Episode Notes
Our tales for today are...
A Strange Encounter While Bowhunting and The Gentleman of Barron Falls- There are so many reasons to get out there and take a hike, go camping, and tool around on your kayak. It’s refreshing, rejuvenating, and revitalizing. Even a simple stroll through the park can put you in a good state of mind for the rest of the day. Peace. Quiet. Solitude. The woods can be a simple, special place. But we aren’t naturally loners. We yearn for a family, a tribe, our people. We are social animals, to a fault in many ways, and our biology tends to drive us closer together. This impelling force is a constant and when we are alone or lost it can be maddening. So strong is this desire to be with others, our friends, our family, our loved ones and lovers, that it may very well be the thing that keeps us tethered to this life even when it comes to an end……The first tale today was from a poster named clyde2003 and the second was from 4labaster1.
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
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• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are...
Lonely Road - You know the feeling. It’s late, you’ve been driving all day and into the night. Your vision is blurry, all the dash lights are fuzzy and the oncoming headlights have halos. You’re in the boonies, the ass end of nowhere trying to find a friend's cabin or beach house or your significant other found an AirBNB that they just had to get even though it's way off the grid. Obviously you have no service and so the little blue dot on the map that is supposed to be you keeps getting redirected to the fastest possible route that seemingly goes off the map. You find a quiet little street that goes to some kind of public park or beach. It’s empty save for the squat, square community use building that has those lights over the bathroom entrances that are always on. They give off a surprisingly creepy orange white glow, neither inviting nor particularly safe looking, almost clinical. You pull up tight to the curb and throw it in park. You flick your headlights off and try to get your bearings, runners on, engine humming. Sitting there in the dark you try to plan your next move and let your brain and eyes rest for a second. You never think for a second how creepy you must look from the outside… Posted by Eric-710
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
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• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
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Our tales for today are...
Bigfoot? - I distance hike when I can. Sometimes this means getting up early, or staying out late, to get as many miles in as possible. Sometimes, walking in the pitch dark with a low light headlamp gets spooky.
I grew up in the woods of this area. I’ve slept under our canopy of stars more nights than I can count. I’ve trekked thousands of miles of trail, river bank, lake shore, ridge, bottoms, bogs, and creeks. I’ve hunted the game. I’m establishing this because it’s important you understand I‘ve heard, seen, and smelt about all this region has to offer in the way of wilderness.
My scariest experience…posted by a deleted user
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
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• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are...
First Date - First dates can be a bit rough. Books, tv, and movies have found rich fodder in the awkward, uncomfortable act of two people auditioning each other for romantic purposes. Food in the teeth, digestion issues, conversational dry spells, awkward plays for the bill, or uncomfortable physical realities. Any number of things can go wrong on a first date. Of course sometimes it’s the opposite. Everything goes right, the two people click and they just don’t want the night to end. Those are the good ones, the conversation rolls, multiple locations are hit, and the vibe is just right. If everything goes perfect that first date becomes the cornerstone of a long term relationship, the moment regularly shared and referred to when recounting a couple's early days. How odd must it be to realize years, maybe decades later, that what you thought was maybe the greatest, most romantic night of your life was something else. That it wasn’t even the lesser, comedy riddled version of itself. Your first date, your meet cute was straight from a horror movie and the third wheel that night, unbeknownst to you, was one of America’s most monstrous evils… from poster TychaBrea
Drive of Nightmares - Confirmation is a good thing. Affirmation is rewarding. When we want to be heard or seen and understood, having another human being stand in front of us and say “I believe you…I get it” is a big deal. It means our word is good and our standing with the people and community around us is high enough to merit trust. It also means our own inner narrative is reliable, we can trust our own eyes, our own thoughts. Building up a lifetime of honesty and straightforwardness is hard but it puts us in a position of moral authority, what an honest person says should be believed. But there is a danger there, particularly for the honest individual. Because sometimes we see things that it would be a hell of a lot easier to just unsee, just not trust ourselves, just chalk it up as a trick of the light… from poster blackcatsblackbats
Boy in the Woods - The term doppelgänger ironically has many identical versions of itself from around the world. The spirit double or ka in ancient Egyptian lore, in merry old England it was known as a fetch, Stephen King called it an outsider, most recently the movie Us added “the tethered” to the doppelgänger conversation. There is something perversely grotesque about the idea of a version of ourselves living out its own life somewhere on this globe but at least we have a buffer of 7 billion people on the planet. The odds of running into your own changeling are very low. But of course very low isn’t zero... from poster eijtn
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
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• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are...
