
  • An interview with Alex Lubinsky, CEO of Rentberry. Rentberry is an online resource for both tenant and landlords to manage the application and rental process. Rentberry has been migrating their process to blockchain and have won a number of awards for their innovative solution. Here are the main takeaways from the podcast:

    Provides a transparent home rental solution and price negotiation platform. Using a blockchain, they are able to automate all of the standards rental tasks from submitting personal information, credit reports and offers. Including also e-signing rental agreements, automating payments and management of maintenance requests. The solution is ideal for assisting owners of single family homes or apartments. The solution also provides transparent access by lenders to the process and management of these properties.

    Website: www.rentberry.com

    Twitter: @rentberry_

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    Twitter: @blockchain360
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    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • A personal interview with Edward Cunningham about his adventure from living globally and finding that the solution he needed to solve was the management of hotel bookings and customer relationships. We discuss how his company Trippki is seeking to create an alternative booking solution for hotel operators globally. We discuss the current structure of the existing model and how hotel operators are at the mercy of the big major players.

    Website: trippki.com

    Twitter: @trippki

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    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

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  • An interview with Simon Yu on his path from delivering Korean Tacos to launching a blockchain company. Here are the main takeaways from the podcast:

    Storm Market is a gamified micro-task marketplace. People across all industries can use the Storm Market (including advertisers, machine learning companies, gaming platforms and recruiters). Storm Market is different from other similar applications due to its human-centric user interface and experience. Storm Market creates an engaging user experience that encourages active participation within the STORM token community.

    Website: www.stormtoken.com

    Twitter: @storm_token

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
    be sure to #blockchain360 when posting comments

    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • An wide ranging interview with Roger Ver from Bitcoin.com Covering Bitcoin and Blockchain Regulation, Mt. Gox, Segwit2X, the Bitcoin Core team. We discussed the impact of blockchain on government, and some of the risks that it has. We discuss the comments by Jamie Dimon, form JPMorgan and Ray Dalio, from Bridgewater Associates. A discussion on his utopian country without government, laws, and documents. We end the interview with his 5-year forecast of the value of Bitcoin, the number of Bitcoin versions and the implementation of blockchain globally.

    Website: bitcoin.com

    Twitter: @rogerkver

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
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    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • An interview with Nicolas Fierro from Mimir Blockchain Solutions. Having been with the Ethereum Foundation when it launched its token, Nicolas has been working on creating the Mimir Bridge that will greatly accelerate Ethereum developers to quickly and securely access the Ethereum network. Listen to his interesting story from the US Navy, to the Ethereum Foundation and then to the founding of Mimir Blockchain.

    Website: mimirblockchain.solutions

    Twitter: @mimirblockchain @blockchainNick

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
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    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • An interview with John Lyotier from RightMesh. Currently, nearly 4 billion people lack Internet access. That’s 4 billion people who are disenfranchised from the societal and economic benefits brought about by connectivity. RightMesh, seeks to recognize that global connectivity benefits everyone, and their goal is to incentivize the expansion of Internet access worldwide. The digital economy has become synonymous with the economy generally, and bringing the remaining billions online will catalyze global trade, communication, and the exchange of ideas.

    Here are the main takeaways from the interview:

    The United Nations deems Internet connectivity to be a basic human right due to the social and economic benefits afforded to those who have access, yet there are currently 4 billion people in the world who lack connectivity. RightMesh intends to bridge that gap by connecting users directly over free, fast, unlicensed spectrum without the complete reliance on middlemen such as ISPs and telecom providers. By integrating its mesh technology with the blockchain and a cryptocurrency token, RightMesh will create a new generation of digital entrepreneurs who are able to sell their connectivity, on-device storage, processing power, sensor information, or any digital content they create. There are a lot of software applications that claim to be decentralized but rely on centralized infrastructure at the hardware level. RightMesh is the first truly decentralized network and platform that is actually p2p (peer-to-peer). RightMesh's parent company, Left.io, is a multinational enterprise. Given funding from Left, we are able to put resources into traveling the world, participating in conferences and educating developers and people in the blockchain community about the need for increased connectivity and how RightMesh is making this possible.

    Website: www.rightmesh.io
    Twitter: @Right_Mesh

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
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    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • An interview with Heather Montgomery from 420Blockchain about the development of an infrastructure blockchain solution being developed by her company that addresses the seed-to-sale aspect for cannabis. Her company is creating a platform that will allow marijuana growers to input relevant information about their particular crops as well as allow for transportation companies to participate in the logistical aspects of delivering the product to the dispensaries. From there the dispensaries can use the solution for a POS (point of sale) to provide government confirmation for taxes and usage, which in turn will allow for banks to accept deposits from these companies.

