
  • 菜英文- 勞動節『英文閱讀』191#英文學習 #多益









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    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位


    Every year on May 1st, Taiwan celebrates Labor Day. 

    This public holiday recognizes the contributions and achievements of workers in Taiwan and serves as a reminder of the importance of fair labor practices公平勞動實踐.

     On this day, many businesses and government offices are closed, and workers may take the day off to relax or participate in labor-related events and activities. 

    It also serves as a day to reflect on the progress made in workers' rights and to continue advocating提倡 for better working conditions for all.


    Labor Day, also known as May Day五一國際勞動節 or International Workers' Day國際工人節, is a national holiday in France celebrated on May 1st each year. 

    It is a day to recognize and honor the contributions and achievements of workers throughout history. 

    The holiday often involves parades, demonstrations, and other events organized by labor unions and political parties. 

    It is also a popular day for people to spend time with family and friends, as well as participate in outdoor activities and festivals.


    Labor Day in America is a federal holiday聯邦假期. 

    It is observed on the first Monday of September and is often seen as the unofficial end of the summer season. 

    It also serves as a reminder of the importance of workers' rights and the labor movement in the country. 

    Many people use this day to relax, spend time with loved ones, and participate in parades and other community events.

    New Zealand

    Labor Day in New Zealand is an annual public holiday that celebrates the achievements of workers and the labor movement. 

    It is observed on the fourth Monday in October, and is a time for people to relax, spend time with family and friends, and reflect on the importance of workers' rights and fair labor practices. 

    Many businesses and organizations are closed on this day, allowing workers to take a well-deserved break.

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  • 菜英文- 馬陸『英文閱讀』190#英文學習 #多益









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    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位

    A millipede is a type of arthropod節肢動物 with a long, segmented分段 body and many pairs of legs. 

    Despite its name, a millipede does not actually have a thousand legs, but can have anywhere from 30 to over 400 legs depending on the species. 

    They are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands草原, and deserts, and play an important role in nutrient cycling and decomposition分解 in ecosystems生態系統. 

    Some species of millipedes are even considered pests, as they can damage crops and gardens.

    Millipedes are detritivores腐食者, which means they feed on decaying plant and other organic materials.

    They play an important role in breaking down and recycling nutrients in the ecosystem. 

    Millipedes also have a special mouthpart that helps them grind up their food before digesting it. 

    They may also sometimes eat small insects or fungi菌類, but their main diet consists of decaying plant.

    Millipedes have glands that produce a toxic compound化合物 called hydrogen cyanide氰化氫, which can be harmful to humans and other animals. 

    This serves as a defense mechanism機制 against predators, and some species can even spray the toxin as a form of protection. 

    However, the toxin is not potent有效 enough to cause significant重大 harm to humans, although it may cause skin irritation刺激 or allergic reactions.

    To prevent millipedes from entering your home, make sure to seal any cracks or openings in your walls and foundation地基. 

    Keep your yard free of debris碎片 and remove any piles of leaves or mulch覆蓋物 where they may hide.

    Make sure to also reduce moisture水分 in and around your home, as millipedes are attracted to damp潮濕areas. 

    Regularly sweep and vacuum your home to get rid of any potential hiding spots for millipedes.

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  • 菜英文- 母親節『英文閱讀』189#英文學習 #多益









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    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位

    Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated in many countries around the world to honor and appreciate mothers and mother figures for their love, sacrifices, and contributions to their families and society. 

    It is typically celebrated on the second Sunday of May and is a time for children and adults to express their gratitude and love for their mothers through gifts, cards, and special gestures.

     It is also a day to recognize and celebrate the diversity of motherhood and the important role that mothers play in shaping our lives.

    Mother's Day in Taiwan is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. 

    This day is dedicated to honoring and showing appreciation for mothers and mother figures in the country. 

    On this day, children often give gifts and spend time with their mothers to show their love and gratitude.

    As a gift, children often give their mothers flowers, chocolates, or handmade cards. 

    Some may also take their mothers out for a special meal or buy them a thoughtful gift. 

    It is a time to show gratitude and spend quality time with the most important woman in our lives.

    On Mother's Day in Taiwan, many restaurants offer special menus and promotions to celebrate mothers. 

    This is a popular way for families to show their appreciation and love for their mothers by treating them to a delicious meal at a restaurant. 

    It is a special day for mothers to relax and enjoy a meal with their loved ones, without having to worry about cooking or cleaning. 

    Many restaurants also offer discounts or free meals for mothers to make the day even more special.

