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  • πŸŽ™οΈ If You Feel This, You Know You're on the Right Path πŸš€

    In this episode, I'm getting real about a feeling that every entrepreneur experiences, but few know how to handle: resistance. Because let's be honest, when you're trying to build a successful online coaching business, resistance is gonna come knocking.

    Resistance is not a sign that you're on the wrong path. It's actually a sign that you're on the RIGHT path.

    I'm sharing my own experience with resistance this week, and how I pushed through it to keep showing up for my business and my clients. Because at the end of the day, success is simple (but not easy). And if you can embrace the resistance and do the work anyway, you'll be unstoppable. πŸš€

    Top Quotes:

    "If you feel resistance, you are on the right path." (4:55)

    "Success is actually very f****** simple. It's not easy, but it's simple. β€œ (3:22)

    "Successful people do what needs to get done regardless of the condition and regardless of the emotion." (10:38)
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  • πŸŽ™οΈ Behind the Scenes of a 10K Mastermind Coaching Call πŸ”₯

    In this episode, I'm taking you behind the scenes of a live coaching call with my 10K Mastermind students. These are online fitness coaches who are already making 5-15K per month, and they're coming to me with their biggest questions and challenges. πŸ’ͺ

    From content creation to challenge launches to mindset shifts, we cover it all. I'm sharing my top tips and strategies for how to level up your business and break through to that next level of success.

    And the best part? You get to hear real-life examples from coaches who are in the trenches, doing the work and seeing massive results. Like Kayla, who just hit her first 15K month! πŸŽ‰

    So if you're ready to take your online fitness business to the next level, grab a pen and get ready to take notes. This episode is packed with actionable advice and game-changing insights. Let's go! πŸš€

    Top Quotes:

    "When people come to your page from cold audiences, they have no idea who you are. And so we need to get them to know you, like you, trust you." (10:35)

    "The little bit of extra work that you put in your video could be the difference between it going viral and not going viral." (56:04)

    "Instagram stories is where people are gonna make buying decisions. You need to make it a habit." (58:10)
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  • πŸŽ™οΈ Why You Suck at Handling Adversity (and How to Fix It) πŸ’ͺ

    In this episode, I'm calling you out on your bullshit excuses and giving you the hard truth about what it really takes to succeed as an online fitness coach. Because let's be real, every time you face a little adversity, you fold like a cheap suit. πŸƒ

    Adversity is a necessary part of the journey. It's what builds character and separates the winners from the whiners. So if you're going through some shit right now, good. Embrace it. Use it as fuel to become the badass you were meant to be. πŸ”₯

    I'm sharing my top tips for how to view adversity, how to stay enthusiastic even when you suck, and most importantly, how to treat business like a game of skill sets instead of a game of emotions. Because at the end of the day, you have unlimited power to create the life and business you want. But you gotta get out of your own way first. πŸš€

    So if you're ready to stop making excuses and start taking massive action, this episode is for you. Let's go! πŸ’ͺ

    Top Quotes:

    "Success is a very simple f****** formula. Figure out a pathway, or a blueprint that has been proven to work, and follow that blueprint until success." (3:17)

    "If you're not attracting clients it's because your content sucks. Your marketing's not good and you need to improve. " (9:02)

    "You could literally do anything that you set your f****** mind to. Anything. But every single time you get a little bit of adversity, you forget." (13:59)
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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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  • πŸŽ™οΈ How to Deal with Haters: The Ultimate Guide for Online Fitness Coaches 😎

    In this episode, I'm diving deep into the world of haters and giving you the exact framework for how to handle them like a boss. Because let's be real, as soon as you start putting yourself out there and finding success, the haters are gonna come knocking. πŸšͺ

    But guess what? Their opinions don't pay your bills. So why give them any attention at all?

    I'm sharing my top tips for how to view haters, what to do when they come for you, and most importantly, how to not let it f****** bother you. Because at the end of the day, you're too busy building an empire to waste time on someone who's never even gonna buy from you.

