
  • A special treat for our loyal BirdCast listeners - a special episode for your enjoyment and education!
    For decades Jurong Bird Park in Singapore held the mantle of the biggest and most impressive bird collection available for viewing and exhibition to the general public. Jurong Bird Park had the biggest man made waterfall located inside a massive walk in avairy - 30 m tall - and the aviary was lush and planted out in all types of plants and flowers. The bird collection was astounding and at the time the park demonstrated some of the most innovative bird housing arrangements.
    But as time moves on and technology improves Jurong's environment became outdated and so has been re-invented and re-invigorated into Bird Paradise!
    Bird Paradise is located within the Mandai Wildlife Reserve of Singapore. It sits alongside the Singapore Zoo.
    Bird Paradise has utilised the most up to date aviary construction methods and materials and hosts a multitude of absolutely enormous walk-in-avairy collections. Bird Paradise covers around 17 hectares (42 acres) offering double the walk-in-avairy spaces of Jurong Bird Park.
    A must see is the Hong Leong Foundation Crimson Wetlands - which houses free flying macaws of all types AND the re-created Jurong Falls - although still spectacular and offering a much appreciated cooling mist in the very humid weather of Singapore - the new waterfall is 20m tall - never the less it is still spectacular!
    If you are visiting Singapore and have even a slight appreciation for birds, do make the effort to go and visit Bird Paradise.
    If you are like Birdman Dad and the BirdCast team Bird Paradise is sure to become your bird pilgrimage site.

    We have placed photos and videos on instagram, Facebook and have also created a You Tube video of the visit.


  • For the final episode for 2022 Birdman Dad is having a chat about what he suggests when you receive new birds into his aviaries and what he does regarding quarantine.

    We wish all our listeners a very safe and merry festive season and a very Happy 2023.

    Hope to have you all back listening again in 2023.

    If you miss our chats be sure to go back and listen again to the many other episodes.

    Best wishes.

    The BirdCast team

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  • You may (or may not) be aware but there are no glossie black cockatoo homelands in Western Australia AND there are no glossies on public display either.
    So what do West Aussies do when they want to see a glossie?? Well a group of youth we found out in a suburb of Perth have created an art exhibition all about them! It's quite amazing, and humans from all over Australia have chipped in to make this a fabulous experience - from donating their pet glossies feathers so West Australians can feel and touch a glossy feather, to permitting people to use their photos of glossies to model their art upon, to providing virtual messages of support.
    It's a fabulous, small exhibition out at Ellenbrook Arts at 34 Main Street ELLENBROOK. Running until the 10th December 2022. Be sure to check the opening hours before you head out there!

  • Building aviairies or remodelling existing aviaries can be as much as a hobby as the birds that end up in them. Birdman dad has been building and remodelling aviaries either for himself or helping out other bird keepers with their aviaries for as long as he can remember. This time he is building some holding aviaries for young birds - both parrots and finches.

    Also this episode the Aviculture Society of South Australia has kindly donated one of their books - "Is it Safe? The birdkeepers' pictorial guide to safe and poisonous plants". If you are interested in winning this booklet please get onto our socials - insta, facebook, messenger or reddit and leave us a comment. We will select a random winner and the book will be yours. We only have one to giveaway and we will select the winner next fortnight - so be sure to let us know if you are interested!

  • It's spring and your avairy kept birds need to have a varied diet to keep healthy and support their babies. Listen in for some hints and tips on products that can be helpful in keeping your birds in top health.

  • Some aviary birds need extra attention when it comes to new introductions - especially several species of finches. Today Birdman Dad is going to share with you, amongst some other ideas, how you can create a finch introduction space.

    BirdCast also has on offer to one listener the South Australian Aviculture Society's booklet -
    "Is it Safe? The birdkeepers pictorial guide to safe and poisionous plants" - obviously being published in South Australia this is about the plants in Australia - but we are quite happy to mail it Overseas if that's what the lucky, randon listener wants! To enter - make a comment or send a message on our Instagram, Facebook or Reddit pages:



    Instagram: birdman_dad


  • There are a few essentials you need to have when you have pet birds, one of those is a confinement/hospital/hot box - a small, warm space a pet bird can go when they are unwell.
    Today's episode discusses these boxes and some suggestions on what to do when a sick bird has left the box. Hope it helps someone (and their pet bird) out.

  • Many years ago an old farmer shared with me his realities of having livestock; he reassured me that even though it was saddening (and at times devastating emotionally and to lineage genetics) that if you are involved with living things, then innately you will be involved with deceased living things. I regularly remember his words as I move in and around aviculture.

    Today Birdman Dad shares some suggestions about how to avoid aviary tragedy as well as some suggestions on how to manage birds that just aren't seeming content with their environment. Hopefully there will be some information in today's episode to help someone with issues in their own aviaries!