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  • 菜英文- 中島美嘉『英文閱讀』188#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位

    Mika Nakashima is a Japanese singer and actress known for her soulful and powerful vocals. 

    She rose to fame in the early 2000s and has released numerous hit songs and albums.

     In addition to her successful music career, she has also starred in several popular films and TV dramas. 

    Nakashima is often praised for her unique and versatile多面 voice, as well as her captivating迷人 performances on stage and screen. 

    She continues to be a prominent figure in the Japanese entertainment industry.

    Some popular songs by Mika Nakashima include "Glamorous Sky," "‘Yuki no Hana," "Stars," "Orion," "Hatsukoi," "Find the Way," "Love Addict," and "Dear." 

    Her music often blends elements of pop, rock, and jazz, and her powerful vocals have earned her a strong fan base in Japan and around the world. 

    She has released multiple successful albums and continues to be a top artist in the Japanese music industry

    Mika Nakashima has won numerous awards throughout her career, including Best Newcomer at the Japan Gold Disc Awards日本金唱片獎 in 2003, Best Supporting Actress at the Japan A’cademy Prize日本電影學院獎最佳女配角 in 2006, and Best Actress at the Yokohama Film Festival橫濱影展最佳女主角 in 2007. 

    She has also received recognition internationally, winning the Best Actress award at the Shanghai International Film Festival in 2012. 

    Nakashima's talent and hard work have earned her a loyal fan base and critical acclaim備受好評 in the entertainment industry.

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  • 菜英文- 雪梨『英文閱讀』187#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    Sydney is the city of New South Wales and one of the largest cities in Australia. 

    It is known for its iconic landmarks such as the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge, as well as its beautiful beaches and multicultural population. 

    It is a popular tourist destination and a hub for business, education, and culture.

    Sydney Street is a bustling street in the heart of the city, lined with cafes, restaurants, and shops.

     It is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike, with its vibrant atmosphere and diverse range of offerings. 

    From street performers to unique street art, there is always something to see and do on Sydney Street.

    Sydney is a vibrant city filled with diverse cultures, delicious food, and breathtaking令人激動的 views. 

    From the iconic Opera House to the bustling city center, there is always something to explore and experience in Sydney. 

    Whether you want to relax on the beautiful beaches, go shopping in trendy時髦 neighborhoods, or immerse沉浸 yourself in the lively活潑 nightlife, Sydney has something for everyone. 

    The city's energy and laid-back atmosphere make it a perfect place to live, work, and play.

    Some of the most popular foods in Sydney include seafood such as fish and chips, prawns大蝦, and oysters生蠔, as well as meat pies, sausage rolls, and Vegemite鹹味醬 on toast.

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  • 菜英文- 檸檬蛋糕『英文閱讀』186#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    Lemon cake is a delicious dessert that combines the tangy濃郁 flavor of lemons with the sweetness of cake. 

    It is made by mixing lemon juice, zest風味, and sometimes extract提煉 into the batter麵糊 before baking. 

    The end result is a moist濕 and flavorful美味 cake that is perfect for any occasion場合. 

    Whether served as a light and refreshing dessert or paired with a hot cup of tea, lemon cake is sure to be a crowd-pleaser令人愉悅的.

    For a delicious lemon cake, you will need 2 cups of all-purpose flour小麥混合製成的麵粉, 2 teaspoons of baking powder烘焙粉, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda蘇打粉, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 cup of unsalted butter, 1 1/2 cups of granulated顆粒 sugar, 4 large eggs, 1/4 cup of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons湯匙 of lemon zest調味, and 1 cup of milk. 

    Optional ingredients include powdered sugar for dusting and lemon slices for garnish裝飾.

    Lemon cake is a popular dessert in Taiwan, known for its light and fluffy texture and tangy濃郁 lemon flavor. 

    It is often served as a sweet treat after meals or as a snack with tea. 

    The cake is made with fresh lemon juice and zest, giving it a bright and refreshing taste. 

    In recent years, variations of lemon cake, such as lemon cheesecake and lemon pound cake, have also gained popularity in Taiwan.

    A delicious combination, lemon cake with tea is perfect for a mid-day正午 pick-me-up提神的酒 or a relaxing evening treat. 

    The tangy濃郁 flavors of the lemon cake pair perfectly with the warmth and comfort of a cup of tea. 

    Whether you prefer black tea, green tea, or herbal tea, this sweet and citrusy柑橘 cake is sure to satisfy your taste buds味蕾. 

    Enjoy a slice of lemon cake with your favorite cup of tea for a delightful and refreshing snack.