Northern Ontario Hike - Ownership is a funny thing. We have our cars and our homes and our phones and all our myriad stuff but what and how do we actually own? The very concept is strange, one pays an arbitrary amount of some arbitrary paper or even more likely, just magical electronic numbers trade places on the big spreadsheet in the sky, and boom you now “own” a thing. Owning something means you have a claim over it, it’s yours and nobody else’s, you possess it. But there’s the old saying that possession is 9/10ths of the law. In most cases that was used when you’d get caught with a stash and say to a parent or teacher “it’s not mine, I’m holding it for a friend”. But in the wild it holds a very different meaning. A more brutal, honest, and primal meaning. It means that unless you can hold on to your stuff and protect it, someone or something stronger will come and claim it. That ownership is nothing without strength and violence. To possess you must protect. And the law of the wild is on the side of the strong...travelingmaestro
Man Watching Us In A Cornfield - I had an idyllic childhood. The kind that is rapidly becoming part of an American memory of not too long ago. My friends and I would spend our summer days on 10 speed Huffy's bombing around the neighborhood weaving through backyards and spinning tall tales the whole way along. We traded ball cards and action figures, known to us as guys, we built forts of stick and stone and rarely went home while the sun was up. Street hockey, whiffle ball, football, and flashlight tag were the major events of the hazy days of summertime and we basked in the electronics less freedom of nobody knowing where we were, of not needing to know what other people were doing or how our lives stacked up against theirs, of having nothing to do and nowhere to go. To spice the days up we would make up stories; the old guy down the road was a spy, the rich person on the downs has a bunker in the basement, the old lady on the corner was definitely a witch. And almost always these stories were wrong, the fantastical fanciful fantasies of kids hopped up in old James Bond movies, tabloid headlines rapidly read in the grocery store checkout, and nightly devoured tales from R.L Stine and the Crypt Keeper. Almost all of the stories were wrong. Almost… garland1988
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
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• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Episode Notes
Our tales for today are...
Woman in the Woods - Death as they say, comes to us all. There’s no way around it, but if you find one let me know! What happens when we die is maybe THE question of our species. The biggest downside of being conscious, sentient beings is knowing that the sweet reprieve of life must eventually come to an end and what happens after is beyond our understanding. Some believe we just simply become worm food. Some say heaven or hell, Elysium, Valhalla or reincarnation and some say nothing at all happens, we simply cease to exist. Mere blips of energy that twinkle for a breath and then extinguish forever. But maybe it's something even simpler than cosmic energy transference or heavenly relocation. Maybe if we really liked ice cream we end up hanging out forever at a DQ or if we had a favorite watering hole we may just saddle up and watch patrons enjoy their suds and peanuts for the rest of eternity. Of course, I’m in no rush to find out one way or the other...deleted OP
The Black Truck - Stranger danger. If you are a child of the 80’s or 90’s you remember this little mantra well, like stop drop and roll it was drilled into your little developing mind as a warning of the utmost importance. But like the warning about fire, stranger danger ages out. As you get older you understand how to handle fire safely and what not to do with matches, ie play with them. Likewise you take it for granted that you are big and adult and stranger danger is for kids. Vulnerable little ones that could be nabbed by a creep in a van. Silly children that could be tricked or convinced to go for a walk into the woods. But just as adults light themselves on fire all the time, strangers don't stop being dangerous just because you get older… deleted OP
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
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• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are...
Allegheny Forest -Not everything is a sign or an event of great meaning. Not every encounter in the forest is a phantasmagorical paranormal happening or a divergent dimensional occurrence of any significance. In an attempt to convince himself that not everything phallic represents…well you get it, Freud once said “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”. And so it holds that not every noise that can’t be explained, every vision beyond the comprehensible, every feeling that the veil has become dangerously thin, should be interpreted as something worth investigating further or even worth holding a darkened little corner of our memory bank. Sometimes a noise is just a noise, a shadow is just a shadow, and a cigar is really just a cigar. But then again, sometimes, they are quite a bit more than that...deleted OP
Camping in the Appalachians - Solitude is a wonderful thing. There are few moments as glorious as sipping a strong brew, taking in a misty morning sunrise in the forest, knowing there isn’t a stranger within miles. Being alone, or with your partner, in the great wide wilderness can be invigorating, spiritual, and enriching all at once. And so it makes sense that you grow to long for the less and less populated world of the woods. The deeper you go, the further you walk, the more land you cover the farther and farther from people and the modern world you get. Of course that’s what you hope. But people are like rats, you are never as far away from them as you might think or wish. And as the old movie poster says of space, in the deep woods, no one can hear you scream… from SixStringShooter
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
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• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are...
