
  • When we think about creating our style as a photographer (or any creative professional) what we intially think is that we have to niche down who our core market is and the type of work we will be focusing on. And we are not wrong to think that.

    But surprisingly, there is actually a tremendous amount more we can do to define our style as a creative.

    In this episode of the Beyond the Image podcast, host James Patrick discusses a myriad of ways that photographers, videographers and fellow creatives can begin the process of defining and carving out their unique style to help them stand out from their competition in the marketplace.

    Connect with James

  • In this episode of The Beyond the Image podcast, host James Patrick reviews his recomended camera settings for a variety of various situational photo shoots.

    From in studio portraits to on location action photos to window lit natural light photos. James reviews each scenario and gives his recommended settings for ISO, f-stop and shutter speed.

    In addition, James reviews recommended camera settings to help work more efficiently when doing your photo shoots.

    Connect with James at JamesPatrick.com or IG @JPatrickPhoto

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  • "What do you charge" is a quesiton that can immediately generate a lot of panic for any photorapher. The fear is that the client is immediately trying to frame your pricing so they can find a potentially cheaper service provider. And likely, you may not be wrong.

    But what about those times when a genuine client approaches you with a real project? How do you help ensure you are best equipped with all of the right information to help you make an accurate price proposal and bid so you ultimately win more work?

    In this episode I talk about specific questions you should consider asking your prospective clients before you send over a price.

    Connect with me at https://jamespatrick.com/ or https://www.instagram.com/jpatrickphoto

  • In over two decades as a professional photographer, I've spent more than I will ever admit on photo gear. From cameras to lenses, from modifiers to lights, from tripods to c-stands and from computers to editing softwares.

    In this episode of Beyond the Image, I spill the tea on all my favorite pieces of gear I've ever purchased as well as all of the items I wish I could get my money back on.

    Have you bought and loved or purchased and regretted any of these items?

    Connect with James Patrick

  • Short answer: VERY

    I've spent over 20 years working in print media and even own two magazines. So you can say I have a vested interest in this topic and this industry.

    I want to deep dive into how magazines got themselves into the hole they have with subscribers and with advertisers.

    Also I will explore what, if anything, magazine publisher's can do to help salvage (or even save) the industry.

    You can listen to the Beyond the Image podcast wherever you get your episodes.

    Connect with me on Instagram @JPatrickPhoto or my website www.JamesPatrick.com

  • Today, we’re talking about how to get good photos of bad subjects. When I say bad subjects, I don’t mean they’re bad people. What I mean is, they’re just not great on camera.

    “Regardless of how bad someone thinks they are on camera, it’s our job as photographers to make something great. And if not great, to make something usable.”


    Are most subjects good on camera?

    Why you should communicate and give direction to your subjects.

    The power of preset ideas and having a visual representation on set.

    Starting safe instead of ending safe.

    Making micro adjustments.

    Paying attention to body language.

    Knowing when to stop.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Today, we’re talking about bad actors or bad faith clients. These are clients who could potentially be trying to rip off your business, steal from you and try to take advantage of you as a small business owner.

    “This can be, not only financially detrimental, it can be emotionally taxing.”


    Certain situations James has had in his businesses with bad actors.

    Things you can do as a photographer to protect yourself and your business.

    What a contract actually does.

    The power of saving all your communication.

    Why you should listen to your intuition and be okay saying no.

    Should you collect a deposit?

    Facts over feelings.

    The last resort that will work.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Welcome to the relaunch of the Beyond the Image Podcast! A show for creatives, made by a creative.

    If you’ve listened to this show over the last few years, you’ll realize it’s rare I bring a guest back on a second time. This is a mistake I want to rectify. I went back to our episode from March 5, 2019 with one of the first guests I had on.

    I heard this individual speaking on a webinar series on how creative professionals can navigate their career and try to procure work from bigger and better clients so they can scale their business and I knew I needed to have him on the podcast so I can pick his brain.

    In his career he has been the Director of Photography at Sports Illustrated, a Senior Photo Editor for the New York Times, and the Associate Director of Photography for the White House. Currently, he is the VP of Photography for the WWE and I could not think of anyone better to bring back as a guest for the 600th episode of this show.

