
  • Welcome to the Caring and Sharing Advanced Oncology podcast. In this episode, Uta Schmidt-Straßburger is joined again by Dr. Joe Lennerz, a board-certified pathologist and the chief scientific officer at BostonGene.

    The discussion covers two notable papers from BostonGene scientists, featured on the covers of Cancer Cell and Gastroenterology. These papers delve into tumor sample profiling, introducing new classification methods.

    Starting with the Cancer Cell paper, Dr. Lennerz explained their advanced immunoprofiling assay from blood, which uses high-complexity techniques to provide a comprehensive "immune system count" of over 300 markers. This approach identifies five distinct immunotypes, aiding in predicting responses to immunotherapy, particularly in cancers like head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

    Next, the Gastroenterology paper focuses on a microenvironment classification of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). By analyzing transcriptomic data from over 1600 patients, the team identified four microenvironment subtypes with significant prognostic implications. These findings could lead to better stratification and treatment approaches for this aggressive cancer.

    Dr. Lennerz emphasized the potential of these classifications in clinical trials and personalized treatment plans, highlighting the innovative strides in oncology research.

    Tune in to learn more about these groundbreaking studies and their impact on cancer treatment. If you enjoyed the episode, please like and subscribe. Thank you!

  • **Eine leitende Urologinwagt den Schritt in die SelbststĂ€ndigkeit – Einblicke in ihre Entscheidung und den neuen Alltag**

    In unserem neuesten Podcast-Interview spricht Dr. Daniela Colleselli, eine erfahrene Urologin und Absolventin des Studiengangs Advanced Oncology, ĂŒber ihren mutigen Schritt, eine eigene Praxis zu ĂŒbernehmen. Erfahren Sie, welche GrĂŒnde sie dazu bewegt haben, die Klinik zu verlassen, welche Herausforderungen und VerĂ€nderungen der neue Alltag mit sich bringt, und ob sie die universitĂ€re Arbeit vermisst. Dr. Colleselli teilt zudem ihre Gedanken zur onkologischen Versorgung in Salzburgund wie sie die interdisziplinĂ€re Zusammenarbeit weiterhin gewĂ€hrleistet.

    Sie beantwortet auch die Frage, ob und wie ihr der Studiengang Advanced Oncology bei der beruflichenWeiterentwicklung geholfen hat.

    Ein inspirierender Einblick in die Welt einer engagierten Medizinerin!

    **A Leading Urologist Takes the Leap into Private Practice – Insights into Her Decision and New Daily Life**

    In our latest podcast interview, Dr. Daniela Colleselli, an experienced urologist and graduate of the AdvancedOncology program, discusses her bold move to take over a private practice. Learn about the reasons that led her to leave the clinic, the challenges and changes that come with her new daily routine, and whether she misses heruniversity work. Dr. Colleselli also shares her thoughts on oncology care in Salzburg and how she continues to ensure interdisciplinary collaboration.

    She also answers the question if and how the Advanced Oncology study program has helped her in her professional development.

    An inspiring look into the world of a dedicated medical professional!

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  • In this episode of Caring & Sharing – The Advanced Oncology podcast, we are meeting Prof. Dr. Reinhard Meier, co-founder of the investment capital company YZR (pronounced w-i-s-e-r), who worked as a radiologist at Ulm University Hospitals and continues to serve as a lecturer for radiology and AI in medicine. The latter is a rather recent development, and we therefore discontinue his lecture on telemedicine. Yes, he was co-founder of the now well-established platform TeleClinic, too.

    We talked about Reinhard’s own path into venture capital and how his experiences have shaped his entrepreneurial spirit. And what it takes to obtain funding from YZR. Theinteresting part remains that innovative ideas materialize to make healthcare better for everyone involved. And suddenly venture capitalism sounds really enticing 

    Tune in on streaming platforms this Friday!

    #telemedicine #venturecapital #europeanhealthcarefund #europe #innovation #dfh2023 #digitization #digitalisierung #oncology #cme #continuingeducation#blendedlearning

  • In dieser Folge von "Caring and Sharing: Der Advanced Oncology Podcast" tauchen wir ein in die innovative Welt der KrebsprĂ€vention mit Dr. Angelika Kestler, einer engagierten Gastroenterologin mit SchwerpunktOnkologie an den UniversitĂ€tskliniken Ulm.

    Dr. Kestler ist zu Gast, um ĂŒber die Web-Applikation Prevent Take Up zu sprechen, die darauf abzielt, KrebsprĂ€vention gezielt in Angriff zu nehmen,insbesondere im Hinblick auf Darm-, Brust- und Prostatakrebs, und vor allem bereits bei jĂŒngeren Erwachsenen aktiv ĂŒber PrĂ€vention zu informieren.

