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    —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    Brosbond Live Podcast 購票傳送門:https://www.accupass.com/event/2408300229587076256310
     時間:2024/10/26 18:30進場/19:00開始

    EP15【網紅當夠了?! Sick of Being Influencers】S3
    這一集,泰勒和和安要來聊聊當新手網紅(影響者)和被視作網紅(影響者)究竟是個什麼樣的感覺和體驗。是否因此改變了他們的生活或讓開拓了他們的世界觀、價值觀呢?不僅如此,他們也分享了對「網紅/影響者」這個詞的想法。一樣的啦~ 很多對話和笑料,趕快去收看/收聽!
    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    This episode, Tyler and Concor chat about what it’s like being fresh to the influencer scene. Has it shifted how they see things or changed their lives? Plus, they share their thoughts on what the term "influencer" even means now. Expect their usual mix of real talk and laughs!

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  • 本集節目由 【ELSA Speak】贊助播出
    ELSA Speak 限時限量獨家優惠🔥:https://bit.ly/elsa-duovision-pc


    ✨若你對於英文的感情是認真的,就選ELSA Speak✨
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    EP14【我的性感和狂野幻想 My Sexy and Nasty Fantasies】S3
    兩位瘋瘋癲癲的主持人和啥都敢聊來賓在錄音室裡搞得歡樂無限 😹😹(真的超吵)。今天這集我們邀請到了來自台中,最辣最可以的嘉賓 Peggy,一起聊聊戀愛、職場、創作靈感,當然還有火辣辣的臥室秘密🔥💋💋💋。
    今晚 9 點首播,快來鎖定,我們等你喔!
    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    Peggy’s Instgram: https://www.instagram.com/e.chiiii/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    Get ready for a wild one! The chaotic hosts and the guest turn the studio upside down with endless laughs 😹😹 (seriously, it gets loud). We’ve got the hottest guest in Taichung, Peggy, talking love, work, creativity, and, of course, some super spicy bedroom confessions 🔥💋💋💋. Tune in for the premiere at 9 PM tonight — we’re waiting for you!

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  • 本集節目由 【國家表演藝術中心國家兩廳院】贊助播出




    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments

    Are you ready to hear some of the wildest stories from our fans/viewers? In this episode of Brosbond, we’re diving into fan submissions through the main segment, “Brosbond Reaction.” We’ve got tales of a “two-faced bestie,” “scheduling a breakup,” and a crazy “trip to Japan where a straight guy awakened as bisexual!” You’ll be laughing to the point of tears, gasping in shock, and maybe even questioning your own life choices. Join the madness — Brosbond is waiting for you!

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
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    馬上試試>  https://fstry.pse.is/6du7kz

    —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    本集節目由 【德國Emma床墊】贊助播出


    用Brosbond專屬優惠碼「bros09」 ,還可以再享9️⃣折優惠‼️

    99購物節 Brosbond折扣碼:

    #Emma床墊 #喚醒最好的自己 #emma床墊100日試睡 #德國Emma

    #Emma床墊 #喚醒最好的自己 #emma床墊100日試睡 #德國Emma

    EP12【奧運冷知識 Olympic Trivia】S3
    Yo yo yo, 喜歡Brosbond 的朋友們!這一集是關於最近火熱剛閉幕的2024巴黎奧運,我們要把熱度重新拉到最高潮!我們要來聊聊那些超猛超神的比賽、值得關注點愛心的運動員,以及此次巴黎有哪些讓人期待的亮點。我們還會在節目中來個有趣的奧運冷知識小測驗,讓你邊猜邊笑。全程都是爆點,不要錯過!馬上收聽/收看,一起嗨起來,Brosbond在YouTube等你來!🎤🔥🥇
    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    Yo yo yo, Brosbond fam! This episode’s all about the 2024 Paris Olympics, and we’re bringing the heat! We’re talking all the dope events, the athletes to watch, and what’s poppin’ in Paris. Plus, we’re throwing down a fun Olympic trivia game that’ll have you guessing and laughing. It’s all vibes, all energy, and you don’t wanna miss it. Tune in, and let’s get it! 🎤🔥🥇

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    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekk2r

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    EP11【文化超衝擊 Mad Culture Shock】S3
    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    In this episode of Brosbond, Tyler and Concor share the funny and surprising culture shocks they’ve encountered in their cross-cultural relationships. Concor, a Peruvian married to a Taiwanese wife, talks about life in Taiwan and the puzzling question of why men don’t have sexy lingerie. Tyler shares the surprises and astonishments of dating his Korean girlfriend, like calling her "big sister (nuna)." Join us for laughs and the love stories that come from the clash of different cultures!

