Jack Ruby: A Review and Reassessment - Part 1
Jack Ruby: A Review and Reassessment - Part 2
Jack Ruby: A Review and Reassessment - Part 3
Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties: O'Neill, Tom, Piepenbring, Dan: Order Here
Mind Games: The Assassination of John Lennon: Whelan, David: Order Here
Len shows his appreciation to Max & other researchers who put out good work.
Reading Chaos by Tom O'Neill became inspiration for Max's deep dig into the Jack Ruby case.
Max found it highly suspect that the MK ULTRA psychiatrist Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West was involved.
When West died, he left thousands of papers that were donated & archived at UCLA.
O'Neill was able to view West's documents before they were picked through by UCLA archivists.
O'Neill raises the question of MK ULTRA being implemented on Jack Ruby. Was Jack tortured?
On a road trip, Max stopped in L.A., spending a day at the UCLA archives to view West's files.
Jolly West was performing experiments in the Haight Ashbury during the 'Summer of Love'.
Taking 2000+ photos of the documents, Max has been reviewing them over the past couple of years.
Jack Ruby has a psychotic break at the same time of West's involvement. Coincidence?
Max discovered that West was actually involved in Ruby's case by November 29th, not March 1964!
Realizing how significant it was that Jolly West was involved with Ruby, Max pressed on.
Len & Max discuss the history & different aspects of MK ULTRA.
Len notes that the experiments & participating universities or clinics were funded by Dept. Of Defence.
Psychiatrist Bernard Diamond performed experiments on Sirhan Sirhan, hypnotizing him.
How could Sirhan Sirhan not remember the events surrounding his involvement in RFK's shooting?
Mark David Chapman sat down on the ground & started reading a book after shooting Lennon?
Notice how the same doctors are involved in these sensationalist cases, over & over?
During WWII the OSS & various armies were experimenting with truth drugs & mind control.
Operation Bluebird & Operation Artichoke were the predecessors to MK ULTRA.
The mind control programs have not stopped. Note the connections to military
You can't count on any governmental agency to do an honest investigation?
Governments participate in the planning of these events, the cover ups & neglect to investigate.
Oswald's murder was the first televised murder in history.
Melvin Belli didn't mention how soon he was involved in Ruby's case! Mere days!
Max's intuition & research has lead him to believe Oswald's murder was premeditated.
West worked fast from Oklahoma to organize a group of psychiatrists to work on Ruby.
Jack hadn't been insane before the shooting of Oswald, or after. He was being manipulated.
Tom Howard, Ruby's 1st lawyer was involved in Ruby's case within an hour of Oswald’s shooting.
Howard was the first person to public ally state that Ruby wasn't in his right mind.
Read Mark's recent article, The Protected JFK Files, on Kennedys and King.
Find The JFK Assassination Chokeholds: That Prove There Was a Conspiracy on Amazon!
Len & Mark discuss the inspiration for Mark to focus his attention on the JFK files.
In October 2017, the censorship of the remaining JFK files expired. Trump didn't release the files!
Mark educated himself on the statute that was passed in Congress creating the JFK Files Act in 1992.
The release of Oliver Stone's movie, JFK, caused immense pressure on the government to release files!
Mark has probably read this law 100 times at this point, educating himself on the JFK Records Act.
The ARRB had unprecedented authority to look at records & change declassification status on files.
The AARB went through EVERY record that the agencies wanted protection on & made decisions.
Prior to this law, lawsuits were filed under the FOIA which allows an agency head to veto info requests.
Jefferson Morley has done tremendous work looking into the CIA connections to Oswald.
The CIA has been fighting hard to keep records closed so the public doesn't learn the truth!
Jefferson Morley has been heavily focused on having CIA's George Joannides's files declassified.
CIA lied to the Warren Commission, the HSCA, the ARRB etc. about Oswald's activities & history.
There is an institutional mandate since creation of the CIA after WWII to keep their operations secret.
There are over 3600 protected files still in the archives, violating the law to declassify all JFK files.
What can Trump & Congress can do now to have the JFK files released?
Discovered memo drafted for Trump, rewriting the JFK Act illegally to delay the release of JFK files.
Trump sadly issued a six month delay & then a three month delay of the release of the JFK files.
Biden made matters worse with his 'transparency plans' to basically silence public interest.
With Bobby Kennedy being in the cabinet, perhaps NOW the remaining files will finally be released.
Bobby Kennedy has spoken out that he feels the CIA was responsible for his Uncle's assassination.
RFK Jr. Is trying to have his daughter in law appointed to Deputy Director of the CIA.
We know a significant amount of information on Oswald. What more do they still want to keep secret?
Research has shown that the 'official' conclusions made about Oswald have been false.
Why did the CIA create this profile of Oswald being a communist?
If there were evidence of Castro being behind JFK's assassination, LBJ would have bombed Cuba.
Mark feels Oswald was a CIA asset used in operations before JFK’s assassination in Dallas, Texas.
JFK investigator Dan Hardway's work on Oswald in Mexico City is excellent. Find his work online.
Oswald was set up by the intelligence agencies to look like a Castro sympathizer.
What are the most logical reasons for the CIA's continued secrecy?
Operation Northwoods was discovered by the ARRB in the late 90's.
JFK outright rejected the Operation Northwoods plan. Mark explains the Operation Northwoods plot.
The DRE group was sponsored by the CIA & ran by George Joannides out of JMWAVE in Miami.
This group is the single source for information sent around the world that Oswald was a pro Castro nut.
Len discusses the possibility of John Armstrong's theory of the 2nd Oswald & LHO impersonators.
Mark hopes there will be a Congressional investigation into the assassinations.
If you watch Building 7 fall, you'll understand that the buildings must have been wired for demolition.
There isn't any actual video of a plane hitting the Pentagon. Why isn't there security video at least?
Mark recommends everyone watch the 9/11 documentary Loose Change. Watch Full Documentary Here
Mangler du episoder?
The censorship exercised by the newspaper editors
The advantages of hemp
Tungsten mining in Vietnam
The garden of eden in the world was Southeast Asia
Saigon was called the Paris of the Orient
It was mindless to destroy a beautiful place like Vietnam
Most likely one of the reasons for the Vietnam war was to get American businesses to replace the French
Is petroleum a fossil fuel?
Generally, no fossils are found below 16,000 feet
The oil depletion allowance
Video: President Kennedy calls out the steel companies (1962)
"It has long been a Kennedy tradition: not to get mad but to get even. I fully realize that
I shall not be able to get even during my first term in office. But during my second term,
you are going to see some important changes" - President Kennedy
Why was Governor Connally in the same car as the President?
Lansdale and Col. Prouty knew each other since 1952
Lansdale was sent to the Philippines in 1952 to overthrow President Elpidio Quirino
And replace him with the new President Ramon Magsaysay
Col. Napoleon Valeriano trained Cuban exiles before the bay of pigs invasion
Valeriano became an American citizen
A million Vietnamese migrated from the North to the South before the war
The US Navy transported 660,000 Vietnamese from the North to the South
330,000 were moved by CIA's airline Civil Air Transport (CAT)
On September 2, 1953, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said "In Indochina, a desperate
struggle is in its eighth year....We are already contributing largely in matériel and money to the
combined efforts of the French and of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia."
Chiang Kai-Shek's presence at the Tehran conference
Article from Parade Magazine, Feb 1986:
Why Stalin Never Forgave Eleanor Roosevelt by Elliott Roosevelt: Page 1, Page 2
The cold war really began before the second world war ended
Our governments do not know how to operate without the threat of war
FREE Borrowable Ebook: Report from Iron Mountain by Leonard C. Lewin
New York Times Book Review: Report from Iron Mountain: The Guest Word by Leonard Lewin
The degradation of the infrastructure in the US
Dick has recently gone live with his new Blowing The Whistle site on the Substack platform!
