
  • Could Coast FI be your BEST path to financial independence? Maybe you don’t want to retire early—not yet, at least. Hustle for a few years, invest your money, and watch it snowball instead! This twenty-four-year-old saved nearly $100,000 with this strategy, and in today’s episode, she’ll show you how to do the same!
    Emma von Weise was determined to take control of her finances at a very early age, getting her first job at just fourteen years old and saving money at every opportunity. This allowed her to not only escape college debt-free but also build a $99,000 net worth, a figure that will make her Coast FI until retirement—which isn’t on the radar anytime soon! Using her newfound financial freedom, Emma has built her “dream” life by working in a field she loves and taking plenty of time off to travel.
    In this episode, Emma shares about all of the different jobs and side hustles she took up to supercharge her savings, as well as several creative “hacks” she used to help fund her college tuition. She also talks about some of the pivotal moments that shaped her views on personal finance, such as discovering the power of compound interest and finding an entire support system through the FI community!

    In This Episode We Cover
    How Emma became Coast FI by twenty-four and built a $99,000 net worth
    Creative ways to fund your college education and escape debt-free
    The real value of buying used cars from private owners (and where to find deals!)
    How to create a fun and fulfilling life you don’t want to retire from
    How to fast-track your fortune using the power of compound interest
    Making your money work harder for you after stockpiling cash
    And So Much More!

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    BiggerPockets Money Episode 474 - Mindy and Scott’s Favorite Sleepaway Camp for FIRE Chasers
    BiggerPockets Money Episode 449 - Coast FI in 4 Years: Cutting Expenses, Doubling Your Income, & HUGE Savings
    BiggerPockets Money Episode 323 – Coast FI: The Calculated Way to Retire Early WITHOUT Giving Up What You Love w/Jessica from The Fioneers
    Learn More About EconoMe Conference

    00:00 Intro
    01:18 Working & Saving at 14!
    07:32 Taking Control of Her Finances
    10:52 Buying Used Cars
    15:32 Creative Ways to Fund College
    23:28 Learning to Invest
    30:12 Joining the FI Community
    37:48 $99K Net Worth at 24!
    45:07 The Power of Coast FI

    Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/money-534

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  • Are you working towards FIRE or building a financial legacy? Then DON’T skip this episode! What’s the point of creating generational wealth if it will be lost after you’re gone? Jenny Rozelle, estate and elder attorney, is back on the show to answer some of our most pressing questions about wills, trusts, estate planning, and everything in between! She’s got some answers that even personal finance experts Mindy and Scott didn’t know. And if you’re just starting to think about preserving your future wealth, this episode may shock you, too.
    From “napkin” wills to bad inheritances, protecting your heirs’ wealth from potential future divorce, and whether or not you’re owed millions after your tipsy Aunt promised you her vacation home, Jenny clears up all the misconceptions that most Americans have about inheritance and estate planning. 
    Plus, if you’ve got children or loved ones you’re planning to pass your wealth on to, it’s crucial to follow Jenny’s advice on updating your will. Neglecting to update your estate plans or planning around the wrong people could put your wealth at risk! 
    Check out Jenny’s part one episode here! 

    In This Episode We Cover
    Whether or not a verbal promise of inheritance will hold up in the future 
    Revocable vs. irrevocable trusts and the ONLY two situations you’d choose an irrevocable one
    When to update your will and why Jenny DOESN’T keep a set timeline 
    Protecting your heirs from losing their inheritance to divorce 
    What to do when you get an inheritance that brings you more headache than it’s worth 
    Why communication is critical in estate planning and who you should estate plan with 
    And So Much More!

    Links from the Show
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    BiggerPockets Money 532 - Building Generational Wealth? Don’t Lose It with This ONE Critical Mistake w/Jenny Rozelle
    BiggerPockets Money 401 - The Post-Passing Plan: 3 Steps to Protect Your Family’s Financial Future
    BiggerPockets Money 503 - How to Keep MORE of Your Inheritance From the IRS (Avoid These Tax Mistakes!)

    00:00 Intro
    01:28 Revocable vs. Irrevocable Trusts
    02:29 The Estate Planning Timeline
    05:35 Verbal Promises and Inheritance 
    10:21 When to Update Your Will
    12:04 Protecting from Divorce 
    14:58 Who to Estate Plan WITH
    18:23 The Downside of Inheritance 
    22:54 The “Napkin” Will
    25:34 Make Your Estate Plan Today! 

    Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/money-533

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  • You’re working hard to build wealth, but without estate planning, your assets could easily land in the wrong hands, causing your family a great deal of trouble. No one likes thinking about their death, but you NEED to tackle this issue head-on if you hope to preserve your legacy!
    Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Money podcast! Today, we’re tackling two of the most taboo topics—death and money—with estate and elder attorney Jenny Rozelle. If you’re nearly ready to retire, you MUST develop an estate plan. Otherwise, intestate succession laws will determine your fortune’s fate. Even if you’re young and have little to your name, there are basic steps you can take today to ensure that your current and future assets don’t go to the wrong person.
    In this episode, you’ll learn how to find the BEST estate planning attorney and prepare for your first meeting. Jenny also shares the truth behind probate and why it isn’t nearly as painful as it sounds!
    Stick around for part two, where we rapid-fire estate planning questions at Jenny as she shares information even we didn't know about!

