
  • Katelyn helps women heal their hormones and reach their fitness goals while ditching 1200 calories diets and over-exercising.

    Katelyn is an online functional coach that specializes in helping women heal from the inside out. After struggling with her own health in 2021, and a Hashimoto's diagnosis, she knew it was time to give women the testing and results they deserve. Katelyn runs Body by Kate from Ft. Wayne, IN and is a mom to two boys and a wife to an amazing husband.

    In this episode, Kate and I discuss various topics related to working from home, managing family life, and maintaining physical and mental well-being. Kate emphasizes the importance of not overfilling one's schedule and allowing time for relaxation and personal enjoyment. Overall, Kate provides valuable insights and practical tips for navigating the challenges of balancing work, family, and self-care while working from home.

    Connect with kate


    website: bodybykatellc.com

    contact email: [email protected]

    hormone freebie: https://exceptional-salad-988.myflodesk.com/ait6124k9w

    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

  • Have you ever felt like you're drowning in a sea of tasks and deadlines, wishing there was an easier way to stay organized and productive? Well, you're in luck because, in this episode, I'm spilling the beans on five essential tools that will revolutionize your freelancing journey.

    Join me as I take you on a guided tour through the world of freelancing productivity. I'll share the tried-and-tested tools that have become my secret weapons for staying on top of my game and achieving success in the freelancing world.

    But here's the twist – I won't just be throwing a bunch of tool names at you and calling it a day. Nope, think of me as your trusted confidant, here to walk you through each tool step-by-step and show you exactly how to leverage its power to streamline your workflow.

    From project management to time tracking, we'll cover it all. And I'll even sprinkle in some pro tips and real-life examples to help you hit the ground running. So whether you're a seasoned freelancer looking to level up or just starting out and feeling a bit lost, this episode is for you.

    Get ready to revolutionize your freelancing journey with these five essential tools – trust me, you won't want to miss it!

  • Mangler du episoder?

    Klikk her for å oppdatere manuelt.

  • Can you believe that quarter one for the year is coming to a close?

    Have you reached your goals yet?

    Have you even thought about quarter two yet?

    I invite you to join me on a journey of reflection and strategic planning. In this episode, we'll unpack the trials and triumphs of the past quarter while gearing up for the challenges ahead. From juggling sick kids to managing multiple tasks, I'll share insights into the art of setting and achieving quarterly goals amidst the chaos of daily life.

    Drawing from my own experiences, I'll offer actionable insights and practical strategies for breaking down daunting goals into manageable steps. Through my personalized framework. I'll empower you to take control of your schedule and productivity. Together, let's uncover the secrets to maintaining focus and momentum, empowering us to thrive in both our personal and professional endeavors as freelancing moms.

    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

  • Do you want the truth to managing your time with littles at home all day? Me too! Let’s talk about your day and how to manage your time as both a stay at home mom and a work at home mom, because let’s be honest, your both! And that’s part of why you’re struggling, you’re doing it all, all the time and something isn’t working right?

    In this episode, we dive deep into the often elusive topic of time management. It's that constant struggle we face, trying to juggle our responsibilities as moms while also striving to succeed in our freelancing ventures. Join me as we uncover the reality behind time management and explore strategies to make it work for you.

    By the end of this episode, you'll have a newfound understanding of your time, equipped with actionable strategies to reclaim control of your day and thrive as a work-at-home mom. Don't let the chaos of motherhood overwhelm you—let's conquer it together!

    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

  • Today, I'm diving into something we all face: fear. Specifically, the fear that holds us back from diving into freelancing.

    Starting out as a freelancer can feel like stepping into the unknown, right? It's that mix of excitement and nerves that keeps us on our toes. But here's the thing: fear is a liar!

    In this episode, I'm getting real about how to tackle those fears head-on. I'll share my story about leaving the corporate world behind, dealing with the uncertainty, and finding the guts to follow my dreams.

