Ever wanted to get involved in your local pride or GSA? Maybe this episode can help! This is the Season 1 Finale for Bleu Dreams.
Today, I diverge from my storyboard and change up today's episode last minute. Have any toxic family or friends? Today I share some advice on how to deal with those people.
Mangler du episoder?
Y'all keep asking so here it is. Disclaimer I am not the best person to ask relationship advice from, but here's my shot at it.
This week I dive in deeper on how I became a drag queen and started hosting shows. As well as, give a little advice about drag pageants, and answer some other fun questions!
Today we talk about how we all can be allies in the LGBTQ community.
This week we dive into gender identity, and touch briefly on proper pronoun usage. https://tinyurl.com/bleuidentity will take you to the 64 Terms That Describe Gender Identity and Expression which I used as a source for this podcast today.
Send me a message!! I want to hear from you! How are you liking the podcast? Anything I could do to make it better? Do you have a question or podcast topic? Send me a message!! https://anchor.fm/bleudreams/message
My coming out story, and a little advice on how to come out if you are struggling.
A little background of who you’re getting your queer advice from with a few answers to some already burning questions about sexuality.
Just a short about me! Join us hopefully monthly or bimonthly for new episodes!