Subscribe to Dick & help support his work.
Arctic is under threat as the ice melts, polar bears are nearing elimination, whales etc..
The substack platform allows writers to draft material without censorship from publishers.
Dick feels the recent drone scare is another government created false flag.
After Dick started writing about the drones, whistleblowers started to comment on his posts.
Some of these drones are the size of SUVs. Dropping tennis balls? What is going on?
Thousands of reports have been coming in from the East & West coasts, people have been scared!
Dr. Steven Greer has been bringing whistleblowers to the fore, exposing lies & secrets.
Huge disclosures of government secrets will be happening soon!
A team of special forces guys have gone rogue, using Dr. Greer as an advisor.
Dr. Greer thinks the drones scare is a diversion. The drones are actually originating from military bases.
Bill Kelly, JFK researcher, got a hold of Dick to tell him about the operation he’d participated in.
Living in the area, Bill learned how to drop bombs on tanks during these training exercises in NJ.
Are the drones searching for a broken arrow? Are they searching for a nuclear weapon?
Len & Dick speculate on what might actually be happening. Remember Operation Northwoods?
Why isn't the military coming out with some sort of an explanation for the public?
Dick met Rob Reiner in 2016 & Rob quickly wanted to collaborate on a podcast project together.
After working on this project for over a year, their project became a 10 part series on iHeart.
Who Killed JFK? - Apple Podcasts
The show was hugely popular with 9.5 million downloads!
A lot of young people have no idea about JFK history, but many downloaded the podcasts.
Dick first met Jesse Ventura by accident in Mexico, on the Baja peninsula.
Jesse & Dick started to collaborate shortly after their initial meeting, publishing 5 books together.
Youtube pulled several of the videos where Jesse & Dick discussed JFK assassination information.
Len asks Dick to name four possible collaborators of the JFK assassination. Who were Jack’s enemies?
In 1975 Dick wrote an article for the Village Voice on Prof. Popkin who stated he’d solved the murder.
Shortly after, Dick received an anonymous message about the Nazi General.
Was General Charles Willoughby, born Adolph C. Weidenbach in Germany, connected to JFK’s death?
Willoughby was in WWI, WWII & the Korea War under McArthur. He was a Spy Master.
Willoughby hated JFK with a passion.
Len was told that Paul Helliwell was the head of the assassination organization
Paul Lional Edward Helliwell was an American lawyer, banker, OSS official, and CIA officer
Len asks Dick about his opinion of John Armstrong's claim that there are at least two Oswalds.
Dick feels John Armstrong is really onto something! Calls him a fantastic researcher!
Doubles are often used in the spy world.
Author James Douglass noted there were TWO men who were arrested in The Texas Theatre in Dallas.
Employees at The Texas Theatre observed that the two men looked identical! Who was the 2nd Oswald?
Watch the new Fletcher Prouty Documentary Here
Part Two Jim DiEugenio @43:30
Latest article by author Jim DiEugenio: Rick Perlstein and the Wages of Denial
Latest article by attorney & author Chad Nagle:
A Spy on our Side: Amaryllis Fox Kennedy and JFK Assassination Transparency
Latest article by author John Kelin: A Death from the First Generation
Jim is very proud of the recent material posted on Kennedys and King! Please read!
Trump is supporting his daughter-in-law, Fox Kennedy, to become deputy director of CIA.
Trump wants the rest of the classified JFK documents to be released. Kennedy will help.
Trump is meeting resistance on this! -
John Armstrong website Harveyandlee.net
John has SIX new videos on Youtube he's created, highlighting the police transcriptions of 11/22/63.
John's book Harvey and Lee was published in 2003, with a focus on chronological order of events.
The Tippit murder starts off John's new series of videos, with the Tippit shooting broken down.
John recently discovered the Dallas police transcripts on November 22, 1963 have been altered!
Sgt. Vincent claims he rode with Oswald on a CIA plane that landed in Dallas, later flying to NM.
John feels one Oswald was using ALEK Hidell as an alias, the other Oswald used ALEX.
Alek with a K was the Russian born 'Oswald'.
John explains the four different Dallas Police transcripts that were created
The FBI altered the police transcripts! Why did they change the time of the Tippit murder to 1:15 PM?
John feels Hoover purposely delayed the release of the police transcripts to the Warren Commission.
It's noted in the transcripts that THREE ambulances were dispatched to the Tippet scene. Why 3?
Ambulance driver Jason Butler was at the scene for less than a minute, Tippit's time of death 1:10 P.M.
Why didn't the witnesses or police at the Tippit murder scene mention the multiple ambulances?
Len reflects on John's ability to break down the transcripts so he could recognize the conflicting info.
Rankin wrote to Hoover in June pointing out the discrepancies of Tippit's death happening at 1:10 PM.
Rankin asked the Secret Service in Dallas to get an original transcript from the Dallas Police.
Timelines need to be created with information broken down in order to see the discrepancies.
In 1991 John took a JFK class given by author & researcher Jim Marrs after the JFK movie release.
Reading the Warren Commission volumes has helped expand John's knowledge of the assassination.
Read Airman Palmer McBride's testimony in WC Exhibit 1386, he worked with Oswald in NO.
McBride worked with Lee at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in the Fall of '57 into late Spring of '58.
How could McBride be working with Oswald in New Orleans, when Lee had enlisted & was in Japan?
Mcbride's testimony is what got John started thinking about the possibility of two child Oswalds.
In Robert Oswald's WC testimony he stated Lee went to Stripling Junior High School in Ft. Worth.
How could Lee have went to Stripling Junior High when he'd gone to jr high in NY & New Orleans?
The government's version is that Lee graduated from Beauregard High School in New Orleans.
John contacted school district officials, retired teaches & staff to find more information on Lee.
Retired assistant principle Mr. Kudlaty confirmed that Lee had in fact gone to W.C. Spripling Jr. High.
Frank Kudlaty had personally given the FBI Lee's Stripling Jr. High school records.
Where are Lee's Stripling Jr. High school records now?
FBI reports state Lee was in Russia but buying jeeps at Bolton Ford in New Orleans?
Spotting the differences in testimony enabled John to see that there were at least two child Oswalds
George DeMohrenschildt's WC testimony stated he felt Lee's Russian was well developed.
Can a child drop out of the 9th grade & then teach themselves how to read & speak Russian?
John met with Anita Ziger who stated the Lee her family knew in Russia did not speak Russian.
Alexander Ziger, Anita's father, was Oswald's boss in Russia.
John feels the Russian Oswald was brought to the USA as an orphan child shortly after WWII.
Marina stated when she first met Oswald, he spoke Russian, with a Baltic accent.
Was Lee able to learn how to speak Russian by taking courses or attending the language schools?
Who are we to believe? Where did Oswald learn how to speak sophisticated Russian?
Why did Oswald have TWO wallets on him? Why wasn't info about the 2nd wallet disclosed in 1963?
Dave Whelan Youtube channel View Here
Len finds "Mind Games: The Assassination of John Lennon" very interesting & disturbing!
The truth about John Lennon’s assassination is very sinister & makes Len feel very uncomfortable.
Mark David Chapman shot John Lennon, sat down & started reading a book? Odd behaviour!
When we were in the recent illegal lock downs, David took on the Lennon researching project.
David finds Black Op Radio a great inspiration & appreciates Len's hard work exposing truth.
During the Spring of 2020, David was listening to an episode where Jose Perdomo was mentioned.