    In This Episode We Cover
    Basic estate planning documents every person needs (regardless of age)
    What really happens in probate court (and why it’s NOT as scary as it sounds)
    Intestacy explained, and how to stop your assets from landing in the wrong hands
    How to make sorting out your estate as easy as possible for your loved ones
    And So Much More!

    Links from the Show
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    BiggerPockets Money 397 - Estate Planning, Wills, and What to Do NOW to Protect Your Heirs
    BiggerPockets Money 401 - The Post-Passing Plan: 3 Steps to Protect Your Family’s Financial Future
    BiggerPockets Money 503 - How to Keep MORE of Your Inheritance From the IRS (Avoid These Tax Mistakes!)

    00:00 Intro
    01:27 Why You NEED an Estate Plan
    07:52 Finding an Attorney & Probate 101
    18:10 First Steps for Early Retirees
    24:56 Getting Organized & Estate Planning Costs
    37:00 Connect with Jenny!
    37:29 Start Planning Today!

    Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/money-532

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  • If you follow these nine steps, you will reach financial independence. How do we know? Well, The Money Guy Show’s Brian Preston and Bo Hanson have tested it hundreds of times! Using this simple but extremely powerful “financial order of operations,” anyone from any background can achieve FIRE, even starting with nothing. From free money to becoming easily debt-free, building a solid financial foundation, and even paying off your mortgage early, Brian and Bo break down the exact route to financial freedom anyone can take.
    But first, we’ll discover if you’re a “financial mutant.” The fact that you’re listening to BiggerPockets Money already proves that you might be. But for those who have struggled with high-interest credit card debt, low savings, and lackluster investing, this episode has EVERYTHING you need to become a financial powerhouse by making nine smart money moves. 
    We’ll walk through the entire financial order of operations, from saving money to cover your deductibles to building an emergency reserve, paying off bad debt, and the “hyper-accumulation” stage you must reach to watch your net worth explode. If you’re ready to take the steps to realize financial freedom in the not-so-distant future, stay with us and grab Brian’s newest book, Millionaire Mission! 

    In This Episode We Cover
    The nine-step "financial order of operations" that will lead you to financial independence
    Why building a $1,000 emergency fund is NOT enough and how much you really need
    Whether or not to pay off your “high-interest” debt depending on your age 
    Why Brian and Bo advise people NOT to invest in real estate until they’re at THIS stage 
    The one investment account to max out before all the rest (it’s NOT your 401(k)!) 
    The “hyper-accumulation” stage that will explode your wealth (IF you can reach it)
    And So Much More!

    Links from the Show
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    BiggerPockets Money 404 - How to Build Wealth in Three Simple Steps w/The Money Guy Show
    BiggerPockets Money 510 - Morgan Housel: Financial Lessons From History Anyone Can Use to Get Rich
    Grab Brian’s New Book, “Millionaire Mission”

    00:00 Intro
    01:38 Financial "Mutants" Among Us
    02:52 The Financial Order of Operations 
    05:54 Cover Your HIGHEST Deductible 
    07:38 Get Your Employer Match
    09:49 Build an Emergency Reserve 
    11:11 Paying Off "High-Interest" Debt
    22:23 DON'T Invest in Real Estate?
    28:34 "Hyper-Accumulation" of Wealth
    36:47 Prepay Future Expenses 
    38:22 Pay Off LOW-Interest Debt
    46:11 Grab the New Book!

    Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/money-531

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  • You DON’T have to spend your entire life chasing financial independence. Play your cards right, and you may not even need a whole decade! With a little hard work and sacrifice, today’s guest became a millionaire (and financially free) in just SIX years!
    Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Money podcast! After years of “drifting” through life and racking up bad debt, Erichad a moment when he realized he might not be able to rely on his W2 income for as long as he had hoped. Seeing the writing on the wall, he decided to get serious about achieving financial independence—buying rental properties, fixing them up, and eventually flipping them for a huge profit. One “home run” deal catapulted him toward his FI goal and a $1 million net worth!
    If you dream of financial freedom but don’t want to spend your whole life getting there, this episode is for you! Eric offers some helpful advice for those who are looking to start their own FIRE journey—including why new investorsshould buy “grandpa’s house,” how to uncover “rare” real estate deals on the multiple listings service (MLS), and how to get the maximum return on a few years of sacrifice!

    In This Episode We Cover
    How Eric became a millionaire and reached financial independence in SIX years
    Why buying “grandpa’s house” is a cheat code for building wealth
    How to start fixing and flipping houses (and turn a HUGE profit!)
    How to find “rare” real estate deals on the multiple listings service (MLS)
    Building your real estate portfolio by using your profits to buy MORE properties
    And So Much More!

