The New Year has a lot of starting points and they all depend on how you define where to start!
What your are experiencing are shades of grey between the black and white
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It looks like you have a lot of choices, and you do. Not all of those options are not in your favor.
What you've been taught, what you learned will be challenged
Adventure and a new beginning is calling your name but are you missing the plot because of delusion!
It's all in the title ...
It's not that you're not working hard enough, you're not being realistic....
It's really cliché but sometimes it become cliché because it works so often but you really are special. No one was more you than you yet you keep avoiding being you...
Do you like self-deprecating humor? Boy do I have a show for you.
It'll all make sense when you hear the first five minutes of the podcast...
Have you been so busy lately that you haven't really stopped taking care of yourself in a way that matters? I'm not talking face mask and aesthetic skincare routines...
Some reading don't need to be long and draw out with details. When you get the message, you get it!
New possibilities are on the way!!
Routines and regimens should change just like the seasons...
How do we move forward with the plan as we start to see the complete lessons handed to us during this last retrograde?
Last week we discussed abandoning the plans that best suited everyone around us in theory. This week, we dive into the plans that support us, not delusions of grandeur us or the us that's struggling with imposter syndrome.
Have you ever had a plan that sounds so crazy, not to you, but to anyone who heard it and would advise against it? That's the plan you should follow, let me explain in this weeks episode!
We have a lot of language around burn out. While I know some people are experiencing it in real-time, some of us have a different set of symptoms.
Let your hair down, have a good time but only if you're done with your chores
Sometimes we get so caught up in the reason for it all we completely miss, well, the reason for it all!
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