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  • 菜英文-Airchat app『英文閱讀』185#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    Airchat is a messaging platform that allows users to communicate with each other in real-time. 

    It is a convenient and efficient way to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues, no matter where they are located. 

    With features such as group chats, voice and video calls, and file sharing, Airchat makes it easy to communicate and collaborate with others. 

    It is a great tool for both personal and professional use, making it a popular choice for many individuals and organizations.

    Airchat voice is a feature that allows users to voice chat with others on the platform. 

    This can be a useful tool for communication, especially in group settings where typing may be less efficient. 

    However, users should also be cautious of potential privacy concerns and be mindful of their surroundings when using this feature. 

    It is important to consider the impact of noise and potential distractions on others in the vicinity附近.

    Airchat followers are individuals or groups who follow and engage with a specific user on the social media platform Airchat. 

    They can like, comment, or share the user's posts and may also interact with other followers through the platform. 

    Having a strong and engaged following on Airchat can help increase a user's influence and reach on the platform.

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  • 菜英文- 世界健身『英文閱讀』184#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    World Gym is a global gym franchise經銷權 with over 215 locations in 18 countries. 

    The company offers a wide range of fitness programs and services, including group exercise classes, personal training, and nutrition coaching. 

    With state-of-the-art最先進的 equipment and experienced trainers, World Gym aims to help individuals achieve their fitness goals and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    The price for a membership at World Gym varies depending on the location and type of membership. 

    On average, monthly memberships can range from $20 to $50, while annual memberships can range from $200 to $500. 

    Additional fees may apply for personal training sessions or specialized classes. 

    It is recommended to contact your local World Gym for specific pricing information.

    World gym equipment offers a wide range of machines and tools for strength training, cardio exercises, and overall fitness. 

    These include treadmills, weight machines, free weights, and more. 

    With the right equipment and proper guidance, anyone can achieve their fitness goals at a world gym.

    ​​World gym culture is a global phenomenon, with millions of individuals from all walks of life participating in various forms of physical exercise. 

    From weightlifting and bodybuilding to yoga and group fitness classes, there is a diverse range of activities that make up the world gym culture. 

    This culture promotes health, encourages self-improvement and discipline, and fosters a sense of community among gym-goers. 

    It has also inspired countless individuals to set and achieve fitness goals, leading to a healthier and more active population.

    The World Gym chain has over 200 locations worldwide, making it accessible to people in various countries and regions. 

    Some popular locations include the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe. 

    With its growing popularity and reach, more locations are expected to open in the future to cater to the fitness needs of individuals around the world.

    The World Gym bathroom is known for its cleanliness and modern facilities. 

    Equipped with state-of-the-art showers, spacious changing areas, and top-of-the-line grooming products, it provides a comfortable and convenient space for gym-goers to refresh themselves after a workout. 

    In addition, the bathroom is regularly maintained, ensuring a pleasant experience for all members.

    The parking lot at World Gym can get quite crowded during peak hours. 

    It is recommended to arrive early or find alternative modes of transportation to ensure a spot in the lot. 

    Additionally, carpooling or using public transportation can help reduce congestion and promote a more environmentally-friendly commute.

    Some popular decorations for a world gym theme include maps, globes, flags, and posters of famous landmarks or athletes from around the world. 

    Inspirational quotes about pushing yourself and achieving your goals can also be displayed.

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  • 菜英文- Samsung『英文閱讀』183#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    Samsung Galaxy is a popular line of smartphones and tablets produced by the South Korean company, Samsung. 

    These devices have gained a reputation for their sleek design, high-quality cameras, and advanced features. 

    The Samsung Galaxy series has become a major competitor in the mobile technology market, offering a wide range of options to meet the needs and preferences of consumers.

    The Galaxy Samsung series is a line of popular smartphones and tablets developed and manufactured by Samsung Electronics. 

    It includes various models such as the Galaxy S, Note, and A series, each with their own unique features and specifications規格. 

    The Samsung Galaxy series has gained a large following and continues to be a top competitor in the global smartphone market.

    The price of a Samsung Galaxy varies depending on the model and features. 

    The latest Samsung Galaxy S21 starts at $799, while the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra starts at $1299. 

    However, older models like the Galaxy S10 can be found for as low as $499. 

    Overall, the price of a Samsung Galaxy can range from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars.

    Galaxy Samsung Taiwan is a leading technology company that specializes in the production of smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices. 

    With a strong focus on innovation and design, Galaxy Samsung Taiwan has become a household name in the technology industry, known for its high-quality products and cutting-edge features. 

