron and Eris stationed and will be go retrograde for 6 months.  Mercury squares Uranus. .  .

    The nodes of fate shift reminding you of 18 month cycles starting December 2004, April 1986, August 1967 and January 1949. We launch into I AM energy!!

    Venus retrograde ~ pay attention to stories and events about money, love and things you value!!

    We can go through it or we can grow through it. 

    Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee.com Daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17 per month!