    Links from the Show
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    Grab Your Copy of “The Book on Flipping Houses”
    BiggerPockets Money 516 - Jaspreet Singh: Getting Rich Slowly and Why Some People STAY Broke
    BiggerPockets Money 481 - Building a $1 Million Net Worth in Only 3 Years by Investing in Real Estate
    Connect with Eric on BiggerPockets

    00:00 Intro
    01:22Millionaire in 6 Years!
    03:34 Buying “Grandpa’s House”
    09:04 Eric’s BIG Turning Point
    15:24 The Journey to $1 Million
    19:08 The “Home Run” Rental
    31:45 Moving to New Hampshire
    33:13 How to Reach FI
    36:13 Share Your Money Story!

    Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/money-530

    Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email [email protected]

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  • Financial independence by the age of twenty-five?! Today’s guest started working and saving money at a very early age, which allowed him to buy the time and freedom to do the things he values most. Whether you’re twenty-five or fifty-five, applying some of these simple principles to your own life can propel you toward financial freedom!
    Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Money podcast! Today, we’re chatting with Gabe Bult, a YouTuber, serial entrepreneur, and real estate investor who reached financial independence before his twenty-fifth birthday—all by subscribing to financial minimalism and frugal living. The only thing stopping him from retiring early? Sheer boredom! Instead, Gabe’s day typically involves precious time with his daughter, a few hours making YouTube videos, and an afternoon spent enjoying his favorite hobbies and interests.
    YOU can have this life, too, but not without a little sacrifice, education, and discipline. Fortunately, it only takes a few years of ferocious frugality to get ahead, save for the future, and become “set for life.” And in this episode, Gabe will show you how to do just that! You’ll learn how to save your first $25,000 (and what to do with it), live for free with the house hacking strategy, and start a business that allows you to earn more and work less!

    In This Episode We Cover
    How Gabe reached financial independence by the age of twenty-five
    “Financial minimalism” explained (and why it’s MUCH easier than you think!)
    How a few years of frugal living can fast-track your journey to FI
    Living for FREE with the house hacking investing strategy
    Starting a business that allows you to earn more and work less
    And So Much More!

    Links from the Show
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    BiggerPockets Money 468 - ‘Bar Rescue’ Host Jon Taffer on the “Secret Recipe” for a Successful Business
    Connect with Gabe on BiggerPockets

    00:00 Intro
    01:34 What Is Financial Minimalism?
    04:38 A Day in the Life with FI
    07:30 Gabe’s Money Journey
    13:06 The Art of Entrepreneurship
    16:30 House Hacking 101
    24:34 Education & EXTREME Discipline
    35:41 Connect with Gabe!
    36:01 Become a Financial Minimalist!

    Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/money-529

    Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email [email protected]

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  • Starting your first or next business? This episode is for you. Today, we’re bringing you everything you need to know about small business taxes for beginners. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur, partner, landlord, house flipper, Airbnb host, or something in between, you MUST know about these tax laws before you start making money with your own business because if you get them wrong, you could be paying a MASSIVE penalty come tax time. You could save yourself thousands, or TENS of thousands, just by tuning in!
    Brandon Hall, CPA, runs a real-estate-focused tax and accounting firm for big and small real estate investors. But, even if you’re not investing in real estate, these tax tips also apply to YOU. In today’s episode, we threw dozens of hard-hitting tax questions at Brandon so you know what to do with your next side hustle or full-blown business.
    We’ll discuss whether you need an LLC, the real benefits of getting one, and which business entity (LLC, S-corp, C-corp, etc.) makes the most sense for your specific business and tax needs. Making money on your own but NOT paying quarterly taxes? This could cost you BIG, but thankfully, Brandon goes through exactly how much you could owe. And if you want to owe less to the IRS, we’ll give examples of tax deductions plus, which are NOT worth it and could put you at a BIG audit risk.
    Need a tax professional for your small business? Find one for free with BiggerPockets Tax and Financial Services Finder! 

    In This Episode We Cover
    Self-employment and small business taxes for beginners 
    Whether or not you need an LLC and why most real estate investors have this all wrong
    Estimated taxes and the MASSIVE penalty you’ll pay if you forget about this
    Tax deductions and the audit red flags that the IRS is looking for
    The different business entities you can start and which has the best tax benefits 
    The three things you NEED to set up an LLC and the most critical one beginners forget
    “SALT” taxes and why those selling goods in different states could owe even more
    And So Much More!