Odd Encounter In An Abandoned Tunnel - The darkness plays many tricks on our minds. We can sometimes hear things that aren’t there or see things that can’t be. We fill in the knowledge gap with our imagination’s machinations and, at times, the darkness comes alive with terrors and impossibilities beyond the wildest dreams of any schlock B horror movie director. But there is a difference between the fear of not knowing, and the fear of not understanding. Sometimes the darkness is less an absence of light and more an opening, a yawning gateway into something other than. Other than our world. Other than our time. Other than our dimension. It can be a dark and distant mirror in which we faintly glimpse our shadow selves playing out our parallel lives on another plane… deleted OP
Storm Lake - The human ear is an incredible example of evolutionary ingenuity and intricacy. The layers of sound and the range of tones that the ear can pick up, decipher, and transmit as data to the brain is stunning. The ability to distinguish bird and animal calls, weight, speed, and distance of objects moving unseen in the bush, and friend from foe made the terrifying and violent life of early man a little more manageable. And most of those evolutionary advances are with us even today, even in an age when technology can seemingly do all. The ear can still pick up on things that your pods cannot. Like unearthly menace and otherworldly danger… from Clyde2003
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
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• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are...
Snow Day Run In - Wendigo. Skinwalkers. Bigfoot. Chupacabra. The Fae. There are so many things to fear in the forest, so many things that can do us great harm. In the darkness between the trees we see so many things lurking, waiting for us to turn away. In the quiet we hear a cacophony of whispers and strangeness. In the stillness we feel the air around us hot and electric with hunger. And so it’s no surprise that sometimes we forget that there are very real and very dangerous things out in the woods, things that can sense and hear but won’t see until it’s too late.
Strange Happenings in the Mountains - Man's best friend. There are few things in life as sweet and simple as the friendship you have with a dog. In our house we have a diva and wolf and they are the very best dogs of all time. I know, that’s what every dog owner says and I’m biased, sue me it’s my podcast. Dogs are, like horses, the perfect animals for human companionship. In fact the history of humankind would be vastly different without them. And all they ask for is food, shelter, and a bit of attention. In return they give unfailing loyalty, quiet comfort, and joyful companionship. And they might even save your life.
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
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• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are...
My Grandpa's Encounter - The greatest myth makers and spinners of stories tend to be grandparents. Often made to babysit or play nanny, grandpa’s and grandma’s have for eons filled little minds with the mythology of their own youth and lives. From the harrowing to the hilarious, these stories help to form our understanding of the great big world around us. They fill in the gaps and give us some sense of time and space, the notion that the world was here long before us. And of course as we grow up we find out that much of the myth-making was just that, stories, yarns, family legends. But sometimes there’s more fact than fiction in the old-timers' tall tales.
Stalked by a Psycho - A long, beautiful day in the great outdoors spent hiking and laughing. A crackling fire with burgers and dogs on the griddle and cold beer in the ice bucket. A friendly, yet competitive game of trivial pursuit and to the winner goes the first s'more. The fire, once yellow and bright, is dimming down and blue and black. A nightcap and then off to the comfort and warmth of the tent and sleeping bag. Sweatpants and a hoodie, thick socks and zipped into the sleeping bag, you wiggle up to your partner for warmth and maybe a little more. The dark shape beside seems receptive and returns with a wiggle over its own. It rolls over and slides closer, near enough for the face to become discernible in the dark. Near enough for you to recognize you don’t recognize anything at all.