The name Jose Perdomo is also connected to the JFK assassination, intriguing David's curiosity.
David started to research Jose Perdomo, the doorman of the Dakota when Lennon was murdered.
Fairly quickly David discovered that the two Jose's were not the same individual.
People thought the Jose Perdomo at the Dakota was the CIA Cuban in Operation 40. Not so.
As he researched, David’s notes started to add up & he decided it was time to publish his research.
David needed to know if Perdomo was involved in Lennon's assassination. Was he a collaborator?
John Lennon took out a billboard with the message 'War Is Over If You Want It To'.
David was 14 when John Lennon was killed, not a major fan, it wasn't a pivotal moment in his youth.
Once David saw Oliver Stone's movie 'JFK' in the theatre, came out of the theatre & red pilled!
David never considered the John Lennon assassination as a CIA operation, considered the case closed.
David was finding many discrepancies with the details surrounding the case, fuelling his curiosity.
John & Yoko had been out mixing one of her songs before driving back to their home at the Dakota.
There were four people at the crime scene, John, Yoko, Mark & the Dakota doorman, Jose Perdomo.
Police reports state John was shot four times in the back as he walked through the Dakota parking lot.
Mark believes he shot John in the back four times with a .38.
Yoko has never gone into great detail about John's murder, never stating she saw Mark shoot John.
Why haven't the authorities ever released the statements made by Jose Perdomo?
The only witness left, is Mark David Chapman himself. What does he remember?
David reached out to the surgeon & nurses who treated John Lennon at the Roosevelt Hospital.
Dr. Stephen Lynn tried to deceive the public, stating he'd been the one operating on John. Lies.
Dr. David Halleran was the surgeon that treated John Lennon, not Lynn.
Dr. Hallernan & nurses confirm that John Lennon was shot four times in chest, 3 exit holes in the back.
A professional must have performed the assassination as bullets were in a tight, professional grouping.
There were ER reports & a stick figure drawing of John's wounds, however these went missing.
Now when Len thinks of Mark David Chapman, he thinks of Sirhan Sirhan. It's the same situation.
Why do doctors & nurses have different accounts than the media as to what had happened to John?
Lead detective Ron Hoffman admits to doing a shoddy investigating, giving his files to Whelan.
Journalists were reporting that there were rumours of a second shooter!
How did John get from the driveway, into the back office, where he was found face down by the police.
Mark wasn't a big fan of The Beatles, claims that he was obsessed are lies, he liked alternative rock.
At the age of 16, Mark got into LSD. Who was his source?
Mark went from stoner music guy, to a religious zealot within a matter of weeks.
Mark became surrounded by a Southern Baptist group with military intelligence connections.
Mark was hypnotized & gas lit to make him feel as if he was possessed by demons!
Mark had a stint working at the YMCA in 1975 where he was sent to Lebanon during wartime.
In 1977, Mark unexpectedly moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, -
Paul returned to Quebec from visiting Dallas, TX & gives an overview of his conference experiences!
The 2024 conference experience was enhanced by taking the tour of Oswald's 'escape' from the TSBD.
Paul was able to visit Lee's rooming house, the backyard on Neely & the Texas Theatre.
Following Lee's proposed steps & timeline by the Warren Commission, you realize it was impossible.
While there were similarities, witnesses of the Tippit murder refused to ID Oswald as the shooter.
Paul visited Jack Ruby's Marsala apartment building, noting close proximity to the Texas Theatre.
Lee & Marina's prior home on Neely is abandoned & falling apart. Visit while you still can.
Paul is currently reading 'Admitted Assassin' by Brian K. Edwards.
Why would Lee's cab driver drop him off six blocks from his boarding house?
How many times do we have to prove that Kennedy was shot from the front? Expand your research.
Are we seeing the same puppeteers with the historic political assassinations?
Len feels there are 2 sorts of researchers, either focused on Dealey Plaza or focused on the big picture.
This years attendance at the conference was very low for some reason...
Paul encourages Len to hold a quality JFK event perhaps in New Orleans.
Len reminisces the Black Op Radio event 2010 at Hawaii, John Armstrong, Mark De Valk, Wes Swearingen attended.
Part II - Paul Bleau, Jeff Crudele, Andrew Iler
Paul Jeff and Andrew reveal what they discovered at National Archives
Their website JFK Chokeholds
The Black Vault - Online Document Archive - The Black Vault
Mary Ferrell Website
In 1992 Oliver Stone's JFK film gained extensive attention & highlighted the withheld documents.
The American public were outraged that thousands of records were still classified.
9C3B of the JFK Records Act imposes a ministerial duty on the ARRB to itemize record inventory.
The records were specified if they were still to be held as postponed, or with specific release dates.
In the ARRB's final report, they were required to set a date for all JFK records being held.
Andrew often frequents the Mary Ferrell Foundation & The Black Vault when researching.
Internal ARRB memo of June 1997 mentions huge backlog of records, processing 4+ million records.
Final determination forms were created for every single record that was archived by the ARRB.
Paul, Jeff & Andrew met at College Park, MD to go through archived records before the conference.
The men had goals to work together in order to get as many records copied as possible.
Andrew went through 12 boxes of archived records without finding any final determination forms.
On the 13th box, Andrew was relieved finding it full of final determination forms.
These forms are critical because the ARRB was an independent, high level, federal government agency.
In essence, these forms are all court orders.
Archivists have a legal obligation to comply with the ARRB's final orders.
The majority of the records have a release date of 2006, yet they remain behind closed doors. Why?
Paul worked as Andrew's research assistant searching up RIF #'s while onsite at the archives.
Neither Trump nor Biden has had the power to postpone JFK assassination records!
Even the most experienced of archivists have struggles finding JFK documents due to disorganization.
There should be over 100,000 of the final determination forms but boxes of forms are missing.
Andrew has requested the final determination forms for JFK files still being held from the public.
The final determination forms are not indexed, they're mislabelled & actually filed under subject titles.
The archivists at College Park, Maryland were all very helpful & professional.
New article by Max Arvo, Jack Ruby: A Review and Reassessment - Part 1, on Kennedys and King.
Jim recommends 'Death To Justice' by Paul Abbott.
Dr. Hubert Winston Smith was psychologist who created the 3 psychiatrist panel to evaluate Ruby.
Dr. Louis Joslyn West wrote evaluation of Jack Ruby after being appointed by Dr. Smith.
John Washburn's article, Mary Bledsoe and the Bus - Part 1, focuses on Oswald's "escape".
Was Oswald on Cecil McWatter's bus?
Did Oswald really get into William Whaley's cab when he left Dealey Plaza?
The Warren Commission suggested that Larry Crafard may have been an Oswald impersonator.
Jack Joins The Revolution, article written about JFK's political evolution.
CAPA Conference 2024 is going virtual! Watch online!
Was Lee Harvey Oswald in the TSBD window on the 6th floor?
Steve Jaffe, member of Jim Garrison's staff, has a memoir with Jim coming out in about 6 months!
Ethel Kennedy has passed away at 96 years.
Watch The Searchers - a film by Randolph Benson on Vimeo for FREE!
Malcolm X's family has started a law suit against the FBI, CIA & NYPD.
The Judas Factor: The Plot to Kill Malcolm X: Evanzz, Karl: 9781560250661: Books - Amazon.ca
60th anniversary of the release of the WC's 26 volumes of testimony with supporting "evidence".
The Warren Commission Report had been published two months earlier on Sept. 24, 1967.
The media already had access to information in the Warren Commission, showing they were in cahoots.
The CBS special director Bernie Birnbaun working with the Warren Commission weeks in advance.
