
  • In this episode of the 30 Minute Breakthrough, we talk to Danny, a yoga teacher in Costa Rica who’s looking for more ease in his financial situation.

    Key Points From this Episode:

    Learn a process called the three jar process that you can start doing today to help you shift your money focus from lack to abundance.Watch Danny uncover his dominant sources of resistance around his struggle to let more money in.Witness how easily root limiting emotions such as unworthiness that impact financial abundance can easily be cleared.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • In this episode of the 30 Minute Breakthrough we talk to Melanie in Germany who’s looking for a shift in helping her overcome money blocks.

    Key Points From this Episode:

    Witness Nick take Melanie through an Attraction Point Audit to help her identify her biggest source of resistance around finances.Listen to Nick explain where the underlying emotion of feeling stuck comes from, and how to step out of it.Watch Melanie work through and release her feelings of stuckness using reframing and Belief Tree work.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

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  • In this episode of the 30 Minute Breakthrough, we talk to Tessey in the Netherlands who’s looking for a shift in overcoming the feelings of feeling like a failure.

    Key Points From the Interview:

    Witness Tessey experiencing the Belief Tree Process and Tapping to let go of anger that she’s carried her entire life.Learn how layers of emotions can quickly and easily be identified and removed when using the right probing statements.Notice Tessey work through fears of stepping into a new version of herself, feelings of failure, and being worthy of living an incredible life.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • In this episode of Five Questions, we talk to Andy, a young 22 year old in Florida who dives into the topic of relationship heartbreak and overcoming the feeling of being powerless.

    Key points from this episode:

    Nick helps Andy identify the source of his resistance on the topic of romantic relationships.Nick and Andy discuss the importance of choosing a positive perspective and meaning for circumstances which we experience.Nick helps Andy using the Belief Tree process to shift his vibration out of feeling powerless and hurt from past relationship traumas.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • In this episode of Five Questions, we talk to Lydia in the Netherlands with whom we dive into topics relating to fatigue, positive expectations, and the possibilities of having it all.

    Key points from this episode:

    Lydia kicks off this episode with the topic of overcoming fatigue where Nick helps her explore the link between fatigue, resistance and keeping other people pleased.Nick and Lydia talk about the pressure and expectations we put on ourselves and how to begin to overcome it.An exploration on the topic of organic unfolding.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • In this episode of Five Questions, we talk to Courtney in Florida touching on the topics of relationship insecurities, feeling disposable, following inner guidance and confidence.

    Key Points From the Episode:

    Courtney begins this episode asking for clarity on differentiating between fear and inner guidance.Nick helps Courtney work through some of her long standing relationship insecurities.Nick talks about how the fears we carry are often rooted in underlying negative emotions which anchor those fears in place.Courtney and Nick discuss confidence both in the context of relationships and business success, and what it takes to live a confident life.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • In this episode of Five Questions, we talk to Mala who resides in the UK on a variety of topics which include organic unfolding, living the vibrational path, and decision making.

    Key Points From the Interview:

    Mala asks about soul families and how can we know if our souls are growing and expanding.Mala and Nick talk about desires and whether our inner beings already have an idea of what we truly want.Nick and Mala discuss the root cause of overwhelm and how they relate to certain underlying fears.Nick and Mala discuss how integration is the key to transformation.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • In this episode we talk to Krisztina from Hungary who is seeking a breakthrough in the area of relationships. In this episode you’ll watch Krisztina work through and release the root cause of an unwanted pattern in the partners she attracts related to underlying fears and feelings of unimportance and not good enough.

    Key points from this episode:

    In this episode Nick assists Krisztina in a relationship breakthrough after years of experiencing a relationship pattern of attracting men who abandon her or treat her like she’s not important.Using an Attraction Point Audit, Nick helps Krisztina identify the fears and emotions she didn’t realize she was practicing at the root of her relationship struggles.Nick uses both the Belief Tree Process and Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique to work through negative emotions and fears that have been holding Krisztina back from her dream relationship her entire adult life.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.
  • In this episode we talk to Kayla from Texas who is seeking a breakthrough in the popular topic of manifesting money. In this episode you’ll watch Kayla release her money blocks relating to feelings of failure, unworthiness and feelings of not being of value.

    Key points from this episode:

    Kayla, who is fairly new to the world of personal development has been diving into the teaching of Abraham-Hicks, Bashar and Nick.Kayla struggles with bringing in financial abundance and Nick helps identify her sources of resistance which relate to feelings of unworthiness and not being of value.Nick helps Kayla release many of her blocks using the Belief Tree Process and Tapping/EFTNick and Kayla have in depth discussions around anxiety, excitement and how the fear of failure can cripple us and hold us back.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • Today we have a beautiful segment of Five Questions with Dana where we dive deep into the topic of slowing down - something virtually everyone needs, but very few people are able to do. We also discuss the topic of abandonment and work through childhood programming in Dana's vibration to help her raise her vibration.

