The biblical term "mystery" refers to a long thread running through history, hidden under ordinary faces and events. It comes to a climax in an Angel's annunciation to a Virgin that puts together many biblical concepts -king, messiah, emmanuel, son of God - for the fourth Sunday of Advent.
14 minute podcast in which Dr. Italy discusses St. Joseph as an often overlooked hero of the Advent – Christmas story. He shows how St. Matthew’s gospel presents him as a model of faith.
In the Advent and Christmas season, all eyes turn to the Holy Family. Jesus is the primary, focus, of course, with Mary getting secondary attention. Often, Joseph remains for us a background figure in the Nativity scene, getting less attention than even the Magi.
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In this 6 minute radio interview with Anna Mitchell of the Sonrise Morning Show, Dr. Italy begins a discussion on the vast topic of how the Catholic Church built Western civilization. Starting with the indomitable missionary monks of Ireland, he illustrates how they not only saved but helped build Western civilization by preserving and spreading literacy and literature across Europe. He also discusses how his upcoming Rhine pilgrimage will focus on this theme, and how many of the sites to be visited are crucial examples of it.
This Sunday reading examines the relationship between the transfiguration and the passion of Christ, between Mount Tabor and Calvary. It examines the question of whether God ever abandoned Jesus and makes for helpful reading either for the Feast of the Transfiguration on August 6 or during Lent and Holy Week. For the 2nd Sunday of Lent, cycle C.
Fasting is what most people first think of when they think about penance in general and Lent in particular. But surprisingly, fasting, as valuable as it is, is probably the least important of the three main groups of Lenten Spiritual Exercises: fasting, prayer, and almsgiving (or mercy). In this podcast, Dr. Italy points out that the real value of fasting is when it is combined with either prayer or almsgiving into a sort of one-two punch at sin and spiritual lethargy. Some practical examples and tips are offered in the course of the discussion.
7 minute podcast segment in which Dr. Italy is interviewed about the dynamics of discipleship and the paradox of freedom and rest through discipline.
The term discipleship has been heard a lot in the past few years. Many parishes are writing mission statements these days calling their church a community of missionary disciples.
This 18 minute Lenten podcast from the Catholic Connection addresses the forty days of Lent and the hidden symbolism behind the number 40 which reappears in so many places throughout the Sacred Scriptures. Show host Elena Rodriguez, pinch hitting for Teresa Tomeo, asks Dr. Italy to uncover the mystery of why Lent has 40 days and what this tells us about how we are to approach the season.
Saint Joseph always appears in Manger scenes during Advent and Christmas time and even has a special Solemnity or Feast in his honor, St. Joseph's Day, March 19. But he is so often neglected that St. John Paul II decided to write a special teaching about his role as foster-father of Jesus. This essay makes a case that St. Joseph teaches us some crucial things about the nature of faith that we can't afford to forget.
In this Lenten podcast, Matt Swaim asks Dr. Italy about his new book, 40 Days, 40 Ways, A New Look at Lent (Servant Books). In response, Marcellino D’Ambrosio explains the book’s aim to help people break out of "same old" stale Lenten patterns. The book does this by offering forty fresh ideas of how to combine prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The goal is to make us new people by the end of the season.
The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's gospel includes such tough commands as love your enemies, turn the other cheek, and judge not. How are we to understand such things and put them into practice? The examples of Jesus & St. Thomas More provide us with insight here.
No sooner does Jesus praise Peter's confession at Caesarea Philippi and dub him "the Rock" than he rebukes him as the devil or Satan. Peter had confessed Jesus to be the Messiah. But his idea of what it meant to be the Christ left no room for suffering, sacrifice or the way of the cross as the cost of discipleship.
The Beatitudes appear in the gospels of Matthew and Luke as part of the Sermon on the Mount. But what actually is the nature of true happiness? Must we be miserable in this world to be happy in the next? Faith and hope bring the lasting joy that is the essence of true blessedness. For the 6th Sunday in Ordinary time, Cycle C.
Podcast excerpted from radio interview in which Dr. Italy offers some reflections on the apparitions of Mary to lowly shepherd girls in Lourdes in 1858.
February 2 is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in the Temple. It commemorates Simeon's famous prophecy that Jesus would be a "light of revelation to the Gentiles." It is also known as Candlemas since it is the day that candles are blessed for use throughout the Church year.
In this 15 minute podcast, Dr. Italy discusses the meaning of the ancient feast of the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in the temple by Joseph and Mary. The righteous Israelite, Simeon, being advanced in years, rejoices to see the child he recognizes to be the one to bring the light of truth & salvation to all people.
The prophets of the Old and New Testaments show us that sometimes love demand that we speak truth that people don't want to hear. Jeremiah was thrown into a cistern; Jesus was run out of Nazareth. This shows us that God's messengers shouldn't expect honor, respect, and popularity. For the 4th Sunday in Ordinary time, cycle C.
In this 7 minute podcast, Dr. Italy discusses St. Thomas Aquinas and what he teaches us about the roles of faith and reason. For his feast day on January 28.
7 minute Podcast on why the Church celebrates the Conversion of Saul of Tarsus, aka St. Paul, with a special feast. Dr. Italy on the Sonrise Morning Show of EWTN.
Bible study and prayer with Scripture is absolutely necessary for Catholics. As St. Jerome said, ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ. For the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time, cycle C.
When people today hear "St. Anthony," they usually think of the 13th century miracle-working Franciscan who is best known for finding lost objects. But a thousand years earlier, there lived the first St. Anthony who was also a miracle worker in a most remarkable way. This Anthony, an Egyptian, was a leader in the movement called monasticism. Giving away property and privilege to follow Jesus into poverty, Anthony left the comfort of civilization to go alone into the desert to battle the devil in imitation of Jesus Christ. Anthony prayed, healed, and fought many battles, not only against demons, but against the Arian heretics who denied the divinity of Christ. In this podcast you will learn about his impact upon the entire Roman world through the book written about him by another famous figure of that era, the great Athanasius.
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