NBC 1 hour special hosted by Frank McGee & Tom Pettit.
CBS special was hosted by Walter Cronkite with Dan Rather.
If journalists collude with government conspiracy & lies, is this a violation of journalistic ethics?
CBS did not give their outtakes at all.
Florence Graves 1978 article in 1978 Washington Journal Review outlined CBS colluding with WC.
The Warren Commission suggested witnesses to be interviewed.
NY Times prosecuted Ruby in print they day after Ruby shot Oswald.
How could Time Life been allowed to buy the Zapruder film & hold it in from the public for 12 years?
Why wasn't there an examination of the WC’s 26 volumes of testimony & evidence?
Part Two - John Barbour @ 43:05
Len made valuable contributions to The American Media & The 2nd Assassination of President JFK.
John loves Len, Len's wife Susan & Susan's father who passed away in recent years.
Len appreciates John respects Jim Garrison, Fletcher Prouty, Mae Brussell etc..
John points out that Trump didn't release the remaining JFK files his first go around, will he this time?
Many people voted for Trump because RFK Jr. was involved in the campaign.
Jefferson Morley has spent over 10 years in the courts in efforts to have Jim Garrison’s files released.
Garrison’s files include the names of the shooters.
Judge Cavanaugh who Trump sided with was appointed to the Supreme Court.
John knows that democracy was shot down on November 22, 1963.
Wayne Madsen was interviewed by John Kennedy Jr. shortly before JFK Jr.'s death.
JFK Jr. was going to expose significant information about his father’s murder & run for Senate.
Dorothy Killgallen was the only person to interview Ruby, after her death her file went to Jayne.
Jayne Mansfield was murdered due to her relationship with Jim Garrison & what she knew.
Truman on his death bed admitted the worst thing he ever did was create the Security State.
Truman dropped the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima despite objections.
The 2nd bomb was dropped to warn the Russians.
Oliver Stone & Jim Garrison were both punished by the establishment for exposing JFK truth.
Oswald paraffin tests show LHO never fired a shot, nor was he on the 6th floor.
Garrison lost conspiracy case against Shaw, but won the perjury case with jury deliberating 7 minutes. -
Ted was 8 years old when JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963.
A pall came over the nation when JFK was assassinated, everyone around him was effected.
JFK's murder deeply effected Ted, starting his fascination with the investigation.
Oswald being shot by Ruby just two days after JFK’s murder seemed too fantastical to be true!
Ted has a background in TV reporter & teaches journalism. Ted loves investigative journalism.
With Ted's pending retirement, he's looking forward to focusing on his great JFK Youtube channel!
Listening to weekly episodes of Black Op Radio helps keep Ted close to the subject.
Ted has current FOIA requests in progress with hopes of learning more on the Chicago plot.
Ted interviewed Ruth Paine a decade ago! Ted tells why she cut him off from further communication!
It was amazing to Ted how Ruth Paine tried to manipulate him.
Solving the assassination of JFK's murder is coming down to the hard work of independent researchers.
Ted appreciates the determined truth seekers in the JFK research community!
Ted's nickname was TV Ted in the television & reporting world.
Sgt. Robert Vincent's plane was diverted to Dallas, where they picked up an LHO lookalike!
The CIA kept complete oversight over Sgt. Vincent & his wife after the assassination.
Ted has concluded the JFK assassination was a CIA operation.
Many people associated to the assassination on some level lost their lives or were harassed by the CIA.
Len created 50 Reasons For 50 Years short videos to cater to people's short attention spans!
Researchers are very interested in the murder of Officer Tippet by an Oswald imposter.
Ted really appreciates the Oswald research published by John Armstrong in Harvey & Lee.
Len & Ted discuss the multiple Oswalds that started to appear in different states.
Was the CIA Edward Lansdale brought in to orchestrate & direct JFK’s assassination?
Len believes the reporting of Oswald in Mexico City was a CIA created distraction.
Thomas Arthur Vallee in Chicago also looked like Oswald & had a similar military career!
Roger Craig saw an Oswald lookalike in Dealey Plaza getting into a Rambler station wagon.
There were TWO Oswalds arrested on November 22, 1963 at the The Texas Theatre!
The plane with Sgt. Robert Vincent landed at the Roswell AFB after leaving Dallas.
David Ferrie was being followed by the CIA to make sure he didn’t speak out about the assassination.
Oswald was seen creating a ruckus in multiple locations bringing attention to himself on purpose.
The Warren Commission censored what was published in the report, rejecting multiple testimonies.
Gerald Ford & the other members of the Warren Commission are guilty of helping with the cover-up.
The Warren Commission has told hundreds of lies but ignorant people & shills still promote the report.
With the WC claiming Oswald was in Mexico City, then how could Lee be at the Sportsdrome?
How could Lee Harvey Oswald defect to Russia, return to the US with assistance & not be charged?
Sylvia Odio reported that a Lee Harvey Oswald visited her home with anti Castro Cubans.
Oswald arrested at The Texas Theatre seen at El Tico restaurant in a car registered to CIA business.
Allen Dulles & The Big Money behind the opposition of Kennedy.
NSAM 263 was JFK's initial initiative to start pulling out all troops from Vietnam.
Len explains the Golden Triangle.
David Ferrie was killed shortly after it was made public he was involved in Garrison’s investigation.
Autopsy whistleblower suicided along with reporter Dorothy Kilgallen & Dr. Mary Sherman!
US Election comments
Listerner questions answered
Mike Benz on the Tucker Carlson show Watch Here
Donald Trump won the 2024 US Presidential election!
Will the perturbed liberal celebrities actually move out of the United States now, or just blowing wind?
Trump received help from Joe Rogan, Carlson Tucker, Elon Musk, Megyn Kelly & others.
The FBI had many agent provocateurs in the crowd, dressed as Trump supporters, egging people on.
The media has constantly attacked Trump, ignoring his accomplishments. What has Kamala done?
People would have voted for Trump simply because they didn't want Kamala as their representative.
Jim feels Biden's foreign policies were very bad, he's pretty close to being a Neo Con.
Biden refused to negotiate on the situation in Ukraine.
Why would Boris Johnson travel to Ukraine & have Zelenskyy cancel the Peace Treaty?
Over $100 billion has been spent on the Ukraine war at this point without a Peace Treaty. Why?
Jim listens to Scott Ritter & Colonel Douglas MacGregor, both are on Twitter/X.
Len listens to US Economist Jeffrey Sachs & Mike Benz, former State Department whistleblower.
Len explains the goal of Ukraine supporters to bankrupt Russia, pulling Russia into unnecessary war.
FK threatened to "pull the plug" when there wasn't even a war going on to stop the Dimona project.
Biden hasn't protested Israel's targeted genocide against Palestine,
Jim feels Biden has been a failure in Israel & the Middle East, continuing to fund illegal wars.
Israel has now expanded their war into Lebanon & Iran.
Hezbollah has over 100,000 troops that are highly organized & they've stymied Israel's advance.
Jim feels Trump doesn't know what he's talking about most of the time & runs off at the mouth.
Trump makes inaccurate claims at time, his understanding of events & history is often wrong.
Iran started to build their missile arsenal after being attacked by Iraq in the 1980's.
JFK would say "we can compete with the Russians, we don't have to be enemies with everyone".
Iran has 15,000 missiles! They are set to buy the latest generation fighter jet from Russia!
Russia & China have both helped Iran build up their military & arsenal.
Israel's F35 attack against Iran didn't go so well with Iran having fantastic radar & military.
Israel is now fighting Hamas, Hezbol'ah & Iran. Can Israel win on all three fronts?