    Key Points From this Interview:

    Dana's journey began at the young age of 18 after reading Change Your Life by Louise Hay and expanded into teachers such as Abraham-Hicks, Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle.Dana wonders what she has going on in her vibration that is always causing her to be late.A discussion on the topic of boredom, and how it relates to overstimulation, adrenal fatigue, and the need to slow down.Nick assists Dana in working through fears around slowing down, and how for many people it doesn't feel safe.Working through feelings of not mattering and abandonment using the Belief Tree Process.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • This is not like most podcasts.

    Few allow you to sit in on an enlightened conversation with a Master Teacher, and gain the learnings; even have your own breakthroughs...or even be on the show yourself!

    Today we have a front row seat to a 30 Minute breakthrough, delivered in the most laid back fireside chat style. The beautiful thing is, as she receives the answers, you can receive too, so this podcast benefits everyone! That's why it's not like most podcasts!

    With a truly international audience, there's a whole lotta of Changing Your Reality going on!

    Today, we visit the Netherlands, and speak to Ama, who is looking for a breakthrough on a couple of issues - around the topics of fatigue and letting go of control, that are worked through in just under 40 minutes.

    Key points from the show:

    How she was used to fatigue from her job as an air hostess, but since Covid, the fatigue has escalated to a whole new level.How physical symptoms generally have a mental/emotional component as cause, even if science has not quite caught up yet!The Spiritual purpose (a very plausible theory) of the Covid-19 pandemic, and how it makes complete sense to Ama, given the issues she is working on.A demonstration of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique - or tapping) and a powerful use of the Belief Tree Process, as the root of the problem is addressed.A key understanding of the difference between practicing the vibration of unworthiness and it being an actual truth. And how to resolve it.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • This is not like most podcasts.

    Few allow you to sit in on an enlightened conversation with a Master Teacher, and gain the learnings; even have your own breakthroughs...or even be on the show yourself!

    Today we invite an "audience member" to ask 5 questions that have been on her mind, the beautiful thing is, as she receives the answers, you can receive too, so this podcast benefits everyone! That's why it's not like most podcasts!

    Key Points From the Interview:

    How her journey began with a self help spiritual classic from Eckhart Tolle.Her heartfelt thoughts on coaching and Nicks simple but profound advice.How we can only help someone to the degree they are open to being helped (what a relief!)How beliefs and perspectives are formed and fueled.The "receiving mode", how and how to access it with ease.

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • This is not like most podcasts.

    Few allow you to sit in on an enlightened conversation with a Master Teacher, and gain the learnings; even have your own breakthroughs...or even be on the show yourself!

    Today we have a front row seat to a 30 Minute breakthrough, delivered in the most laid back fireside chat style. The beautiful thing is, as she receives the answers, you can receive too, so this podcast benefits everyone! That's why it's not like most podcasts!

    Key Points From the Interview:

    How she is such a go getter and is 110% committed to the path.The fascinating correlation between the thoughts and beliefs we practice, and how to read it. And if necessary, release them.Dealing with (a very common) feeling of not being good enough....….and how that feeling was expertly dealt with.How if all allowed ourselves to be truly us and following our path of highest excitement, is exactly the right thing to do for all concerned!How Source would never create someone or something imperfect (seriously?!)

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • This is not like most podcasts.

    Few allow you to sit in on an enlightened conversation with a Master Teacher, and gain the learnings; even have your own breakthroughs...or even be on the show yourself!

    Nick talks to another member of the collective, and addresses a key fear. The beauty of this is that most of the questions raised relate to us in some way, and by listening in we can heal ourselves at the same time, even if we are listening later!

    That's why this is not like most podcasts! Delivering across multiple timelines!

    Key Points From the Interview:

    How the ego mind overcomplicates things massively, and how the truth is so much simpler.How Malka has had an "unsafe" feeling for years .........and how it was expertly dealt with in 30 minutes!How we are not responsible for others happiness in truth, even though it seems that way.Two key life lessons for parents to teach their kids.

    Would you like to have your questions answered and be a guest on the show?

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.

  • This is not like most podcasts.

    Few allow you to sit in on an enlightened conversation with a Master Teacher, and gain the learnings; even have your own breakthroughs...or even be on the show yourself!

    Lea, a singer songwriter, shares her story here; we are even treated to an inspired sample of her work. Nick addresses 5 key questions where she asks about Letting Go, Releasing Effort and Tapping Into Deeper Inner Guidance.

    Key Points From the Interview:

    How the pandemic "forced her hand" to let go of all her plans, which was paradoxically the very thing she needed to do to allow success beyond her wildest dreams!How the feeling of "having" what we want is what we truly seek, so how best to cultivate a state that allows that, while we allow it to organically unfold.How to avoid jealousy and comparison, and how it is not at all necessary!How the choice we make matters ultimately less than the vibration we are practicing when we make that choice.What is "efforting" anyway? Redefining it from a more enlightened perspective.If you are a performer (or anything at all really) how to naturally increase your audience in a healthy stress free way, while appreciating the process and doing what you love.How life is always working for not against us, even if it does not seem that way.

    Would you like to have your questions answered and be a guest on the show?

    Want to apply to be a guest on the show? Visit http://nickbreau.com to learn how or to find out more about his books, private community, or facilitator trainings.