Invested with Purpose is a groundbreaking podcast that celebrates the power of Biblical Principles and Stewardship in the lives of Christians from all walks of life.
Our show features an awe-inspiring lineup of guests, including Ministry leadership, Christian business entrepreneurs, musicians, authors, athletes, and other influential personalities in the Christian community. Each episode is bound to be an inspiring and uplifting experience, showcasing personal testimonies of overcoming challenges and living out Biblical Principles in the modern world.
Whether you're looking for ways to strengthen your faith, gain valuable insights into Christian entrepreneurship, or simply looking for some encouragement, Invested with Purpose has got you covered. Join us as we explore new perspectives and share our journeys of faith with the world. We can't wait to see what God has in store and we can assure you that you don't want to miss a single episode. Stay tuned for the highly anticipated premiere of Invested with Purpose!
Hosted by the Dynamic team of Brian Mumbert, Nathan Parrott and Cara Creech!
Kwa Undani ni matangazo ya dakika 25 yanayochambua habari kwa undani zaidi na kumpa msikilizaji maelezo ya kina kuliko ilivyo kawaida kuhusu tukio au swala lililojitokeza katika habari.
Planet Philadelphia radio show has been exploring how environmental issues intersect in complex ways in every aspect of society since 2015. We discuss this with national/global experts such as the former first female president of Ireland, a Nobel Laureate, security experts, scientists, filmmakers, politicians, community members, and more. Planet Philadelphia airs 4:00-5:00 PM 1st & 3rd Friday/month on WGGT-LP 92.9 FM in Philadelphia & Podcasts of show are available after| @planetphila
Acton Unwind is a weekly roundtable discussion of news and current events through the Acton Institute's lens on the world: promoting a free and virtuous society and connecting good intentions with sound economics. Host Eric Kohn is joined by Acton Institute experts for an exploration of news, politics, religion, and culture.
Alternative view on Political, conflict, social situation analysis and to try and find a solution through my experience in Somalia. I'm not going to be kind to anyone and my views are Impartial.
You have a right to not agree with me but that doesn't mean we can't get along does it?
#SomaliLivesMatter -
As we look out into the world around us, we see misery growing to an unbearable degree. We see suffering of all kinds through the man-made sin-caused disease epidemics and pandemics. We see nothing but death and destruction caused by wars that the world’s leaders say will bring peace. We see the use of weapons that are so devastating that they will soon cause the light of the sun and moon to be darkened and all hope of life to be gone. In the midst of all this misery, death and destruction, a single light shines. The House Of Yahweh is still flourishing and thriving, preaching the Message of The Kingdom to all the world, as instructed by scripture. Through these sermons, you will learn more and more why and how the world got in the shape it is in today. You will learn the details of the Laws that will be used to bring the earth back to full production. You will learn exactly what you and your family can do to be a part of the great Work of Yahweh now and part of the Kingdom of Yahweh throughout eternity.
As we look out into the world around us, we see misery growing to an unbearable degree. We see suffering of all kinds through the man-made sin-caused disease epidemics and pandemics. We see nothing but death and destruction caused by wars that the world’s leaders say will bring peace. We see the use of weapons that are so devastating that they will soon cause the light of the sun and moon to be darkened and all hope of life to be gone. In the midst of all this misery, death and destruction, a single light shines. The House Of Yahweh is still flourishing and thriving, preaching the Message of The Kingdom to all the world, as instructed by scripture. Through these sermons, you will learn more and more why and how the world got in the shape it is in today. You will learn the details of the Laws that will be used to bring the earth back to full production. You will learn exactly what you and your family can do to be a part of the great Work of Yahweh now and part of the Kingdom of Yahweh throughout eternity.
Yami Virgin with what you need to know about the border.