Bill Clinton was sent to Michigan for the election, expressing his anti-Palestine views.
Clinton was shut down when it was pointed out Israel had recently murdered 43,000 Palestine natives.
Kamala Harris ended up losing Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania destroying the 'Blue Wall'.
Kamala had the Clintons, the Obamas & celebrities going around the country to rally & she still lost.
Jim feels Bernie Sanders would have beat Trump in 2016 if he had run instead of Hillary Clinton.
A book should be written about everything that has happened to RJK Jr. over the past four years.
Jim's protest vote went to Jill Stein, the Green Party's 2024 presidential nominee.
The Death To Justice, The Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Paul Abbott at Kennedy's and King Article
Find Paul on his Substack
The book is a focus on the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Paul motivated to write a book after reading DPD's investigation, testimonies & noting contradictions.
Paul has created an index of Jim Garrison's files, a valuable tool for JFK assassination researchers.
Jim's files contain a folder with the DPD's internal investigation into the events around Lee's death.
Oswald's shooting happened only about 47 hours after the shooting of JFK.
Len discusses how the conflict of information & testimony peaks the interest of researchers.
It's incredible how much background information Jim Garrison was able to discover early on.
What might have Oswald said if he had lived? What might have been revealed?
Jack Ruby wanted the opportunity to tell his story, no one wanted to listen & he too was silenced.
After over 25 years of JFK assassination research, Len still learns new tidbits of information.
Quebec author Paul Bleau gives the foreword for this meticulously researched book.
Paul's book breaks down Lee's timeline around the assassination into their different layers.
Theories on how Lee left Dealey Plaza are broken down into their different complexities.
Ultimately, Paul believes Oswald may not have been allowed to leave Dealey Plaza alive.
Paul has worked in chronological order, compiling statements from DPD, FBI, WC & HSCA files & Jack Ruby Trial .
Paul does go into Lee's background as it leads into his assassination activities, but not main focus.
Threats were called into the Dallas Sheriff's department prior to Lee's murder on Sunday morning.
Why did Chief Curry announce that Oswald was going to be transferred in the morning to the media?
Paul pinpoints the location of all the people & media in the basement at the time of Oswald’s transfer.
Paul's Youtube channel,'Dallas City Hall Basement', features raw film footage taken on Nov. 24/63.
Robert Jackson won the Pulitzer prize for taking the photograph when Oswald is literally shot by Ruby.
Photo taken by Jack Beers shows Ruby lunging forward, in photo you can see microphone above Lee.
When Oswald was shot, he was taken inside the DPD jail's office, not rushed to the hospital. Why?
Len discusses how when he first saw CE #399, he knew something wasn’t right.
Paul started writing his book as he started to index Garrison's files in a simple spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet enabled Paul to document & organize the different people & their statements.
Paul notes there were at least 22 members of the press in the DPD basement but only 10 interviewed.
Oswald's medical aide at the jail was never interviewed by the DPD as well as porters & many civilian workers.
Read Jim DiEugenio's article 'Civilians Overlooked' and Paul Bleau Forward at Kennedys & King website.
When the Warren Commission came to Dallas, they performed interviews the DPD had missed.
7 civilian workers went up to the Annex Building & to City Hall to watch the transfer of Oswald on TV.
DPD Roy Vaughn stationed at top of Main St. ramp didn't notice Ruby enter basement entrance. How?
There were assassination conspirators within the Dallas Police Department & City Hall.
Paul goes to length to identify the officer who ejected civilian employees from City Hall's basement.
Why did Curry & DPD want to accommodate the media at such length?
An hour before Oswald's transfer, Curry was still reporting to the media, including threats against Lee.
With Curry laying out every detail of Oswald's transfer, there was no secrecy or valid security for Lee.
Anonymous caller informed DPD that there was a group of over 100 people plotting Lee's murder.
The caller knew Oswald would be transferred in an armoured car & convoy to be attacked.
Dallas FBI called the Dallas Sheriff's office to see ... -
Documentary Filmaker John Edginton
Len first discovered John's documentaries, finding John's interview with Col. Fletcher Prouty.
Intrigued, Len discovers John's library of interviews, including a BBC film on Martin Luther King.
John started out as a journalist, worked as a print journalist in the early 80's, then got involved in TV.
Worked on a TV series with a new television station in the UK, channel 4, promoting independence.
John's big break as a filmmaker happened when in 1989 he interviewed James Earl Ray.
James was in prison in East Tennessee at Brushy Mountain Prison near Knoxville.
John wrote to James, asking permission from Ray to visit the prison & interview him.
The prison & James agreed with the prison requesting that John not bring any recording devices.
John was able to spend 4 hours interviewing James Earl Ray, without any security whatsoever.
The more John talked to James he realized James was a patsy.
John managed to persuade the BBC into helping fund the documentary with James Earl Ray.
John & his colleague friend, researcher John Sergeant from the UK, toured the US for six months.
John ended up meeting Fletcher Prouty and others during their intense tour recording interviews.
Full interview with James Earl Ray Video Here
At this time Dr. William Pepper was just beginning to be involved in James Earl Ray’s case.
What extent was the government involved in the assassination of Martin Luther King?
Col. Prouty was a wonderful source of information on deep state covert operations.
Col. Fletcher Prouty interview Watch Video Here
It took years for John to realize the value of his interview with Col. Fletcher Prouty.
The BBC junked the documentary, but John had VHS copies he was able to recover.
The documenatry "Who Killed Martin Luther King" Watch Here
Len remembers watching John's documentary on Chappaquiddick when it was featured by Bill Kurtis.
Everything that Col. Fletcher wrote in his book 'The Secret Team' was all about the deep state.
David Ratcliffe interviewed Prouty for his book 'Understanding Special Operations'.
Len was impressed seeing John's documentaries on Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, David Gilmour etc..
John's documentaries are unfiltered interviews, 'over coffee talk', completely unscripted.
People told John that David Gilmour would never let him into his house, but he was fascinated by John.
Len enjoys the long form interviews, that aren't rushed, similar of Joe Rogan's interview style.
John has managed to capture many artists as they talked about their craft without censorship.
Len found a great value in watching John's list of older interviews, including Genesis & Phil Collins!
John recently found the Boiler Girl interview & uploaded it to his channel.
Why did they never have an autopsy on Mary Joe Kopecky?
People are really interested in all of the raw material.
Kamala Harris recently had a 60 minute interview, but it was edited to 45 minutes. Why?
When 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy' came out, it was a big deal, Len recalls watching the episodes.
Fletcher Prouty was the 'authentic eyewitness' from inside the Pentagon. No contradictions.
John recommends his 1996 HBO documentary 'Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Case for Reasonable Doubt?'
Please visit John Edginton's Youtube Channel
Part Two starts at 31:23
Ray McGuinnis - Author and researcher
Ray's website Unanswered Questions has a number of articles about 911 & the 2022 Trucker’s Convoy.
Ray attended the 2022 Trucker's Convoy hearings at Ottawa in mid July.
Mid January 2022 the Canadian government implemented illegal vaccine mandates on truckers.
If the truck drivers did not have their Covid vaccines, mandatory 10 days quarantine upon entry.
A 10 day quarantine requirement would mean truckers could only work 2-3 days a month.
Protests were incited because of these illegal vaccine mandates being enforced on Ca... -
Author and researcher of six books on the JFK assassination and the Secret Service. His blogspot
Palamara video page Youtube Channel
Kindle version available now in the US, softcover to be released November 8th.
His new book available on amazon.com Purchase Here
1st book published on the JFK assassination plot in Chicago.
Vince started to receive mysterious phone calls from Florida regarding SA Nemo Ciochina.
