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    Join Dr. Mel as she introduces the IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success, designed to guide you through her powerful IGNITE framework. Discover how to initiate your journey, gravitate toward your passions, navigate your path, imagine your future, transform your mindset, and empower yourself to take bold action. Don't miss this chance to ignite your path to freelance success!

    IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success Workshop-June 6, 2024

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Today, we’re diving into something truly special. This episode is all about the power of women supporting women, especially those of you ready to take the plunge into freelancing or working from home. We’re talking about embracing your God-given talents, encouraging one another, and creating a community where we all rise together.

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Ready to embrace God's plan for your path forward? Discover how to navigate change, clarify your vision, overcome obstacles, and take inspired action toward your God-given purpose. Whether you're facing a career transition or seeking direction in life, this episode will empower you to step boldly into the abundant life God has planned for you.

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Grab your copy: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    In today's episode I talk about my new book and how it can transform your career by starting a freelance company that draws on your skills, experience, interests, and passions.

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, and anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health, and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous, and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Cheri Dixon is the owner of Cheri Dixon Consulting LLC, which she started after leaving a 28-year career in public education. Cheri loved the work she did with turnaround schools and continues to take that work into the business world, helping businesses scale their organizations to the next level. In addition, Cheri believes that the leader is crucial to any organization and supports leaders in developing their skills to strive for excellence in this global society.

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, and anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health, and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous, and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Connect with Cheri
    Website: Cheri Dixon Consulting
    Free masterclass

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Join Dr. Mel in this insightful episode as she explores the challenge of achieving work-life balance. Whether you're navigating a career transition, seeking clarity on your next steps, or simply striving for greater harmony in your daily life, this episode is for you. Dr. Mel shares three practical tips for setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and aligning with your passions and purpose.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Today, I chat with Misty Laboy, founder of Beauty Inside and Out, about her transformative journey from makeup artist to self-love coach. Misty shares her personal evolution, from realizing the importance of self-acceptance to launching a coaching business focused on helping women find internal peace. Through a candid conversation about attachment styles, childhood trauma, and limiting beliefs, Misty offers insights into the power of embracing authenticity and self-love. Discover how acknowledging your worthiness can lead to profound transformation and lasting happiness.

    Misty's journey began as an art student selling cosmetics to put myself through college and support my family. Along the way, she discovered a passion for helping women transform inside and out. Despite achieving career success, she struggled with her weight until she found that diets don’t work, but lifestyle changes do. This realization led her to the top 2% of her company and a mission to help others shed pounds and gain confidence. Her own journey toward self-love was the most profound transformation of all. Now, she empowers women to discover their worth beyond appearances.

    Connect with Misty

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Today, Sarah and I move into parts 3 and 4 of the Audacity Factor. The third principle: capacity power emphasizes the importance of honoring oneself, acknowledging that everyone's time capacity varies due to individual circumstances. Sarah rejects the notion that success hinges solely on finding time, advocating instead for alignment with personal priorities and God's timing. She highlights the interconnection between capacity, priorities, and promise, and to give yourself permission to progress at your own pace and seek support when needed. The fourth principle, promise, encourages you to make a commitment to honor your purpose, priorities, and capacity, while also seeking support when needed. Dr. Mel echoes the importance of seeking help and emphasizes that true strength lies in vulnerability and reliance on divine guidance.

    Get Connected with Sarah
    [email protected]

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Today I have a conversation with Sarah Khan where we discuss her framework, "The Audacity Factor," a concept rooted in defying conventional norms and embracing one's unique approach to business. Drawing from her experience as a business process consultant, Sarah discusses the audacity required to break free from traditional 9-to-5 structures and pursue entrepreneurial endeavors.

    We unpack the first two or the four key principles of the Audacity Factor: Purpose, Priorities. We stress defining then refining one's purpose as the motivation behind business decisions and tailoring priorities to individual business stages and the importance of sustainable growth anchored in purpose and guided by faith.

    Sarah Khan is a disruptive speaker, mentor, and business consultant for women, and creator of the Entrepreneur Growth HierarchyTM and The Audacity FactorTM -- two pivotal frameworks that allow women to build sustainable businesses with clarity and ease. Sarah left a lucrative career to become an entrepreneur and speaker on a mission to shift the way women see what is possible in the areas of leadership, merit, achievement, and belief as they work toward financial independence, sustainability, and autonomy.

    Get Connected with Sarah
    [email protected]

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    In this episode, I reflect on my recent trip to Las Vegas and share how the experiences translate into valuable lessons for career transitions. Join me as I explore the importance of recognizing the efforts of others, celebrating small victories, prioritizing self-care, navigating challenges, and acknowledging privilege in the journey towards starting a business or stepping into a leadership role. Through relatable anecdotes and practical advice, I empower listeners to embrace the highs and lows of forging new paths in their professional lives.

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    In today's episode, we're diving deep into the art of intentional living, specifically focusing on how to infuse purpose into your career decisions and daily life. Drawing inspiration from John Maxwell's wisdom and biblical principles, we'll explore five main steps to help you live intentionally and make meaningful choices in your career journey.