    Through its dedication to providing the best user experience, Galaxy Samsung Taiwan has gained a loyal following of customers all over the world.

    Samsung offers a limited warranty for its Galaxy phones, covering manufacturing defects and hardware malfunctions for a specific period of time. 

    This warranty includes free repairs or replacements for eligible符合條件的 devices. 

    However, it does not cover damage caused by accidents or misuse, and there may be additional fees for repairs not covered by the warranty. 

    It is important to read and understand the terms and conditions of the warranty before making a purchase.

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  • 菜英文- 清理床墊『英文閱讀』182#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    Have you ever cleaned your mattress?

    It is important to regularly clean your mattress to remove dead skin cells, dust mites塵蟎, and other allergens that can build up over time. 

    This will not only help to keep your mattress in good condition, but it can also improve the quality of your sleep and reduce the risk of allergies or respiratory呼吸道 issues. 

    Consider vacuuming and steam cleaning your mattress at least once a year for optimal cleanliness and comfort.

    To clean a mattress, start by removing all bedding and washing them in hot water. 

    Then, use a vacuum cleaner to remove any dust, dirt, and debris from the surface of the mattress. 

    Next, mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle and lightly mist the entire mattress. 

    Let the solution溶解 sit for about 30 minutes before wiping it off with a clean cloth. 

    Finally, sprinkle baking soda over the mattress and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it up. 

    This will help to eliminate any odors.

    Mattresses should be cleaned at least twice a year to remove accumulated dust, sweat, and dead skin cells. 

    However, if you have allergies or pets, it is recommended to clean your mattress more frequently. 

    Regular cleaning of your mattress can help improve its lifespan and keep it free from bacteria and allergens.

    The clean mattress tool is a useful accessory for maintaining a hygienic sleeping environment. 

    This tool typically features suction power and a rotating brush that effectively removes dust, dirt, and allergens from the surface of the mattress. 

    Regular use of this tool can help to prevent the buildup of harmful substances and prolong the lifespan of your mattress. 

    It is recommended to use the clean mattress tool at least once a month for optimal results.

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  • 菜英文- 地震『英文閱讀』181#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    In the event of an earthquake in Taiwan, it is important to have a plan in place to ensure safety and minimize damage. 

    This includes identifying safe areas in your home or workplace, having emergency supplies on hand, and knowing the evacuation routes. 

    It is also important to stay informed and follow the instructions of local authorities. 

    If you are in a high-rise building, be aware of the evacuation procedures and practice earthquake drills regularly. 

    Additionally, secure any heavy objects in your home or office that could potentially fall and cause harm.

    Following the devastating毀滅性的 earthquake that struck Taiwan in 1999, the government implemented a food distribution plan to provide relief to affected areas. 

    This included distributing food rations口糧 to survivors and setting up temporary kitchens to provide hot meals. 

    The plan also focused on distributing nutritious food to ensure the health and well-being of those affected by the disaster. 

    Since then, Taiwan has continued to improve its disaster response plans, including food distribution, to better prepare for future earthquakes.

    In the event of an earthquake in Taiwan, it is important to stay calm and follow these safety measures: 

    1. Drop to the ground and take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture or against an interior wall. 

    2. Hold on to the furniture or wall to stay protected during shaking. 

    3. If you are outdoors, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, and power lines. 

    4. If you are in a vehicle, pull over to a safe location and stay inside until the shaking stops. 

    5. After the shaking stops, check for injuries and evacuate if necessary. 

    6. Follow any instructions and evacuation orders from local authorities. 

    7. Prepare an emergency kit with essentials such as food, water, and first aid supplies. 

    8. Practice earthquake drills with your family or coworkers.

    9. Stay informed and prepared in case of future earthquakes.

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  • 菜英文- 日本動漫『英文閱讀』180#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    Japan is known for its popular form of entertainment, manga日本漫畫, which are comics and graphic novels with a unique style and storytelling. 

    Manga has a long history in Japan and has become a significant part of its culture, with a wide range of genres and themes that appeal to people of all ages. 

    It has also gained global popularity, with translations available in many languages and adaptations into popular anime日本動漫 series and films. 

    The unique art style and compelling引人注目 stories make manga a beloved and influential aspect of Japanese culture.

    Japan is known for producing some of the most popular and beloved manga series in the world. 

    One of the latest additions to the genre is "Spy x Family間諜家家酒," a comedic spy story that follows the adventures of a spy, his family, and their mission to save the world. 

    The series has gained a large following for its unique blend of action, humor, and heartwarming family dynamics.