    Als Dozentin im Studiengang Advanced Oncology betont Dr. Kestler die Bedeutung der FrĂŒherkennung und PrĂ€vention im Kampf gegen die steigende Inzidenz und Auftreten spĂ€terer dieser Krebsarten bei jĂŒngeren Patient*innen.

    Die Prevent Take Up Web-Applikation bietet einen einfachen Fragebogen mit 20 Fragen, der fĂŒr jede*n mit einem Computer zugĂ€nglich ist. Die Zielgruppe umfasst Personen, die ihren Hausarzt möglicherweise nicht regelmĂ€ĂŸig aufsuchen, sowie jĂŒngere Verwandte von Krebspatient*innen, die einen gesĂŒnderen Lebensstilanstreben.

    Durch die Identifizierung persönlicher Risikofaktoren ĂŒber diese DSGVO-konforme Plattform erhalten Nutzer*innen evidenzbasierte Informationen und Verhaltensempfehlungen, die auf ihre individuellen Profile zugeschnitten sind.

    Wie Prof. Thomas Seufferlein, Co-Leiter des Projekts, zu sagen pflegt:

    "Der beste Weg, Krebs zu behandeln, besteht darin, ihn erst gar nicht zu bekommen."

    Begleiten Sie uns auf unserem Ausflug in die Landschaft der KrebsprÀvention mit Prevent Take Up!

    Link: https://wallis.informatik.uni-ulm.de/web/#/



    Dr. Angelika Kestler, a GI oncologist of our Department of Internal Medicine I of Ulm University Hospitals met with us to talk about the Prevent Take Up web application. As a lecturer of the Advanced Oncology study program, Dr. Kestler covers early stages of colorectal cancer, and she is interested in shedding light where there is currently an increase in cancer incidence and late stage presentation, and this includes colorectal, breast and prostate cancers in younger people.

    The web application consists of a simple questionnaire of 20 questions and is aimed at everyone with access to a computer and particularly people who do not see their general practitioner on a regular basis but also younger relatives of cancer patients who may start to worry and desire to change their lifestyle towards healthieroptions. Because early detection of an existing tumor might mean cure. And this is beneficial not only for the person undergoing the treatment but for the oncologist and the healthcare system alike.

    Why is this a web application and not an app? Check out our podcast at the usual streaming platforms.

    What are your personal risk factors? The GDPR-conforming site provides evidence-based information andbehavioral recommendations based on your input. This is in line with what the co-PI of the project, Prof. Thomas Seufferlein, once said

    “The best way to treat cancer is not to get it in the first place”.

    Link: https://wallis.informatik.uni-ulm.de/web/#/

    ⁠#cancer⁠ ⁠#prevention⁠ ⁠#app⁠ ⁠#webapps⁠ ⁠#breast⁠ ⁠#prostate⁠ ⁠#colorectalhealth⁠ ⁠#podcast⁠ ⁠#cme⁠ ⁠#oncology⁠ ⁠#postgraduate⁠ ⁠#education⁠ ⁠#continuingeducation⁠ ⁠#oncologyeducation⁠

  • In this episode host Uta Schmidt-Strassburger welcomes Joe Lennerz, Chief Scientific Officer of BostonGene and former Medical Director at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Center for Integrated Diagnostics. Joe Lennerz shares insights into the fascinating world of pathology innovation, focusing on the Pathology Innovation Collaborative Community.

    Discover how this community, driven by collaboration and transparency, is tackling complex challenges in the field of digital pathology. Lennerz explains the origins of the community, its open platform for discussion, and the diverse perspectives it brings together, including academia, industry, healthcare providers, and patient advocacy groups.

    Dive into the complexities of digitizing pathology slides, the regulatory hurdles, and the potential of technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence in advancing diagnostic accuracy. Lennerz sheds light on the importance of pre-competitive spaces in driving innovation and how this collaborative effort is shaping the future of pathology.

    Whether you're a healthcare professional, researcher, or simply curious about the latest advancements in pathology, this episode offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of diagnostic medicine.

    Don't miss out on this engaging conversation that delves into the intersection of technology, healthcare, and innovation.

  • Tauchen Sie ein in eine faszinierende Diskussion ĂŒber die Gesundheit unseres Planeten und ihrer Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesellschaft.

    In dieser Episode von "Caring and Sharing", dem Advanced Oncology Podcast, sprechen wir mit Prof. Jana Wolf von der Hochschule Aalen ĂŒber das Konzept der Planetary Health.