    Welcome, Brad Smith, back to the show.

    “The key thing to remember is, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.”


    A review of Brad Smith's professional career trajecetory.

    What inspired Brad to take on the role of a leader and teacher in the photography industry.

    The most important realization you can have as a photographer.

    What will keep getting you jobs over and over again.

    The power of connecting with your clients.

    Why you need word of mouth in your business

    How deliverables have changed over time.

    What Brad and the WWE is looking for when looking at a photographer’s social media and portfolio.

    Being willing to evolve and adapt.

    The one character trait that will lead to better photographs.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Connect with Brad

    Website: https://www.wwe.com

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Here at the studio last week, we had our 4th annual get together where we had different creatives (whether photographers, videographers, producers, designers, etc.) to talk about the state of where the industry is at right now and the challenges we are facing as creatives within our businesses and to start to share best practices on how we can navigate these things.

    The thing that kept coming up over the course of this 3 hour conversation is that so many creatives are still struggling with ways to develop new business for their companies.

    Let’s talk about it.

    “Having a specialty, never stopper me from working in any industry or any genre.”


    What most of us are relying on for our business.

    How James was able to scale his business and what strategies he was implementing.

    8 different things that James did in his business.

    The power of having a speciality.

    A strong way to stand out.

    Effective outbound marketing.

    Being seen by your ideal client.

    Why you need proactive marketing strategies.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • In today’s episode, I want to talk about haters. Also known as, online trolls. In 20 years of running different businesses, I’ve had to navigate my fair share of trolling hate online. When you’re just starting in a new industry, this crap could be devastating. So, let’s talk about it.

    “If you’re not upsetting anyone, then you are simply not doing enough to be noticed.”


    What happened to James early in his career when he experienced online trolling.

    The realization James had that changed everything.

    What it actually means when you get haters.

    A reminder of why you do the work you do and who you do it for.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Before I really launched into my career as a professional photographer, I had a lot of hesitations and reservations. I had a lot of thoughts and questions about if I could make it. Had I allowed those thoughts to take root, I never would’ve picked up a camera. Let’s talk about what it takes to be successful.

    “What is actually stopping you from getting started?”


    Initial thoughts I had when starting my photography business.

    The real reason why I’ve had over 20 years of success and awards in my business.

    How to have success in any industry.

    How to stay exactly where you are now.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Photographing SI Swimwear’s In Her Words with Taylor Ballantyne

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    We have a brand new approach for an episode today. I get to speak to a creative and we are going to unpack their catalog, work, and experiences and get a behind the scenes look at what it takes to bring some of these projects to fruition.

    My guest today who I’m chatting with it Taylor Ballantyne, a photographer and director.

    “It’s our responsibility to learn how people are digesting information, first and foremost.”


    How Taylor got her start into photography, started working with fashion brands, and then became a director.

    The power of taking the time to learn and work on different projects in different industries during your career.

    How work ethic has changed over time and why.

    The lack of communication this generation is facing.

    Why it’s so important to continue to evolve.

    Behind the scenes stories from some of Taylor’s projects.

    Working with models who aren’t comfortable.

    Are personal and business really separate?

    What Taylor is most excited for next in her career.

    Connect with Taylor

    Website: www.taylorballantyne.com

    Instagram: @taylorbphoto @taylorbfilm

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Things I USED To Think Mattered as a Photographer

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    There’s a handful of things I thought really used to matter as my career as a photographer. At some point in the 20 years, I’ve realized that these are things that don’t matter at all. Let’s talk about those things in this episode.

    “There is no right and no wrong in your stance as a creative professional in any of these things.”


    8 things I used to think really mattered as a photographer.

    What prevented me from outsourcing to editors.

    Should you set longer usage terms?

    What I think about giving your clients RAW files.

    Tagging and being tagged.

    Why the brand and amount of gear doesn’t actually matter.

    What really matters at the end of the day.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Producing a Fashion Photoshoot

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    We have a pretty large fashion campaign we’re doing in the studio tomorrow. This got me thinking about discussing all of the essential steps required in the pre-production of having a successful fashion campaign. Let’s get into it.

    “Once we set the theme, that will help us dictate all the other decisions we have to make.”