    "One Punch Man" is a popular manga series from Japan, written and illustrated by ONE. 

    It follows the story of Saitama, a superhero who can defeat any opponent with just one punch. 

    The manga has gained a huge following worldwide for its unique blend of comedy, action, and satire諷刺. 

    It has also been adapted into an anime series, video games, and other forms of media, solidifying its place in pop culture.

    Japan is known for its rich and diverse manga industry, with the popular series "The Prince of Tennis" being one of its most beloved creations. 

    This manga follows the story of a talented young tennis player as he navigates his way through intense training, rivalries競爭, and tournaments比賽. 

    With its unique art style and gripping扣人心弦的 storyline, "The Prince of Tennis" has captured the hearts of readers both in Japan and around the world.

    "Skip Beat華麗的挑戰!" is a popular Japanese manga series.

    It follows the story of Kyoko Mogami, a young girl who joins show business影視圈 with the sole唯一 purpose of getting revenge復仇 on her former childhood friend who betrayed her. 

    The series has gained a large following both in Japan and internationally, with its unique blend of comedy, drama, and romance. 

    It has also been adapted into an anime series and a live-action drama.

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  • 菜英文- 蘭桂坊『英文閱讀』179#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    Lan Kwai Fong is a popular nightlife district in Hong Kong known for its vibrant atmosphere and wide variety of bars, restaurants, and nightclubs. 

    Located in the heart of Central, it has become a popular destination for both locals and tourists. 

    The area is known for its lively street parties and events, making it a must-visit spot for anyone looking to experience the nightlife in Hong Kong.

    The bustling nightlife and wide variety of restaurants and bars in Lan Kwai Fong can lead to heavy traffic in the area, especially on weekends and public holidays. 

    Local authorities have implemented實施 traffic management measures to ease congestion and encourage alternative forms of transportation, such as the Metro or bus. 

    However, drivers should still expect delays and plan accordingly when visiting this popular area.

    The prices in Lan Kwai Fong, a popular nightlife district in Hong Kong, can be quite expensive. 

    Depending on the establishment, a drink can range from $8 to $20 USD, and a full meal can cost anywhere from $15 to $50 USD. 

    However, the lively atmosphere and variety of options make it a popular destination for tourists and locals.

    Lan Kwai Fong wine is a popular choice among those who enjoy a night out in Hong Kong's bustling nightlife district. 

    Made with grapes from the world-renowned wine regions of France, Italy, and New Zealand, this wine boasts誇耀 a rich and complex flavor. 

    It is often enjoyed by locals and tourists while dining at the many trendy restaurants and bars in the area. 

    So, if you're looking for a delicious and sophisticated精緻的 drink to accompany your night out, Lan Kwai Fong wine is definitely worth a try.

     It is known for its vibrant and diverse vibe, making it a must-visit destination for tourists and locals alike. 

    The streets are always bustling with people, music, and the smell of delicious food, creating a unique and exciting atmosphere that cannot be replicated elsewhere.

    The bustling streets of Lan Kwai Fong are often filled with the enticing誘人 aromas香氣 of delicious food from the many restaurants and street food stalls攤位. 

    From the sizzling嘶嘶作響 smells of grilled meats and seafood to the sweet scent of freshly baked pastries, Lan Kwai Fong offers a sensory感官 experience like no other. 

    The mix of different cuisines and cooking styles creates a unique and unforgettable smell that lingers逗留 in the air and entices passersby路人 to stop and indulge放縱 in the culinary delights.

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  • 菜英文- 露露檸檬『英文閱讀』178#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    Lululemon is a popular athletic apparel company that specializes in yoga and workout clothing. 

    The brand was founded in 1998 and has since become a global phenomenon, known for its high-quality and stylish activewear. 

    Lululemon is also known for its emphasis on mindfulness and wellness, offering meditation classes and other events in their stores. 

    The company has a loyal following and continues to expand its reach and impact in the fitness and wellness industry.

    The price of Lululemon products can vary depending on the item and its features. 

    For example, a simple tank top背心 may be priced at $40, while a more advanced workout jacket with specialized fabric and technology may cost upwards of $100. 

    However, Lululemon is known for its high quality and durable products, making the price worth it for many customers. 

    Additionally, the brand often offers sales and promotions, making their products more accessible to a wider range of consumers.

    Their products are designed with functionality and comfort in mind, making them perfect for any type of physical activity. 

    Additionally, Lululemon offers a wide range of sizes and styles to cater to all body types and preferences.

    Lululemon Taiwan is a branch of the popular athleisure運動休閒 brand. 