    Erfahren Sie, wie der Klimawandel klassische Krankheitsbilder in bisher unberĂŒhrte Regionenbringt und welche Herausforderungen dies fĂŒr unser Gesundheitssystem mit sich bringt. Entdecken Sie die ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen individuellem Verhalten,Nachhaltigkeit und dem Wohlbefinden des gesamten Planeten.

    Von der Bedeutung der Sharing-Economy bis hin zu persönlichen Reflexionen ĂŒber unseren ökologischen Fußabdruck - diese Episode wird Ihnen neue Perspektiven eröffnen und Sie dazu inspirieren, ĂŒber Ihren Beitrag zur globalen Gesundheit nachzudenken.

    Begleiten Sie uns auf dieser Reise durch die Welt der Planetary Health und entdecken Sie, wie wirgemeinsam eine gesĂŒndere und nachhaltigere Zukunft gestalten können.


    Our new business lecturer, Professor Dr. Jana Wolf of Aalen University, sat down with us to elaborate a little on Planetary Health and what it means to act sustainably.Our students may already pick up some important words for the set of lectures on Strategic Management, e.g. “intergenerationally”.

    Do you know which continent is at present most affected by climate change? Join us for this episode (in German).

    Prof. Wolf has majored in business and worked in the pharmaceutical industry overseas.

    #planetaryhealth #sustainability #advancedoncology #oncology

  • đŸŽ€ In this episode, Dr. Uta Schmidt-Straßburger meets Prof. Dr. Mike-Andrew Westhoff, a basic researcher in the Department of Pediatrics of Ulm University and lecturer of the Advanced Oncology study program to discuss someof his previous works.

    ➡ The full article is found here:https://www.thno.org/v11p6682.htm

    In this paper, not only a short history of cancer and cancerresearch is delineated but more so the possibilities that come with observational and comparative biology.

    🐘 Do you know how many copies of the (in)famous tumor suppressor protein TP53 an elephant has (the answer is in the paper)? 🐕 What can we learn from dog oncology for transplantation medicine (the answer is in the podcast)?

    🎧 Tune in to learn more.

    🐋 Unfortunately, we cannot grant professor Westhoff hisbiggest wish, a whale observatory in Ulm. Still, we cross our fingers for any of his research proposals to receive funding that explores the possibilities of comparing certain cancers in animals in order to understand the human ones better.

    #cancer #evolution #cancerbiology #continuingeducation #oncology #oncologyeducation

  • Von multidisziplinĂ€rer Behandlung und multiprofessioneller Behandlung bis zur Spitzenforschung: Prof. Stilgenbauer teilt die Herausforderungen des CCCU in der Krebsbehandlung.

    Das CCCU ist eines von 15 Spitzenzentren in Deutschland das die bestmögliche Versorgung aller Krebspatient:innen im Umland sicherstellt. Dabei achtet das CCCU auf höchste, qualitÀtsgesicherte, interdisziplinÀr und multiprofessionelle, intersektoral verankerte Standards.

    Prof. Stilgenbauer gibt Einblicke in den Wandel der Krebstherapie zu gezielten Therapieoptionen.

    Als Leiter des CCCU und als einer der Modulverantwortlichen des Studiengangs Advanced Oncology vermittelt Prof. Stilgenbauer nicht nur unseren Studierenden, sondern auch Hörer:innen, worauf es in der modernen Onkologie ankommt.

    #advancedoncology #uniulm #oncology #cccu #krebsbehandlung #ulmuniversity

  • Continuous medical education is key to optimal patient care. Join us as Prof. Stephan Stilgenbauer explores the importance of staying updated on therapeutic developments in oncology.

    In this – very – short episode, we converse with Professor Stilgenbauer, the Director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm (CCCU), about

    the role of the CCCU for patient treatment in the region and continuing medical education in the region and beyond. We touch upon the comprehensiveness of the provided care, education and costs.

    The Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm or CCCU is one of fifteen oncology centers of excellence selected after a competitive international peer review process by the German Cancer Aid.

    Thank you Prof. Dr. Stilgenbauer for your important contributions in the field of oncology and for coming on our podcast.

    We hope, you, our listeners, enjoyed today's episode. Stay tuned for more!

    #MedEd #OncologyEducation

  • GER: Weiterbildungen sind oft anstrengend. Besonders neben Beruf und Leben. Ein volles Masterstudium neben dem Beruf schreckt ab.

    Deswegen gibt es weitere Möglichkeiten, sein Wissen in kleineren Etappen zu fördern. Diese Etappen bestehen ausMicrocredentials, Certificates, Diplomas oder schlussendlich dem Master.

    ➡ In dieser Folge treffen wir Frau Dr. Melina Klepsch, die GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrerin der School of Advanced Professional Studies (SAPS).