    What pre-production looks like in order to ensure the campaign goes successfully

    The importance of developing the theme or overall art direction of the campaign.

    Is the location important?

    How James selects his models.

    The different teams that need to be hired.

    What storyboarding looks like and why James does it.

    One of the earliest mistakes James made in his career.

    The balance of creating commonality along with variety.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Today, we’re talking about the power of human connection. It is so easy to get lost in this endless sea of competition and comparison. It’s so simple to put yourself on an island and to contrast yourself against the rest of your industry and community. In this episode, we’re talking about working through that and forming connections.

    My guest today is Corey Spiegel, she’s the founder of The Light House.

    “People are very accepting when you peel back that layer and get real.”


    Corey’s inspiration behind her business and what she does.

    What human connection is and why it’s important.

    Why there may be resistance to human connection in today’s world.

    How to get people to engage and connect and why being silent isn’t an option.

    The cons of social media.

    Connect with Corey

    Website: www.findyourlighthouse.com

    Instagram: @findyour_lighthouse

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Photographers Who Suck

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    Some photographers just suck, so in this episode, let’s give them a name.

    “The common denominator is them.”


    A list of photographers who really suck and why.

    What these photographers are doing in their free time.

    Advice for the photographers who made this list.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Self-Care for the Modern Entrepreneur with Daniel James

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    I still need to be reminded about the importance of prioritizing ourselves so that we can show up better in other places. We’re going to chatting about self-care today and where self-care could potentially be going.

    My guest today is the founder and CEO of Vortex, Daniel James.

    “When you feel good, you do better.”


    Daniel’s company and why he felt it was needed in the marketplace.

    Spa culture.

    Are men more resistant to self-care?

    The side effects of not taking care of yourself.

    What makes Vortex different.

    Helping people reframe what self-care means to them.

    The most common objections people have to self-care.

    Where Daniel sees this industry going.

    Connect with Daniel

    Website: www.vortexwellness.ca

    Instagram: @vortexwellness.ca

    Personal Instagram: @danielcjames

    After free trial: 15% off for life with the code VORTEX: www.nucalm.com

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Should Photographers Give RAW Files to Clients?

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    Today, we’re addressing the question, “Should you as a photographer be giving away your RAW files?” Lets dive into it!

    “Asking for the RAW file ensures you’re getting the highest quality and highest file size.”


    Multiple reasons why clients may ask for the RAW files.

    Why certain clients may need unedited photos.

    Understanding photo rights and usage.

    The divisive stances between photographers on this topic.

    The importance of knowing the clients wants and needs.

    Is there a right or wrong answer to this question?

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • When to Hire a VA with Kaelyn Marie Fuglaar

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    Today, we’re talking all about outsourcing: when to outsource, what tasks you should outsource, and how to get the most ROI when you choose to outsource. I’ve been outsourcing work for 18 years of the 20 years I’ve been in business and I can you that I wish I would’ve outsourced 2 years sooner.

    My guest today is Kaelyn, the owner of Kaelyn Marie Virtual Assistant, who has also been the podcast editor of our show for years.

    “Having someone who believes in what you’re doing is going to also show in their work and their work ethic in what they do for you.”


    Kaelyn’s journey to become a virtual assistant.

    How to determine what areas of your business you should outsource.

    Gaining trust with the people you outsource to.

    The importance of feedback and communication in your work relationships.

    Ways to find the right person for your business and the questions you should be asking.

    Calculating your hourly rate.

    Why you don’t need your team members to be in-person anymore.

    Connect with Kaelyn

    Instagram: @kaelynmarievirtualassistant

    Website: www.kaelynmarieva.com

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • 7 Ways to Get MORE Clients as a Photographer

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    There is a very finite number of things a photographer can do to get work. In this episode, we’re diving into the 7 things a photographer can do to get more clients.

    “Nothing will work better than manual outbound.”


    7 different strategies to get new clients.

    How paid ads have changed over the years and how you should be using it in your business.

    What’s less costly and can be more effective than paid advertising.

    Why word of mouth marketing leads to the highest conversion rate.

    How to achieve the highest ROI.

    What to do right now if you have a smaller budget.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com