    I'll also dish out some practical tips on how to break free of your fear and start owning your freelance journey. From setting goals to giving yourself a pep talk, I've got your back.

    So, if fear's been holding you back from freelancing, it's time to show it who's boss. Let's conquer those fears together and dive into the awesome adventure of freelancing!

    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

  • I'm super excited to chat with you about how to dive headfirst into the world of freelancing. I'll be your guide, sharing practical tips and skipping the fluff to help you get started on the right foot. From setting up your business to leveraging essential tools without the fluff.

    Key Points

    - Getting Your LLC Sorted: Let's talk about setting up your LLC to protect your biz and keep things separate from your personal life. It's like creating a cozy little home for your freelance endeavors!

    - Your Domain and Google Workspace: We'll explore the importance of snagging your domain and why Google Workspace is like your trusty sidekick, making your freelance life a whole lot smoother.

    - Must-Have Tools for Freelancers: Dive into the world of Canva, Clockify, Wave app, and MailerLite – all the freebies that'll help you manage your time, invoices, and client communications like a pro.

    - Bonus Tips: We'll chat about the perks of having a dedicated business bank account and why contracts are your best friend when it comes to protecting your freelance gigs.

    Hey, I know starting as a freelancer can feel overwhelming, but trust me, you've got this! Follow these friendly tips, and remember, I'm here cheering you on every step of the way. Got questions? Send me a voice message on Instagram @thejessaraye and I’ll make an episode going over the answer.

    Platforms You Need

    Google Workspace





    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

  • Hey there, I’m so excited to back behind the mic! I’ve missed chatting with you. It's been a minute, right?

    Guess what? Changes are in motion. New podcast name: Work at Home Mom Life. Simple and sweet.

    We're still gonna dish on mom life, no worries. The ups, the downs, the whole shebang. But here's the kicker: we're adding a dash of business talk. My wins, my flops, and everything in between since 2019. Plus, we're talking YOUR biz. Tips, tricks, and real talk. Oh, and guests! Brace yourselves for some epic convos.

    But wait, there's more! I'm all about engagement. Slide into my DMs @thejessaraye and spill your biz and mom life struggles. Let's hash it out together, on air. This ain't a one-way street. It's about giving you the goods, the real stuff you need to hear.

    So here's to 2024. Let's rock it, let's own it. Mama, you got this.

    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

  • Welcome, Mama!

    Today's episode is a burst of inspiration as we explore the transformative journey from Virtual Assistant (VA) to the empowering role of an Online Business Manager (OBM). I've been through the maze of juggling motherhood and working from home, and now we're taking it a step further—diving into the vibrant OBM world.

    Starting as a VA opened my eyes to the online realm, teaching me about systems and platforms. Today, I'm passionate about being an OBM, leading and delegating for my clients while enjoying unparalleled freedom. If you're wondering, 'Can I really do this?'—the answer is a resounding YES!

    Now, here's the exciting part: I'm offering OBM coaching! Whether you're a dreaming VA or considering your own business, let's connect. Click the link in the show notes or DM me on Instagram (@thejessaraye). Let's journey together, elevate motherhood, and embrace the joy of being a powerhouse in the online business world.

    You got this, Mama,


    Learn more about how to become an OBM HERE

    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

  • Postpartum depression is a term many of us have heard, but not all truly understand. That’s why I invited Michelle Solger to come back on the podcast to talk some more about PPD.

    Michelle is a wife, mom of 2, and certified mental wellness. She has a passion for educating moms about what happens postpartum and helping navigate that difficult season of transition.

    Michelle shared her story with postpartum depression after her second child's birth, explaining that the condition can manifest differently for everyone.

    Postpartum depression can appear in various forms from excessive crying, feelings of indifference, to unexpected rage. These symptoms, when combined with interrupted sleep cycles common in early motherhood, can lead to an overwhelming feeling of loss of self in postpartum women.

