Zoo Logic with animal trainer, zoo advocate, and ZOOmility author, Dr. Grey Stafford, is a weekly conversation with zoo, aquarium, and animal experts about Nature, wildlife, pets, animal training with positive reinforcement, health and welfare, research, conservation, and education, sustainability, zoo politics, activism and legislation, and all things animals! On Zoo Logic, we’ll go behind the scenes with animal professionals and influencers from around the world to explore the latest Zoos News and issues affecting wildlife, wild places, and people. Communicating with humor, cool stories, and candor, we’ll discover the interdependent connection between civilization, conservation, and commerce.
Podcasten om klikkertræning for alle. Vi elsker at snakke om hunde og træning og vi glæder os til at dele vores tanker med dig.
Each week, Libby Hartfield, Retired Director of the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, brings a specialist into the studio to answer your questions about various animals we see in Mississippi. And of course, Dr. Troy Majure, Veterinarian at the Animal Medical Center of Jackson answers your pet questions. Each week, you’ll learn more about the animals that live in our homes and the animals who live in the world around us. You’ll also find out more about family-friendly exhibits and events at the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science in Jackson.
Email your pet and animal questions to [email protected] and listen to Creature Comforts Thursday mornings at 9 a.m. CST on MPB Think Radio.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is a podcast about boas. All types of boas. We will discuss the natural history of a species of boa. We will also discuss the species in the wild and their status in captivity.
Welcome to Keep it Humane: The Podcast(formerly known as The Animal Control Report)! Hosts Daniel Ettinger, Ashley Bishop and Ashlee Bishop explore animal welfare, including animal control, shelters, advocacy, and community care.
From rescues to case studies, we highlight the work of officers, experts, and shelter staff. Whether you’re an animal lover, vet, or officer, tune in as we change perceptions, connect professionals, and celebrate animal welfare. Discover how we Help People Help Animals! -
Lecturas de diversos textos y actividades en lenguaje y comunicación.
Dyrene er alle vegne i myter, fabler og eventyr, i religiøse skrifter og i tegnefilm og vi bruger dyr i vores daglige tale: Vi står som sild i en tønde, sluger kameler og sidder som en flue på væggen.
Men hvordan føles det egentlig at være en isbjørn? Ved en giraf, at den er en giraf? Og hvordan ser verden ud gennem ulveøjne? Mennesket er videbegærligt, og dyrenes liv fascinerer os dybt.
Og netop dyrenes verden handler denne podcastserie om. Vært Vicky Knudsen vil gennem tre episoder fortælle dig om hvordan vi ser på dyr, taler om dyr, og hvordan vi fuldstændig og uden betingelser knuselsker dyr. -
es el accidente por descuido de mi mascota
This podcast will go in-depth on the husbandry and breeding of captive reptiles, amphibians, fish and any other exotic pets as well as discussions on conservation efforts to save these species!
Follow Daffy:
Instagram: @Daffysreptiles
Twitter: @Daffysreptiles
Tiktok: @Daffysreptiles
Business: [email protected] -
The Herping Hour Podcast is brought to you by Lily Rose Reptiles and Dawn of time exotics. We are all Reptile Hobbyists and Enthusiasts. Teaming up to bring you videos surrounding reptile husbandry and best practice, species considerations, our own reptile collections and projects and different guest invites. Seeking the best scientific methods and practices for housing commonly and uncommonly kept reptile species.
This podcast features interesting animal facts for kids! In each 10-minute episode, Khai spotlights an animal he loves and discusses the lesser known facts. Tune in for some bite-sized fun knowledge and hear Khai laugh at his own animal jokes. :P This is a podcast for kids by an animal-loving kid.
General musings and ramblings of someone a little too obsessed with the fishkeeping hobby!
Ich bin Letizia und ich spreche öfter über hate ❤️
Welcome to Colubrid Corner, the podcast that explores the diverse array of snakes we know as Colubrids. Together, Owen McIntyre and Riley Jimison dive into these reptiles one species at a time to shine a light on the largest group of snakes according to human classification. With global distribution, this group consists of obscure, common, large, small, colorful, bland, harmless, and venomous species of snakes. Each episode unpacks a particular species to bring the listener deeper into the beautiful world of snakes one Colubrid at a time.
Over 1 million people read Rick Rockhill's blog, which he started in 2006. His podcast and radio show features a wide range of topics from pet food nutrition, animal advocacy, self-improvement, and philanthropy. Rick has interviewed numerous experts including psychologists, therapists, animal nutritionists, veterinary healthcare, human medicine, and business leaders, as well as celebrities in the world of film, stage and television. Rick is a world traveler and spends most of his time in Palm Springs, CA and Hong Kong.
Mr Rockhill is a seasoned business executive with 30 years experience in retail, merchandising, sales, business development, brand management and innovation. The past 22 years he has worked in the Pet Specialty industry. Rick is COO & Partner at Lucy Pet Products, serves as Chairman, RJT Holdings Limited (Hong Kong) and was the Founder of Zarhill Partners Group Consulting (Burbank, CA). He shares his home with two Standard Poodles and a miniature Labradoodle rescue. Rick speaks regularly at conferences and seminars worldwide.
Follow on Twitter @RickRockhill
Pinterest: -
"Helt i hundene" er en ærlig og inspirerende podcast om livet som hundeforældre. Værterne Mads Smith og Kristine Kjær sætter, sammen med spændende eksperter og hundeforældre, fokus på alt, der følger med at have en hund. Fra ubetinget kærlighed og ægte venskab til ødelagte sko og opdragelsesudfordringer – alt serveret med et glimt i øjet. Vi deler tips, historier og ekspertrådgivning, så du og din firbenede ven kan få det allerbedste liv sammen.
Idé, produktion og tilrettelæggelse: Kristine Kjær
Værter: Mads Smith og Kristine Kjær
Redaktion: Kristine Kjær og Mathilde Lund Jensen - og havaneseren Bobby
Podcasten er udgivet af Vuffeli. -
Hos Dyrlæge Varling ønsker vi at hjælpe vores kunder og deres kæledyr med at leve et sundt og lykkeligt liv. Vi ved, at det kan være udfordrende at tage sig af et kæledyr og sikre, at de modtager den rette behandling og pleje. Derfor har vi samlet en lang række forskellige råd og vejledninger til jer i podcast format, samt som artikler
Vi er stolte af at tilbyde rådgivning og vejledning til en bred vifte af kæledyr, herunder hunde, katte, kaniner, papegøjer og krybdyr som slanger. Vores dygtige dyrlæger og dyreelskere er altid klar til at dele -
Many tarantulas have many different needs. Make sure you fully understand their nutrition, the temperature and humidity requirements that your specific tarantula needs.
Most tarantulas eat flies, crickets, small frogs, lizards, and mice, depending on the size and species of the tarantula.
Find out where your tarantula normally lives. Some tarantulas live in trees where height is more important than ground space.
If you have a tarantula that lives on the ground, then it is more important that the tarantula has room to walk. Its native climate will also dictate the ideal temperature and humidity levels that the species needs...
Find out more in this podcast. -
This is a place to discuss invertebrates, specifically arachnids. I want to inform people that they aren't as scary as they're made out to be.