    Links from the Show
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    How to Obtain Real Estate Professional Tax Status
    Hear Past Episodes with Brandon:
    BiggerPockets Real Estate 196 - LLCs, House Hacking, and Saving on Taxes with Brandon Hall
    BiggerPockets Real Estate 269 - How the New Tax Code Affects Your Real Estate Investments
    BiggerPockets Real Estate 934 - How to Pay Less Taxes by Buying Real Estate (1 Write-Off You’re Overlooking)
    On the Market 96 - The Biggest Real Estate Tax Loophole You’ve (Probably) Never Heard Of
    On the Market 165 - Year-End Tax Updates, New IRS Interest Rates, and URGENT News for LLCs
    On the Market 187 - 100% Bonus Depreciation Coming Back? (Do NOT File…Yet)

    00:00 Intro
    01:42 Do You Need an LLC?
    02:01 Different Business Entities
    09:29 3 Steps to Set Up an LLC
    16:49 KEY Dates to Know 
    19:14 Estimated Taxes
    25:48 The “SALT” Taxes
    31:56 Tax Deductions and Audit Red Flags
    44:22 Claiming Passive Losses 

    Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/money-528

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  • Think it’s too late for early retirement? Do you feel like just because you’re in your late thirties, forties, or fifties, FIRE doesn’t make sense for you? Well, think again because today’s guest defied the odds by retiring over fifteen years early, all while raising her daughter on her own and without a six-figure salary to sail her swiftly to a million-dollar net worth. Plus, she did all of it with no investing experience. If Jackie Cummings Koski can do it, so can you!
    Jackie grew up in a single-parent household. Her father worked hard to support her and her five siblings. This instilled a strong work ethic in Jackie and made her realize that running towards hard things, not away from them, was the true path to success. She figured out college on her own and, shortly after, landed a corporate job that took her far away from the small town she grew up in. She got married and had her daughter, but then everything changed.
    Jackie was getting divorced, forcing her to rely on herself fully for her financial future. In true Jackie fashion, she took this as a challenge and began educating herself as best as she could. Through smart saving, spending, and life-changing investing decisions, Jackie built her wealth in record time, reaching financial independence just ten years after finding the FIRE movement—all without any advantages!

    In This Episode We Cover
    How to reach financial independence without a high salary, inheritance, or advantages
    Stock investing 101 and how intentional investing can explode your net worth
    Why you must max out THESE investment accounts to be richer in retirement
    How Jackie spends just $40,000 per year owning her own home and raising her daughter
    Why you DON’T have to follow all the traditional FIRE rules to retire early
    And So Much More!

    Links from the Show
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    Money Podcast 154 - Bill Bengen (The Inventor of the 4% Rule) Talks Retirement, Past Crashes, and How You Can Withdraw Even More
    Email Mindy for the Full 4% Rule Article!
    Money Podcast 344 - Rethink Social Security: Myths, Benefits, and Clearing Up Misconceptions
    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
    Better Investing
    Root of Good
    Mr. Money Mustache
    Mad Fientist
    1500 Days

    00:00 Intro
    01:14 FIRE at 49!
    02:50 Making Money in Retirement 
    06:11 Early Years, College, and Getting Divorced 
    11:21 Working Her Way Through College
    15:06 Getting Hired After College
    15:50 Starting to Learn About Stocks
    20:02 Finding the FIRE Movement
    26:54 Spending and Saving
    36:01 Jackie's Podcast and New Book!
    38:20 Connect with Jackie!

    Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/money-527

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  • Personal finance doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving, investing, and retiring early shouldn’t be a stumbling path to wealth, but many Americans feel this way. So, to clear up some of the money misconceptions, we’re doing personal finance for beginners FAQ episode, where we take some of the most common money questions and answer them for you so you can start building wealth and get closer to financial independence!
    Many of these questions come directly from the BiggerPockets Money Facebook page, where you can ask your money questions 24/7! First, we answer, “How many bank accounts should you have?” and walk through exactly how we split up our money. If you’re looking to start building wealth, we touch on the numerous ways to invest in real estate, from basic beginner investing strategies to purely passive income-generating expert tactics.
    How much money do YOU need to retire? With the 4% rule, you can calculate it in seconds! We’ll explain this common money metric early retirees love to use and whether or not it still works in 2024. If you’re close to early retirement, should you start selling your investments to fund your financial freedom? We’ll share why most early retirees never need to sell their stocks, and speaking of stocks, we’ll also get into how to pick stocks and when to sell them!

    In This Episode We Cover
    The beginner money questions that you must have answers to if you want to build wealth
    How many bank accounts do you REALLY need, and Scott’s 3-account-setup
    Beginner and expert strategies to start investing in real estate (even with little money)
    The 4% rule explained, and how much money you actually need to retire
    How to pick stocks and whether or not index fund investing is a smarter move to make
    Withdrawing money from your accounts when you finally reach financial freedom 
    And So Much More!
    Links from the Show
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    Grab Your Copy “The House Hacking Strategy”
    Past Episodes Mentioned in Today’s Show:
    BiggerPockets Real Estate 136 - Shawn Holsapple
    BiggerPockets Money 35 - Craig Curelop
    BiggerPockets Money 120 - Michael Kitces
    BiggerPockets Money 151 - Tony J Robinson
    BiggerPockets Money 153 - Bill Bengen
    Forbes: What Is The 4% Rule For Retirement Withdrawals?
    Secret IRS Rule 72(t)! | Eric Cooper Shares Early Withdrawal Hack!