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
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• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are
Hunting in Rural Texas - There is something in the distance. It’s shiny and colorful and doesn’t belong there. You approach it curious, wondering what the heck it is and what the heck it’s doing in such an odd place. As you get closer you feel more and more drawn in, compelled forward by the mystery of the situation. You move almost as if in a fog, inexorably closer to what you hope will be an answer to your questions. Then you arrive at the bizarre out of place thing and stand back to ponder the possibilities. An old part of your brain, old as in paleolithic, fires up for the first time. The hairs on the back of your neck go stiff and tingle. Your checks go hot and flushed, palms start sweating. Your bladder suddenly is full and the urge to relieve yourself is overwhelming. You want desperately to hide or better yet disappear entirely. The mystery, the question that has drawn you to this exact spot was intentional. You’ve just walked into a trap… original poster deleted
My AT Ghost Story - Crank. Crackpot. Tinfoil Hatter. Wacko. Conspiracy theorist. We all know that person. The person that screams into the void. The one seeking the back of the internet because that’s where they keep all the truth. The friends of ours that see something odd and confidently look you in the eye and claim it’s clearly just a glitch in the matrix. Some of you fine folks listening may indeed be this person, in which case, we love you, no judgment. They’ve been around in one form or another forever. Before the modern age they probably got written off as religious zealots or maybe were prayed to as oracles. Our so-called crazy friend is just a modern day John the Baptist, Joan of Arc, or Cassandra. Regardless of the truth, or lack thereof, in the words and claims of these special members of society, the question always remains the same - what made them the way that they are? - story courtesy of Redditor charlesHsprocket
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
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• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are
Missing Time - There are many reasons to be afraid. Physical pain. Emotional hurt. Failure. Sometimes even success. But the fear that comes when something happens to you that you have no explanation for, is unique. It's a more rabid, panic-inducing brain-buzz type of fear. One that you can’t explain away or reason your way through because there is no logic and facts are light on the ground. The fear of the unknown comes close but it lacks the intense edge, the raw nerve sensitivity of knowing something happened to you but not being able to say what it is. Of always being afraid nobody will believe you because you hardly believe yourself. Quick sensitivity note - this story involves a lost pregnancy Thank you /jadedmavrick1820
Creeper in the Woods - Ahhhh to be young and virile again! Full of vim and vigor. Master of our own destiny and fearless. Death comes for the old and the weak. Not for the young and the brave, or so many an adolescent trick themselves into believing. Get a few young folk together and they act as a force multiplier for foolishness and folly. All the hormones and lack of hard won life experience means they do stupid things and they do them stupidly. As they should, because that’s how you gain the life experience needed to know better. But you have to survive in order to apply the lessons, and sometimes, these bands of teenage delusional demi-gods go places where the survival rate plummets… Thank you /djbufoon also on Instagram @robby_horror
Please rate/review/subscribe it helps the show get more listeners which helps us get more content out which helps you guys pass that commute a little bit quicker.If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are
Uinta Mountains - There are certain things in life that are obviously scary and you kind of know you’ll eventually run into them; the first horror movie you watch, the first time you have to do laundry in the basement with nobody home, your first heart pounding near miss traffic accident, your first encounter with death and illness. These are the ones that as a child you suss out early and have a notion of as something you’ll have to deal with at some time down the line. But there is another moment that nobody prepares you for, that you never think of and never see coming until it sears through your heart like a white hot blade. That’s the moment the person you look up to, that you love and admire the most, is so scared they can’t hide their fear for your benefit, that they are so frightened of something beyond their ability to explain or fight that they are, for the first time in your eyes, shrunk back down to human sized. When the one you think of as a giant is terrified…you should run… Thank you /itssarahsugar
Followed in the Woods - Confidence is one of the key ingredients for success. It gives us the self-assuredness needed to take risks and to believe in ourselves. Many would agree that the right amount of confidence is not just appealing but rather attractive and admirable. Confidence is the foundation of charisma, which, as we know, can take a person very far in life indeed. But, like anything, too much confidence can be a killer. Overconfidence can convince us that we are stronger, more intelligent, more capable than maybe we are. Overconfidence can lead us into dangerous situations. Overconfidence can even get us killed.… Thank you /DylonNotNylon
Please rate/review/subscribe it helps the show get more listeners which helps us get more content out which helps you guys pass that commute a little bit quicker.If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are