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    When it comes to changing careers, or starting or building your business the most important thing you can do is to take care of your self first. Taking care of yourself first is imperative to a successful career no matter what that looks like in your journey. Today, I have 3 tips and some action steps to help you do just that.

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Are you stuck because fear is the comfort zone that keeps you from moving forward? Ever wondered how many opportunities you've missed because of doubt or fear? đŸ€” Don't let uncertainty hold you back from seizing the chances that come your way. Take action, even if it doesn't seem like a clear 'yes'. You never know what blessings may follow when you take BOLD Action.

    My guest Marjean Holden did just that. You may recognize her from her roles in Hostage, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Crusade, ER, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and others and I had the pleasure of chatting with Actor, Director, Producer, and Self-discovery Coach about her journey to define and refine her career.

    Power of Goddess/Women of Power

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Uncover the transformative power of purpose-driven entrepreneurship and reclaim your aspirations and talents. Today I speak to life the significance of aligning your business endeavors with your personal passions and values. We explore how purpose-driven entrepreneurship offers you a pathway to redefine your identity, contribute meaningfully to the world, and inspire others along the way. If you're ready to make a career change, seek greater fulfillment, or simply curious about the intersection of purpose and business, this episode provides valuable insights and inspiration for anyone on a journey of owning your own business.

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Marina Carrier, sharing a compelling journey of resilience and faith. She reflects on a pivotal moment in her life when she faced betrayal, exhaustion, and a crisis of faith. Struggling to make wise decisions, she discovered the transformative power of turning to God in moments of despair. As Marina vulnerably recounts her experience of being brought to her knees, listeners gain insights into the profound connection between trauma, trust, and finding strength in God's unwavering love.

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Today, we have the incredible Kimberley Day sharing her journey from being a financial advisor for over 13 years to becoming a successful author and business strategist. Kimberley faced the challenges of the income roller coaster and imposter syndrome, but she discovered the transformative power of writing a book. Kim is the Award Winning Author of "Write and Grow Rich: How to Use a Book to Supersize Your Brand, Your Business, and Your Bank Account." As she says, "The book is not just about telling your story; it's about the business behind it." Join us as Kimberley unveils the strategies to supersize your brand, your business, and your bank account through her upcoming "Write and Grow Rich" program. Whether you're an entrepreneur, educator, or aspiring thought leader, Kimberley's insights will empower you to step into your purpose and embrace financial success.

    The Influential Entrepreneur

    Write and Grow Rich Program

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Today, I'm talking all about networking. We're going to explore the importance of building those meaningful connections, seeking out opportunities for growth, sharing our own expertise, and advancing our own career or business through professional learning.

    10 Tips to Network Your Way to Success

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.

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    Today we're on the road to R.E.A.L.I.Z.E, a blueprint designed to align your passions, skills, and knowledge with God's divine plan for your life. Picture it as your personal journey, where you reflect on God's character, explore the desires of you heart, and assess the unique gifts. Through this episode, you'll be equipped to look for alignment, inspect signs, zero in on action, and boldly execute your plans. It's time to step into the transformative journey of purpose and take that BOLD IMPERFECT ACTION to your new career. So, grab your journal, open your heart, and let's begin.

    âžĄïž Grab Your R.E.A.L.I.Z.E. Action Plan

    Ladies, are you in a new season of your life? Feeling like you're stuck in an endless loop of searching but not quite able to make those big life decisions? Or maybe you just need that little spark of courage to chase your dreams? Well, if you're ready to get unstuck and thrive, then welcome to the Choose Your Next Yes!

    I'm Mel, a seasoned midlifer and mom of grown-up. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of little plot twists–as I hit midlife. From getting divorced to getting downsized at work, life’s thrown me a few curveballs. It led to stress, anxiety, and left me feeling like I had misplaced my clarity and courage. But guess what? With God's help, I found my peace, purpose, and the guts to take action on some big life decisions. Today, I'm living my best life thriving personally and professionally.

    Now, my mission is to help you clarify God's voice, empowering you to confidently say 'yes' to what truly matters and 'no' to everything else. Together, we’ll focus on relationships, self-care, finances, health and more, to choose the right “ yesses,” clarify YOUR life's purpose, be courageous and pursue your personal and professional dreams.

    It's time to reboot, take bold action, and live life limitless.

    33* Career Clarity: Know Where Your Confidence, Passion, and Purpose Merge
    62* Do You STRESS Over Major DECISIONS? 5 Ways to Take the Anxiety Out of the Decision Making Process
    08* Part 2 of 5: How to Create the Mission Statement for Your Online Business


    Book: Educator to Entrepreneur: IGNITE Your Path to Freelance Success

    Let me help you determine the next steps in your Career!
    Grab a complimentary Career emPOWERment Session

    email: [email protected]

    💃Sisterhood of Marvelous Midlife Women Please join us on Facebook to get support and encouragement during this next phase of life.

    I use UpSide to save money when buying gas, groceries, or eating out. It's FREE to join and earn. Click here to join.