  • The scarlet chested parrot would have to be one of the most colourful small parrots of Australia; a little parrot ,hat like the budgie , has found itself living in the most unusual places throughout the world. What was once a common bird seen in and around the Swan Valley of Western Australia is now only seen naturally in the more remote, desert areas on the very fringes of human occupation. So cherished were the scarlet chested parrots ,they were shipped all over the globe, long before native animal exports were halted. This amazing little bird has been bred throughout the aviaries of Europe and the Americas to produce the most astounding natural colours that would never be imagined when a novice looks at a normal scarlet chested parrot.
    These unassuming, but stunningly beautiful parrots have made their way into the hearts and homes of many a bird lover.
    Birdman Dad chats about his love of the normal scarlet chested parrot and caring for them in these cooler months moving into breeding season and the many colours he used to keep in years prior.
    Though primarily about scarlet chested parrots Birdman Dad just shares some recent activity with his finches and offers up some suggestions on what you could be doing in your aviaries at this time of year.

  • Birdman Dad is back this week - talking about what he is up to with his pet birds but also the little gems of wild bird life he gets to glimpse and be part of because he keeps pet birds.
    And he is learning all the time!
    As well as chatting about some recent aviary bird experiences concerning his finches and scarlet chested parrots.

  • There is great nutrition, enrichment and usefulness is all sorts of plants for aviary, companion, rescue and zoo living birds - in fact so many plants are so good for every bird's health and general wellbeing. But sadly many bird owners are unsure of, or unaware, of the plant treasure trove in their very own gardens.
    Many bird owners are unsure which plants are "safe" and which ones are going to make their birds sick.
    So hopefully today's episode can help you out!
    While Birdman Dad is away working his "real job" the crew have stepped in to chat about what plants they grow in their garden and in their aviaries, that are not only good for their birds to eat, but also provide much needed enrichment and mental stimulation as well as being useful nesting and protection materials.

    Remember the BirdCast competition is still on! Get your entries in to win Dr Dan Klem's book - signed and with a personal message.

    Due to very important birthday celebrations BirdCast will take a short break and be back on FRIDAY August 5!

    For either of the 2 booklets mentioned contact The Avicultural Society of South Australia (Inc):
    "What seeding grass is that? The birdkeepers' pictorial guide to seeding grasses"

    "Is it safe? The birdkeepers' pictorial guide to safe and poisonous plants"



  • Some items in Birdman Dad's aviaries have been in need of a change for some time and this winter it has happened - a bit like the automatic watering system in the summer - it just takes a while to get things sorted, especially during the past few years of material and tradesmen shortages. A long standing issue of bird breakfasts getting wet when it's raining has finally been solved. And both Birdman Dad and the birds are happy with the solution!

    Don't forget to enter our competition and be in the running to win one of Dr Dan Klem's books - Solid Air : Invisible Killer Saving Billions of birds from windows books.
    Just answer the question of what is the special idea that we humans could use in new building glass that would make both birds and humans happy. The hint: it has to do with what birds can see but that we humans can not see. Just drop us a message on either our You Tube, instagram or facebook pages with the answer!

  • In response to listener requests today BirdCast is presenting a very brief review of what people can do to help birds with regards to their existing glass windows and glass pool fencing.
    This is a real snap shot of what you can do - just remember in windows whatever you"do" has to be on the outside of the window - and everything must cover the entire glass space and be no more than 5cm apart.
    Any art pen markings or the paracord must be 3.5mm thick.
    There are photos of all these options on Bird man Dad's instagram, reddit and facebook pages.
    Be sure to get your entry in for our listener competition!








  • "We are their only, hope, and I am confident we will make our windows safe for birds because it is the right thing to do." Dr Daniel Klem Jnr, 2021.

    This is the third episode concerning the very large conservation issue of wild bird deaths because of clear glass/plastic used as glass - the glass we have in windows, sliding doors and pool fencing. This episode is all about what we are doing in Australia, how much an issue it is in Australia and what products are available today for purchase in Australia to make glass bird safe.

    BirdCast encourages all Australians to supply information to Birdlife Australia, and/or the Global Bird Collision Mapper - for without enough Australian based information (despite the international data) building codes and all three levels of Australian government are highly unlikely to change to become bird safe.

    A first for BirdCast is our first listener competition! Be sure to listen in for the information we require for an entry.
    We can only accept entries who have an Australian based postal address.
    Good luck to all our interested listeners!

    Bird strike information:

    Birdlife Australia - Bird Strike Project:
    Online survey

    Global Bird Collision Mapper:

    Retrofitting existing windows and glass pool fencing:


    Zen Curtain - paracord curtain: DIY instructions

    Glass films:

    Solyx film - the film used at Mary Cairncross Rainforest Discovery Centre

    Feather Friendly Tape

    CollidEscape stickers

    New Glass:
    Both these products are proven to be bird safe in all applications but are both based internationally. If you are interested in new glass that is bird safe in all applications suggest you contact National Glass Australia - https://www.nationalglass.com.au/

    Walker Glass - AviProtekt T

    Guardian Glass

    BirdCast contact points for Competition:
    What's on offer 2 x signed copies of Dr Dan Klem Jnr's book - Solid Air Invisible Killer: Saving Billions of Birds from Windows - Dr Dan Klem Jnr has also written an inscription inside the book - a special message to BirdCast listeners!