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    輸入【小黃搭九遍】享高達九趟共 500 元優步小黃首搭優惠
    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekk2r

    —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    EP10【Sherry女王駕到!Queen of MBTI】S3
    MBTI真相揭密特邀專家:夏雪力/Sherry Hsia老師



    即日起~ 8/11 #限時快閃優惠低於5折 
    結帳輸入優惠碼「bros500」,可以再折 $500 元

    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    In this exciting episode of Brosbond, hosted by Tyler and Concor, we are thrilled to welcome Sherry Hsia, an expert in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Sherry delves into the intricacies of typology and type indicators, shedding light on the truths and misconceptions surrounding MBTI.

    But that's not all! Sherry also assesses Tyler's and Concor's MBTI personality types, providing invaluable "million-dollar" advice on how they can communicate more effectively and complement each other's strengths. And here's a friendly reminder from Sherry: "Oh, and don't put your MBTI on your resume, honey!"


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    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekk2r

    —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——



    「完成課程後」: AI會評價你的每一句回答,並提供建議,讓你了解更自然正確的用詞並解釋原因!還會複習主要概念,包括句型、文法、單字和發音,通通都幫你照顧到!

    快來試試~ App store 搜尋 Speak 或是點擊專屬下載連結:Podcast

    EP09【說英文!Speak English!】S3
    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    Join Tyler and Concor in this adorable episode of Brosbond! They share hilarious misunderstandings they've had as non-native English speakers and then teach you some sweet idioms about love. Tune in for laughs and learning!

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    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekk2r

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    EP08【泰勒脫單啦 Tyler is in Love】S3
    在這一集的 BROSBOND 中,泰勒和和安要來聊的浪漫的!那就是~~泰勒的戀情!讓我們一起聆聽泰勒和女友的相遇與相戀故事,以及這段關係的獨特性。隨著對話深入,兩位主持人也會討論對於長距離戀愛的看法— 什麼行得通,什麼絕對不可能。這集精彩而且坦誠的對話,不僅打破往常節目的調調,也讓泰勒時不時臉紅心跳!
    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    In this episode of BROSBOND, Tyler and Concor are talking about something romantic! That is, Tyler's love life! Let's listen to the story of how Tyler and his girlfriend met and fell in love, as well as the unique aspects of their relationship. As the conversation deepens, the two hosts will also discuss their views on long-distance relationships—what works and what is absolutely impossible. This episode's exciting and honest discussion not only breaks the usual tone of the show but also makes Tyler blush from time to time!

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    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekjx9

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    EP07【靈魂拷問 Hot Seat!】S3

    準備尬到縮起來了嗎?泰勒和和安從觀眾/聽眾的投稿中,收集了一連串讓人「渾身不自在」的難題集錦!在本集節目中,這對兄弟將面對讓人尬到爆的困境難題,例:「朋友被蛇咬到重要部位,你願不願意替他吸出毒汁救他一命?」,沒有什麼是禁忌的,看來欣賞兩位的崩潰瞬間! 🚀😂 #燙手山芋 #邦德兄弟 #真實到爆
    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    Ready to cringe and shrink in your seats? Tyler and Concor have gathered a series of "unbearably uncomfortable" tough questions submitted by viewers/listeners! In this episode, the brothers will face embarrassingly difficult dilemmas, such as: "If your friend was bitten by a snake in his private part, would you be willing to suck out the venom to save his life?" Nothing is off-limits, so tune in to enjoy their moments of breakdown! 🚀😂 #HotSeat #BrosBond #TooReal

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    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekk2r

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    EP06【想忘都忘不掉 Words That Last a Lifetime】S3

    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    this episode, Tyler and Concor share those deep words that stay in their hearts forever and are hard to forget. They have drastically different reactions to the listener's submission: "Your sister is smarter, but you are more hardworking," and discuss how this phrase has influenced their perspectives. Then, somehow, the show takes an unexpected turn into the world of MBTI, using a quirky horse question to test whether they are "T, thinkers" or "F, feelers." No spoilers—tune in to listen!

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    輸入【小黃搭九遍】享高達九趟共 500 元優步小黃首搭優惠
    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekjx9

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    EP05【這題真的難 Dilemma Showdown】S3

    「邦德兄弟」又來啦!變成週週更新,不知道大家是開心還是覺得太多哈哈哈~ 這集泰勒和和安要來探討生活中的艱難抉擇,他們將深入討論幾個有關倫理甚至哲學的有趣問題,其中包括這幾個大難題:



    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    Welcome to "BROSBOND," the podcast where Tyler and Concor tackle life's toughest dilemmas with a personal touch. Today, they're diving into big questions including these two: What happens when a service dog meets someone with severe allergies—whose rights come first? And imagine getting hacked, with someone using your name to scam money. Now the victim wants you to repay. What would you do?