Nemo communicated with Vince disclosing his memories of the agents & suspects from 1963.
Mary Ferrell Foundation & National Archives documents confirm Lloyd John Wilson's existence.
Nemo passed away June 25, 2023, enabling Vince to write about the secrets Nemo revealed to Vince.
Since 1998, Vince searches for obituaries of Secret Service agents, updating his research.
Nemo revealed the name Lloyd John Wilson as being considered a threat to JFK prior to 11/22/63.
Agents who reported on Wilson were relocated to different SS offices, leaving the White House detail.
Vince feels the agents being shifted around indicate that Lloyd John Wilson was a 'moving threat'
There are multiple pre 11/22/63 SS reports, Vince mentions the various threats on JFK in his new book.
If the Secret Service was aware of the dangers facing JFK, where was his security in Dallas?
Vince's recent findings help corroborate testimony made by SA Abraham Bolden.
Before the assassination, Abraham Bolden was investigating Puerto Rican subjects of interest.
These Puerto Rican subjects of interest were convicted in the 1950's for a shootout in Congress.
March 23, 1963 the SS were reporting that there were Puerto Rican snipers hunting JFK in Chicago.
Bullet hole found in the door of the helicopter where JFK normally sat!
Abraham Bolden imprisoned due to his investigations & speaking out on JFK's assassination.
Len appreciates learning new information that goes against the MSM's version of events.
Basic questions about the recent Trump assassination.
Vince includes information about Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks in his foreword.
This is the 1st book to talk about the Trump assassination attempt, Vince goes over what went wrong.
The shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks is from the same city in Pennsylvania as Vince.
Now that Nemo has died, Vince is no longer sworn to secrecy.
SA Paul Landis reported to the Warren Commission he felt bullets were coming from in front of JFK.
In Landis book published 2023, he misleads readers, with direct conflict of his 2 WC reports (not testimony)
Harry Livingstons book 'Killing The Truth' does not disclose the true identity of his secret source.
Vince makes sure he has all sources mentioned in his books for transparency for researchers.
Vince's book includes photos & articles he came across reading old newspapers on Newspapers.com.
Why did SA Glen Bennett lie to the HSCA about being in JFK's motorcades on the Florida trip?
Clint Hill came out with his book 'Mrs. Kennedy & Me' in 2012, mentioning SA Glen Bennett.
Bennett was an intelligence agent who monitored threats to the President
Protective Research Agents typically don't ride on the motorcades. Why was Bennett there?
SA Glenn Bennett's parents spoke to reporters, confirming Bennett's presence on the Florida trip.
Len & Vince agree it's incredible that anyone still believes Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone assassin.
Smart researchers have realized that the Warren Commission report is heavily compromised.
Paul Bleau discusses his book "Chokeholds"
New Research in JFK assassination and regime change of the 1950s and 60s
From Operation Gladio to Iran Contra many of the same players...
Capa conference Update
New book from Paul Abbott Death To Justice
Paul recently returned from France where he visited the radio station in Berlitz.
Paul had a copy of Chokeholds that he took with him to the radio station, helping secure an interview.
The French are still very interested in the JFK assassination research & curious about Trump.
All of the towns that Paul visited, had a Kennedy St., Kennedy Blvd., Kennedy Rd., etc..
Jim has invited Paul to speak on a panel at the CAPA upcoming conference in Dallas this November.
Paul is also a confirmed returning speaker at the 2024 Lancer conference in Dallas.
Paul is involved in a joint research project with Jeff Meek & Dave Boylan.
Over 100 JFK researchers who are extremely knowledgeable participated in a survey.
Information collected from the survey focused on the who, why, how, timeline etc..
There are several personal interviews with researchers & authors discussing the survey data.
Information was also collected from historic JFK investigators like Gaeton Fonzi, Garrison, Prouty etc..
2019's petition describes the skeleton of the assassination & had over 2,500 supporting signatures.
The people who signed the petition feel the JFK assassination was a change of regime.
Dave Boylan has created ORC charts for the people of interest in 1963 including intelligence agencies.
The same compromised people keep popping up repeatedly in global events.
There were approximately 20 different regime changes from Operation Gladio to the Iran Contra.
David Atlee Phillips was a "regime changer", participating in Guatemala, the Bay of Pigs, JFK, etc..
Paul Abbott created a master index for the Garrison files, a very valuable tool for researchers.
Len offers the Jim Garrison files & Pauls spreadsheets for FREE! Just email him!
Look for the upcoming book by Paul Abbott, 'Death To Justice, The Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald'.
Paul breaks down who & where everyone was located during the Oswald assassination.
How was Jack Ruby helped in his mission to silence Lee Harvey Oswald? Who helped him?
What was Lee Harvey Oswald's path to the police basement on November 24, 1963?
Why are the depictions of Ruby by the Warren Commission & the HSCA so different?
Jefferson Morley was in contact with whistleblower(s) regarding secret JFK files.
In the secret files, there is a section regarding Oswald & Mexico City back in September 1963.
Paul Paterni, James Angleton & Warren Commission liason were all OSS friends.
Trump & Biden both broke the law by not declassifying remaining JFK files.
The ARRB was supposed to have access to all of the JFK files, yet CIA still hid documents.
Trump told Judge Andrew Napolitano that he was unable to release the remaining classified JFK files.
Why are students currently being mislead & deceived about JFK assassination history?
Part Two @1:05 Jefferson Morley
Whistle blower admits a room "full JFK files"
Source admits CIA meant to deliberatly decieve the public and researchers
Read Article Here
CIA behind the cover-up of the assassination
James Clapper lied to all of America - no one bats an eye
New online course from Jefferson Details Here
The Oswald File
CIA operators who monitored Oswald's movements from 1959 to 1963.
Part Three starts @ 01:28:13
Dr. David Mantik to speak at Details Here
His website The Mantik View
Pays tribute to Dr. Cyril Wecht
Dr. Mantik latest book The Final Analysis:
Discusses the source for Jefferson Morley's article
CIA office in Herndon Virginia holds records for the assassination
He was SCIF employee for the CIA
CIA was worried about Dan Hardway -
Glenda discusses this years CAPA conference
Glenda & Len reminisce about the passing of Dr. Cyril Wecht.
COPA created by John Judge & Dr. Cyril Wecht is now CAPA,
There is an annual JFK memorial every November 22 on the grassy knoll.
CAPA's 2024 Conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza in downtown Dallas.
Oswald Panel, discussing the locations of Oswald during the assassination.
Oswald Panel includes Steve Jaffe (by Zoom), Andy Kiel & Matt Crumpton (by Zoom).
Prouty documentary produced by Len Osanic & Jeff Carter to be shown.
Short file featuring the Dealey Tramps will be viewed.
Tribute to Dr. Wecht by Dr. David Mantik & film viewing of 'The Rant'.
The Magic Bullet - More Magical Than We Knew? by Dr. Gary Aguilar.
JFK Records Panel discuss latest information from Mark Adamcyzk, Andrew Kreig, & Larry Schnapf.
Discussion regarding the missing information from the Warren Report with Dr. David Montague.
Bryan Edwards & Gary Shaw discuss Roscoe White & the possibility he was the grassy knoll shooter.
Breech of Trust (How the Warren Commission failed the nation & why) by Gerald McKnight.
Doug Horne discusses 'How We Know The Zapruder Film Was Altered'.
Dr. David Mantik discusses his book, 'The Final Analysis'.
End of Innocence author John Young, discusses professional assassins in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22/63.
Did you know there was a second arrest in the Texas Theatre when & where Oswald was arrested?
Oswald's Russian friend, Prof. Titovetz will speak about Oswald in Russia & answer questions.