    Here are the key takeaways from the episode:

    Current medical environment is lacking SOP and understanding about medical benefits of cannabis. The legalization of Marijuana deals with black market competition & lack of supply controls. Regulators, banks, and governing bodies struggle for ways to regulate policies, taxation, and regulation. Blockchain, ioT, and Ai offer the tools to support the needs of the cannabis industry. Medical application of cannabis requires deep research, clinical studies, and proper data analysis to significantly impact public health.

    Website: www.420blockchain.cloud
    Twitter: @420_blockchain

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
    be sure to #blockchain360 when posting comments

    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • An interview with Adam Helfgott, co-founder and CEO of Madhive. MadHive is a blockchain-powered data management platform that enables the secure and transparent transfer of campaign data between publishers, video networks, and advertisers. A combination of fraud and weakness within the ad tech supply chain costs the industry an average of $8.2 billion a year. MadHive’s solution to this gaping problem is to leverage blockchain and AI-backed technology to accurately track data as it travels along the supply chain from creative to consumer’s browser.

    Here are the takeaways form the interview:

    The digital economy is powered by advertising dollars. That is how we can all use free services like email, search, chat, and video. Advertising is fueled by data. The problem is that certain parties within the advertising ecosystem hold the majority of data, and therefore, all the power. These parties are intermediaries. The advertising supply chain describes the trajectory an ad takes from creative to a consumer’s browser. Agencies use the programmatic marketplace to determine the sites, or publishers, on which to serve the ad. The marketplace relies on algorithms to make these decisions. As you can imagine, the algorithms are not always able to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate sites, so the advertisers rely on intermediaries to verify where ads are served, and to whom, so intermediaries control all the data, which is where the value is. What would be immensely helpful to advertisers and publishers is to regain control of their data. This is where blockchain comes into play. By leveraging a blockchain-backed network, this advertising data can be securely recorded, shared, and accessed by cryptographic keys. MadHive is a founding member of AdLedger, which is a group of advertising and publishing executives committed to determining the rules and standards that will govern a blockchain-backed peer-to-peer network for the advertising industry. The timing is particularly ripe for blockchain solutions in ad tech now because it is getting more and more difficult to compete against the Google-Facebook duopoly. These two companies control so much of the data that it is nearly impossible to compete against their audience reach and targeting capabilities, but if advertisers and publishers share data, they dramatically increase their reach to the level that could be at least on par with Google and Facebook. This would be a huge win for advertisers and publishers looking to retain some of their lost margins. Additionally with the onset of GDPR, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, in May of 2018, there is even more urgency for businesses operating in Europe to figure out how to meet these standards, which includes giving users access to data and ceasing use of data, should a user request it. Smart contracts are great for this. MadHive already provides a data orchestration layer on a private, but the real promise of blockchain will be realized when the network can be enabled and the transaction speed increases, which IBM’s Hyperledger is making headway on.

    Website: http://www.madhive.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamhelfgott/
    Adam's Twitter: @adamhelfgott
    MadHive Twitter: @madhivetech

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
    be sure to #blockchain360 when posting comments

    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • Blockchain360 announcements about updates to the podcast. Remixed audio. New distribution channels iHeartRadio and YouTube. Speaking engagement announcements. Bryant Nielson Speaking Schedule


    Sept 15-16 Cryp Trade Conference, Antalya Turkey: Keynote: "Blockchain Tsunami"

    Oct 17 MassChallenge Mexico City: Speaker “Blockchain Tectonic Shift”

    Oct 24-25 World Blockchain Summit – Dubai UAE: Speaker topic not created

    Nov 29-30 Blockchain Expo – Santa Clara, CA: Speaker topic not created

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
    be sure to #blockchain360 when posting comments

    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • An interview with John Wise CEO of Loci, a leader in DIY patent research that is branching out to a distributed database for patent research, discovery, and licensing. Outside of Loci, the patenting process is long and costly, but Loci uses a combination of intuitive user interfaces, machine learning, and blockchain technology to optimize this process. Loci’s InnVenn, a visual searching tool for patents, was designed to simplify the process of identifying patents and more importantly, ideas that have not been patented yet.