    Join Tyler and Concor for a heartfelt and engaging discussion that's sure to make you think and laugh. Don't miss this special episode of "BROSBOND"!

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    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekk2r

    —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——


    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    Welcome to Brosbond! In this episode, we're diving into the world of lies. Is it ever okay to bend the truth? What if you and your friends were up to no good, but only you got caught? And let's be real, have you ever lied to save your own ass from a sticky situation? Join us as we share personal stories, debate the ethics of lying, and have a few laughs along the way. Don't miss this candid and entertaining discussion!

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    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekjx9

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    Yamaha Steinberg IXO22 錄音介面

    Steinberg IXO22B 錄音介面、Yamaha HS4B 監聽喇叭、Yamaha HPHMT5 監聽耳機、Yamaha YCM01B.W 電容式麥克風
    @yamahapa_tw Yamaha專業音響 #YAMAHA

    EP03【社群上的笑與淚 Laughs & Cries of Social Media】S3

    和泰勒與和安一起剖析這些手機上,小小營幕顯示的「社群媒體」是如何佔據且影響著我們的現代生活。這集最重要的彩蛋就是,大家喜歡的「Brosbond React」環節回來啦!我們將在節目中分享來自聽/觀眾的投稿故事,既瘋狂搞笑又出人意料地感人呢!和我們在 Brosbond 節目中一起笑、一起哭吧!#BrosbondReact

    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments

    Together with Tyler and Concor, we talk about how "social media" displayed on the small screens of our phones is occupying and influencing our modern lives. The highlight of this episode is the return of the beloved "Brosbond React" segment! We'll be sharing listener/viewer-submitted stories that are as crazy and funny as they are unexpectedly touching. Join us on the Brosbond show to laugh and cry together! #BrosbondReact

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
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    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekjx9

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    EP02【博恩來了! Brian in da House!】S3
    床的世界 2024 曾博恩X賀瓏 單口喜劇世界巡迴《賀博台瘋》台北小巨蛋演出資訊 🌀

    ꒰ 台北場 ꒱
    📅 演出時間|
    ✦ 2024 / 06 / 21 (五) 20:00
    ✦ 2024 / 06 / 22 (六) 20:00
    📍 演出地點|台北小巨蛋
    🎫 購票頁面|https://str.network/hwSTf

    ꒰ 法國|巴黎場 ꒱
    📅 演出時間|2024 / 06 / 10 (一) 20:00
    📍 演出地點|La Bellevilloise
    ꒰ 英國|倫敦場 ꒱
    📅 演出時間|2024 / 06 / 12 (三) 21:30
    📍 演出地點|Leicester Square Theatre

    🌀 歐洲巡迴資訊一次看 ➪ https://str.network/CPWou

    #hashtag: #2024曾博恩X賀瓏單口喜劇世界巡迴 #賀博台瘋 #曾博恩 #賀瓏 #strnetwork #薩泰爾娛樂 #WorldTour
    Brosbond 的泰勒和和安正式回歸啦!這集主角呢~ 是曾博恩!一起談論了博恩在台大的大學生活、作為2歲半靈動兒子的父親之心得感想,還有到底為什麼自己那麼「喜歡被人家罵」的原因!不要錯過邦德兄弟最具代表性的「假設性問題」和令人笑到發瘋的新遊戲「誰的詞?」快來收聽/收看,等你!
    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2h...
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2h...
    Brosbond is back with Tyler and Concor, featuring the “infamous” Brian Tseng! They chat about Brian's NTU days, the wild ride of fatherhood, and discovering why Brian enjoys getting scolded, and don't miss Brosbond's epic "Hypothetical Question" and the laugh-out-loud game "Whose Line?" Tune in for laughs and surprises!

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  • 你在找一個能讓你靜下來的地方嗎?四序自修室,桃園的寧靜角落,以計時收費、靜音空間,讓重視專注的你遠離干擾。不論是考試、工作或閱讀,都能在這裡找回平靜。

    了解更多: https://fstry.pse.is/6fvww5

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    EP01【那些旅行趣聞 Trip Tales】S3
    在《旅行趣聞》中,他們將揭開旅行中所發生的滑稽事蹟。從「屎在滾vs.千呼萬喚屎就是出不來」,到和安在機艙內尷尬情況的應對,還有特殊難忘的海關遭遇!快點開收聽/收看,一起來聽聽兩活寶旅行中的各種陰錯陽差以及歡樂過往~ ✈️🌍🤣
    Brosbond's Official Email: [email protected]
    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
    Get ready to jet off with Tyler and Concor as they launch into another uproarious episode of Brosbond! In "Trip Tales," they spill the beans on all the hilarity that happened when they were on the go. From the dreaded mid-flight pooping dilemma to navigating through awkward cabin situations, they'll have you in stitches. And just wait until they share their bizarre customs checkpoint encounters! Tune in for travel mishaps, belly laughs, and the unique bond between these two globe-trotting pals. ✈️🌍🤣

