
  • This episode originally broadcast on Marcy 14, 2025. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2025/03/binary-system-podcast-448-beastars-and-star-trek-lower-decks/

    The episode of Beastars that we recapped this week isn't quite as unsettling as last week's episode. That civet cat is still off-putting and weird, but my goodness do the animators do an excellent job with Yaya's animation. The team that animated that zebra in the noodle shop, however, can go sit in a corner and think about what they've done.

    We really hope everyone has already watched Season 3 of Star Trek: Lower Decks, because we have an in-depth recap of episodes 1 and 2 with all the spoilers.

    For a little extra flavor, we included a discussion of "Rule of Three" and "Comfort Blanket", two podcasts which talk about the things we love and also give us fascinating information about why they work so well. Elizabeth's also reading an excellent Naomi Novik short-story collection, and Kathryn's reading another book in Seanan McGuire's Wayward Children series, a collection of lovely little children's adventures that have so much heartbreak embedded in the very fabric of the stories that she's not sure if she can keep reading them. (She's totally going to keep reading them.)

    This week's outro is a clip from Aqua by Ekilorea Sound.

    Correction: Elizabeth and Kathryn (mostly Kathryn) repeatedly mispronounce the Beastar "Yaya" as "Vaya". Sorry about that. We're also still not 100% we're getting Legoshi and Rouis's pronunciations right either.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on March 6, 2025, the original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2025/03/binary-system-podcast-447-wtnv-263-hysteria-land-beastars-and-the-oscar-nominated-animated-shorts/

    On tonight's recap of Welcome to Night Vale we learn that Night Vale's newest attraction, Hysteria Land, is not an amusement park, it's a theme park. And the theme is "amusement." We'd argue that the theme is also "existential dread" and "impossibly frightening." Arms inside the ride, kids, watch out for the dead animals.

    After that we go over this year's Oscar Nominated Animated shorts, which while not quite at the level of last year's nominations, were still very good, ranging from the bittersweet kick in the feels of In the Shadow of the Cypress, to the silly but very fun Magical Candies, to the DOWNRIGHT DISTURBING Wander to Wonder. (Which was still extremely well made but whoo boy that one's dark.)

    And after THAT, we've got to go over episode seven of the final season of Beastars. Well, we have to go over one scene anyway, which was hands down the most disturbing thing this show's done YES THAT SCENE THE ONE WITH THE RABBITS WHAT THE ABSOLUTE HELL.

    This week's outro is a clip from bROKEn dREAM by hARITON zOE

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

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  • This episode originally broadcast on February 27, 2025, the original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2025/02/binary-system-podcast-446-wtnv-262-the-man-who-is-not-tall/

    "That's a good question."

    "Thank you!"

    "It's best to not ask questions. Especially good ones."

    If the title to the Welcome to Night Vale episode sounds familiar, we're seeing the return of a harrowing duo from Night Vale's past: The Man Who Is Not Tall, and The Man Who Is Not Short. And unfortunately The Man Who Is Not Tall is now...Steve Carlsburg. Yes, Cecil's beloved brother-in-law has taken on a dangerous new job, and Cecil has questions.

    After a recap were we discuss the rules of childhood games that scared the crap out of us, and also Cecil bemoaning the loss of decorum (I mean, Cloud Perverts? Really?), the Binary Podcast System team also talk about Season 3 Episode 7 of Beastars (which Kathryn hasn't seen), and the 2025 Oscar-Nominated Animated Shorts (which Elizabeth hasn't seen), and then take a brief digression to talk about The Menu, which we've both seen and talked about it at length already but come on, it just dropped on Netflix and how can we resist?

    This week's outro is a clip from CARAVAGGIO by hARITON zOE

    You can listen to our episodes about The Menu and the 2024 Oscar-Nominated Animated Shorts, we promise we didn't rehash too much about what we loved from those in today's episode.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on February 13, 2025. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2025/02/binary-system-podcast-445-arcane-series-finale/

    It took two, maybe two-and-a-half months longer than everyone else, but the Binary System Podcast team finally watched the final episode (ever?) of Arcane: League of Legends.

    Ten out of ten. No notes.

    Of course it takes us an entire episode to go into detail about why we think this episode was the perfect way to wrap up a series that's beautiful, powerful, exciting, beautiful, heartbreaking, and have we mentioned beautiful? You'll probably want to watch the finale before listening to this episode, partly because you really need to experience this series, but also because we spoil the hell out of all of it.