Figure in the Fog - Murk. Gloom. Mist. Brume. Fog goes by many names but whatever you call it the strange properties of ground-clouds remains the same. The weird distortions of sound and depth perception. The sense that one is entering another realm or place when walking into a wall of fog is hard to dispel. A place of shadows and shrouded sounds. Anything could be in that soupy mix and you wouldn’t know whether the silhouette in front of you was good or evil until you bumped right into it… Original Poster Deleted
Weird Sound in Lapland - Finland is known to be the happiest country in the world. The Fins have perfected the art of living life joyfully. You can actually pay to go to the remote Scandinavian nation and learn how to be happier for god’s sake. But not everything is gumdrops and candy canes in the land of the Menninkäinen, Paasselkä devils, and Piru demons. Some things in those northern forests are ancient and have been playing with the minds of men since the first fur wrapped hunter gatherers wandered into the darkness under the trees. Bumping into something deep in the forests in the middle of the night with no way to get help and nowhere to run would make anyone unhappy, even the Finns.… Thank you Rattus_Amicus
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
Please rate/review/subscribe it helps the show get more listeners which helps us get more content out which helps you guys pass that commute a little bit quicker.If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are
Summer Camp - Think back to your late childhood, your early teens. When you were young and dumb enough to want to grow up, to want to be saddled with responsibility because that meant you were almost a grown up. Think of the first time your parents gave you a slip of paper with important phone numbers and said “they’d be back in a bit, don’t burn the house down”. The pride, the euphoria, the elation of that moment of true power. You could do anything you wanted. You were just like an adult! Of course this brings to mind the old adage about being cautious when wishing… Thank you GodDamnCommie
Ghost in the Woods - How do you explain something you can understand? Or even more difficult, how do you explain something you aren’t sure is even possible? Now, explain that experience to a friend. Or even more difficult, to a stranger or a group of strangers. The only way they will believe you is if you believe yourself. But then you’d have to be able to understand and explain the inexplicable to yourself. And round and round we go… Original Poster Deleted
My AT Ghost Story - Strange experiences in the forest needn’t always be nefarious. Some are sublime and transformative. Moments of stark clarity and stunning beauty. These are quiet, reflective encounters with the natural world that can be frightening but sustain in us a wonder for forces far beyond our comprehension. And sometimes we undergo strange net neutral events, just as bizarre and maybe more inexplicable because of their seeming lack of purpose, whether for good or ill. It’s possible that these inexplicable contacts with the other side are the most haunting for their utter lack of rationale or logic. Trying to find meaning in the meaningless, that way lies madness. Thank you RedBullSonOfRambo
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another Monday with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
Please rate/review/subscribe it helps the show get more listeners which helps us get more content out which helps you guys pass that commute a little bit quicker.If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are: Nightmare on the Lake - Can our eyes be trusted? Are they truly reliable narrators? We sometimes see things move out of the corner of our eye, knowing full well we are alone in a room. We catch the quickest slightest shift in light but upon investigation, there was nothing there. Our eyes are also easily tricked. Ocular chumps that even a modest sleight of hand trickster can swindle out of reality. So how do we know what we are seeing is real? Thanks to MHOP99.
Congaree National Park - Could you pick your partner’s voice out of a crowd? There is a certain depth of intimacy attained when you know your partner's emotions from just the tone and timber of their voice. Hearing a loved one just say your name can fill your heart with love. Of course, when a loved one calls you go to them, you move to the voice calling. It’s the most natural thing in the world. You’d know that voice anywhere. What happens though, when you find the source and it’s not the person you expected? Maybe it’s not a person at all… Thanks to Super-Soup-Sandwich
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another Monday with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
Please rate/review/subscribe it helps the show get more listeners which helps us get more content out which helps you guys pass that commute a little bit quicker.If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Our tales for today are: Eyes of the Forest - a young woman and her friend plan to get away from the hustle and bustle by striking out into the wild. The set up camp and take in the sights before heading to bed. While one of them sleeps soundly the other scrolls through social media absentmindedly, not realizing how close she is to danger. Summer in Greenville - a boy spends his summer break exploring his parents fields, forests, and creeks. His adventures take him beyond the safety of his grandmother and put him in contact with one of the wild folk living in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. Thank you OPs - solesolosoul and ToadstoolDickens.
Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire, I hope you’ve all had a great week. We are about to kick off another Monday with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
Please rate/review/subscribe it helps the show get more listeners which helps us get more content out which helps you guys pass that commute a little bit quicker.If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Hello again guys! Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire, I hope you’ve all had a great week. We are about to kick off another Monday with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,
Please rate/review/subscribe it helps the show get more listeners which helps us get more content out which helps you guys pass that commute a little bit quicker.If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.Our tales for today are: Northern Minnesota - a terrifying tale from the land of 1000 lakes. The witness in this one is clearly a guy that knows his business in the woods. He has a group of boy scouts on a multi day expedition when all of the sudden he finds himself and his charges under attack and paddling like hell for safety. Tennessee Creepiness - the witness in this case never exactly enters the wilderness, just lives for a short time near its edge. That sense of safety proves false as something from the swampy wilds comes, quite literally, a knocking.
To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. To find out more go to the Patreon page via the link below
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
I’m your host Cull and this is Backwoods Creepy - Strange Encounters in the Forest.
Search and Rescue teams have an incredibly difficult and important task. It’s in the job title; they seek and they rescue. They go into the wilderness to ideally save the lost or injured and bring them safely home. Unfortunately, occasionally a rescue becomes a recovery and the once lost or injured pass beyond aid. A Search and Recovery team is no less heroic. They are bringing people home to give families closure. Sometimes though, a body is found and comes with more questions than answers. The final moments of a person found in the backwoods can be incomprehensible. More mystery than explanation. In the wild sometimes closure isn’t possible.
Our first tale today is called Search and Rescue
Nature can be vicious. Kill or be killed. With very few exceptions, mainly accounted for in human activities, killing is not purposeless. Food. Mating rights. Territoriality. Usually there is a reason for the violence found in the wild. But then there are instances that defy explanation. Gruesome scenes stumbled upon by the daytripper, a horror tableaux of gore and viscera. A lawlessness that belies the basic laws of the natural world.
Our second tale today is called The Deer
There are few things as comforting as the touch of a loved one. A mother’s hug. A father’s hand on the shoulder. A grandparents kiss on the cheek. Simple. Sweet. Even in our sleep we seek the warmth of human touch. Unconsciously we reach out for the closest love and comfort we can grasp onto. What happens though, when you open your eyes and you don’t know who it is on the other end of that embrace.
Our third tale for today is called The Other Side of the Tent
Alright folks, thanks for listening to Backwoods Creepy - Strange Encounters in the Forest. The first story is from plated_lead and the second was courtesy of batmannibal and the third story is from MandyScott.
Send me your story to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com. Ideally your story truly happened to you and is 1000 words at least. You can also dm or message me on Twitter/Instagram/TikTok @backwoodscreepy.
As always, if you like what you hear, please subscribe, rate, review, and spread the word! To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. patreon.com/user?u=90835879
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
I’m your host Cull and this is Backwoods Creepy - Strange Encounters in the Forest.
The good samaritan is disappearing. Today you’d be as likely to see people filming a person in crises or an accident unfolding on their phones rather than giving aid. The urge to help a stranger in need, to give a helping hand, still exists but there are likes to be had on social media and there can be some very real consequences for the person helping. Often you don’t know what you are walking into or dealing with or really how best you can help. Sometimes, things can escalate quickly, get out of hand, become violent. Sometimes, being a good samaritan can be dangerous, even deadly.
Our first tale today is called The North Slope
Stacks of rocks. Elf houses. Initials in a heart carved on a tree. A geo-cache buried in a hillside just off the main trail. People leave all sorts of things in the woods, often with the intention and hope that one day someone will find it and have a moment of shared experience. A connection with a stranger, running through time in the same place. But, some people leave things in the woods for wholly unwholesome reasons. They leave them there to be found, not to share a place with some unknown fellow wanderer, but as a warning. As a sign letting you know they are there, in the woods, somewhere. Following, likely unseen and unheard, and they are watching.
Our second tale today is called Stalked in Salt Fork
Alright folks, thanks for listening to Backwoods Creepy - Strange Encounters in the Forest. The first story is from Clyde2003 and the second was courtesy of Queasy-Comfort-8559.
Send me your story to backwoodscreepypod@gmail.com. Ideally your story truly happened to you and is 1000 words at least. You can also dm or message me on Twitter/Instagram/TikTok @backwoodscreepy.
As always, if you like what you hear, please subscribe, rate, review, and spread the word! To support the show and help keep the content rolling go to Patreon and search Backwoods Creepy. As a Patron you’ll get episodes early, special Patrons only content, and more. patreon.com/user?u=90835879
Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library
Thanks for listening and remember to take only pictures, leave only footprints, and always trust your gut!
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