    Wir beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit dem Baukastensystem der akademischen und berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildung. Dabei sprechen wir das europĂ€ische System der Leistungspunkte, ECTS, an sowie das von der Schweiz ĂŒbernommene System der Weiterbildung.

    Sie erfahren, was

    ein Microcredential, ein Certificate of Advanced Studies, ein Diploma of Advanced Studies ist und wie Sie davon ausgehend einen Masterabschluss erreichen können.

    Sie erfahren auch, wie die einzelnen Module von Advanced Oncology in dieses System passen und wieviele Fortbildungspunkte es von der der LandesĂ€rztekammer Baden-WĂŒrttemberg zu den Modulen gibt.

    Denn: akademische Weiterbildung und Àrztliche Fortbildung sind mitunter nur unterschiedliche Bezeichnungen eines identischen Angebots, das in einer Hochschule angesiedelt ist.


    EN: In todays episode, we are meeting Dr. Melina Klepsch, the managing director of the School of Advanced Professional Studies (SAPS), the central unit for continuing education of Ulm University. Our conversation covers the modular system of academic continuing part-time education. We cover both, theEuropean Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) points as well as the Swiss model of continuing education.

    You will learn in the episode about

    microcredentials Certificates of Advanced Studies Diplomas of Advanced Studies and how to use these stepping stones to earn a Master’s degree.

    You will also learn how the different modules of Advanced Oncology fit into this system and how many CME credit points by the Board of Physicians of the state of Baden-WĂŒrttemberg (LÄK) you earn for these modules.

    Main message: academic continuing education and medical continuing education are oftentimes the same when offered by a higher education body. One continuing education – many great points.

    #weiterbildung #blendedlearning #ects #universitaetulm#continuingeducation #cme #aerztlichefortbildung

  • Oncodaily.com is the fast-growing oncology media platform globally. Established in May 2023, it has grown to over 1,000 features of professionals in the field of oncology, from doctors, scientists, researchers, patients, industry leaders, NGOs, health care professionals and more.

    Today we have the Editor in Chief of oncodaily.com Gevorg Tamamyan speaking with us.

    Gevorg was one of our own:

    he graduated the Master Online Program Advanced Oncology at Ulm University in 2015. Nowadays he is, beside his work at oncodaily, chairman and professor of the Department of Hematology and Pediatric Oncology of Yerevan State Medical University. He is the CEO of the Immune Oncology Research Institute in Yerevan. Gevorg also currently holds the position of president elect of the Pediatric Oncology East and Mediterranean Group.

    Oncodaily's first ever event in December was the first global summit on war and cancer dedicated to the issues of oncology in the conflict affected regions.

    It was in collaboration with the Institute of Cancer and Crisis. There were more than 50 countries present and more than 90% of the key opinion leaders gathered. Oncodaily.com was honored to have the WHO Director general to give an opening address for the event, as well as her Royal Highness, Princess Dina Mired of Jordan.

    Upcoming events of oncodaily.com:February 2024: GI Cancer Summit

    April 2024: Head and Neck Cancer

    We hope you enjoy this episode and gain valuable information from it.

  • Welcome to Caring & Sharing - the Advanced Oncology Podcast of Ulm University!

    In this podcast, we talk about current developments and projects of our faculty, our students and alumni.

    Who are we?

    We are the M.Sc. program Advanced Oncology that aims to convey everything our students need in their daily and future work:

    - advanced cancer therapies,

    - interdisciplinary oncology,

    - clinical research and

    - management

    for leading positions in outpatient settings, clinics, tumor centers and other oncology enterprises including pharmaceutical companies.

    Stay tuned!

  • Willkommen zu Caring & Sharing - dem Onkologie Podcast der UniversitĂ€t Ulm ⚕.

    In diesem Podcast besprechen wir aktuelle Entwicklungen und Projekte unserer Lehrenden, studierenden und Alumni sowie Kooperationspartner*innen 🧬.

    ➡ Wer sind wir?

    In unserem Masterstudiengang Advanced Oncology vermitteln wir unseren internationalen Studierenden alles, was sie in ihrer tĂ€glichen oder zukĂŒnftigen Arbeit unterstĂŒtzt:

    - moderne Krebstherapien,

    - interdisziplinÀre Onkologie und

    - klinische Forschung, als auch

    - Betriebswirtschaft und UnternehmensfĂŒhrung.

    Somit sind sie bestens auf - gerne, aber nicht zwingend - leitende Positionen in Praxen, Kliniken, Tumorzentren, anderen onkologischen Einrichtungen und Pharmaunternehmen vorbereitet.

    Aufgrund der InternationalitÀt unseres Studiengangs bieten wir im Wechsel alternierend Deutsche und Englische Folgen an.

    Bleiben Sie gespannt!