    So if you're ready to learn how to rise above the hate and keep crushing your goals, this episode is for you. Let's go! πŸ”₯

    Top Quotes:

    "A hater is somebody that fuels negative emotion and draws on negative emotion." (3:53)

    "The mindset, you guys, is they don't f****** exist. They are irrelevant. They do not matter, because as soon as you start giving them your attention, you f****** lose." (5:52)

    "If you're getting hate, it means that you're standing out from other people's mold of success. That should mean that you should keep going and f****** show them, okay? F****** show them." (9:30)
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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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  • 🚨 When to Hire Employees for Your Online Fitness Coaching Business πŸ’ͺ

    In this episode, I'm diving deep into the question that plagues many successful online fitness coaches: when is the right time to start hiring employees? If you're consistently generating over $10K per month, listen up - this one's for you.

    Here's the hard truth: if you want to scale your business to $50K+ per month, you MUST get good at hiring, managing, and leading a team. There's simply no way around it.

    But it all starts with mastering the fundamentals yourself. If you can't consistently generate $10K per month on your own, you're not ready to hire. Period.

    The path to a 7-figure business is paved with obstacles and growing pains. But if you're willing to push through, stay resilient, and become the leader your team needs you to be, the sky's the limit. πŸš€

    Top Quotes:

    "If you're consistently generating over $10,000 a month, you are in the category of people that should be f****** hiring people." (9:09)

    "The only way you will ever scale to those numbers is if you get good at hiring, managing, and leading people, period." (17:00)

    "If you're over $10,000 a month and you haven't hired people yet, you have to be allergic to money. Your fear is holding you back from generating more income." (22:18)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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  • πŸ”₯ PodChats: Your Burning Questions Answered !

    In this special episode, I'm switching things up and doing PodChats with my Academy students. These are online fitness coaches who are anywhere from 0 to 10K per month, and they're bringing their toughest challenges to the table.

    From creating killer content to closing sales calls with confidence, we're diving deep into the strategies that will help you level up your coaching game. πŸ’ͺ

    If you're struggling with content creation, sales calls, or scaling your online fitness business, this episode is packed with practical advice you can implement right away.

    Remember, success leaves clues. Don't be afraid to reach out to coaches who are already hitting your income goals and pick their brains. That's the power of being part of a supportive community like the CLA. πŸ™Œ

    Top Quotes:

    "Find the person that has walked the path that you want to walk, and then hire them." (10:24)

    "Every no is one step closer to a yes. I'm so f****** glad that person said no to me, because the next person is gonna literally hand me all their cash." (36:25)

    "Once you have quality, then do volume. That's my theory on volume." (33:59)
    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • 🚨 Imagine Living Your Life EXACTLY How You Live It Now: A Wake-Up Call 😱

    In this episode, I'm challenging you to take a hard look at your life and ask yourself: what if nothing changes? What if you stay stuck in the same place, making the same money, living the same way, for the next year, two years, five years?

    It's a thought that scares the shit out of me. And it's the driving force behind my relentless work ethic and commitment to personal growth. Because the truth is, if you're not growing, you're dying. Period. πŸ’€

    Most people are waiting for their rock bottom moment to finally take action and change their lives. They're waiting until things get so bad that they can't tolerate it anymore. But why wait? Why not decide right now to go all in on your dreams?

    So make a different decision today. Start doing the things that will advance you and get you closer to your dreams. Your future self, your family, and your community are counting on you. πŸ™

    Top Quotes:

    "I don't want to be the motherfucker that ends up in the same place six years from now that I am now. I don't want to be that fucking guy. Do you?" (12:40)

    "If you don't start going all in right now on that fitness business, you automatically by default are going backwards." (13:00)

    "Every day that you don't take action is a day that you move backward, and that's unacceptable." (13:50)
    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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  • 🚫 The Mindset That Keeps You Broke: Why You're Not Investing in Yourself πŸ’Έ

    In this episode, I'm diving deep into the limiting beliefs and excuses that are holding you back from investing in yourself and your online fitness coaching business. If you're struggling to make money and reach the next level, this one's for you.

    The truth is, if you want to achieve massive success, you need to be willing to bet on yourself. That means hiring mentors, investing in your education, and doing whatever it takes to acquire the skills you need to thrive. πŸŽ“

    When you invest in yourself, you send a powerful message to the universe that you're all in on your dreams. You attract clients who are also willing to invest in themselves, because like attracts like.