    John’s background as an auto-racing engineer led him to witness many inventions, and also how frustrating the process of patenting is. The current patent system is so convoluted, if one wants to file a patent, they must either spend thousands of dollars on a lawyer, or is legally obligated to read tens of thousands of patents to ensure their idea is has not yet been patented. This makes it extremely difficult for individuals to protect their intellectual property. Loci’s product, InnVenn, was designed to simplify the process of identifying patents and more importantly, ideas that have not been patented yet. Loci’s pre-sale is happening now through the end of the month, for accredited investors only. Loci’s token sale launches in October.

    Loci will be the first fully funded company with a working product and sales (in the product they are tokenizing) to embark on a token sale.

    “As a clarification and redaction, Loci inc. has no immediate intentions to register as an investment bank and thus cannot offer securities or equities of any of the investment pools. Loci is legally bound to selling inventions or investment pools in totality to a third-party. If that third party is a registered bank or registered offerer of securities, then IT can offer securities stemming from that investment pool. NOT LOCI."

    URL: www.loci.io
    Twitter: @loci_io
    Twitter: @loci_InnVenn

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
    be sure to #blockchain360 when posting comments

    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • An interview with Jessica VerSteeg, former model, Miss Iowa US 2014, on The Amazing Race season 28, CEO of AuBox, and now CEO of PARAGON. PARAGON is a distributed ledger for the marijuana industry, which enables secure and transparent record-keeping for doctor registries, marijuana IDs, and prescriptions.

    Key takeaways:

    There are many medical benefits to cannabis, including chronic pain relief, anxiety relief, etc. Unfortunately, governments, social stigmas and uneducated politicians hinder the positive change that marijuana could bring. Currently, there is no established standards for purity, lab testing, ID verification, organic or eco-friendly certifications, prescriptions, THC/CBD potency, start-to-finish
    tracking, and so on. Having all this information publically available on the blockchain will solve that. There are few places that allow cannabis businesses to rent office space, making it incredibly difficult for start-ups - but Paragon seeks to create co-working spaces. The Paragon team is chock-full of talent, with backgrounds at Facebook, CISCO, Stocks.Exchange, City National Bank... and rapper The Game sits on their advisory board.

    Paragon’s token crowdsale will be from September 15th- October 15th.

    Website: paragoncoin.com
    Twitter: @paragoncoin

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
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    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • An interview with Steve Olson, Enterprise Architect and Head of the Project Management Office for the Congressional Research Service (CRS), a service unit with the Library of Congress. Steve provides an in depth perspective of blockchain activities within the US government. We have a wide ranging discussion covering the value of blockchain to Copyrights, Patent & Trademarks, and how blockchain would function in the government. We cover a number of ideas on where value is added by government (digital identities) as well as pitfalls and concerns about blockchain implementation by government.

    THIS PODCAST IN CONJUNCTION WITH Ep. 15 with Congressman Jared Polis gives a good feel for where blockchain and the government are working.

    The key takeaways from this conversation are:

    Blockchain & smart contracts can revolutionize the fundamental mechanics of our democracy and the downstream legal system in its capacity to accurately track Laws (L), Regulations (E), and Rulings/Opinions (J) over time. Blockchain can provide transparency into government activities to help expose waste, fraud and abuse which *could* make the federal government more efficient. Blockchain will have a widespread impact across the entire federal government. Blockchain projects are already underway within the federal government.

    URL: Congress.gov

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
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    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • In a short interview with Congressman Jared Polis, one of the founding members of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus, we get the legislators perspective on the 'awareness of the legislative branch' about blockchain and its potential with the US government.

    The key takeaways from this conversation are:

    Blockchain is too new of a technology for use by the government Blockchain is NOT on any legislative agenda for discussion Blockchain has no proof-of-concepts working in the legislative branch of the US government Implementation of blockchain is 10+ years away.

    Website: www.Polis.House.Gov
    Twitter: @RepJaredPolis

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
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    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • We interview Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock.com In this interview, we discusses how he positioned Overstock as the first billion dollar company to accept Bitcoin. As well as a free ranging discussion on blockchain, investments, and the recently announcement that Overstock is now accepting up to 45 different crypto-currencies. Here are 7 key take-aways from the conversation:

    com is one of the 3 largest retailers who accept cryptocurrency payments. Overstock has almost 2 million in cryptocurrency sales annually. Overstock retains up to 50% of cryptocurrency as a ‘reserved hedge’ against market and systemic risk Blockchain will help make government honest Medici Ventures is Overstock’s investment arm, having invested 60 million in 7 blockchain companies Medici’s investments have a strategy to disrupt the capital markets with their investments. The ICO world is currently the “Wild West”


    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • We interview Gerard Dache, Chairman of the Government Blockchain Association. In this interview, we discusses the role of suppliers and their need to work with government on blockchain. Her are 3 key insights from the conversation:

    There is a high level of interest with both the government and contractor on Blockchain. The Government Blockchain Association (GBA) promotes blockchain related solutions to governments Civil servants are pushing back at any blockchain adoption. The GBA is promoting courses on Blockchain Development, Blockchain Consulting and Transformational Leadership in Blockchain.

