In the strongly Hindu nation of India, a Christian can be thrown in jail simply for telling others about Jesus. Despite this persecution, bold believers like Chandan are feeling the undeniable pull of God's love to point their family, friends and neighbors to the hope of the Gospel.
Join host Michael Woolworth and his colleague, Bobby (last name withheld for security reasons), to hear the incredible path of Chandan from fearful to fearless. She grew up as a devout follower of the Jain religion and became a Christian after attending a Bible study from Bible League International. Today, she's trained to engage others in God's Word and serving as a church planter in her native India despite fierce opposition to the Gospel.
Subscribe today and invite others to listen with you. Length - 15:49.
When you think of Bible League International, you likely imagine our work in regions like Asia, Africa, Latin America or the Middle East. But we also enjoy a robust ministry right here in the United States.
Elsewhere in the world -- through familiar programs like Project Philip, Bible-based Literacy and Church Planter Training -- our aim is to introduce people to the hope of the Gospel, to disciple them as new followers of Jesus Christ, and to train them to share their faith in order to see the Church grow.
It's the same here in the US and you'll hear of special opportunities to reach those that God has brought to the states from Bible League colleagues, Harold Trujillo and Felix Mathew. Subscribe and invite others to listen with you. Length: 26:22.
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Lee Carter and Rob Bullock, members of Bible League International's executive leadership team, join host Michael Woolworth to review ministry accomplishments in 2024. And they'll look ahead to new opportunities in 2025, from releasing new Easy-to-Read Bibles to serving countries once closed to the Gospel. Expect to hear some amazing stories of transformation.
Prayer is offered at the end to thank God for His blessings over the past twelve months and to ask for His leading in the year ahead, which marks our 87th year of "engaging everyone in God's Word."
Subscribe and invite others to listen with you. Length - 30:45.
From the bustling capital of Managua to the small barrios dotting the rural landscape, the Gospel is taking grip all over the country of Nicaragua in central America.
Pastor Alvaro and his wife, Miriam, have dedicated themselves to reaching some of the poorest families with children in the rainforest of the Masaya region. Others are joining in and the Church is growing even under the influence of traditional religion and witchcraft.
Guests Anton and Jason join host Michael Woolworth to talk about their recent trip to the country of Nicaragua. You'll hear about some of the people they met, the places they visited, and Anton's harrowing escape from angry hornets. Length: 21:02.
People around the world are craving God's Word and that's especially true even in Africa where pagan beliefs and practices have defined the continent for hundreds of years. Today's episode includes it all... fierce opposition to planting a church, mysterious deaths in a village where witchcraft is dominant, severe drought, and God at work in the midst of it all.
Guests Jennifer Macharia and Kellyn Amodeo, join host Michael Woolworth to relive their recent trip to Zambia. Subscribe today and invite someone to listen with you. Length: 24:39.
Malaysia is one the world's largest Muslim-majority countries, and there's many people living in bustling cities and remote villages who follow pagan beliefs and practices. But enter God, who was pleased to bring revival to the Kelabit tribe in the community of Borneo deep in the jungles of Malaysia some 50 years ago.
Nick Catley and Jason Lauthers of Bible League International visited this Southeast Asia country earlier this year and they join host Michael Woolworth to share their experiences in vivid detail and with much excitement. Subscribe today and invite someone to listen with you.
Length: 20:45.
In more than 50 countries around the world, God is at work through the programs of Bible League International to touch and transform lives everywhere.
Consider the pastor who planted 11 churches deep in the Amazon jungle where people heard the name of Jesus for the very first time. Or the young believer in Thailand rejected by her family but who would lead dozens to Christ. And the former witchdoctor who now leads Bible studies in her remote African village. Quality content is critical to pointing people to the hope of the Gospel and leading them to become faithful disciples.
Host Michael Woolworth is joined by Dr. Jonathan Adams and Andrew Earnshaw, both of whom are immersed in developing content at Bible League. Hear about the exciting programs in the works and how you can be praying for their use all over the world.
Subscribe now and invite someone to listen with you. Length: 24:55.