All of the previous CAPA conferences are on the CAPA website.Part Two
Documerntary Filmaker released Col Prouty interview from 1989
Rare Fletcher Prouty interview released Watch Here
JOHN EDGINTON DOCUMENTARIES his youtube channel with many other interviews
Jim suggests people read the books:Betting On The Africans by Philip E. Muehlenbeck.
JFK: Ordeal in Africa by Richard D. Mahoney, The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.
King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild, Who Killed Hammerskjold? by Susan Williams.
CAPA conference in Dallas approaching fast!
September 27th is the 60th anniversary of the release of the Warren Commission.
NBC & CBS ran special programming the day the Warren Commission released
CBS coached the witnesses before being recorded.
26 volumes of hearing transcripts & depositions released two months later.
When JFK was assassinated, 75% of the public believed the government, this decreased steadily.
Many people don't know how much Kennedy supported & cared about the independence of Africa.
JFK was the first President to campaign on the behalf of Africa, making his famous speech in 1957.
JFK chairman of the subcommittee for the African Foreign Relations committee.
In just 50 years of Belgium control, 50% of the African population was eliminated.
England, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, France & Portugal all had controlling interests by 1900's.
Berlin Conference held by Prince Bismark in 1884 significant in organized takeover.
Congo was the 2nd largest country in Africa, & the 11th largest country in the world.
International Congo Society formed by Leopold II, in his quest to obtain natural resources of Congo.
Congo controlled by Leopold II from 1885-1908 & then annexed by Belgium as a formal colony.
Leopold II encouraged US to back up annexation of Congo.
Ho Chi Minh appealed to Harry Truman to stop France from returning to Vietnam.
Roosevelt wanted to end the Imperialism.
US backed CIA installed DIEM government & Operation Vulture.
Richard Nixon idolized John Foster Dulles.
In 1954 JFK first heard about Operation Vulture & was vehemently opposed.
SEATO - South East Treaty Organization created by Dulles to utilize in takeover of Vietnam.
Diplomats started to go around Dulles & Eisenhower, seeking out JFK to help with Africa.
When JFK was touring in 1959, he brought up the issues in Africa often, over 400 times.
Eisenhower felt the Africans were unsophisticated & lacked intelligence to run their countries.
After Kennedy was elected, he tried to buy independence for the Congo.
Dag Hammarskjold sent in UN troops to help protect Lumumba but to no avail.
After Lumumba was assassinated, Hammarskjold was assassinated & then JFK.
When Belgium pulled out of Congo, their intention was a swift withdrawal to incite extreme chaos.
Unknown to Lumumba, the Belgium government had transferred Congo gold reserve to Brussels.
Oliver Stone originally wanted Brando for the part of Mr. X in his JFK movie, not Donald Sutherland.
Both Garrison & Zach Sklar told Oliver Stone to get in contact with Fletcher Prouty.
Donald Sutherland the original producer of Executive Action, securing funding for the film.
Sutherland came all the way from Canada to do the narration for Oliver Stone's JFK film.
Late November of 1964, the 1st combat troops sent to Vietnam
Kennedy told the British that he would not be backing the Imperial Policy anymore.
The CIA sent two assassins to murder Lumumba.
They kept the murder of Lumumba secret from JFK. Why?
Famous photo of JFK taken on February 13, 1961 as JFK informed about Lumumba's murder.
When JFK was assassinated, his Congo policy was buried with him.
RFK Jr. and the Unspeakable: Why This Historic Moment Matters Article
Chad Nagle Substack page JFK: American History and the Memory Hole
First JFK Facts article: The CIA's Sinister 'Transparency Plan' for JFK Files
Article about the Mary Ferrell Foundation lawsuit: JFK Researchers Appeal for Justice in Federal Court
Trail of Destruction series on JFK Facts: Trail of Destruction: The Shredded JFK Files
Article - The American Conservative in May 2023 about RFK Jr: The Courage of RFK Jr.
Trump has previously stated he doesn't think the remaining assassination JFK files can be released.
Chad explains why RFK Jr. suspended his campaign in August 2024.
JFK Facts on Substack is hosted by Jefferson Morley.
Jefferson Morley is the Vice President of the Mary Ferrell Foundation.
The Mary Ferrell Foundation has current federal litigation against the Biden administration.
Chad has served as a legal affairs correspondent for JFK Facts
Chad is volunteering as a researcher for the Mary Ferrell Foundation
RFK Jr.'s recent endorsement of Trump inspired Chad to write his latest article on Kennedys & King.
Chad's article "The Courage of RFK Jr." posted in The American Conservative in May 2023.
The American Conservative just published a pro 'Trump Is The Liberal Candidate' article.
Kamala Harris & the Biden administration have been restricting freedom & censoring dissenting views.
People in UK being fined, arrested & jailed in the UK for their posts on social media.
RFK Jr. has ran his campaign on a platform of revamping the public health system & anti-censorship.
RFK Jr. feels the Democrats are now 'The Party of War'. Politics have become completely toxic.
Pharmaceutical companies are able to directly advertise to consumers with constant TV advertisements.
Len reflects on the ads on TV made to entice people into trying dangerous drugs & medical procedures.
Vaccines are designed to create a sick & disabled society, creating constant revenue for Big Pharma.
Lopsided ad revenue controlling editorial lines & media messages, programming people.
The 'Forever Wars' - corrupt merger of state & corporate power is deeply entwined US foundation.
RFK Jr. the only Kennedy member rejecting the government version of the Kennedy assassinations.
Oliver Stone documentaries in 2021 put RFK Jr. front & centre.
Chad started to volunteer with the RFK Jr. campaign in 2023 and collected signatures for ballot access in 2024.
War in Ukraine is a defacto money laundering exercise.
Chad lived in the Ukraine back in 2001 & 2002, watching the elections.
RFK Jr. shut out of the campaign by the Biden Administration.
Why did RFK's supporters do a 180 and vote for George Wallace after his assassination?
Chad helps to dispel rumour about RFK announcing his candidacy AFTER LBJ dropped out.
It was a historic moment recently in Arizona when Trump very graciously introduced RFK Jr. on stage.
Trump disappointed people in 2017 by postponing disclosure of the remaining JFK documents.
Once in office, Biden tried to bury the JFK Records Act, keeping the JFK files locked up.
Trump is now promising to release the JFK records if reelected. Can we trust him?
Chad lacks faith in executive branch commission investigations concerning the JFK assassination.
The federal law suit by the MFF is to force the federal archives to comply with the JFK Records Act.
Have all Presidents been cyphers of sorts after JFK was assassinated?
Will recent assassination attempts on Trump inspire him to follow through by releasing JFK's records?
Why are the current Presidential candidates so unqualified? These are our choices?
Why were there over 200 FBI agents dressed up as Trump supporters at the January 6th event in 2021?
Why were the FBI planting pipe bombs the night before?! Russia Gate was phony!?
Len reflects on how after time passes & events are investigated that you rea... -
Part One James Corbett
James is celebrating his 17th anniversary hosting the highly respected "The Corbett Report".
All of James's research is FREE on his website!
Jimmy Dore recently featured James’s viral video ‘9/11 in Five Minutes’.
James pokes holes throughout the official 9/11 story, highlighting government fraud with humour.
How could Americans allow 9/11 plotters go unpunished? How could they let it slide?
If you investigate any of the government's promoted facts, you will discover their fraud.
Barrie Zwicker - The Great 911 Conspiracy Watch Here
911 War Games
9/11 Whistleblowers
9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
The 'War of Terror' that ensued after 9/11 was falsely justified by the government drafted story.