    URLs: www.GovernmentBlockchain.org

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • An interview with Omkar Naik, leads Microsoft's Data Platform and Blockchain strategy in the Midwest. In this interview, we discusses the need for blockchain in the enterprise. Her are 3 key insights from the conversation:

    Enterprises are looking at blockchain as a technology but they are getting lost with the noise around them around cryptocurrencies that’s making people in the business more confused Enterprises fear their existing IT investments and how they fit blockchain within that scenario Companies want to do so much more with their data, so they are used to architecting solutions that are able to do that, such as taking data off chain, transactions off chain, add ML, Analytics, and visualization for various business needs, so teaching them about the canvas size they can paint on with their enterprise needs is critical for the blockchain adoption.

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • An interview with Marta Piekarska, Director of Ecosystem at Hyperledger, part of the Linux Foundation. In this interview, she discusses the current state of Hyperledger and her perspective that 2018 will be the year of deployment. Her are her 5 key insights

    Hyperledger is an umbrella organization that is not “pay to play”. We encourage people to work with us in an opensource community, members get access to the additional services, but everyone’s welcome to submit patches, download code and contribute. Hyperledger has 8 running projects and more to come. We have working groups that try to narrow down the scope of upcoming projects. Our main advantage is that we have diversity of members. From that diversity comes variety of backgrounds, knowledge, experience which leads to open, interesting and much wider collaboration than in case of closed source projects We are not competitive towards any of the other platforms The industry needs more collaboration less of pissing contests. Only that way we can advance the technology. Blockchain is based on pure cryptography, mathematics and opensource algorithms. It is about how we creatively use them. As with any security applications, there is no point in obscurity, everything lays in collaboration. Blockchain is a tool, not a solution. Don’t rush to just deploy your solutions and sprinkle blockchain dust. Come up with good ideas of why you need Blockchain there.

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
    be sure to #blockchain360 when posting comments

    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • Len Steinmetz, Grant Thornton's Director in Financial Advisory Services practice says that every business should be in fear of blockchain and it should absolutely keep them awake at night.

    Generally speaking, blockchain is the new, disruptive technology in finance and legal services. In industries like financial services, which often rely on a central clearinghouse to verify transactions, a blockchain eliminates the middleman, slashing administration time and costs.

    Consumer loans and retail other retail industries – like insurance – is probably the next industry to be disrupted by blockchain technology.

    The legal industry is slow entering the age of the digitized economy with “smart contracts” and other trust based tools.

    Authorities must get ready for software-driven regulation

    An argument can be made and a key driver of lower costs - access to a shared blockchain may be all a regulator may need to supervise the banking system. This will allow banks to shift the load back to the authorities – in total or in part - but certainly lighten their compliance burden.

    Website: https://www.grantthornton.com/

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
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    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • In a value based care world, seeing the entire patient care pathway is critical. Simply Vital Health is a leading blockchain solution provider developing a solution that could impact the way patient records are maintained and how health care is delivered. Simply Vital Health was the Best-in-Class winner of the October 2016 Distributed Health Hackathon. The leadership has been acknowledge in both Medium and Forbes as leaders in changing Health Care.

    Simply Vital Health is also apart of the BoostVC Tribe9 coheart.

    Website: https://www.simplyvitalhealth.com

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    Twitter: @blockchain360
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    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com

  • Most people do not think of banking regulation as “fun,” but the bright green walls covered with hand drawn cartoons about FATCA and CCAR indicate that 8of9 and its maverick leader, Mary Kopczynski, is ushering in something the world has never seen before. She wears bright colors in a sea of dark grey suits. She asks memorably tough questions of regulators at major industry conferences. She is relentless in her mission to make regulation easier and while she certainly raises eyebrows, most people get drawn into her vision of a future world of smart contracts and automated compliance.

    Website: www.8of9.com
    Twitter: @marykopczynski

    Our URL: www.Blockchain360.co
    Twitter: @blockchain360
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    Facebook: Blockchain360

    Sponsor: www.TheBlockchainAcademy.com