Lucifer is rising! Lucifer, the most powerful of evil spirits, has always been present in human affairs. usually possessing noteworthy individuals. It’s not a stretch to say that Luciferian demons possessed Nimrod whose defiance of God inspired the building of the Tower of Babel; that Lucifer possessed the Pharaoh who opposed Moses and would not let God’s people go; that Lucifer indwelt Hitler and a long list of historic despots. But in recent years, as an exorcist, I have observed that the spiritual landscape of humanity has undergone a drastic change. Demons with the name and similarities of Lucifer have drastically increased their presence and activity. Does this presage something prophetic? I assert that we have now entered an era of overt Luciferian activity that points to a global moral collapse and the soon return of Christ.
Dr. Bob Larson says that when people seek his help for deliverance from demons their concern can usually be reduced to one question: “Is it me or the devil?” Larson further says that the approach of most churches to this question is that the problem IS the person. They are not
spiritually doing something right. If they are a Christian, the source of their discomfort couldn’t be demons. Dr. Bob Larson explains how to know if your spiritual challenges are truly demonic in origin. -
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Nephilim, the Giants of old spoken about in the Book of Enoch, are big business today. These
ancient half-human half-demon entities, known as the watchers in The Book of Enoch, are
enigmas that sell massive quantities of Christian and secular books. Podcasts focusing on the
paranormal talk about Nephilim nonstop. The emphasis isn’t about a fondness Holy Scripture,
Interest is driven by a fascination with the idea that these beings once roamed the Earth, and
some say, they still do. They were giants of prodigious height and strength. Some believe they were
the source of inspiration for the ancient Roman and Greek gods who were modeled after
memories of Nephilim. Did such beings really exist? Why weren’t they all destroyed by the
flood? Are they coming back again at the end of time? Should Christians care? Dr. Bob Larson
has answers to these and other questions about whether a race of super-beings, half-human
and half-satanic, is rising again before the Great Tribulation. -
Most churches and pastors want nothing to do with deliverance. Casting out demons is either unbiblical (we call such folks cessationists) or it is just plan messy. No question, exorcism is filled with a lot of foibles. These eccentricities range from self-styled deliverance ministers who are constantly guided by some self-proclaimed, supernatural word from God; or they claim demons are cast out without any objective confirmation of a demon’s right to remain in the host. People are told they are free when they don’t even know what bound them in the first place. Dr. Bob Larson has a long list of grievances regarding deliverance done the wrong way. In this message “Casting out Demons the RIGHT Way” he sets the record straight and what’s bad, and good, about exorcism today.
Recently, popular YouTube influencer Pastor Vlad did a one-hour, no-holds-barred interview with Dr. Bob Larson. Vlad asked questions Bob has never before publicly addressed. For over an hour, Larson laid bare his soul about how he got into deliverance ministry and the dangers of the popular interest in casting out demons. Larson revealed his scariest and most dangerous exorcisms. This is a Bob Larson you’ve never seen before. Pastor Vlad’s probing questions bring out little-known facts about the man known to millions worldwide as The Real Exorcist.