Sharing your Christian faith with others in India can get you thrown in jail. In the world's most populous country, the party in power has stated that there's no room for Christianity in its Hindu nation and has passed anti-conversion laws to discourage evangelism.
In spite of this opposition, believers in India are living out who they are in Jesus even when it means giving up rights, privileges and a comfortable life. Pastor Mahesh became a believer and was shunned by his family, forced into homelessness, and attacked, before his church was shut down by authorities. Bible League programs, such as Project Philip and Church Planter Training, are providing the tools for Christians to endure and share the hope of the Gospel.
Join host Michael Woolworth and his guest, Bobby (last name withheld for security purposes), for a firsthand look at Christian persecution in India. Subscribe and invite others to listen. Length: 20:05.
Conflict, suffering, and loss have defined the Middle East for thousands of years, as evidenced by the current Israel/Hamas conflict. And Christians are often persecuted by governments and the majority religion simply for believing that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. But God is at work in this region through His faithful followers and Bible League International.
Join host Michael Woolworth and his guest, Kareem (last name withheld for security reasons) for a captivating discussion on ministering in the Middle East. Subscribe and invite someone to listen with you. Length: 31:15.
The cornerstone of Bible League International's global ministry is creating Philips, named after the evangelist, who in Acts 8, leads the Ethiopian to Christ. You'll also get to hear about staff from Bible League who recently visited the Philippines and saw God at work through our programs, including Project Philip Bible studies.
Guests Deanna and Debbie join host Michael Woolworth and share about meeting a pastor who ministers in hard-to-reach places using his motorcycle. Another who raises young children but makes time to reach troubled teens for Christ. And several church plants that are enjoying growth in numbers and faith by God's grace working through Bible League's programs.
And on a lighter note, you'll hear about the foods they ate, the mud they encountered, and the joyful people they met along the way.
Subscribe today and invite someone to listen. Length: 20:31.
Ten years ago, Bible League International (BLI) and Prison Fellowship International (PFI) joined together to minister around the US and the world to those in prison, their families and even those they've offended. The result is that hundreds of thousands have been impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Andy Corley and Jos Snoep each serves as President and CEO of their respective organizations, PFI and BLI, and they recently sat down to recall the first ten years of this precious partnership. You'll be blessed as you hear Andy and Jos speak about their love and concern for the prison population, and as they share two profound memories from visits with inmates who benefited from our programs.
Subscribe and invite someone to listen with you to The Word in Action Podcast. Length: 40:45.
Bosco suffered a terrible tragedy as a child when his parents were murdered in a conflict within the country of Burundi, Africa. Throughout his teenage years, he lived with unforgiveness and rage, even wanting to take revenge on his family's killers, but God transformed Bosco's life and brought him peace after he heard the Gospel preached in a church he visited.
Today, Bosco leads Igniting Communities for Jesus (ICJ), a partner of Bible League International, that creates brighter tomorrows for the people of Burundi, often touted as the world's poorest country, and disciples them as new believers. ICJ has found favor among Burundi's government schools and the Muslim community. As a result, people are hungry for the Gospel and asking for more Bibles and study materials to share Christ with others.
Invite a friend to listen and join host Michael Woolworth and guests, Bosco and Jennifer (last names withheld for security purposes), for this inspiring edition of The Word in Action Podcast from Bible League International. Length: 21:52.
Henri was dedicated as a child by parents to serve the family's idol. After engaging in demon worship and life as a cattle robber, he became a believer after a life-changing encounter with a Christian in the island nation of Madagascar, Africa.
In addition, the former witchdoctor who knew no peace received his very first Bible. And a Bible study from Bible League International helps lead a group of villagers living steeped in spiritual darkness to the wonderful Light of the Gospel.
These amazing stories, and many others, are shared in vivid detail by Anton de Vreugd from his recent trip to this remote country in Africa. Subscribe today and invite others to listen with you on The Word in Action Podcast. Length: 19:36.
Even the most broken lives can be restored and made whole when women in recovery are engaged in God's Word. The Lord is transforming lives around the world and that's especially true in Hong Kong through a Bible League International program that ministers to women battling drug addiction.
Candy lost her father when she was young, and her mother was mostly absent from the home. This led to a life of rebellion, drug and alcohol abuse, and time spent incarcerated as an adult. Through love and care given by Anita, Candy would come to see her sentence not as God's judgment, but as His mercy to bring about total life transformation.
Join host Michael Woolworth and his guest, Romi Barcena, as they share Candy's amazing story on The Word in Action Podcast from Bible League International. Invite a friend to listen and subscribe today. Length: 14:48.
When you seat the Chairman of the Board, CEO and Executive Vice President in a studio together, the conversation is likely to be lively. Today, host Michael Woolworth welcomes Dan Chapman, grandson of Bible League founders William and Betty Chapman, along with Jos Snoep and Rob Bullock. Together, this trio will share the air of excitement, and yet the rest in the Lord, they experienced at a recent gathering of staff and partners in Bangkok, Thailand.
They'll also look back on the blessings of 2023, and look forward to the challenges and opportunities in our 86th year of ministry in this new year, drawing on an article from Dan's grandfather, William Chapman, titled "I Don't Know."
Subscribe and invite a friend to listen with you to The Word in Action Podcast, our first of 2024.
Pastor Jakkarao's village in southern India is dotted by mango, tamarind and coconut trees. It's also filled with orphans, widows and people in severe need. He, his family, and his congregation work tirelessly to serve the needs of the Koya tribe and to point them to the hope of the Gospel with help from Bible League International.
As Pastor Jakkarao's story unfolds, you'll learn that his father, as a young man, was taunted by users of black magic, how new believers were baptized in an unconventional manner, and the way in which a farmer's goats were saved by a simple prayer. It's all part of the wonderful story shared by host Michael Woolworth and his guest, Bobby (name withheld for security purposes) on The Word in Action Podcast from Bible League International.
Subscribe today and invite someone to listen with you. Length: 19:07.
We know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can change an individual's heart, but we don't often think about how the Good News can transform entire communities. In the Gauteng Province of South Africa, government school students live without any knowledge of the Bible and its teachings. As a result, schools experience teen pregnancies, drug and alcohol abuse, gang violence, and even the use of witchcraft in classrooms.
But through Pastor Thokozani Tshabalala and his use of Bible League materials in nearly 20 schools where he ministers, students are discovering the love of Christ and understanding God's will for their lives. Join host Michael Woolworth and his guest, Anton de Vreugd, to hear how engaging students in God's Word is bringing real change to this part of South Africa.
Subscribe and invite someone to listen today. Length: 14:47.
Lorijane was born with one leg shorter than the other. She was bullied by other children, her parents divorced, and she wanted to end her life. But her disability and circumstances did not define her. God did, and He showed Lorijane her incredible worth and gave her the gift of caring for others in one of the world's poorest areas.
Today, she ministers six days a week in the Mindanao region of The Philippines, traveling by foot, horse and on the back of a motor scooter. Host Michael Woolworth is joined by Bible League's Heather Crane, Kellyn Amodeo and Romi Barcena, who were deeply touched as they traveled to The Philippines to see the amazing ministry of Lorijane.
Subscribe, tune in and invite others to listen now. Length: 19:08.
This month, we're re-airing one of our most popular podcasts from December 2022. Our prayer is that you'll enjoy it again, or for the first time.
Imagine being a child only 3 or 4 years of age and dropped off with your siblings at an orphanage by your own parents. You would never see your mother again. One would think that this pain and rejection could easily ruin a child like Kacy. But enter the hope of the Gospel and a dear elderly Christian woman named Lola (Grandma) Nits.
Grab a tissue and join host Michael Woolworth and his guest, Romi Barcena, for this hope-filled story from The Philippines. Length: 20:09.
More than one million residents in Zambia cannot read or write primarily because of poverty and the inability to access quality education. More than 80% of these are women who are often forced to marry young or to work to support their family. Bible League International is giving the gift of literacy and introducing participants to the hope of the Gospel through Bible-based Literacy. Join host Michael Woolworth and his guest, Lovely Kayombo, who shares about Mambo, a local pastor and Bible-based Literacy instructor, who pours himself into his students while teaching under the shade of a mango tree. Subscribe today and invite someone to listen with you. Length: 18:23.
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