    So if you're tired of being broke and stuck, then it's time to stop making excuses and start investing in yourself like your life depends on it. Because spoiler alert: it does. πŸ”₯

    Top Quotes:

    "I think a lot of you online fitness coaches, even though you want to achieve success and you believe that you could achieve success, there's a big part of you that doesn't actually believe in yourself." (00:22)

    "Find a person that's walked the path you want to walk, and then hire them. Period. That's literally it. That is the blueprint for success." (4:24)

    "If it was information that you needed, you would already be successful.” (12:56)
    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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  • 🚨 My Instagram Got HACKED: The Untold Story of a 48-Hour Nightmare 😱

    In this episode, I'm sharing the wild rollercoaster ride of emotions I experienced when my Instagram account was hacked. From the initial shock of being locked out to the desperate battle to regain control, I'm holding nothing back.

    Through this ordeal, I learned some valuable lessons about online security, diversifying your business, and the power of mindset. I'm sharing it all in this episode, so you can protect yourself and bounce back from any setback that comes your way. πŸ’ͺ

    Top Quotes:

    "I was literally like, okay, I'll get like 20 seconds in the account before the hacker could get me. So at this point, what I was basically trying to do is I was trying to f****** race to beat the hacker." (2:09)

    "I've worked so hard to create this account where I get to impact and I get to inspire and I get to motivate, and it was just gone." (6:37)

    "I truly do think that you get exactly what you put out to the universe energetically." (10:13)
    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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  • These are the content hacks that took me from hacked to back on track πŸ”₯

    In this episode, I'm coming at you straight from the trenches after getting my Instagram account hacked and spending 12 hours straight getting it back. But even though I'm tired AF, I still showed up to serve my clients in the 10K Mastermind with some game-changing content critiques.

    From lighting to hooks to how often you should be sharing client wins, I'm dropping truth bombs left and right to help these coaches level up their content and start attracting more qualified leads. Because the truth is, if your content strategy hasn't evolved with the algorithm, you're going to get left behind. Period.

    So if you're ready to get your eyes on the prize and make the micro-shifts that will take your content from mediocre to viral, grab a notebook and tune in. It's time to learn from the best in the game (even if I do say so myself). πŸ˜‰

    Top Quotes:

    "If you want to get obnoxious results, you gotta be f****** obnoxious. Like, I'm obnoxious, bro. I'm like, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win." (42:50)

    "What you were posting a year and a half ago to go viral as f***... that ain't working anymore." (50:10)

    "I promise you, Nick, in the next six months, you're going to go viral. And when you do, you're going to be like, I f****** knew it. Cause it's like, you've got the physique, you've got the mindset, you've got the content." (1:06:47)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • How to fight off the enemy trying to kill your dreams 😀

    In this episode, I'm diving deep into the REAL enemy that's holding you back from achieving massive success as an online fitness coach. And spoiler alert: it's not the haters, the trolls, or even your unsupportive family members.

    But here's the good news: once you become aware of the enemy, you can learn to fight it off with compassion and conviction. You can stand firm in your beliefs, even when everyone around you thinks you're crazy. You can respectfully disagree with the naysayers and keep moving forward, no matter what.

    So if you're ready to armor up and defend your dreams against the enemy, click play. It's time to go to battle. πŸ”₯

    Top Quotes:

    "They don't understand it for themselves, and so they are casting those beliefs on you." (3:46)

    "If you aren't the person that is influencing your environment, you are the person being influenced by the environment." (10:42)

    "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." (11:32)
    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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  • The ONLY coaching program that guarantees your success (or your money back) πŸ’°

    In this episode, I'm doing something I've never done before: putting my money where my mouth is and offering a GUARANTEE on my coaching program. That's right, if you don't generate at least $10k in revenue within 6 months of working with me, you don't pay a cent.

    Why am I so confident? Because after helping over 7,000 coaches scale their online businesses, I know my shit works. Period. This isn't some magic trick or get-rich-quick scheme. It's about following a proven blueprint, putting in the work, and having the best f****** mentor in the game by your side.

