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Ek het nie geweet iemand kan my sien nie. Vir 2 weke lank! O wee. Ek giggel nou oor hierdie verskriklike storie, maar ek kry soooo skaam. Daar was by die skool so dun riviertjie in die toilet en ai? Woordloos. Hierdie was beslis een van my AAKLIGSTE oomblikke van rondreis in vreemde lande.
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Daar is amper 4000 tempels op die vlaktes van Bagan, in Burma. Ek staan hoog op een van hulle en kyk na hierdie stukture. Dit voel vir my asof iemand hierdie wonderlike plek wegsteek. Almal op aarde behoort dit te kan sien. Dis manjifiek! Wie het hierdie temples gebou? Hoekom? Hulle is meer as 'n 1000 jaar oud. Daar was op 'n stadium 10 000 tempels, 3000 kloosters en duisende ander geboue. Wie het hulle afgebreek? Was daar 'n oorlog? Hoekom? Kuier saam met my in Burma, in die area Bagan.
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Op 13e Augustus 2016, vier ek Fidel Castro se 90e verjaardag op die platteland in Kuba. Daar's 'n groot tent, braaivleis en 'n skare mense. Die dorpie: Manaca Iznaga. Dis 'n suikerriet gebied met 1 pad in, 1 uit. Die meeste mense ry met donkiekarre. In Kuba stap mens 50 jaar terug in tyd. Alles lyk en is outyds. Elke huisie is 'n ander kleur -- die plek is 'n fotograaf se droom. Maar -- Kuba laat mens dink. Dis die perfekte voorbeeld van sosialisme/kommunisme en die effek van 'n diktator/leier soos Castro. Wie was hy? Hoekom was hy suksesvol -- en wie is die spioene ("Cederistas") in elke dorp wat vir hom gewerk het...
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Ek was in Burma. Dis die wonderlikste plek - 'n toeris se droom. Maar, dis 'n komplekse land. Hier in Kanada, gee ek Engels vir vlugtelinge uit Burma. O, wee. Wat 'n onmoontlike taak. Ek staan naderhand op 'n tafel en skoolhou. As iemand iets reg kan uitspreek, dan doen ek wat wat hulle vra. Dadelik. Dit word 'n wonderlike les. Iemand sê dans ... toe tiekiedraai ek van dankbaarheid.
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Ek het my heel misgis met China. Ek verbeel my dat ek "spesiaal" is omdat ek daar werk. O, wee, O, nee. Ek gaan kuier op my heel 1e Vrydagaand op Tiananmen Plein. Te lekker. Ek maak my reg vir 'n laaaaang aand se speel. O, nee. Iemand sê "gee pad" ... Nou!
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Ek werk in China. Nie een taxi wil my oplaai nie. Ek LOOP van plek na plek in bloedige hitte en kom nie veel verder as 3 blokke van die skool af nie. Toe maak ek 'n plan. Ek vra al die Gr 12 studente in my klas om vir my padkaarte te teken na plekke toe. Soos met alle goeie planne, werk dit so-so. En toe goed. Maar agter op elke kaartjie het die kinders 'n BOODSKAP aan die taxi drywers geskryf -- in Chinees. Ek vra eers die laaste dag wat daar staan...
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Ek het gaan werk as onderwyser in China sonder 'n werkspermit. Skuldig. Dit was vir 'n somer-kamp en die organiseerders het ons verseker ons "toeriste" visa sou goed genoeg wees. O, wee. Nee! Die Chinese Polisie vind uit en sluit ons sowaar toe.
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Afrikaanse storie oor my eerste nag in Beijing, China. Ek het daar gaan werk as 'n onderwyser en was so opgewonde om te kon gaan. Maar, toe ek 12 uur die nag ALLEEN op die lughawe aankom en daar is niemand om my te kom haal nie? Toe panic ek. Ek beland in 'n vreemde man se slaapkamer. Hy kyk vir sy bed, ek kyk vir die bed...
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"Katerina se Simfonie". Ek was op my eie in Mexico en wou gaan kyk hoe 'n baie klein dorpie hoog hoog in die berge lyk -- een van daai plekke waar toeriste nie kom nie. Dis 'n silwermyn dorpie en die hotel se skoonmaker het my soontoe geneem en daar gelos. Ek het dadelik 'n brakkie gekry wat my die dorp gewys het, en ek het hom Hond genoem. Ek en Hond is heel eerste rivier toe, waar vrouens oranje tafeldoeke gewas het. Hond het geswen. Daarna is ons na die blou Katolieke kerk toe, waar iemand orrel geoefen het. Ons het brood gekoop en dit op die kerkplein geëet. Ek het die geur van die dorpie se kaneel koffie gemeng met koejawels in my rugsak gepak. "Katerina se Simfonie" se storie kom van daar af. Rede? Ek wou daar bly, vir baie baie langer as wat ek kon ...
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Mary Poppins bly in Guatemala en sy dra baldadige oranje kouse. Soggens sit sy op die geel kerk se trappe en voer die duiwe. Saans, sing sy by die fontein. Voor die kerk, maak sy die mooiste foto, want sy dra 'n indigo kleur hemp en die duiwe raam haar. In die nag, sing sy liefdesliedjies. Guatemala is 'n komplekse land met vulkane, aardbewings, onbegaanbare paaie, dwelm handel en erge geweld teen vroue. Dis hoekom Mary Poppins daar bly. Ek het haar gesien, regtig-egtig, en sy doen allerhande "Mary Poppins" tipe goeters. Sy steek net haar opstyg-sambreel weg...