    Postpartum depression is a reality that many mothers face alone. Being mindful of the existence of such conditions and eliminating the stigma associated with seeking help is essential. By opening up these conversations, we can establish a supportive environment for moms, providing the understanding and tools they need to navigate motherhood more confidently.

    00:00 Introduction and Importance of Self-Care for Moms

    00:53 Understanding Postpartum Depression: An Interview with Michelle

    03:15 Michelle's Personal Journey with Postpartum Depression

    06:45 Recognizing and Seeking Help for Postpartum Depression

    08:52 The Stigma Around Medication and Therapy

    11:15 The Impact of Postpartum Depression on Family Life

    19:04 Understanding the Duration and Manifestation of Postpartum Depression

    26:15 The Importance of Therapy and Addressing Postpartum Depression

    28:21 Understanding Postpartum Depletion

    28:38 The Importance of Restoring Body Levels After Pregnancy

    29:07 The Gap Between Pregnancies: A Personal Experience

    29:32 The NICU Education Experience

    31:13 The Misconception of 'Bouncing Back' After Pregnancy

    32:12 The Reality of Body Changes After Pregnancy

    35:20 The Emotional Impact of Weaning

    36:32 The Toxicity of the 'Bounce Back' Culture

    40:52 The Importance of Self-Care in Motherhood

    45:15 The Role of Nutrition in Postpartum Recovery

    47:41 The Postpartum Survival Guide: A Resource for Moms

    51:01 Closing Thoughts on Postpartum Experiences

    You got this, Mama,


    Michelle Solger

    Postpartum Survival Guide


    Postpartum and Beyond Community

    Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr. Oscar Serrallach

    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

    Free: More Than Self-Care Guide

    Reconnecting, Recharging & Rekindling with Yourself, Family & Spouse.

    Rediscovering Your Identity Beyond Mom

    This 7-Day Guide to Rediscovering Your Identity Beyond Mom will help you go from feeling overwhelmed and stressed about motherhood to feeling balanced and fulfilled.

  • Hey, wonderful moms!

    It's Jessa Raye, and in this episode, we're diving deep into how we can navigate the holiday season without losing ourselves in the chaos.

    I'll share why it's crucial to say no to stress-triggering activities and focus on what truly matters for our families. Join me as we explore practical strategies like tweaking schedules, prioritizing meaningful family moments, and creating lasting memories right in the comfort of our homes.

    I can't stress enough the importance of self-care, not just for us but for our families too. And guess what? I've got a special treat for you—my 'more than self-care' guide, a go-to resource to help you not just survive but thrive not only during this holiday season but well beyond. Tune in, and let's rediscover the joy in our holiday journey together!

    00:00 Introduction

    00:15 Welcome to the Journey of Motherhood

    00:39 Surviving the Holiday Season

    01:57 Planning for the Holidays

    02:51 Adjusting Your Schedule

    03:42 Prioritizing Family Time

    04:26 Balancing Work and Holidays

    06:18 Saying No to Overcommitment

    06:54 The Art of Saying No

    14:26 The Importance of Self-Care

    17:16 Conclusion: Embracing the Holiday Season

    18:34 Outro and Invitation to Connect

    You got this, Mama,


    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

    Free: More Than Self-Care Guide

    Reconnecting, Recharging & Rekindling with Yourself, Family & Spouse.

  • The podcast features Lauren Mora as she shares insightful information about managing the challenges of motherhood, overcoming feelings of overwhelm, and dealing with 'mom guilt'. She discusses the pressures of balancing child-raising, house chores, and work, highlighting the importance of setting realistic goals and using productivity tools.

    With 3 young kids herself, she started feeling overwhelmed with everything on her plate every week. Rather than focus on trying harder to be the perfect mom or micro-managing her responsibilities, she took the approach of figuring out what was at the root of why she felt so overloaded and then developed the easiest possible solutions to help her and her family run smoother. With 10 years of strategic sales background for a Fortune 15 company, she self-developed the Rally the Village program to provide moms the support they need each week.