    This week's outro is a clip from Shadows by Beat Mekanik.

    You have to see this Instagram Reel Elizabeth found, showing all the subtle differences in Arcane's intro for each episode of season 2.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on February 6, the original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2025/02/binary-system-podcast-444-wtnv-261-brought-to-you-by-flakey-os-beastars-and-lower-decks/

    Welcome to Night Vale is back from hiatus this week so we’ve gotta talk about the Flakey-O's employees as they celebrate their return from a Season of Unstoppable Churning Death. (Otherwise known as corporate takeover.) Totally understandable that they'd want to cut loose for a bit, and what's a little grave robbing among friends?

    After that we go over two more episodes of Beastars that were equal parts harrowing and freaking bizarre (oh my god the bit with poop, c'mon you guys why you gotta be THAT weird?) and everything we loved about the season 2 finale of Star Trek Lower Decks: dramatic rescue missions! Badass piloting! Horny Beluga whales!

    This week's outro is a clip from Ohms by Beat Mekanik.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on January 30, 2025. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2025/01/binary-system-podcast-443-arcane-star-trek-lower-decks-and-bojack-horseman/

    Wow, we've got a real rhythm going with these posts! We're back again this week to discuss the second-to-last episode (ever!) of Arcane. What can we say about this show that we haven't said before? It's beautiful, it's terrifying, it's powerful, it's violent. We finally get the backstory on what's been happening with Mel, but we still don't have a handle on exactly what she is now, or how her mother's been lying this entire time.

    (SPOILERS!) Oh, and Vi and Caitlyn have sex. Finally!

    We're also still talking about Bojack Horseman, this time about the nature of apologies and how they don't, by themselves, actually fix anything. But first we have to get to Star Trek: Lower Decks, specifically Season 2 episode 9, which has instantly become Kathryn's favorite episode. We get to see the lower decks crew of not one, not even three, but five different spaceships, in an episode that isn't afraid to ask "What does the awkward, eager-beaver, go-getter ensign look like when they're in a crew of Vulcans? Or Klingons?"

    This week's outro is a clip from Battle Glitch Bot by TeknoAXE.

    We didn't get the pronunciation right, but the Japanese artform that involves fixing pottery with gold is called Kintsugi.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on January 23, 2025. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2025/01/binary-system-podcast-442-star-trek-lower-decks-beastars-and-bojack-horseman/

    Second verse, same as the first: we’re back this week to talk about Star Trek: Lower Decks (the Star Trek future is the best future: good hearted and occasionally sexy!) and Beastars (okay but WHY did Louis say he was a virgin, does having sex with Haru not count? Did they actually HAVE sex?), and fangirling about the 1980s cartoon Mighty Orbots (yes it’s often silly but we love it and despite the shortcuts the animation is surprisingly good)

    We finish up with Elizabeth’s rewatch of Bojack Horseman, and the downright scary similarity between his public “apology” and Neil Gaiman’s response to the allegations against him. I mean, the episode is five years old and it’s like Neil was taking notes…

    Keep an eye out here for Kathryn’s upcoming crossover with the Mid-Life Crisis Task Force!

    This week’s outro is an oldie but a goodie, a clip from Calm the Fuck Down by Broke For Free.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan’s castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on January 16, 2025, the original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2025/01/binary-system-podcast-441-star-trek-lower-decks-beastars-and-arcane/

    This week it’s thirty minutes and three topics as the Binary System Podcast team does an in-depth recap of…okay, so the first two topics are gonna be kinda fast. Kathryn watched Season 2 Episode 6 of Star Trek: Lower Decks (foley artists, take a bow), and Elizabeth and Kathryn both watched Season 3 Episode 3 of Beastars (“Shit gets weird.”) But what we really want to talk about is Season 2 Episode 7 of Arcane.

    We’re on the third-to-the-last episode ever, and this one is a tale of both time-travel and alternate reality. It’s beautiful, terrifying, and bittersweet in the best way. The writers keep showing us the hidden depths of the characters and the meaning of Hextech itself, the animation keeps knocking our socks off, and the heartbreak that the showrunners promised to deliver is still arriving, but in ways we never quite expect.

    This week’s outro is a clip from Patience by Grumplefunk

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan’s castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on January 10, 2025. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2025/01/binary-system-podcast-440-beastars-and-star-trek-lower-decks/

    Wonder of all wonders we actually managed to watch another episode of Beastars season 3. Never mind the fact that Elizabeth only finished watching it five minutes before the recording, it got done and that’s what counts. (Keep telling yourself that, slacker. ~ Kathryn) (Oy! ~ Elizabeth)

    After recapping the various Beastars heartbreaks (poor Juno just can’t catch a break) we get into 4th and 5th episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks season 2, because that series never stops being delightful.