    00:00 Intro
    01:14 How Many Bank Accounts? 
    07:04 Ways to Invest in Real Estate 
    16:25 The 4% Rule Explained
    23:36 Selling Investments to Retire Early?
    30:28 How to Pick Stocks 

    Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/money-526

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  • Cryptocurrency enthusiasts can’t fathom why Bitcoin will fail. If you tell them that you’re not investing in Bitcoin or other cryptos, they look at you like an uneducated investor, a sheep following the crowd without thinking for yourself. The promise of Bitcoin is so great that you’d have to be an outright fool to deny it, and anyone who refutes the future golden age of a decentralized society is simply mistaken and is only coping with the oncoming collapse of fiat currency and Western civilization.
    The problem with that theory? None of it is grounded in reality. Today, BiggerPockets CEO Scott Trench is going to prove it. After years of research on Bitcoin, the blockchain, and cryptocurrency as a whole, Scott has come to a simple conclusion: Bitcoin isn’t worth it. In fact, Bitcoin may be worth, unsurprisingly, nothing! But before all you Bitcoin maximalists come out of the woodwork, claiming we’re forever bullish on index funds and real estate, hear out Scott’s argument.
    Scott will explain the case for Bitcoin and why its end goal is actually quite altruistic. However, five fatal flaws will stop Bitcoin from ever becoming a world reserve currency or replacing fiat money. Besides its fatal flaws, Bitcoin isn’t a foolproof cryptocurrency by any means, and we’ll prove it! Finally, Scott gives his Bitcoin price prediction and his recommendation if you do want to hold some Satoshis.

    In This Episode We Cover
    The rational investor’s case against Bitcoin and why it’s NOT an investment
    The reasons why Bitcoin could change society for the better (but probably won’t)
    Five fatal flaws of Bitcoin that will stop it from ever taking over fiat currency
    How adopting Bitcoin could lead to a crashing economy with no growth
    The blockchain’s big problems and proof that the world isn’t ready to adopt cryptocurrency
    Scott’s long-term Bitcoin price prediction that will shock Bitcoin maximalists
    And So Much More!

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    BiggerPockets Money 371 - Bitcoin: Investing Fad or Final Bullet to Fiat Currency? w/Saifedean Ammous
    Everyone’s Talking About Cryptocurrencies. Should You Invest?
    4 Reasons Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain Technology Are Poised to Transform Real Estate

    00:00 Intro
    02:16 The Case FOR Bitcoin 
    09:51 5 Fatal Flaws of Bitcoin
    14:29 Bitcoin is NOT a Perfect Crypto 
    21:46 The Blockchain’s Big Problems
    26:58 Bitcoin Price Prediction 
    28:48 What if Bitcoin DOES Take Over?

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  • Want to be a millionaire or build a business that brings in seven figures? Want generational wealth and to be debt-free? Want to know that you have enough money to take big risks while still keeping your bank account safe? If so, you need to start thinking like the rich to begin building wealth the same way they do. “That may be easy for you to say, you host the BiggerPockets Money Podcast!” Well, don’t take it from us; take it from Marc Russell.
    Marc grew up without advantages. He was in foster care for as long as he could remember, bouncing from house to house until finally, at age thirteen, he was adopted by parents with a strong, valuable work ethic. When Marc went to college, he had no money to pay for it, so he fought tooth and nail with the financial aid office to find scholarships, loans, or anything that could help him graduate. He was even kicked out of school once over not being able to pay a $900 fee! But this taught Marc how the system worked and eventually led to him landing a job at every FIRE chaser’s favorite place, Vanguard!
    Once Marc started helping the rich manage their money, he looked in the mirror and asked, “Why aren’t I doing these things?” Thus, he began imitating the investing tactics of the rich, budgeting for financial freedom, and investing everything he could, even if it meant a slower path to being debt-free. Now, Marc runs BetterWallet, helping everyday people start building generational wealth, no matter their circumstances.

    In This Episode We Cover
    How to copy the rich so you can build wealth no matter your upbringing
    Student debt, side hustles, and how to make it through college with little money
    Why you MUST save a large emergency reserve before you start working for yourself
    Investing vs. paying off debt and why the unconventional choice may be the best one
    Budgeting for your business and ensuring you have enough money before leaving your W2
    And So Much More!

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    BiggerPockets Money 329 - From Extreme Poverty to DIY Wealth and 2 Full-Time Incomes w/The She Wolfe of Wall Street
    BiggerPockets Money 485 - How to Start Thinking, Acting, and Investing Like the Rich w/Vivian Tu

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  • Is a six-figure salary enough to achieve FIRE? If you’re working towards financial independence, you know that any extra money at the end of the month can help propel you to your goals faster, but with inflation eating away most, if not all, of your paycheck, what do you do? If you want to reach early retirement, do you need a massive salary to save you from the high cost of rent, food, gas, and other everyday essentials? Or, can you easily retire with a $100K/year incomeif you make the right moves? Let’s find out!
    Today, Scott and Kyle are reviewing some of the hottest headlines in the world of personal finance and giving you their honest opinions. First, we talk about whether or not a six-figure salary is enough to achieve the “American Dream,” and if it isn’t, what YOU can do to make the most of that money. Then, we venture to a debate that everyone has an opinion on: should you withdraw from your retirement reserves to buy your first primary residence? Is this a smart money loophole or a move that could cost you in the long run?
    How much do you need to retire? According to Americans, the figure is close to $1.5M, but is this actually how much a smart saver or spender would need? Plus, we talk about the one generation on a surprisingly great track to wealth in retirement (it’s NOT the boomers!). Finally, are you fed up with guilt tipping? Don’t want to pay an extra quarter of your bill every time you go out to eat? Join the club because we’re discussing how tipping is getting out of control.