    By advising to view motherhood from an intentional and achievable perspective, Lauren emphasizes the importance of setting priorities, creating memorable experiences over long gameplay, and taking time out for self-care.

    00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome

    00:57 Guest Background and Journey to Motherhood

    02:18 Transition to Entrepreneurship and Starting a Business

    03:08 Challenges of Balancing Motherhood and Business

    04:08 Creating a Community for Moms: Rally the Village

    04:26 The Impact of COVID-19 on Motherhood and Entrepreneurship

    05:31 The Importance of Creating Home Processes for Balance

    07:41 The Role of Functional Medicine in Life Management

    08:31 The Importance of Self-Care and Delegation for Moms

    10:04 Reframing Motherhood: Balancing Work, Kids, and Self

    26:22 Creating a Positive Family Culture and Setting Priorities

    28:12 Rally the Village: A Supportive Community for Moms

    33:38 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    You got this, Mama,


    Connect with Lauren Mora:



    5 Things you can take off your plate this week

    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

    Unlock the path to self-discovery and reclaim your identity with this free guide – download it here!

  • Join me in this episode as we dive into mastering holiday planning and time management for a stress-free and enjoyable season. With only two months left in the year, the holiday rush can often lead to overwhelming anxiety. In this insightful discussion, I share practical tips on redefining balance, setting priorities, and staying organized, ensuring you make the most of the upcoming holiday season.

    Discover how to plan and manage your time effectively, from gift shopping to hosting events and balancing work and family life. Learn how to create a holiday calendar, stick to a budget, and start gift shopping early. Plus, we'll explore family traditions and practical tips to help you truly enjoy the festivities without stress.

    Don't let the holiday season overwhelm you – tune in to this episode and master the art of stress-free holiday planning.

    You got this, Mama,


    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

    7-Day Guide to Rediscover Your Identity Beyond Mom

  • Welcome, Mama!

    Hey there, fellow moms and mompreneurs! I'm excited to introduce you to a heartwarming podcast episode featuring an inspiring conversation with Emily Gorrie, the host of "Project Mom Podcast." In this episode, we delve into the raw and honest journey of navigating motherhood and entrepreneurship. Emily shares her incredible insights, from those small yet impactful "micro-moments" of self-discovery to the essential role of building a support network.

    We discuss how it's okay to ask for help, whether you're looking for a nanny or seeking that elusive mom-friend who truly gets it. We explore the beauty of being the vulnerable one, stepping out of our comfort zones, and creating authentic connections. And amidst it all, Emily offers valuable advice on finding gratitude in the sometimes challenging waiting period before our support systems align. If you're looking for motivation, genuine stories, and actionable tips on balancing family life with your entrepreneurial journey, this episode is an uplifting and supportive guide on how to build your village while chasing your dreams.

    Tune in to hear Emily's uplifting story, and let's walk this path together, one micro-moment at a time. Whether you're a mom, mompreneur, or simply someone in need of that extra dose of inspiration, this episode has something for everyone. Don't miss out on this insightful discussion that will leave you feeling empowered and motivated.

    You got this, Mama,



    Project: Mom Podcast

    IG: @projectmompodcast


    [email protected]

    Freebies: https://www.projectmompodcast.com/free-resources

    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

  • Hey there, fellow moms!

    Are you feeling overwhelmed by the daily chaos, yearning for a moment of peace, and desperately needing a good night's sleep?

    Well, I've got a treat for you in this podcast episode. Join me as I explore seven bedtime habits that have been game-changers in my life and can do the same for you. Through personal stories and practical advice, I'll walk you through resetting your home, preparing for the next day, and prioritizing self-care.

    Discover the magic of calming your racing mind, disconnecting from the digital world, and embracing relaxation before hitting the hay. If you're ready to replace bedtime stress with a sense of tranquility and rediscover the joy of a well-structured nighttime routine, this episode is a must-listen. Whether you're a seasoned mom or new to the parenting game, these habits are your ticket to reclaiming your evenings and rediscovering the restful sleep you deserve.