    It offers a wide range of high-quality workout apparel and accessories for both men and women. 

    With a focus on comfort, style, and functionality, Lululemon Taiwan aims to provide customers with the best workout experience possible.

    Lululemon often offers discounts on their high-quality athletic wear, making it more affordable for fitness enthusiasts of all levels. 

    These discounts can be found in-store or online, and often include items such as leggings, sports bras, and outerwear. 

    This allows customers to purchase premium athletic wear at a discounted price, making it a popular choice among those looking to stay fashionable and comfortable while working out.

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  • 菜英文- Ignis汽車『英文閱讀』177#英文學習 #多益

    「品蓮多肉好好買 」

    秋麗 扇雀 蕾絲姑娘
    綠珊瑚 白牡丹 

    簡單購買 輕鬆照顧
    優惠價格 快速出貨



    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位

    The Suzuki Ignis is a compact crossover SUV that offers a unique blend of style and practicality實用性. 

    With its compact size and efficient engine, it is perfect for navigating through city streets and tight parking spaces. 

    Its modern design and advanced technology make it a popular choice for those looking for a versatile多面 and reliable vehicle.

    The Suzuki Ignis has a starting price of $17,990, making it an affordable option for those looking for a compact and efficient vehicle. 

    However, the price can vary depending on the specific model and additional features chosen. 

    Overall, the Suzuki Ignis offers great value for its price, with its stylish design, fuel efficiency, and modern technology.

    The Suzuki Ignis Style is a popular car model that offers both style and functionality. 

    With its compact size and sleek design, it is perfect for city driving. 

    Its advanced technology and features make it a great choice for those looking for a modern and efficient vehicle. 

    Additionally, the Suzuki Ignis Style is known for its excellent fuel economy, making it an environmentally-friendly option for drivers.

    The Suzuki Ignis boasts a unique and eye-catching exterior design. 

    Its compact size and boxy shape give it a modern and stylish look, while the bold front grille格子 and distinctive獨特的 headlights add to its charm. 

    The Ignis also comes in a range of vibrant colors, allowing you to truly express your personality and stand out on the road. 

    With its sleek and sporty design, the Suzuki Ignis is sure to turn heads引起關注 wherever you go.

    The Suzuki Ignis boasts a modern and spacious interior, with plenty of legroom and headroom for both the driver and passengers. 

    The dashboard is well-designed and easy to navigate, with all the necessary controls within reach. 

    The seats are also comfortable and supportive, making for a pleasurable driving experience. 

    Additionally, the Ignis offers ample storage space, making it a practical choice for daily use.

    The Suzuki Ignis is equipped with a range of safety features to ensure the protection of its passengers. 

    These include a rigid堅硬 body structure, dual front airbags, ABS with EBD動力分配系統, hill hold control, and a reverse parking camera. 

    These features work together to provide a safe and secure driving experience for both the driver and passengers. 

    Additionally, the Ignis has also received a 4-star safety rating from Euro NCAP, further solidifying固化 its reputation as a safe and reliable car.

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  • 菜英文- 王菲『英文閱讀』176#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    Faye Wong is a renowned Chinese singer and actress known for her unique vocal style and her influence on popular culture in Asia. 

    She has released over 20 albums and has won numerous awards for her music. 

    She is also known for her roles in films such as Chungking Express and 2046. 

    Faye Wong's impact on the entertainment industry has made her one of the most iconic and beloved figures in China.

    "Eyes on Me" is a famous song by Faye Wong, released in 1999 as the theme song for the popular video game Final Fantasy. 

    It is considered one of Wong's most recognizable and well-known songs, and has been covered by various artists in multiple languages. 

    The song's beautiful melody and emotional lyrics have made it a fan favorite and a timeless classic.

    Faye Wong has received numerous accolades讚譽 and awards throughout her career. 

    In 2012, she was crowned "Asia's Best Female Singer" at the Mnet Asian Music AwardsMAMA大獎. 

    She has also won multiple Golden Melody Awards, the highest music accolade in Taiwan. 

    Additionally, she has been recognized for her acting skills, winning the Hong Kong Film Award香港電影金像獎 for Best Actress in 2011. 

    Her contributions to the music industry have also been recognized with the MTV Asia Awards Inspiration Award in 2004.

    Faye Wong's concert was a mesmerizing令人著迷 experience that left the audience in awe. 

    Her unique voice, combined with her stage presence在場, created an unforgettable atmosphere. 

    The energy and emotion she put into each song was palpable可感知的, making it impossible not to get lost in the music. 