What are eight things you don’t want in your house? If you’re starting to make a mental list right now it might include all clothing or worn-out furniture. Perhaps you think of stale food. But the Bible warns there are detestable things you must get rid of. The Old Testament scripture that
speaks of this is Deuteronomy 7:26. I am going to update this ancient prohibition to current times with a stern warning to clean up your act and clean out your house. -
There are many things in 2024 that people want to leave behind. Like extra weight, bad boyfriends, sporadic church attendance, bad health, and toxic friendships. But what are the most important things you need to leave behind to start the new year right is this -- curses. Bloodline curses that you may have activated by sinful behavior and damaging relationships. Is it
possible to say goodbye to curses that spiritually hindered your life last year just by turning the page into a new year? I say, “YES!” In this podcast I explain how to start the new year free of curses that hold you back in every area of life. -
Bob & Laura's Xmas Message! by Bob Larson
Are the drone lights demons? That's one explanation offered for strange lights floating in the sky on the eastern coast of America. It seems that everyone has a theory including entertainers, politicians, and influencers of every political persuasion. Conspiracy theories abound. Are the drones part of something called Project Blue Beam, a conspiracy theory that's
decades old? The Pentagon says we shouldn't worry, but from California to New Jersey people are worried. These objects, said to be as large as a car, have not yet been identified by our government. I am going to sift through fact and fiction to determine the source of these
unidentified objects in the sky. -
Is there witchcraft in your church? You may think that's one of the most absurd questions I have ever posed. But this question isn't clickbait. It raises a serious issue of whether or not cult and tactics of witchcraft are being used where you worship. You might think this only happens
with New Age cult churches, and it does. But hear my warning that witchcraft tactics are at work in conservative congregations as well. You are in for a shock about the ways that witchcraft has infiltrated evangelicalism--perhaps your church! -
Perhaps the most frequently diagnosed emotional condition is narcissism. People use the term constantly and casually as if they actually knew what they're talking about. But most of them don't. I’m going to clear up the confusion about what narcissism is and whether the condition is demonic. In this podcast Larson I’ll analyze the difference between the activity of
demons and the exploitative actions of a true narcissist. -
Is the illuminati a real organization or is the supposed threat it represents a
conspiracy theory? Fantastic claims have been made about this secret, shadowy group of what many think is a Luciferian cabal. Beyoncé and her husband, Jay Z, have been the subject of conspiracy theories claiming they secretly belong to the Illuminati. Furthermore, they are said
to be secretly ushering in a new world order. This theory claims they are brainwashing the public through music videos and dance routines—some kind of magical conditioning. What exactly is the Illuminati? Is it real or fake? And does it have its sight set on global domination and the destruction of Christianity? Dr. Bob Larson has surprising answers that will rock your world. -
Should You Believe the Book of Enoch by Bob Larson
DO YOU HAVE A DEMON and don’t know it by Bob Larson
Now that Election 2024 is over, and we finally know that Trump will be our next President, what does this mean? The answer to that question is especially important to those who believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Christians see the hand of God, or the working of
the devil, in social and political events. None is more significant than the election every four years of a new President. The outcome of the most expensive and the most vitriolic campaign in America’s history is at an end. Dr. Bob Larson takes a spiritual warfare perspective on what this
means. You’ll be surprised at what he says about the outcome. He answers the question, “Will American be Great Again?” -
Dr. Bob Larson has done more exorcisms than any living person. He doesn't pull punches by saying that much of what passes for deliverance today is a lot less than what we see in the Bible. He exposes a weakness in the modern church of embracing deliverance but not completing deliverance by identifying and expelling evil spirits.
As an exorcist. Dr. Bob Larson has spent a lifetime interacting with evil spirits. He has heard what they say and seen what they do. Most demonic actions are predictable – profane, violent, stubborn, beguiling, hateful, deceptive, and implacably evil. But Larson has also witnessed odd, strange behavior that defies logic and reason. In this episode you’ll witness the exorcism of a woman who got demons from a most unusual place.
Are demons more powerful at Halloween? It seems so, with all the
emphasis on evil. Witchcraft and many forms of diabolism are on parade this time of year. But the serious question is whether all this attention paid to satanic themes empowers the forces of darkness. Dr. Bob Larson, the world’s foremost expert on cults and the occult says, “YES, that demons are stronger during the days leading up to Halloween.” Why, and is that apparent increase in power sustainable in the world of the supernatural after all the Halloween costumes have been put away? No one is better prepared to deal with this topic, and Dr.
Larson’s views may surprise you. -
Are you the target of a witchcraft curse? You may suspect that an ex-lover or former friend has turned against you and done witchcraft. That witchcraft might be deliberate. They could have done voodoo on you. Or that witchcraft could take the form of constant intense hatred, looking for ways to seek revenge. Either way, your physical and spiritual life could be in jeopardy. Dr. Bob Larson offers specific advice regarding what to do to prevent and respond to witchcraft curses. Proof your life against witchcraft with these crucial steps. And be sure that you stay with Bob until the end when he talks about how you may encounter witchcraft in the church.
Dr. Bob Larson believes that Christians can be affected by curses. He has
authored a full-length book on that topic entitled “Curse Breaking.” In addition, Larson has
several social media sites with hundreds of videos which discuss the various aspects of curses
and how to break them. In this episode, Larson explains how a person is cursed and what to do
about it. Discover the truth about whether demons have cursed you. - Se mer