    So if you're an online fitness coach who's tired of spinning your wheels and ready to tap into the freedom, fulfillment, and financial abundance that comes with running a successful coaching biz... your opportunity is here. But you have to make a decision. Keep betting on yourself and investing in your growth, or stay stuck exactly where you are.

    The choice is yours. But I know which one I'd make. πŸ˜‰

    Top Quotes:

    "Online fitness coaching is literally a cash cow in the sense that when you start your online fitness business, it's the amount that you can scale it to is practically unlimited." (4:08)

    "When you become an online fitness coach, you literally tap into actual freedom." (6:07)

    "I'm so confident that the Change Lives Academy is going to change your f****** life that if you do the program and you complete the modules... and it doesn't work and you don't generate $10,000 in revenue, I will send you back every single dollar that you paid." (9:35)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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  • The WORST mindset killing your content creation (and how to fix it) 🚫

    If you've been struggling to get views on your content lately, you might be tempted to blame the algorithm or believe you've been "shadowbanned." But in this episode, I'm calling bullshit on that limiting belief.

    The hard truth is, if your content isn't performing... it's because your content isn't GOOD enough. Period. It has nothing to do with Instagram secretly conspiring against you, and everything to do with the fact that you haven't evolved as a creator.

    But here's the good news: anyone can learn to create content that stops the scroll and captures attention. It just takes studying what's already working, putting in the reps, and being willing to try new things until you crack the code.

    So if you're ready to take radical responsibility for your content and commit to the process of becoming a world-class creator, this episode will show you how. Let's f****** go. πŸ”₯

    Top Quotes:

    "If you have low views, it's because your content isn't engaging, your content isn't shareable, your content isn't likeable. People are scrolling away from your video because when you post a video, this is exactly what happens." (6:43)

    "Get consistent first, then get good. So many of you guys are like, afraid of putting out shitty content, so you never even post in the first place. When you get consistent and you're posting every day, five days a week, you'll get to a point where you're frustrated about the fact that your content isn't performing well." (11:42)

    "One video can change your business forever. One short form video, that's all it takes. If you have one video that goes viral, gets 10,000, 50,000, 100,000 views... that one video can gain you 3 to 5,000 new followers of your ideal customer." (12:34)

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  • Are you acting like a winner or a loser? πŸ€”

    In this hard-hitting episode, I'm challenging you to take a long, honest look in the mirror and ask yourself: do I see a winner looking back at me? Because the cold, hard truth is, the results you have in your life right now are a direct reflection of your self-perception.

    If you don't like what you see in your bank account, your body, or your relationships... guess what? You probably view yourself as a loser in those areas, even if you don't consciously realize it.

    But here's the good news: being a winner is a decision you can make RIGHT NOW. πŸ’ͺ

    So if you're tired of losing and ready to join the winner's circle, this is your wake-up call. Click play and let's get to work. 😀

    Top Quotes:

    "If you currently look at your bank account and you don't like the amount of money that's in your bank account, it's likely to do with the fact that you perceive yourself as a loser, as somebody that does not win in their financial aspect." (2:00)

    "If you don't make the decision, on what type of person that you wanna be, then your mind will make the decision for you." (5:13)

    "Everything that you're experiencing in your f****** life right now is a result of how you feel about yourself. Period." (10:00)
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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Settle in for a transformative Q&A session with my clients πŸ”₯

    In this episode we cover everything from sales objections to content creation to scaling past $10K months.

    First up, Simone shares a win about her content finally hitting on Instagram. But she's still struggling with sales calls when people start questioning her authority.

    Next, Miranda celebrates signing two new clients and getting paid to launch her own podcast. Her question is about finding the right video editor on Fiverr.

    Tune into this episode to hear the advice I gave them both.

    Top Quotes:

    "If I sense that hesitation, I know that I can just be like, pay now. But if I'm like, pay now, and they are hesitant, then it's just going to cause buyer's resistance." (6:35)

    "You need to post your client updates. Just do it." (22:20)

    "Entrepreneurs solve problems. You know what the f*ck to do." (50:41)

    ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • The truth about success isn’t as sexy as you might think… 🚨

    In this episode, I'm giving you the blueprint that I've used to achieve massive success in my life and business. And spoiler alert: it's not sexy, it's not glamorous, and it's not a quick fix.

