日下部直太(Naoto Kusakabe)
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There’s nothing like teeing it up with a cooler full of brews and a bag full of balls; both of which will be empty by the end of the round. Come and tee it up with us and enjoy the golf content we all crave.
The Best College Golfers Should Be Household Names. Who’s Next?
The Second Annual PXG College Golf Showcase airs on the Golf Channel December 2021 -
Come talk about car news of the week
We just keep it real 100% of the time.
http://Wisconsin.Golf reporters Gary D'Amato and Rob Hernandez check in each week on the Wisconsin golf scene, from the tournament trail to the personalities to golf course news and reviews to those quintessential “only in golf” stories that drive our passion good shot after bad.
特に、スイング理論の一つである「下回りスイング」で練習、ラウンドしている自分達の上達や気づきについて報告します。 -
マンガで身につく! 普通のビジネスマンがゴルフ歴たった1年でスコア70台を出したメソッド。(幻冬舎) -
Just a couple pals talking
毎週、毎週経営者のお悩み相談をまるっと解決しているお悩み相談番組 m’s consulting株式会社 [email protected] 050-5369-7169(m’s consulting総合受付)
"Who's Your Caddy?" is a weekly podcast for anyone in love with the game of golf. When you just can't get enough golf talk in your day-to-day life, "Who's Your Caddy?" is here to be your friend. Join Chief, Liam, and Legs, as they talk about everything happening on the links, and fill your head with tons of vital information about the PGA Tour. Use our betting and DFS tips at your own risk, but we'll try our best to keep it on dry land. Play away!
Cricvidya is fusion of cricket passion and analysis. We bring you podcasts and interviews that are free wheeling discussions on cricketing developments as well as data based insights into our game. We will also engage with other analysts and passionate observers to bring their views to you. We hope that you will enjoy these discussions as we try ans understand our game better. Happy listening.
Welcome to Swing Theory Golf, the ultimate podcast for the golf enthusiasm! Join us, as we dive deep into the world of golf, and explore a wide range of fascinating subjects. From the greatest golfers of all time to insightful conversation with top golf instructors, we cover it all. Our expert guests, share, invaluable tips and techniques to help you improve your game. Swing Theory Golf is your one stop destination for all things golf. Tune in and let us take you on an immersive journey through the history, techniques, and beauty of this timeless sport.
We talk to different PGA Golf Professional at many great clubs and golf facilities in the United States, and possibly, the world, about what they do and what fuels their passion for golf, in hopes of growing the game of golf, and making it a huge community that spreads positivity, no matter where we go.
ラジオ番組を舞台とした異業種マッチプレーをお届けします。 -
The Dynamic Golf Podcast, hosted by Tim Mcalvanah and Sean Klotz, offers a captivating journey into the world of golf. With their combined experience as PGA professionals and avid golfers, Tim and Sean bring a wealth of knowledge and passion to this highly informative podcast. In this article, we will explore the background of this dynamic duo and the creative content they provide, including discussions on golf swings, industry trends, valuable tips, and course reviews.
A Fusion of Expertise:
Tim Mcalvanah, CEO and founder of SwingTheoryGolf academy, is a renowned instructor with a deep understanding of golf swing mechanics. Sean Klotz, manager of 1 Stop Golf Club, brings extensive experience in the golf industry. Their expertise makes the podcast an invaluable resource for golfers of all levels.
Creative Content for Golf Enthusiasts:
The Dynamic Golf Podcast offers a diverse range of content, including detailed analysis of swing techniques, discussions on industry trends, practical tips for course management and mental fortitude, and course reviews. Listeners gain insights into improving their game and staying up to date with the latest happenings in the golfing world.
With their vast expertise, experience, and passion for the game, Tim Mcalvanah and Sean Klotz deliver an invaluable resource through the Dynamic Golf Podcast. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a new beginner, this podcast offers a treasure trove of knowledge and entertainment. Tune in to unlock the secrets of the game and be captivated by the engaging discussions of this dynamic duo.
自身のトーナメントツアー参加、日頃プレーするにあたり心掛けていることに加えて、2023年7月からゴルフを本格的に始めた進行役 トム・根岸がスコア80を切るチャレンジへのアドバイス、ゴルフに関連する楽しいゲストを招いていきます。