Are we finally coming out of the shadow of the hysteria 9/11 caused?
Countless victims in Afghanistan, Iraq & Syria, not just the lives taken on 9/11.
The official government story of 9/11 was crafted based on testimony extracted through torture.
History shows us torture only extracts the information that the torturer wants to hear, not the truth.
Under torture, 'terrorist' confessed to plotting to blow up buildings that didn’t exist at time of arrest.
The 'official' 9/11 story is as believable as lies about Saddam Hussein & weapons of mass destruction.
Fictional 'The Lone Pilot' pilot aired on TV months before 9/11, eerily the same terrorist plot.
President Eisenhower tried to warn us about the pending takeover of the Military Industrial Complex.
Military Industrial Complex financial interests threatened by end of the Cold War, peace & budget cuts.
James encourages you to watch his 9/11 War Games documentary to understand military involvement.
Over 2 dozen disorganized aviation exercises in varied states of progress hindered response on 9/11.
Vigilant Guardian, a massive NORAD exercise, injected fake radar blips on NORAD screens.
There was repeated confusion all morning long, not knowing if the radar blips were real threats or not.
Phantom 11 having hit the World Trade Centre but still identified by NORAD as flying West.
Imagine this feat being pulled off by a man on dialysis, in a cave, halfway across the world?
How did Osama Bin Laden know to strike on a day of massive confusion on the Eastern seaboard?
Why did Bush & Cheney have to testify together while requesting their testimony be 'off the record'?
Only notes were allowed, then classified from public viewing for 20+ years, before being doctored.
The 9/11 attacks were designed by terrorists to be very spectacular, garnering people’s attention.
Prof. Graeham MacQueen wrote "The Pentagon's B Movie" exposing 9/11 connections to Hollywood.
Document called Rebuilding America's Defences put out by The Project for a New American Century.
The Project for a New American Century, created in 1997, required a 'New Pearl Harbor Event’' Why?
Neocons lobbied Clinton to get into war with Iraq, in efforts to advance Israeli's foreign interest goals.
Donald Rumsfeld immediately looking for intel to be able to blame Saddam Hussein & invade Iraq.
'A Clean Break, A New Strategy For Securing The Realm' outlines Israel's need to eliminate Saddam.
Part Two Jeff Carter starts at 59:28
Watch the new Fletcher Prouty Documentary
Jeff Carter's film "Fletcher Prouty's Cold War" is NOW AVAILABLE on Vimeo on Demand!
Video rental will be supplemented by occasional public screenings.
Len congratulates Jeff on his fantastic work on this latest project! It's truly top notch!
Premier of 'Fletcher Prouty's Cold War' just happened in August at Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Most film attendees were not familiar with Fletcher, or his 23 year military career, outside of JFK film.
Nine intriguing years of Fletcher's 23 year military career was with the Pentagon. -
Part One the complete Album
Music Producer Les Murzsa has put the story of 911 to music in this impressive album.
Using real quotes the real story is reavealed and put in proper perspective.
A scathing indictment of the Bush administration's lies behind the 9/11 attacks.
12 song concept album featuring hundreds of quotes from the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Part Two - Starts @ 39:00 minute mark
Interview with Les Murzsa from March 2007
Les gives a short self-bio
His motivations for this great music creation
Song Titles 1) The Justice Squad, 2) The Humanity Of Donald Rumsfeld, 3) Smoke 'em Out
4) Dick Cheney Orders NORAD To Stand Down, 5)PNAC, The Project For A New American Century,
6) The New Pearl Harbour 7) Inside Job, Neo-Cons In Strategic Positions,
8) "There's A Bomb In The Building" - What The FDNY Were Saying
9) The Explosions Being Reported Before The Controlled Demolitions 10) WTC 7
11) Semper Fi, Semper Fidelity, Always Faithful, 12) Fool Me But Can't Get Fooled Again,
One Of The Stories Of The Century
Les mentions more reasons why 9/11 was an inside job
Len recommends a TV show, Pilot Episode - The Lone Gunman.
A spinoff of the X Files series Link to watch it
RIP Les Murzsa 1972- 2024
Part One Jim DiEugenio Jim's Website Kennedys and King Maureen Callahan Goes over the Edge - Along with Megyn Kelly Read Part Three Jim wraps up his three part review of Maureen Callaghan's fictitious book, Ask Not. Read a detailed & shortened version of the reviews on Jim's Substack. Before publishing Ask Not, why didn't Callahan or Kelly invest in a professional fact checker? Why wouldn't Megyn Kelly try to verify Callahan's claims BEFORE Callahan's interview? Callahan relies on disinfo books written on the Chappaquiddick event by Paul Burke & Leo Damore. Unfortunately, Ted Kennedy's first wife, Joan, was unable to curb her alcoholism. Jim disputes Callahan's claim that Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne. Ted Kennedy had never been to Chappaquiddick before July 18, 1969. Ted Kennedy rarely drove anywhere by himself, he was usually driven by a driver. Jim feels the accident was due to Ted Kennedy not knowing the Chappaquiddick roads or Dyke Bridge. On August 23, 1956 Jackie Kennedy gave birth to a premature baby girl, Arabella, who was stillborn. Although Arabella wasn't due for five weeks, Callaghan implies JFK was negligent by being absent. Diana de Vegh first wrote about her "affair" with JFK when he was a Senator, 60 years after the fact. Rosemary, daughter of Joseph & Mary Kennedy, born with mental health issues. In desperation, Joseph Kennedy gave approval to doctors to perform a frontal lobotomy on Rosemary. Jackie Kennedy was absent from the birthday fundraiser for JFK at Madison Gardens in NYC. Jackie wasn't fond of going to fundraising events, where she felt "for sale", asking people for money. Marilyn Monroe was just one of seventeen different entertainers at JFK's birthday fundraiser in 1962. Marilyn Monroe was married & divorced three times by age 35. Where is Callaghan's evidence that Marilyn was having an affair with JFK or RFK? How could JFK or RFK be responsible for Marilyn Monroe's death if they weren't with Marilyn? Jackie went to Europe with her sister, after the death of baby Patrick who died at just two days old. Jackie returned in time for JFK's trip to Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. Listener questions answeredPart Two starts at 1:14;42 Ray McGinnis is a Canadian author of Unanswered Questions. Founder of Telegram Pavel Dyron Arrested in France Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested in UK Journalist David Menzies arrested in Canada Arrested in Canada Evidence never supported the charges... Article by Ray McGuiness Trucker protest with insufficient evidence charges are down to "mischief" Day 44 trial upadate Tucker Carlson interviews Pavel Dyron Watch Here Tamara Lich & Chris Barber's trial began September 2023. Ray attended the Freedom Convoy 2022 trials in Ottawa last November. The trial is before a judge, not a jury, causing time delays when scheduling court appearances. Tamara & Chris are being charged with mischief & counselling mischief. Typical Canadian mischief trials typically last only three hours, this trial has gone on over 40 days. Freedom Convoy participants were portrayed as violent, racist Nazis etc. by the media & government. Tamara Lich, key volunteer for the convoy is a Metis woman, not a white supremacist violent Nazi. Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbour is part of the foundation of our legal system. Ottawa Police are the ones who directed all convoy truck drivers & vehicles to their parking locations. Justice McLean confirmed the Charter of Rights & Freedom allows Canadians to peacefully protest. Section 2b & C of the Charter enshrines Canadians rights to peaceful protest. On Feb. 16, 2022 Justice McLean reaffirmed protesters abiding by his rules, peaceful protest allowed. Tamara Litch arrested, put in prison, in & out of jail for 49 days. The whole trial is about questioning whether Canadians have the right ...
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