    [email protected]

  • As stunning and useful our glass windows, doors and pool fencing is; it conceals a dark secret - annually it is killing millions of our beautiful, free flying wild birds.. and that's a conservative estimate.
    Help be part of effective change to this simple to solve environmental problem.
    Become part of the critical mass of bird admirers that demand effective change to our glass users - builders, architects and government departments who control the use of glass in all our buildings.
    Join our guest Dan Klem Jnr, the world authority on this very issue, as he discusses the solutions that exist to limit and reduce birds hitting our glass. All of us can apply these effective, research proven strategies to the glass in our lives.





    Dan Klem's book:

    Making glass bird safe:

    Existing glass:
    Retro fitting film for existing glass (USA calls it tape)


    The Paracord bird savers - Zen as used in Brisbane


    Novel or new build glass:

    Brisbane Commercial building using paracord:


  • Today's episode (Part1) is a plea to humans of our world to change what they are doing for the sake - and lives - of all wild birds. And everyone can take part - with somewhat reasonable ease - to alter their own solid air and literally save billions of our beautiful, wild birds.
    For as "noice" as clear sheet glass (or the plastic alternative is) - you know the glass we use in windows, pool fencing, exhibit barracades, building frontages - reflective glass included - this material is lethal to the free flying birds of our world.
    But don't take BirdCast's word for it - instead listen to the world authority on this issue that has literally dedicated decades of his life to researching the issue, examining the existing building use of clear sheet glass and most importantly how each and every human on this planet can reduce this needless slaughter for the sake of an uninterupted view. Daniel Klem (jnr) is a Professor of Ornithology and Conservation Biology at a University in Pennsylvania. He has dedicated some 47 years to researching the issue of bird strike on glass windows/barricades and states that this issue is quite literally killing billions of birds worldwide..... yet no one is reporting the issue, and worse, we humans keep building with the glass as we have done for years, making no changes what so ever to rectify the bird deaths. We simply can not "offset" the magnitude of these wild bird deaths.
    Dan has written a book on this exact topic, and how every human can take their own steps to reverse the carnage - from individual home owners, to Local Government Planning authorities, to National building Codes creators - every human has a role. Dan's book is called:
    "Solid Air - Invisible Killer: saving billions of birds from windows". The book explains that where ever standard clear or reflective sheet glass exists so do dead birds. But it also explains how easily this problem can be rectified.
    Join BirdCast in this discussion of this significant environmental calamity, but also join us in the solutions.
    This discussion will be presented over 2 episodes.


    Facebook - Birdman Dad





  • Your pets need regular care to maintain their health.
    BirdMan Dad explains how he keeps his scarlet chested parrots (Neophema splendida) happy and healthy.
    Hopefully one of his suggestions will help you and your own avairy birds.

    If you have anytopics you would like to hear about please contact BirdMan Dad:







  • Today's episode is in response to a listener question....

    "How do I stop my outdoor metal aviairy rusting?"

    Hope the episode gives this listener, and anyone else with a metal aviary, some ideas on how to limit rust occuring or how to deal with it if it actually happens.

    All relevant photos will be placed on Birdman Dad's Facebook pages, instagram and reddit.

    BirdCast wishes all the listeners a safe and peaceful Easter break 2022 - BirdCast is taking a break and will be back the Friday after Easter.








    You Tube


  • Even the best aviaries in the world can become outdated (in product options) and no longer servicing appropriately the birds kept within them. New advancements in available products are always on the go and sometimes the species of bird you have selected to keep do not suit the actual aviaries you have in your backyard. This is often a problem faced by birdkeepers on all scales from zoos to the backyard. So what can you do if this is the situation in your bird life?
    Of course you can always just demolish them and either repurpose or resell the aviary materials - and we have done this a few times... or you can make the choice to re-design what you have to suit the bird species you keep - making both their lives and your own a little better.
    This week Birdman Dad shares what items he has selected to add in to his re-designed aviaires. What was once a ringneck parrot complex, then a neophema one - is now mostly a home to a variety of finches and Birdman Dad explains some of the redesigned elements and what and how he added into his existing structures to make them more suitable to suit the species he now keep.
    Hope this information helps someone in the redesign mode!
    Photographs will be published on Birdman Dad's facebook, insta and reddit pages.

  • ** How can we express our shock at the events of Thursday 24th February 2022? Birdcast has a loyal group of listeners from Ukraine and our thoughts are with them, their families and their avian family (as well as other innocent animals) during this darkest time in their lives. Out of respect to these people we have delayed our podcast launch. A small gesture we know but one we could actually do in recognition of the tradgedy. We hope for peace to return to Ukraine and surrounding countries quickly**

    Today's episode is all about getting your aviaries and your birds prepared for the breeding season ahead. Hints and tips about preparing your environment now that the very hot weather/summer is moving along.

    If you have any ideas or suggestions please be sure to contact us!

    The items mentioned will be placed onto the facebook page




    and Reddit