    In This Episode We Cover
    Whether or not a $100K/year income is enough to achieve the “American Dream”
    Using retirement funds to pay for your primary residence (when NOT to do this)
    How much Americans need to retire, and ways to retire with even less
    The one real estate investment ANY young American should be making today
    Why younger generations are on track to retire rich and achieve FIRE
    Tipping culture and what percentage we press when the payment screen turns around
    And So Much More!

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    Grab the Personal Finance Classic, “Rich Dad Poor Dad”
    BiggerPockets Money Podcast 344 - Rethink Social Security: Myths, Benefits, and Clearing Up Misconceptions
    Articles from This Episode:
    Withdrawing from Retirement
    How Much to Retire
    Gen Z’s House Hacking
    Guilt Tipping

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  • Moving is hard. But could relocating to a low-cost-of-living area help you lead a more fulfilling life and achieve financial freedom? As today’s guest came to find out, the benefits of living in an affordable area often outweigh the glitz and glamor of a big city!
    Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Money podcast! Today, we’re chatting with Allison Irby Vu, a financial planner who made a huge cross-country move in pursuit of a better financial future. With roots planted in Washington, D.C., Allison hadn’t considered moving until she stumbled across a program that offered her $10,000 to relocate to Tulsa, Oklahoma! Little did she know that this MAJOR life change would not only improve her financial situation but also allow her to spend more time with her son and tight-knit community.
    In this episode, you’ll hear all about Allison’s journey from her hometown to Tulsa. She shares how she went from living paycheck to paycheck (despite earning close to six figures!) to having an abundance of time and money for the things she values most. Allison also highlights the pros and cons of living in an area like Tulsa and how remote workers can plan their next big move!

    In This Episode We Cover
    How to reach financial freedom by moving to a low-cost-of-living area
    Getting PAID to move to a more affordable city (and how to qualify!)
    How to pay off large amounts of debt as quickly as possible
    Creating a budget that allows you to spend money on the things you value
    How to take FULL advantage of your remote job (and live anywhere in the world!)
    The biggest pros and cons of moving to an area like Tulsa, Oklahoma
    And So Much More!

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    BiggerPockets Money 11 – Designing a Frugal But Luxurious FI Life by Age 32
    BiggerPockets Money 500 – FIRE Advice from Codie Sanchez, Ramit Sethi, Money with Katie, and More!
    Learn More About the Tulsa Remote Program

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  • Could real estate investing help you reach financial freedom much sooner than you thought possible? Today’s guest had his world turned upside down by one tragic incident, but he was able to quit his W2 job, pivot to real estate, and fast-track his journey to FIRE!
    Today, we’re chatting with technology instructor turned full-time real estate investor Keith Nugent. After a skydiving accident rendered him unable to perform his previous job duties, Keith knew he needed a new path to financial independence. Fortunately, he discovered real estate at the perfect time. Taking advantage of the fallout from the 2008 housing market crash, Keith started loading up on rental properties—often buying them for pennies on the dollar. In just twelve years, he had not only achieved his goal of thirty cash-flowing units by 2020 but also added an additionalten units to his portfolio!
    Thanks to real estate, Keith now has a career that fully accommodates his disability and will allow him to retire early. In the meantime, he enjoys his newfound financial freedom by traveling the world and spending time with his FIRE-bound friends. In this episode, Keith offers practical tips on how to start investing in real estate—from choosing your market to buying your first rental property and more!

    In This Episode We Cover
    How Keith became a full-time real estate investor after a tragic skydiving accident
    How to replace your W2 income and achieve financial freedom with real estate
    Why time in the market is MORE important than timing the market
    How to determine how much cash flow you need to support your retirement
    Why you NEED an estate plan and how to decide who inherits your assets
    And So Much More!

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    Money Podcast 330 - The Ultimate Teen Money Hack for Parents
    Money Podcast 397 - Estate Planning, Wills, & What to Do NOW to Protect Your Heirs
    Grab Your “Family Emergency Binder”

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  • The best side hustles can put some extra cash in your pocket, help you leave your W2 job, or even launch you toward FIRE. If you’re looking to make money in ways other than real estate investing, you don’t want to miss this side hustle special!
    Nick Loper, founder of Side Hustle Nation and host of The Side Hustle Show, has been building businesses since he was a teenager. From lucrative digital assets to service-based ventures, Nick has done it all, and today, he’s bringing some fresh ideas for you to try. As you’re about to learn, these fledgling businesses come in all shapes and sizes. Some take years to nurture before you reap any reward for effort, while others allow you to start earning immediately. In any case, you need to choose one you’re interested in and stick with it if you want to see results!
    In this episode of the BiggerPockets Money podcast, Nick dives into some of his favorite side hustles—many of which you can start TODAY with little to no money and minimal time. You’ll learn whether it’s still possible to build amoney-making blog in 2024, as well as how to make extra income by renting out assets like inflatables, hot tubs, and vending machines!