    It was clear that Faye Wong's concert was not just a performance, but a true artistic expression that resonated with everyone in the audience.

    Her famous and classic songs include 天空,我願意,紅豆 等等 

    Don’t miss out on opportunities to listen to these songs.

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  • 菜英文- 生病『英文單字』175#英文學習 #多益


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  • 菜英文- 美式房屋『英文閱讀』174#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    American house decorations vary greatly depending on the region, but some common elements include a mix of modern and traditional styles, neutral color and a focus on comfort and functionality. 

    Some popular decor items in American homes include throw pillows, area rugs, and wall art. 

    Overall, American house decorations tend to reflect a sense of personal style and individuality.

    The American house porch is a popular architectural feature that has been a staple of homes for centuries. 

    It typically consists of a covered space that extends from the main structure of the house, often with a roof and supported by columns or pillars. 

    Porches serve as a welcoming entrance to the home and provide a place for relaxation and socializing. 

    They also add aesthetic value to the house and can be decorated with plants, furniture, and other decorative elements.

    The American house garden is a typical典型 part of the American dream. 

    It is a space for families to gather, children to play, and for homeowners to showcase their creativity and hard work. 

    From blooming flowers and lush green lawns to vegetable patches and cozy outdoor living spaces, the American house garden is a source of pride and a reflection of the values and lifestyle of its owners.

    In the United States, residential parking spaces are typically located either in a garage or a driveway. 

    This allows homeowners to park their personal vehicles safely and conveniently near their home. 

    In urban areas, off-street parking may be limited and residents may have to rely on street parking or designated parking lots. 

    Additionally, some cities have regulations and ‘permits for street parking, making it important for residents to plan for parking when purchasing a home.

    American house style is a type of architectural design commonly seen in the United States. 

    It typically features a symmetrical and rectangular shape, with a front-facing gable三角形建築部分 roof and a front porch. 

    The exterior is often made of wood siding, brick, or stone, and the interior is usually characterized by open floors and large windows to allow for natural light. 

    American house style is a popular choice for single-family homes, and can be seen in various iterations throughout different regions of the country.

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  • 菜英文- 峇里島『英文閱讀』173#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    Bali is a popular tourist destination located in Indonesia. 

    It is known for its beautiful beaches, lush landscapes, and rich cultural traditions. 

    The island offers a mix of modern amenities and traditional charm, making it a favorite among travelers. 

    Visitors can enjoy activities such as surfing, hiking, and exploring ancient temples, while also indulging in delicious local cuisine. 

    Bali is truly a paradise for those seeking a tropical getaway.

    Bali is known for its unique and delicious cuisine, influenced by Indonesian, Chinese, Indian, and European flavors. 

    Some popular dishes include fried rice , skewered meat served with peanut sauce, and roasted suckling pig.

     The use of spices, such as ‘turmeric薑黃, ginger, and lemongrass, is prominent著名的 in Balinese cooking. 

    Seafood is also a staple in Balinese cuisine, with dishes featuring fresh fish, shrimp, and squid.

     For those with a sweet tooth, Bali is also famous for its desserts such as fried bananas and black rice pudding. 

    Eating traditional Balinese food is a must for any visitor to the island.

    Bali island is surrounded by crystal clear water that is home to a diverse array of marine life. 

    The warm, tropical waters of Bali offer the perfect conditions for snorkeling, scuba diving, and other water activities. 

    The island's water is also a major source of income for the local community, as many tourists visit Bali specifically for its beautiful beaches and water sports.

    The price of Bali island varies greatly depending on the type of accommodation, activities, and length of stay. 

    Generally, budget travelers can expect to spend around $30-50 per day, while mid-range travelers can budget for $50-100 per day. 

    Luxury travelers can expect to spend upwards of $100 per day. 

    These prices also vary depending on the time of year and the popularity of the island.

    A Bali island boutique is a small, stylish shop that offers unique and fashionable items, often inspired by the local culture and surroundings of Bali. 

    These boutiques can be found throughout the island, offering a variety of clothing, accessories, and home decor. 

    They are popular among tourists looking for souvenirs and locals seeking trendy and one-of-a-kind pieces. 

    Many Bali island boutiques also support local artisans and sustainable practices, making them a popular choice for conscientious認真的 shoppers.

    The Bali island shopping mall is a popular destination for tourists looking to indulge in some retail therapy. 

    With a variety of stores offering everything from local handicrafts to international brands, visitors can find something for every taste and budget. 

    The mall also features restaurants, cafes, and entertainment options, making it a one-stop destination for a fun day out.