    We also have a brief word about Tenet (Elizabeth doesn’t understand most of it, but she really liked it) and some tangents into Bojack Horseman and the apparently dreadful Megalopolis.

    This week’s outro is a clip from Atmospheric Guitar by Pufino.
    Music track: Atmospheric Guitar by Pufino
    Source: https://freetouse.com/music
    Copyright Free Music (Free Download)

    Found it! Check out this Slashfilm.com article on why audio in movies suck (and what we can do about it.)

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan’s castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on January 2, 2025, the original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2025/01/binary-system-podcast-439-wtnv-260-the-december-monologues/

    Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone's 2025 is already shaping up to be calm and stress-free and completely absent of any kind of drama. This week's recap is actually way late, but we've got to get through a whole month of Welcome To Night Vale being on hiatus, so why not wait until January to cover a story with December in the title?

    The three monologues this year feature a decent cross-section of Night Vale. The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home talks about the best way to handle a bullying situation, ie: LISTEN TO YOUR CHILD. Or have a ghostly apparition remove the teeth from the bullies while they sleep. Your choice. Meanwhile Michelle Nguyen has a surprisingly insightful argument for why you should only listen to your favorite song once. And Steve Carlsburg is having the weirdest job interview. (Did...did we know that Steve did time for robbing the bank where he currently works? Because it's pretty clear that his bank doesn't know that.)

    After the recap we continue our trend of actually watching things. No, not Beastars yet. And not the last three episodes of Arcane. Elizabeth finished watching the surprisingly violent Blue Eye Samurai. Kathryn finished watching the surprisingly free Epic: The Musical. And Elizabeth has juuust about finished watching the all-around surprising Christopher Nolan's Tenet. And we liked all of it. (Well, Elizabeth hasn't seen the ending of Tenet just yet. But liking a movie she still needs to watch feels pretty darn appropriate for this film, doesn't it?)

    This week's outro is a clip from A Simple Glitch by TeknoAXE

    You can find Jorge Rivera-Herrans youtube channel with all the different Epic: The Musical sagas here, or if you want you can skip right to the watch party where he plays the entire musical here.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on December 26, 2024. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2024/12/binary-system-podcast-438-holiday-travel-edition/

    Hope everybody is having safe and happy holidays! This week’s episode is super short because one: at time of recording we were on the road, and two: we haven’t caught up with much In the way of TV, movie, and books this week. Elizabeth’s only finished the second to last episode of Star Trek Lower Decks, most of Blue Eye Samurai, and the Beetlejuice sequel, and Kathryn’s in the middle of Valente’s Space Oddity. So, yeah, uh, kind of a lot actually? More on that next week!

    This week’s outro is a clip from Auld Lang Syne ( Synth Wave ) by HoliznaCC0.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan’s castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broacast December 19, 2024. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2024/12/binary-system-podcast-437-arcane-season-two-beastars-season-3-episode-1/

    Happy Holidays from the Binary System Podcast team! Our present to everyone this year is an extra-long episode, because there is just so much content. The final season of Beastars dropped while we were looking the other way, so we have to talk about the first episode and how this season seems to be tackling some really serious themes, like how segregation may only provide temporary peace while making everything worse in the long term.

    But what's taking up most of our time this week is the second arc of the final season of Arcane: League of Legends. There's moments of humor and strategically-placed slo-mo, betrayal, loyalty, and an almost relentless stream of heartbreak. And despite how tragic things get we're gonna keep on watching because you guys? It's so pretty!

    One day we will stop using spinningmerkaba's Christmas On Mars as the outro at Christmas, but today is not...oh who are we kidding, we're never gonna stop using this.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on December 12, 2024. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2024/12/binary-system-podcast-436-wtnv-259-chrysalis-and-star-trek-lower-decks/

    "…the chrysalis is showing signs that it may soon open…"

    It's Night Vale, so that could either mean Steve Carlsberg leaving his old life for a new one, or it could be the VERY LITERAL chrysalis with a monster inside. Obviously, it's both, but between the thing in the cocoon and Steve's employers, maybe we should go stand somewhere else.

    After the recap we jump into Star Trek: Lower Decks and discuss one of our favorite characters, Dr. T'Ana, possibly the least sexy cat-person Star Trek has ever produced. We love her.