    In This Episode We Cover
    Nick’s favorite low-money side hustle ideas (not named real estate!)
    How to turn your own side business into a money-making machine
    Creative ways to earn royalties from YOUR original works or ideas
    How to build a digital asset that generates income for years to come
    Why you MUST follow the “rule of one hundred” with every new side hustle
    The non-digital assets you can rent out for a HUGE profit
    And So Much More!
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    How Anyone Can Easily Make Extra Money Using Side Hustles with Nick Loper
    Finance Friday: Pay Off Debt, Invest in Real Estate, or…Buy Vending Machines?
    Make an Extra $100/Day with These Work-From-Home Side Hustles
    Hear Nick on “The Side Hustle Show”

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  • Want to know how to avoid capital gains on your next home sale? If you tune in, you may dodge a quarter-of-a-million-dollar bullet (or more!). What about investing in one of the most tax-advantaged accounts that almost EVERYONE should have but most people don’t? What do you do when a family member asks to borrow money from you but has a bad track record with keeping their personal finances together? We’re getting into it all and more on this finance FAQ with Amanda and Scott!
    We get a ton of personal finance questions through the BiggerPockets Forums and our Facebook Page, so we decided to round up some of the most common ones and answer them for you. First, we’re talking about how to dodge capital gains tax when selling your home. Then, a concerned listener asks whether they should take out a loan on a family member’s behalf. A high-income earner wants to know whether renting or buying is their best bet, and we share whether paying off your mortgage early is a mistake!
    Got a medical expense coming up, or just want to boost your retirement investing? We’ll answer whether an HSA (health savings account) beats an FSA (flexible spending account)—but make sure you get this one right. If you invest in one of these accounts the wrong way, you’ll be throwing money away. Finally, a debt-free chaser asks whether they should use their emergency reserves to pay off debt or keep slowly slogging away with the snowball method.

    In This Episode We Cover
    How to avoid capital gains tax when selling your primary residence
    HSAs (health savings accounts) vs. FSAs (flexible spending accounts)
    Whether or not to use your emergency fund to pay off credit card debt 
    Why you may want to reconsider loaning a family member money 
    Whether to buy or rent in today’s housing market (EVEN with low money down)
    Pay off your mortgage early or invest the rest of your money?
    And So Much More!

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    Fidelity Investments
    She Wolf of Wall Street Website
    Emergency Fund: How Much Do You Really Need in 2024?
    How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt FAST ($30K+ in 1 Year!)
    Renting a Home Is Financially Better Than Buying—Wait, What?!

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  • Whether you know it or not, “shrinkflation” is costing you. You’re paying more for less, as manufacturers boast record profits. Your paycheck is getting eaten away faster and faster every month, but you’re left with the same amount of stuff. How did this happen, and when is it going to stop? Phil Lempert, AKA the “SupermarketGuru,” has been analyzing consumer behavior, marketing trends, and the retail landscape for over two decades. Now, he’s sharing thetricks manufacturers use to get you to spend more while expecting less.
    Shrinkflation has become such a severe problem that even the president of the United States has recently mentioned its damaging effects on the American household. Phil gives us the inside scoop on why prices are rising while sizes shrink, how retailers are actually fighting back to get customers the savings they deserve, and which products are seeing the most shrinkflation today.
    Phil also shares his top tips to beat shrinkflation and save more money every month, how to show the companies that you WON’T put up with their price gouging games, easy ways to identify shrinkflation, and the supermarket chains that give you the best bang for your buck. If you’re tired of seeing your grocery bill inflate while your bank account shrinks, this is an episode you cannot miss!

    In This Episode We Cover
    Shrinkflation explained, and how manufacturers are taking advantage of Americans
    Products that are seeing the most shrinkflation and which items to avoid
    Why America’s need for “choice” is making shrinkflation even worse
    The grocery stores and brands that are the best for budget-conscious shoppers
    How to identify shrinkflation and the sneaky tricks manufacturers play to get you to spend more for less
    How to take action against shrinkflation and tell brands to STOP ripping you off!
    And So Much More!