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Kortverhaal. Vrolike storie oor 'n oranje emmer en 'n besonderse vrou. Daar is die mooiste geel kerk in 'n klein dorpie in Guatemala. Op die trappe sit 'n bedelaar. Ek was een van die fotograwe wat vir Teresa afgeneem het. (Of het ek?) Goeie stories is "effens waar" en "effens verbeelding" van skrywers.........Teresa het 'n oranje emmerjie gehad (of het sy nie?).
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Bedtime Stories for Adults: set in Italy. Carmen was born invisible. She was child number 5 of 9 children of the famous Lombardi family in Italy. The Lombardi family was genetically superior. Lucky children born into this bloodline, soon showed traits and talents of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Marco Polo, or Dante. Since the 1500's, every generation brought at least one genius.
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11. ENGLISH. BEDTIME STORIES FOR ADULTS. 11. "X marks the Spot." Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Perdo Maria Boss had a secret. A dream. Much too big, and overly ambitious. He wanted to impress Princess Isabela of Portugal and asked her for money for his project. She said, "No." This priest died with a no, no, no and a no. Yet, "X marked the Spot" for where he wanted his dream to stand. Nobody knows his name in the big story about something rather magnificent. Let me tell you about the dream of Father Pedro Maria Boss.
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“The Listener." Ecuador. Our story waits in Ecuador, in a tiny town against the western slope of a majestic mountain. Six extraordinary girls live here. There was a terrible cyclone the year of their birth and everybody believed that this storm blew in six special talents.
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10. ENGLISH. BEDTIME STORIES FOR ADULTS. 10. "The Brave Bridge." Mostar. Bosnia. Once upon a time, in 1555 to be exact, there was an architect named Mimar. He was very talented, and a little arrogant. He told his friends that he would build something spectacular one day. His dream came true when Suleiman the Magnificent commissioned him to rebuild the wooden bridge over the Neretva river.
Mimar was delighted. He hurried to the river and then … burst out in tears. “It’s 1555, for goodness sake! Impossible. The span is 30 meters. It cannot be done. No …!”
Suleiman the Magnificent said: “I say yes! If you do not build a bridge with the limestone from the hills, I will kill you in a very cruel way.” Suleiman was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire with a very bad reputation for gruesome executions,Support the show
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9. ENGLISH. BEDTIME STORIES FOR ADULTS. 9. "The Chef on the Ship. 1521. Mexico. Our story sails on a ship in the year 1521. Hernán Cortés is 19 and on his way to conquer and command for Spain. On his ship is an important man: the chef Martin. He is also on a quest -- not for a medal, but for spices and herbs. In Mexico, Martin and the local chefs trade recipes and share secrets. The Mexican chef makes the best dish. It contains a delectable spice. Paprika. Martin takes it back to Spain, plants it and after his first harvest he trades with a Turkish chef.
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5. ENGLISH. BEDTIME STORIES FOR ADULTS. 5. "Aurora Borealis." Teenagers find it hard to immigrate. In this story, Carissa stays with her piano teacher in Canada while her parents urgently go back to South Africa for 6 weeks. "I did not want to immigrate! South Africa did not bother me! I want to go home." I lived in a small town in Canada for the first 4 years after immigrating to Canada from South Africa. Those were hard years, we struggled, our 4 children struggled. I had to leave my one daughter in Canada to attend to a family matter in South Africa. This story is for her. I am South African. The Aurora Borealis is one of the most magical things on earth.
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"The Not-so-Secret Suitcase". Cuba. Aug 13. 2016. There is a 90th birthday celebration for Fidel Castro in the town of Santa Clara, Cuba. Maricela is having a mini-nervous breakdown. A total stranger — a tourist, called Linette, is on her way to see Maricela, to give her a massive black suitcase. Everybody knows. In Cuba, that is a bad thing. Linette gets onto a bus in the beach/tourist district of Varadero. All the other tourists on the bus are going to the museum of Che Guevara. Not Linette. She is on a frantic search to find a specific Cuban woman. Nobody know why. But the Neighborhood Watch in Cuba? They're waiting, watching and wishing for the event to take place.
**I went to Santa Clara on Fidel Castro's 90th birthday: 13 August 2016. I had a bag filled with gifts to give away. I did. (And I am not Linette. But a fabulous story waited under a tree in this town. All the other tourists went to the museum of Che Guevara. I sat under that tree covered with pink flowers and all the neighbors watched and whispered and waited...)Support the show
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19. "The Heir." A Journey. Part 6. The End. Panama/Colombia. This is the final episode of our story. We are at the birthday party of Maximillian II in Cartagena, in Colombia. Karli adjusts to the life of "the rich and famous". We then travel to the cities of Medellin and Bogota, where the adventure travel of Karli and Willrich continues.
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18. ENGLISH. BEDTIME STORIES FOR ADULTS 18. "The Heir." Part 5. Trip to Colombia. In this episode, Karli and Willrich travel to Colombia. They do not take one of Willrich's private jets. They fly into the town of Cartagena on a commercial aircraft in economy class, and they live in an AirBnB in the "old town". They have a taxi driver called Carlos. He is the second cousin of a friend of Karli's. They have 3 wonderful days of "normal" travel. This is the adventure of a lifetime for Willrich. The go to a beach only locals use, attend the birthday party of an uncle of Carlos and go to the neighbourhood where Carlos lives. Then .... disaster. It was bound to happen in Colombia.
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