    We also take a moment to talk about the January return of Severance, television schedules in the UK, being nice to cashiers, and then ask the important question: why DID they make Gladiator II?

    This week's outro is a clip from Revved Up Energy by Universfield.

    Hugh's (very unimpressed) review of Gladiator II is here.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on November 28, 2024. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2024/11/binary-system-podcast-435-arcane-season-two-episode-3/

    The first arc of Arcane Season 2 wraps up with a glorious one-on-one battle between Vi and Jinx (well, one-one-one, if you don't count Caitlyn and Sevika fighting it out in the wings, and the Orphan Moppet who's latched on to Jinx just generally getting in the way.)

    Many things are happening simultaneously in this episode, what with Jayce and Co trying to figure out how to deal with magic that seems to becoming sentient, and Ambessa pulling strings and dragging Piltover into war with the Undercity. It's a lot to keep track of, so be prepared for spoilers and a lot of breathless summaries of the very cool things happening, followed by "but before that happens...". Oh, and Vi and Caitlyn's relationship has managed to go exactly where we wanted it to, right before breaking our hearts.

    This week's outro is a clip from Cadence Cascade by Denys Brodovski.

    You can follow along with the DragonFall Drawing Challenge by going to Elizabeth or Kathryn's instagram feeds.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast November 21, 2024. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2024/11/binary-system-podcast-434-wtnv-258-swap-meet-arcane-and-ren-faires/

    Night Vale's holding its first-ever Swap Meet this week, and the Sanitation Department wants to make sure you follow all the rules: there's no money of any kind allowed, tangible and intangible swaps are encouraged, and Faustian Deals that cost you your immortal soul? Those are perfectly acceptable, go talk to the demons in the booth by the fuzzy blankets.

    After the recap we jump into Season 2 Episode 2 of Arcane, which is just as beautiful as ever and features a fight scene that is completely bonkers. Seriously, it's ridiculously over the top. We loved it.

    Finally Kathryn gives us the breakdown of Time Travel Travellers' Weekend at the Carolina Renaissance Festival, which could only be improved by one thing: those Scottish Meat Pies we got at a Medieval Fair (*censored*) years ago and still remember. Listener recipes cheerfully accepted.

    And on an unrelated note: Why DO people hate Imagine Dragons?

    This week's outro is a clip from Twin Gods by White Bat Audio, find more at karlcasey.bandcamp.com.

    You can follow Kathryn, Elizabeth, Wade, and Leland on Instagram to see more of the DragonFall Drawing Challenge!

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on November 14, 2024. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2024/11/binary-system-podcast-433-arcane-season-two/

    This week the Binary System Podcast team watched the first episode of Arcane: League of Legends season 2. That's it, that's all you need to know; we watched it and it's amazing.

    Okay, yes, we also talked a little bit about what we're also watching (Dario Argento and the original run of Frasier) and what we're doing (going to Durham Comic Con and making lots of dragon-themed artwork). But really, this week's episode is mostly about Arcane. We're bummed about who we lost in last season's finale, pleasantly surprised by who didn't get killed in Jinx's attack, and looking forward to enjoying more fantastic animation and most likely getting our freaking hearts broken

    This week's outro is a clip from Sleepless Beast by Jangwa

    You can follow along with the DragonFall Drawing Challenge by going to Elizabeth or Kathryn's instagram feeds.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on November 7, 2024. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2024/11/binary-system-podcast-432-wtnv-257-traffic-2005s-constantine-and-lower-decks/

    On this week's Night Vale recap we're taking about the brand new innovation the venture capitalists have come up with: a ride share where a bunch of people take the same big car, and it goes around to different places and some people get on and some get off (...the bus, they've reinvented the bus. But it's Night Vale so there's also weird non-government agents, blindfolds, and either an angry mob or a pickup game, we're not sure.)

    After that Elizabeth sets a record in movie-watching, she finally got around to watching Keanu Reeve's Constantine, only 19 years late! She's kicking herself for not watching it sooner because it's all kinds of fun. Spoiler warnings, but chances are most of you have already watched it at some point in the last two decades.

    Finally, Kathryn's on season two of Star Trek: Lower Decks, just in time for the final season to drop, so we've got to talk about how good the show is and how maybe it's okay that it's coming to an end if it means it ends on a high note. Here's hoping.

    This week's outro is a clip from Covered in Oil by Broke For Free. (Not the first time we've used this one, but it's one of our favorites so it gets a repeat.)