    The truth is, success comes down to one simple thing. And if you want to achieve something different than 99% of people, you have to be willing to do what 99% of people won't do.

    So ask yourself: are you willing to put in the work EVERY. SINGLE. DAY? Even when you don't feel like it? Even when you're not seeing results? Even when it feels like you're moving backwards?

    If the answer is yes, then success is inevitable. But if you keep making excuses and taking days off, then you'll end up like everyone else.

    The choice is yours. Tune into this episode to find out how simple it can be.

    Top Quotes:

    "The unsexy truth about success that nobody wants to f*cking hear is that you need to do the f*cking work every single day." (2:45)

    "You have this 9-5 mindset when you come into entrepreneurship, and then you take that 9-5 mindset into entrepreneurship, and for some f*cking reason, you think that on the weekends, you shouldn't be doing anything to advance your life." (6:01)

    "There is not a single excuse on the f*cking planet for you not putting in the work every single day. Not one." (10:01)
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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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  • Want to go viral over and over again? πŸ”₯

    In this episode, I'm breaking down the science of creating viral content consistently. Once you learn this formula, you can't unlearn it.

    First, let's talk about why going viral is so important. It's not just about the views. It's about the fact that social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok allow you to market to the masses for FREE. One viral video can give you the same level of exposure as a TV ad that costs tens of thousands of dollars. 🀯

    So how do you actually go viral? tune into this episode and find out!

    Remember, success leaves clues. You just need to know where to look.

    Top Quotes:

    "Every famous person that you know, every single one of them, takes inspiration on some level from other people." (2:40)

    "Once I figure out what's doing well, AKA it's performing better than my average view volume, I'll study them." (6:24)

    "If a video goes viral, your audience is literally like, 'Hey, we like this. Let's do more of that.'" (9:48)

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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • What do YOU want to be known for? πŸ€”

    In this episode, I'm challenging you to take a hard look at your brand and ask yourself this question. Most online fitness coaches are just posting random content without any real intention behind it. And as a result, they're not in control of how their brand is perceived.

    So how do you avoid this trap and create a brand that truly represents who you are and what you stand for? It all comes down to understanding your core values and the message you want to share with the world.

    Let's create a brand that we're f*cking proud of and inspires people to chase their dreams. πŸ™Œ

    Top Quotes:

    "What ended up happening was I grew this account to like 60,000 followers on TikTok and I literally was known as the protein CEO, which doesn't seem like a big deal. However, I was trying to become a business coach for online fitness coaches and I'm trying to be the best in the game." (1:29)

    "Everything exists in a contrast. There's left, then there's right. There's the north pole, then there's the south pole. There's hot and then there's cold. And when we take that concept and we apply it to our core message, what it really means is it's what do we stand for and what do we stand against." (6:08)

    "What are the associations that you have with your brand? Like where you're filming, if you're a fitness coach and you're not filming in the gym, what are you f*cking doing?" (12:34)
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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • The mindset for maximum growth: how to 10X your online fitness business πŸš€

    In this episode, I'm diving deep into the mindset shifts you need to make if you want to achieve exponential growth in your online fitness business. Most people are playing way too small. They hit a little success and then take their foot off the gas. But if you want to reach that next level, you've got to be hungry for more.

    I break it down into three key steps throughout this episode.

    So if you're ready to stop settling and start playing to your full potential, this episode will light a fire under your ass. Let's go!

    Top Quotes:

    "Unless you get to a point where you can't stand the person that's looking back in the mirror because you start being brutally f****** honest with yourself, you're never going to transform your life." (8:38)

    "You want the mindset for maximum growth. As soon as you hit that goal, you get excited about it. You let yourself celebrate it. You f****** give yourself a pat on the back for being an absolute and total f****** badass. And then, you're like, yo, how do I expand this vision? Like, how can I take this to the next level?" (15:03)

    "The mindset is the decision that you make on what type of thoughts, behaviors, patterns, and actions that you tolerate for yourself." (17:56)
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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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    Facebook | Brian Mark