    Don't miss out—this episode is your recipe for a better night's sleep and a brighter tomorrow!

    You got this, Mama,


    Did today's show resonate with you or offer valuable insights? Snap a screenshot and share it in your IG stories! Tag me, @thejessaraye, and let me know what you found helpful or relatable. I'll share your story on my page to spread the inspiration!

  • Being vulnerable is scary. It means putting yourself out there and risking rejection, criticism, or even failure. But for moms, being vulnerable is also incredibly powerful. It can help us to build closer relationships with our children, partners, and other moms. It can also help us to become more authentic and successful in all areas of our lives.

    In this episode of Caught Up In Motherhood, the podcast, I'm talking about the importance of bravery and vulnerability for moms. I'll share my own personal stories of being vulnerable, and I'll give you tips on how to brave the vulnerability so that you can reap the rewards.

    If you're a mom who's struggling to be vulnerable, I encourage you to listen to this episode. I'll share my own personal stories of being vulnerable, and I'll give you tips on how to brave the vulnerability so that you can reap the rewards.

    When we're vulnerable, we're being true to ourselves. And when we're true to ourselves, we're more likely to be happy and fulfilled.

    You got this, Mama,


    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

    Unlock the path to self-discovery and reclaim your identity with this free guide – download it here!

  • April Hartmann joins me today as we talk all about Growth Mindset.

    April shares her deep knowledge and passion for nurturing Growth Mindset, especially in children. Throughout the conversation, we delve into the profound impact of adopting a Growth Mindset on personal growth and learning. April's expertise shines as she elucidates how this empowering mindset fosters resilience, cultivates a love for learning, and equips individuals to confront challenges with courage.

    April Hartmann is an illustrator, designer, writer, and professional speaker. Her artwork is featured in kids’ magazines, on posters, toys, and packaging, and she has illustrated many books for children. As the founder of “My Little Growing Mindset,” she has created an entire resource to nurture a growth mindset in children ages 0-5 through books, activities, and a parenting blog.

    Purchase her book through Amazon & you'll find a bonus code at the end for an entire bundle of printable games and activity pages that support the lessons in the book. A value of $18.75 for FREE!

    Go to https://www.mylittlegrowingmindset.com for details.

    You got this, Mama,


    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

    Unlock the path to self-discovery and reclaim your identity with this free guide – download it here!

  • Hey there, fellow moms! Have you ever found yourself constantly focusing on the negative aspects of your day, letting one bad moment dictate the entire day's mood? Well, I'm Jessa, and I've been there too. But recently, I stumbled upon the concept of "glimmers," and it's been a game-changer. Glimmers are those tiny moments of joy and well-being that we often overlook. They're the opposite of triggers, and they let our nervous system know that we're safe and content. So why not shift our perspective and concentrate on these glimmers instead of dwelling on the negative?

    The term "glimmers" was coined by psychotherapist Deb Dana, and they're those micro moments that make us feel warm and fuzzy inside. Whether it's the sound of leaves crunching underfoot, the smell of fresh coffee, or the feeling of a warm hug, these are unique to each of us. Recognizing and embracing these glimmers can change our mindset and improve our overall well-being. One way to start is by curating your social media feed to include accounts that spark joy, and also, making it a daily habit to consciously seek out these glimmers. It's all about changing our perspective and teaching our kids to do the same. So go ahead, pause, take a breath, and ask yourself, "What's my glimmer moment today?" It's time to flip the script and find the joy in everyday life because, mama, you've got this!

    Empowering Moms to Reclaim Identity and Thrive in Motherhood Guilt-Free

    Jessa Raye


    Comparisonitis: How to Stop Comparing Yourself To Others and Be Genuinely Happy By Melissa Ambrosini

    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

    Unlock the path to self-discovery and reclaim your identity with this free guide – download it here!

    Join my private Facebook community with other moms just like you at https://www.facebook.com/groups/caughtupinmotherhood

  • Hey there!