Trending Stories Taking Over (T.S.T.O.) is a show hosted by brothers Todd and Jake Frazier that covers the most intriguing trending stories across the internet to give you their extensively unique perspective...that typically ends with a joke...cause if you aint laughing...Enjoy!Todd + Jake Support this podcast:
This podcast chronicles the journeys of changemakers and trailblazers who’ve defied prevailing public and popular winds to do what is best for the world around them. As we look to rebuild and reimagine the world post- Covid, join journalist and executive coach, Uduak Amimo, as she and her guests explore the role of fearlessness in building good societies.
Emancipation is a culture and news commentary podcast hosted by beautiful, nescient pundits Eden Asegahagn and Hannah Godefa. Support the women @
Uncompromising news, national security, and humor from Eric Garland, intelligence expert and viral Twitter personality who exposed Trump-Russia years before the media. In-depth analysis, interviews with experts, profanity when required, and enough fun to keep you sane.
Join SaBrill as she discusses Universal Knowledge with her K-Group.
All the latest YouTube News and Drama. Have Any Questions, Ideas, Information for me? Email me at [email protected]. Take our Podcast Survey -
Want to Listen on Other platforms? Click here - -
Hanging With Apes is a podcast that delivers news commentary that is not politically correct or filtered through the mainstream media narrative. The Audio Apes discuss a wide range of subjects, current events and trending topics in the news and social media from many different information sources on a weekly basis. Hosts K. Cartoon and Rx Phonics each express their unique individual perspectives, making Hanging With Apes interesting, intellectual and informative with a constant philosophical and comedic flare.
We're three educated women who discuss the world of today from pop culture to social issues. Here's a safe space to make you laugh, think, and reflect, but most importantly make you feel something. One thing about us, we're going to keep you entertained.
Hosted by a couple of foul-mouthed comedians that want to find a funny light in a dark place, give you the everyman's view of a world gone mad. We'll make you laugh, we'll make you think, and most importantly, we'll make you question our sanity.
Honest opinions and shameless plugs.
Grab a drink, pull up a chair, and settle in with us on The Basement Lounge..
New episodes every Thursday! -
سعی بر این است که در این محل سخنرانیهای حجت الاسلام قنبریان قرار داده شود. برای راهنمایی هر دسته سخنرانی در قالب یک فصل ارائه میشود. جهت راهنمایی و کسب اطلاع که هر فصل مرتبط با کدام سخنرانی میباشد، فهرست زیر ترتیب داده شده است.
فصل 1: سخنرانی مهارت امیدبانی
فصل2: سلسله بحث گفتارهای نهج البلاغه
فصل 3: فاطیمه اول 1401 - فاطمه(س) در نهضت و نظام محمدی
فصل 4: سیره امیرالمومنین(ع) در اعتراض و اغتشاش
فصل 5: فاطمیه دوّم 1401
فصل 6: سلسله جلسات با علی(ع) در انقلاب محمد(ص)
فصل 7: گزیده درسهایی از چهل حدیث امام خمینی رحمه الله علیه
فصل 8: دیگر سخنرانیهای بهمن ماه 1401
فصل 9: سخنرانیهای اسفند ماه 1401
فصل 10: جرعه ای از رشحات المعارف آیت الله شاه آبادی
فصل 11: ماه رمضان 1402 شامل: برنامه علامت [فصل دوّم]، خداشناسی در قرآن
فصل 12: سلسله درسهای نهج البلاغه سال 1402
فصل 13: بهار 1402
فصل 14: تابستان 1402 (شامل ماه محرم)
فصل 15: سخنرانی سیر و سفر آخرت
فصل 16: پائیز 1402
فصل 17: زمستان 1402
فصل 18: ماه رمضان 1403 ش
فصل 19: بهار 1403
فصل 20: تابستان 1403 -
Welcome to the Joint Session podcast with Toc and Tim. Brought to you by two guys who have no business having a podcast.
Welcome to The Social Newsroom with Mark Masai and Dennis Okari. Centering the stories that matter to you. Here's to the new way. Welcome to the Future.