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    EP16【第二季最終回:夢裡什麼都有BROSBOND’S DREAM - the last episode of the season 2】
    大家好 我們是Brosbond


    2024.04.03 地震當下,泰勒第一次到花蓮旅遊,本在前往太魯閣國家公園的路上準備著,突然之間,經歷了此生未有過的恐怖,倒塌的建築物僅在一個街口距離的恐慌感令人感到窒息。爾後連續數百次的餘震也使人不敢入睡。



    希望看影片的朋友們 也不要因爲悲傷的消息而心累,但因為可能會有餘震,也還是要隨時保持警覺。



    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments


    Do you dream a lot? Do you think dream is related to reality? Some dreams do come true. Tyler and Concor are gonna share their dreams in this episode. They have also received a lot of terrible, funny, horny and incredible dreams from their fans. Just tune in to the last episode of season 2. Sweet dreams!

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    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekjx9

    —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    EP15【他「大」在我家!He Pooped in My House!】S2
    《邦德兄弟情》第 2季第15 集!
    泰勒和和安 將繼續帶給大家歡樂啦!今天帶來了有趣的問題集錦,總共有305題,兩隻活寶將隨機挑選並回答其中的問題。一起來聽聽看吧,他們的笑聲和意想不到的見解。在我們在《邦德兄弟》上等大家呦~對了,這有趣問題集錦的連結在這邊呦!



    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments


    Join Tyler and Concor on Brosbond S2 EP15 as they dive into some fun and spontaneous questions! Listen in as they randomly pick and answer intriguing questions, bringing you laughter and unexpected insights. Tune in for a light-hearted and entertaining conversation between two friends on Brosbond!

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  • 歡迎光臨 Podcast《激罵揪某聊》






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    嘿,歡迎來到 Brosbond 的 EP14【OMG JACK !!】S2

    節目中我們聊到了他在台灣服兵役的經驗,並深入探討了一些很有趣的「假設性問題」。例如,「500 萬美金換:停止和女朋友說話,你願意嗎?」以及「哪一個更糟:你的禮物被轉送,還是永遠不被使用?」今天是充滿歡笑、有趣故事的氛圍,所以放鬆一下,與泰勒、和安,和傑克一起度過一段輕鬆的時光吧!

    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments

    Hey there, welcome to Brosbond's EP14 S2!
    Today, we've got the hilarious Jack on board.
    We're chatting about his time in the Taiwanese military and diving into some quirky 'what ifs.' Like, 'Would you stop talking to your girlfriend for 5 mil?' and 'What's worse: regifting your gift or it never getting used?' It's all laughs, stories, and good vibes, so kick back and join Tyler, Concor, and Jack for a chill time!

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    優惠條款及細則: https://fstry.pse.is/6ekjx9

    —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    EP13【奇聞逸事報導 News that Sparks Minds】S2



    [email protected]
    Tyler’s Instagram:
    Concor’s Instagram:
    Welcome to Episode 13 of "BrosBond" with Tyler and Concor!
    Today, we've gathered some intriguing and thought-provoking news stories, inviting our listeners/viewers to join us in contemplation and discussion!

    Let's delve into these curious and controversial headlines, from "Vegan Cries Over Meat Emojis" to "Water Possibly is Dinosaur's Pee," and even "Eating Pasta with Chopsticks" — a series of fantastical tales. BrosBond will explore sensitive and controversial issues, encouraging you to dig deeper, reflect, and perhaps even question everything you thought you knew!

    Warning: Possible side effects may include mind-bending realizations, uncontrollable debates with friends, and a newfound love for pasta eaten with chopsticks. This episode is truly intriguing, so don't miss out!

    恐龍尿尿 Dinosaur's pee

    肉類表情 Meat Emoji

    教授說「那個」被檢舉 Professor suspended for saying a Chinese word

    筷子吃義大利麵Eating pasta with chopsticks

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  • 歡迎光臨 Podcast《激罵揪某聊》






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    EP12【慶祝10萬問與答 100K Q&A】S2


    Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
    Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
    Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
    小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
    留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments

    Welcome to Episode 12 of BrosBond with Tyler and Concor! 
    We're celebrating our 100K followers on Instagram with a hilarious Q&A session!

    From "What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?" to "Is Tyler gay or straight?"—we're serving up the unfiltered truth!

    Whether you're here for the gossip or just want to revel in our mild internet fame, tune in for a wild ride of truth bombs and shenanigans. Let's get this truth party started!

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