    Bali Island Airline is a popular airline that offers flights to and from the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia. 

    With its fleet艦隊 of modern aircraft and top-notch services, Bali Island Airline provides a safe and comfortable travel experience for its passengers. 

    Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, Bali Island Airline is a reliable and convenient choice for your air travel needs. 

    Book your flight today and experience the beauty and culture of Bali with Bali Island Airline.

    If you're planning a trip to Bali, finding the right accommodation is crucial. 

    From luxury resorts to budget-friendly homestays, there are countless options to choose from. 

    It's important to consider your budget, preferred location, and desired amenities when selecting your Bali island accommodation. 

    With careful planning and research, you can find the perfect place to stay for your dream vacation in Bali.

    Bali island's Kuta beach is known for its beautiful white sand, crystal clear waters, and breathtaking sunsets. 

    It is a popular tourist destination, offering a variety of activities such as surfing, swimming, and sunbathing. 

    The beach is also lined with cafes, restaurants, and shops, making it a lively and bustling area to explore. 

    Visitors can also find cultural performances and festivals held on the beach, adding to the vibrant atmosphere of Kuta beach.

    Bali's Tanah Lot is a popular tourist destination and a sacred Hindu temple located on a rock formation in the middle of the ocean. 

    It is known for its stunning sunset views and the cultural significance it holds for the Balinese people. 

    Visitors can explore the temple and its surrounding area, which includes shops, restaurants, and a traditional dance performance. 

    However, due to its popularity, the area can become quite crowded and lose its peaceful atmosphere.

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  • 菜英文- 頭髮『英文閱讀』172#英文學習 #多益

    *合作邀約:[email protected]
    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



    In order to maintain hair growth, it is important to follow a healthy diet that includes plenty of protein, vitamins, and minerals. 

    Regular scalp massages can also stimulate blood flow and promote hair growth. 

    Avoid excessive heat styling and harsh chemicals, as well as tight hairstyles that can lead to hair breakage. 

    Trim your hair regularly to get rid of split ends and keep your hair healthy. 

    Finally, make sure to get enough rest and manage stress levels, as these can also affect hair growth.

    Certain foods can provide important nutrients that promote healthy hair growth. 

    These include protein-rich foods like beans, eggs, and fish, which provide the building blocks for hair growth. 

    Other foods like leafy多葉 greens, sweet potatoes, and avocados contain vitamins and minerals that nourish the scalp and support strong, healthy hair. 

    Adding these foods to your diet can help promote hair growth and overall hair health.

    Hair growth shampoos are specially formulated to stimulate the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. 

    They typically contain ingredients such as biotin, keratin角蛋白, and vitamins that nourish and strengthen the hair follicles. 

    Regular use of a hair growth shampoo can lead to thicker, fuller, and healthier-looking hair. 

    However, it is important to note that individual results may vary and proper nutrition and hair care are also important factors in promoting hair growth.

    In order to keep your hair looking healthy and shiny, it's important to take care of it properly. 

    This includes regular trims to get rid of split ends, using a good quality shampoo and conditioner, as well as nourishing hair masks or oils. 

    Eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated also contributes to healthy hair growth and shine. 

    Remember to be gentle with your hair, avoiding excessive heat styling and harsh chemicals. 

    With proper care, your hair can grow and shine beautifully.

    Hair growth massages are a popular method for stimulating hair growth and promoting healthy hair. 

    These massages involve gently massaging the scalp and hair follicles with the fingertips or a specialized tool, which can increase blood flow to the scalp and deliver essential nutrients to the hair follicles.

    This can lead to stronger, longer, and healthier hair. 

    Regular hair growth massages have also been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

    Some essential nutrients for promoting hair growth include biotin, vitamin A, vitamin D, iron, zinc, and protein. 

    These nutrients can be obtained from a balanced diet or through supplements.

     Additionally, using certain hair products that contain these nutrients can also help stimulate hair growth and improve overall hair health.

    While you sleep, your body goes into a state of rest and repair, which is essential for healthy hair growth. During this time, nutrients from your diet are used to nourish and promote hair growth. 

    Additionally, the release of growth hormones during sleep can also stimulate hair follicles to grow. 

    Therefore, getting enough quality sleep is crucial for maintaining luscious hair.

    To promote healthy hair growth, it is important to regularly comb or brush your hair. 

    This helps to stimulate the scalp and distribute natural oils along the hair shaft, promoting shine and overall health. 

    Additionally, using a wide-toothed comb or a brush with gentle bristles can help to prevent breakage and damage to the hair.

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