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    Cutting Your Grocery Bill in Half with Erin Chase from $5 Dinners
    Persuasion Secrets and Predatory Practices Businesses Use on YOU
    Supermarket Savings Tips: How to Avoid Shrinkflation as Some Companies Give Consumers Less

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  • Buying a business? Maybe you’ve thought about it before. You could own a laundromat, self-storage facility, plumbing business, or landscaping service. It doesn’t sound glamorous, but these types of businesses can make you millions of dollars and lead you to financial freedom. And, with so many baby boomers retiring, tons of small businesses with built-in customer bases are for sale, just waiting for YOU to come and make money from them. But before you buy, there are some things you should know.
    Elliott Holland, an expert in acquiring small and medium-sized businesses, helps aspiring business buyers uncover whether a business is worth the price. Elliot’s team specializes in business due diligence, making sure that YOU don’t buy a business that’s worth less than what the owner/broker told you it was. Trust him; he’s saved many new entrepreneurs from making million-dollar mistakes.
    So, before you buy a business, listen to this episode. In it, Elliot walks through exactly how a business is valued, which loans you can use to buy a business, why you CAN’T trust the financials from the current business owner, questions to ask before you buy, and who should even be buying a business in the first place. Do this right, and you could be sitting on lifetime financial freedom, but take a wrong turn, and you could lose millions (we’ll share that story, too!).

    In This Episode We Cover
    How to buy a “boring business” that will lead you to financial freedom
    How businesses are valued and why you MUST understand “EBITDA”
    Tricky ways that business owners inflate their numbers to sell to you for more
    Who should (and definitely shouldn’t) be buying small businesses 
    Three things you MUST look at before you make a bid on a business
    The wrong move that lost one business owner over $2,000,000 when buying a business
    And So Much More!

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    Codie Sanchez: These “Boring Businesses” Will Make You Rich
    Leila and Alex Hormozi’s Unbelievably Simple Investing Advice
    Sites to Buy Businesses:
    Elliot’s Resources From Today’s Episode:
    LOI Template
    12 Public Stories of Failed Due Diligence
    Success Stories

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  • Want to know how to get rich but fear it could be too late? Perhaps you’ve got responsibilities, bills to pay, and a family to feed. How can you possibly get ahead? Jaspreet Singh’s message is clear: you can still build wealth, but you’re going to have to be intentional with your money, just like every other rich person. There are no shortcuts! 
    Today, Jaspreet is a serial entrepreneur, real estate investor, licensed attorney, and host of The Minority Mindset Show. But growing up, his parents wanted him to become a doctor. Despite the immense pressure to fulfill their wishes, Jaspreet found himself gravitating toward entrepreneurship. He started several businesses throughout adolescence and young adulthood—from playing drums at weddings and planning college parties to building ecommerce stores. He lost a TON of money along the way, but taking these risks early on paid off. Eventually, he discovered his true passion, financial education, and built an enormous online business by teaching others how to master personal finance.
    America’s capitalist financial system benefits those who are willing to “play the game.” In this episode, Jaspreet shares how fostering a “minority mindset” unlocks the ability to use this country’s tax code, banks, debt, and other systems to your advantage. The catch? It’s a hard, long road. Jaspreet recommends drastic lifestyle changes, such as ruthless frugality, a “decade of sacrifice,” and the 75/15/10 rule. Make no mistake—it’s not going to be easy. But years from now, you’ll be thankful you stuck to this tried-and-true wealth-building philosophy!

    In This Episode We Cover
    How to foster a healthy relationship with your money
    The three phases of wealth (and how to handle money in each stage)
    How risk tolerance varies in different stages of wealth building
    Why a “decade of sacrifice” is the foundation for long-term wealth
    What you MUST do to thrive in America’s financial system
    How to be “intentional” with your finances using the 75/15/10 rule
    Pre-tax versus post-tax investment accounts and avoiding risk in retirement
    And So Much More!

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    How to Get Rich Slowly and Retire Early Than Most with a Modest Portfolio
    How to Become a “Quiet” Millionaire and Avoid the Financial Guru Trap
    Subscribe to the Market Briefs Newsletter

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  • Want to know how to get out of debt for good? It’s not as easy as it sounds! The more you chip away at that number, the harder it becomes to resist frivolous spending. But by fostering a healthy money mindset, building credit, and using credit cards the right way, you can stay out of the red!
    Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Money podcast! Ashley is a business owner and rental property investor who is well on her way to financial independence. But only a few years ago, she had racked up tens of thousands of dollars in debt on not one, not two, but THREE occasions. In this episode, she shares why she struggled to break free from the snare of consumer debt and why a drastic mindset shift was needed to climb out of a $150,000 hole.
    Ashley also takes a deep dive into credit history and touches on each of the five factors that impact your credit score. Along the way, she offers several personal finance tips that will help you pay off debt and raise your score—such as “tiering down” from credit cards you no longer use, increasing your credit age with one simple hack, and striking the perfect mix of credit accounts. Finally, how important is credit? Is it a trap to avoid or a necessary evil that can help propel you toward financial freedom? Stick around to find out!

    In This Episode We Cover
    How Ashley paid off over $150,000 of debt in just a few years
    Why sixty-five percent of your credit score is within YOUR control
    Common methods of paying down debt and which one to use
    When to keep your old credit cards open (and when to close them instead!)
    The credit card “hack” you can use to make your credit age appear longer
    Revolving credit versus installment loans (and why you should have both)
    And So Much More!

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    How to “Travel Hack” Like a Pro and Get FREE Flights, Hotel Stays, and More! w/Eli Facenda
    The Secret to Saving More, Spending Less, and a Perfect Credit Score
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