    In Part 2 of our special two-part series, join Celeste Yvonne and me as they continue our candid conversation about "Mommy Wine Culture." In this episode, we delve deeper into the complexities of this phenomenon, exploring the broader societal factors that contribute to its prevalence and discussing the impact it has on moms and families.

    Celeste, a prominent voice on sobriety and mental health, shares her insights on the pressure that mothers often face and how this relates to the allure of wine culture. Celeste and I engage in a thought-provoking dialogue about healthier alternatives to cope with the challenges of motherhood. Together, we explore strategies for balancing self-care and responsible drinking, highlighting the importance of finding genuine support within the mommy community.

    Tune in to Part 2 of "Understanding Mommy Wine Culture" to gain a deeper understanding of this topic, gain practical tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and discover the value of building authentic connections with fellow moms. This episode promises to leave you with valuable insights and a fresh perspective on a topic that affects many parents today.

    You got this, Mama,


    Empowering Moms to Reclaim Identity and Thrive in Motherhood Guilt-Free

    Preorder Celeste’s Book: It’s Not About The Wine



    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

    Unlock the path to self-discovery and reclaim your identity with this free guide – download it here!

    Join my private Facebook community with other moms just like you at https://www.facebook.com/groups/caughtupinmotherhood

  • Hey there!

    Get ready for an eye-opening journey with me, Jessa, and my guest, Celeste Yvonne, in this special podcast episode.

    Together, we're delving deep into the thought-provoking world of mommy wine culture. As a mother myself, I've seen the glorification of wine as a coping mechanism for the challenges of parenting.

    In this episode, I'm joined by Celeste Yvonne, a passionate advocate for alcohol-free living. She openly shares her personal journey of overcoming addiction and choosing sobriety, all while growing up surrounded by it. We unravel the concerning facets of mommy wine culture and discuss how it perpetuates the idea that alcohol is essential for moms to navigate motherhood.

    Through Celeste's experiences and insights, we shed light on the importance of recognizing this issue and exploring healthier ways to deal with the pressures of being a mom. Join us as we navigate this complex topic, challenge the norms, and uncover the authentic connections and support that mothers truly need.

    You got this, Mama,


    Empowering Moms to Reclaim Identity and Thrive in Motherhood Guilt-Free

    Preorder Celeste’s Book: It’s Not About The Wine



    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

    Unlock the path to self-discovery and reclaim your identity with this free guide – download it here!

    Join my private Facebook community with other moms just like you at https://www.facebook.com/groups/caughtupinmotherhood

  • I'm thrilled to share an episode that's all about embracing a new chapter in your life as your oldest child takes their first steps into school. It's a mix of excitement, a hint of nerves, and a touch of relief as we embark on this journey together. Trust me, I know how overwhelming it can be, but fear not, because I've got three invaluable lessons to share from my own experience with my firstborn heading back to school.

    Join me as I dive into the changes that come with a new school year that might leave us parents feeling a bit overwhelmed. But fear not because I'm here to help you prepare physically and mentally for this new adventure.

    I share how I tackled the balancing act of being a work-from-home mom while ensuring my child thrived at school. Discover the power of setting boundaries, both for your work and personal life, and see how routines and preparation can be game-changers.

    From getting ready routines to emotional support, I'll walk you through strategies that helped me prepare my child and myself for a successful school year. It's all about acknowledging fears, showing excitement, and making sure our kids are ready for this exciting new phase. I'm here to remind you that you're not alone in this journey, and together, we can navigate the joys and challenges of sending our little ones off to school.

    You got this, Mama,


    Empowering Moms to Reclaim Identity and Thrive in Motherhood Guilt-Free

    Screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories. Tag me, @thejessaraye, and I’ll share your story on mine too.

    Unlock the path to self-discovery and reclaim your identity with this free guide – download it here!

    Join my private Facebook community with other moms just like you at https://www.facebook.com/groups/caughtupinmotherhood