    The episode where we talk about Nazr and Frances' doomed relationship is here.

    You can follow Kathryn, Elizabeth, Wade, and Leland on Instagram to see more of the DragonFall Drawing Challenge!

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on October 31, 2024. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2024/10/binary-system-podcast-431-the-exorcist-iii/

    Happy Halloween! We're officially in the middle of spooky movie season, so this week we're talking about a classic horror film. It's the Exorcist...Three!

    Not a perfect film by any means; you can see the heavy hand of the producers who insisted on changing the name from William Blatty's Legion in order to capitalize on the Exorcist name, and then had to shoehorn in an exorcism at the end that makes no logical sense. However, the movie is surprisingly...good? With an interestingly creepy plot, some surprising comedic moments, a couple of good jump scares, and excellent performances by George C. Scott, Ed Flanders, and Brad Dourif (Dourif in particular is not to be missed), this is a fun little experience that's definitely going to be added to our list of Horror Movies We Actually Like.

    We also ran across some news about the third season of Good Omens, and then Kathryn wanted to talk about having finally seen the original Japanese Ringu, which led to a discussion of all the ways we still love The Ring. Spoilers aplenty for two movies that are more than a couple of decades old.

    This week's outro is a clip from Pixel Pumpkin by TeknoAXE.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on October 24, 2024. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2024/10/binary-system-podcast-430-wtnv-256-the-book-of-lost-things-and-the-mayor-of-kingstown-season-series-finale/

    The head of Night Vale's new Unnamed Religion Seriously Nobody Ever Says What It Is They All Avoid Telling You The Name That's Not Suspicious At All is in Cecil's broadcast studio, discussing sheep, rudeness, and all the things you've lost in your life, tangible or intangible. It's a lovely selection of Weird Things (that's writer Brie Williams' specialty) and it'd be sweet if it wasn't for the human sacrifices.

    What definitely isn't sweet is the final episode of the final (...so far...) season of Mayor of Kingstown. Giant spoiler warnings, because we go through this episode in detail, discussing how dumb Ian is for getting buddy-buddy with a serial killer, how Evelyn is going to get herself killed, how Robert went from our favorite character to "holy cow he's going off the rails and it's ANNOYING," and how much the ending was a total bummer. Not a BAD ending you understand, just not one that's going to make you feel very good.

    This week's outro is a clip from Remember to Hope by Geb.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!

  • This episode originally broadcast on October 17, 2024. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2024/10/binary-system-podcast-429-return-of-the-sit-rep-take-two/

    We didn't actually plan to do a second sit-rep episode so soon. Unfortunately another gigantic event hit the US in the last week, causing a lot of uproar and basically making everyone's lives harder.

    That's right, Netflix cancelled KAOS after only one season. It's an unacceptable state of affairs and we demand to speak with the manager!

    All kidding aside, Florida was hit by the second hurricane in the space of two weeks, which is exactly two hurricanes too many. Our parents and younger sister Hannah fared pretty well with no major damages - our parents lost power but it just got turned back on yesterday - but not everyone got so lucky, so we're leaving up all of the charity links from the last sit-rep episode.

    In addition to ranting about KAOS, this is also an episode about finales, because Kathryn finished season 1 of Star Trek: Lower Decks and the final episode ever of The Crown. And also the second-to-last episode of Mayor of Kingstown, hopefully of season 3 and not the second-to-last episode ever. You hear us, Paramount? You're on thin ice with all the commercials you run on your paid streaming service, so we better get a season 4 or we're gonna pen a strongly-worded letter to your supervisor.

    This week's outro is a clip from Dark and Suspenseful Atmosphere by Universfield.

    The World Central Kitchen is providing meals and water to people affected by Hurricane Helene in Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee.

    The Organized Fishermen of Florida is collecting donations for victims of Hurricane Helene.

    The American Red Cross is collecting donations for Hurricane Helene relief.

    This Facebook post has a lot of information about two locations in Asheville NC that are accepting supplies, and what types of donations they need.

    Sarasota Magazine has a post with information about where to go if you need relief supplies in the Sarasota/Manatee area.

    Looking for a present for that hard-to-shop-for person? Want to buy them (or yourself) a square foot of a castle in Scotland? Look no further! You can support the restoration of Dunan's castle, legally call yourself Lady or Laird, AND if you use this link to get there, you can support this podcast too! ScottishLaird.co.uk.

    For updates, fan art, and other randomness, come follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram!