A podcast from Ardian for anyone curious about where growth is happening around the world. Here we speak with the people behind innovative companies building the future.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Il Podcast dedicato all'Educazione e alla Libertà Finanziaria, in cui scopriamo e analizziamo tutto ciò che c'è da sapere sul mondo della Finanza e dell'Economia, per renderti autonomo e consapevole nella gestione dei tuoi risparmi.
Con Gianluca Sidoti. -
This podcast is an open-ended exploration of topics relating to growing and preserving your wealth including investing, markets, decision making under opacity, risk, volatility, and complexity.
Are you a software, telco or pharma sales exec? What about consultant, doctor, lawyer or just about any other high paid, super busy, time deprived professional looking for financial freedom via long distance real estate investing in U.S. based real assets?
You can continue with your job while you build your education as well as your passive income streams...
Each week, you can learn from real life experts and Main Street investors on how they're making positive strides so that you can do something very similar...
Who knows, you may even decide that you don't need that stressful job anymore?
Listen, learn and take action every week...Go to -
Invested in Climate hosts conversations with leading thinkers to help our listeners do more to address the climate crisis through their Work, Investments, Learning, Lifestyle and Activism.
People everywhere, communities, governments and all sectors of the economy are mobilizing to address climate change. The scale of this global action is unprecedented. Never before have so many people dedicated so much energy, creativity and capital to addressing a shared, global threat. Will it be enough? What else is needed? And, most importantly, what can you do?
We all have a part to play, so let’s go. -
Nuove opportunità, adeguamenti normativi; dai suggerimenti pratici agli obiettivi di politica industriale. Online ogni venerdì una nuova puntata. Per un approccio lucido, ma colloquiale, alla finanza agevolata.
Gratuiti, fruibili anche in mobilità, direttamente dallo smartphone, i podcast Agevola mettono a disposizione degli ascoltatori un’informazione puntuale e affidabile, con un linguaggio semplice e accessibile.
Tutte le novità sulle incentivazioni rivolte alle imprese che investono: da ascoltare e scaricare su Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeartRadio e tutte le principali piattaforme. -
Learn from history's Greatest Minds — and find Timeless ideas you can apply to business and life. Every episode we explore a Lindy book: We strive to become polymaths like our investing and business icons, pulling the Big Ideas from a wide range of disciplines to help us become better investors and operators. For the curious-minded seeking Worldly Wisdom.
“In my whole life, I have known no wise people who didn’t read all the time — none, zero. [...] I constantly see people rise in life who are not the smartest, sometimes not even the most diligent, but they are learning machines. They go to bed every night a little wiser than they were when they got up, and boy does that help, particularly when you have a long run ahead of you.” — Charlie Munger -
Chi è a contatto sistematicamente con i risparmiatori ricopre un ruolo attivo e fondamentale nella diffusione della cultura finanziaria. Noi di Wall Street Italia vogliamo dare rilievo, importanza e voce a chi svolge a vario titolo e ruolo questa delicata e importantissima attività. La nostra idea è di far in modo che, anche dialetticamente, tra il mondo del risparmio e quello della consulenza ci sia un rapporto più chiaro, consapevole e trasparente nell'interesse di tutto il sistema. Da queste considerazioni, nasce la versione podcast de "La Voce Della Consulenza".
Il podcast che ti parla di come diventare una superstar delle negoziazioni a saldo e stralcio con la Banca (e che ti fornisce anche tutti gli strumenti spuntarla in ogni trattativa).
A podcast exploring our journey out of a business-as-usual economy toward justice, healing & liberation.
Global conversations, diverse perspectives.
The ImpactVest podcast aims to inspire and motivate toward collective positive
impact to solve our world's most pressing challenges.
During each episode, we will engage in insightful conversations with changemakers, visionaries, and sustainability activists who wish to build a more sustainable and resilient future.
Come join us as we discuss transformative global innovation in a new era of impact. -
Le interviste di Wall Street Italia ai protagonisti della finanza, dell’impresa e dell’economia italiana.
Questo show fa parte del network Spreaker Prime. Se sei interessato a fare pubblicità in questo podcast, contattaci su -
The Decibel Podcast brings together founders from diverse backgrounds to share their personal journeys, words of wisdom, and lessons learned from the earliest years of their now successful startups. Creating something out of nothing is always a hard and messy process, and we demystify the most thrilling and challenging phase of every startup’s life: the very beginning.
Hosted by Jon Sakoda, Founding Partner of Decibel, we go deep on how every founder survives the moments of crisis that kill others, overcomes personal challenges and adversity, and ultimately finds their way through the twists and turns on the winding road of a startup’s journey. Along the way, we debunk conventional wisdom about the VC and tech industry for first time founders.
This podcast is produced by Decibel, an independent venture capital firm created in partnership with Cisco to push the conventional boundaries of early stage investing. Decibel combines the speed, agility, and independent risk-taking traditionally found in the top Silicon Valley venture firms, while offering differentiated access to the scale, entrepreneurial talent, and deep customer relationships found in one of the largest tech companies in the world. We invest in software startups at the earliest stage - visit to sign up for our newsletter, view more content, and learn more about our portfolio. -
"The Fundraising Debrief" focuses on the real stories behind successful founders and their recent VC financing rounds. The podcast aims to provide valuable insights into what it takes to raise a successful financing round, from finding the first believers and navigating the due diligence process with various investors to the first term sheet and its negotiation. Hosted by Vlad Cazacu and sponsored by Flowlie Technologies, the #1 deck-sharing and round management platform used by VC-backed founders around the world.
Hey Sud è un ciclo di talks ideato da Fabio Mazzocca, Sales Responsible South Area Consulting, e promosso da EY nel sud Italia con l’intento di avviare un confronto sulle principali tematiche di interesse territoriale tra imprese, professionisti, istituzioni e altri soggetti attivi.
Il podcast di informazione di Asacert sul mondo degli appalti, a cura degli avvocati Marco Briccarello e Gabriele Molinari. Focus point per esplorare in modo chiaro le dinamiche, le sfide, le opportunità nel settore degli appalti, con approfondimenti ed analisi dettagliate. Scopriremo il panorama sempre in evoluzione degli appalti, fornendo agli ascoltatori una prospettiva chiara ed aggiornata su questo cruciale elemento economico ed amministrativo.
Il podcast "Tech.Emotion - Capitali pazienti, imprese audaci" racconta i progetti di crescita di imprese italiane che guardano al futuro e permette di conoscere più da vicino il ruolo di strumenti di finanza complementare al credito bancario come private equity, debito privato, equity crowdfunding, club deal e quotazione in borsa.
Dal settore del lusso a quello lattiero-caseario, dall’informatica all’arredamento, le testimonianze delle imprese si alternano alle voci di chi ha scelto di investire e di scommettere sul potenziale italiano. -
Women are slated to inherit $30+ trillion in wealth by 2030 — that’s a lot of financial power. But unfortunately, financial literacy for women hasn’t yet caught up with the times.
It’s time to change that.
(Getting Rich Together) is here to be the guiding light in your journey to maximizing your wealth. With your values as your compass, together, we’ll explore how to become more financially active with the resources you already have while creating additional revenue streams from your wealth.
Whether you’ve built your wealth from the ground up, inherited it, or maybe a little bit of both, I’ve got you covered. I’m taking this journey with you to talk to the experts who have the tools for wealth-building and the success to back it up.
Nobody gave me the answers while I was learning to manage my money, but through these conversations with other successful and wealthy women, my goal is for us to walk away with a holistic approach to wealth creation and management.
This show is for anyone who is ready to take their money to the next level and, most importantly, have fun while doing it!
Are you ready to get rich together?
Find more at