The Symphony and its Chorus provides us with a rich history, Canon, and tradition. It also provides us a powerful medium for living composers, and aspiring musicians. I’m excited to share this conversation featuring the extraordinary Anthony Blake Clark—of the Dallas Symphony Chorus and Baltimore Choral Arts, who wants us to consider the Symphony Chorus …
Continue reading "Episode 234: Advocating for the Symphony Chorus with Anthony Blake Clark"
Music has long been celebrated as a universal language, capable of moving hearts, bridging divides, and bringing people together. But what exactly is ‘The Power of Music’? Is it in the melody, the rhythm, or something deeper? In this episode of Choralosophy, we’re diving into a fascinating concept with Dr. Ryan Luhrs: that the true …
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Mangler du episoder?
The US is a cultural exporter, and often times, we don’t do a great job of importing. I find it fascinating and valuable, as an American, to seek out stories from around the world. As a American choir director, it is easy to assume that the way choral music functions in our culture is “normal.” …
Continue reading "Episode 232: Choral Music in Chile with Javiera Lara Salvador"
There is a paradox between performance and pedagogy. Are we teaching our ensembles to perform? Or are we teaching them skills that LEAD them to become performers? Is it time for a paradigm shift? This week, I am thrilled to bring you a fascinating conversation with Dr. Andrew Schmidt, an accomplished music educator and researcher. …
Continue reading "Episode 231: It’s Process AND Product with Andrew Schmidt"
Enneagram study has been used to heal families, relationships, work places and more. It is also used by individuals seeking to simply have a better relationship with themselves. In this episode, we explore the possible uses of this system for understanding human motivation in ensembles, classrooms and even in music making. In this episode, I’m …
Continue reading "Episode 230: Enneagram in Ensembles, Classrooms, Music and Life with Sarah McMahill"
2024 comes to a close this week! What a ride its been. This episode features highlights of YOUR favorite episodes of the year, as well as a preview of a new Choralosophy Community blog advocating for a possibly new way of viewing “Merit” and “Rigor” in music education. The top episode of the year was …
Continue reading "Episode 229: 2024 Year in Review. HIGHLIGHTS!"
Fads like “learning styles,” “restorative justice,” “inquiry based learning” and more, versus Cognitive Load Theory, Explicit Instruction etc. Marcie Samayoa’s experience as an ESL/immigrant student has shaped her view on teaching at risk American kids. in this episode, I’m joined by Marcie Samayoa—a dedicated chemistry teacher and passionate advocate for evidence-based education. We tackle some …
Continue reading "Episode 228: Skip the Education Fads and Stick With What Works with Marcie Samayoa"
The “Classical” or Concert Music tradition has traditionally relied on a nobility or an institution for funding. This is a challenge in our modern world that has seen such a massive boom of popular and commercial genres, that reject this model. Where does that leave us today? I sit down with Samuel Andreyev—a brilliant composer, …
Continue reading "Episode 227: The Age of Fine Arts Icons is Over with Samuel Andreyev"
One of the core functions of a choir director or vocal music educator is to teach people to love and understand their voice. This episode is the latest addition to the Choralosophy Vocal Pedagogy Suite. Voice teacher David Jones joins me this week to discuss some tips, approaches and even some exercises and language to …
Continue reading "Episode 226: Breaking Down Vocal Ped with David Jones"
Nothing we do as choral singers, directors teachers, music appreciators and consumers would be possible without the “garden” that grows our young musicians in elementary school. Music as a language grows best in the early years. Let’s water the garden. This week, Elementary general music and choir director, Chy Billings from Olathe, KS joins me …
Continue reading "Episode 225: Growing Young Musicians in Elementary Music with Chy Billings"
We have had an influx of new listeners, subscribers and Curious George’s to the show over the last week. Welcome! This program began in February of 2019, and contains some mission and values episodes from early on, but boy howdy has it grown and changed since then. In this short episode, I will take listeners …
Continue reading "Episode 224: What the Heck Even is this Show?"
I plan to keep it is short as possible. Presenting what I see as three categories of this controversy ranging from legit criticisms I need to seriously consider, to misunderstandings to things that just aren’t true. This weekend an argument or debate of sorts erupted on a post of mine on my personal FB page. …
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The quest to advocate for music education as integral to all stages of human life, continues on Choralosophy. I am excited to welcome Dr. Peju Simoyan, an addiction medicine physician with a fascinating musical journey. Growing up in a Nigerian diplomatic family, Dr. Simoyan has always held a passion for music, even with limited formal …
Continue reading "Episode 223: Music As Healthcare with Dr. Olapeju Simoyan"
“Filling in the Gaps,” simply refers to a premise I believe we should consider: 1. No Theory gets it all right. 2. All good theories get SOMETHING right. 3. We should be focused on filling in the gaps in Music Education Are you an Gordon MLT devotée? A Kodály-guy? A Tonic Solfa Curwenator? How about …
Continue reading "Episode 222: Why Your Favorite Music Ed Theory May Be Wrong"
The music of South Africa is not unlike its people. It is built on layers. Layers of complexity, all rich with meaning, and difficult to understand from the outside. Michael Barrett loves his country and its music. His work proves it. I have long been a fan of Michael Barrett, as well as an admirer …
Continue reading "Episode 221: Authentically South African with Michael Barrett"
One of my go to TED animations to play for students at the beginning of every year is the one that explains compellingly, the story of music as the best FULL BRAIN workout. But, Choral/Vocal education is not included in that research! The researcher behind that video, is this week’s guest. Don’t miss it. Dr. …
Continue reading "Episode 220: This is Your Brain on Music with Anita Collins"
It is my strong belief that students have a RIGHT to receive individual instruction, feedback and assessment based on individual work in every class they take in school. Even music. This past weekend I had the chance to visit with the amazing students of Magnolia High School as well as the local chapter of the …
Continue reading "Episode 219: Individual Literacy Assessment"
“Does the world say that you don’t look the right way? Does the world say a that you’re just not enough.” Text written by this week’s guest Kyle Pederson. One of the most powerful tools educators have is the connection of our content to the personal experiences of students. Composer Kyle Pederson is a big …
Continue reading "Episode 218: The Heart of the Matter with Kyle Pederson"
This episode pulls wisdom from Betsy Cooke Weber, on building a culture of leadership, ownership and professionalism in our classrooms and ensembles. This loaded “how to” session comes from her appearance back in episode 45 with updated thoughts from my on how these ideas are working in my classroom. “If I were to return to …
Continue reading "Episode 217: Building Collaborative Learning Environments"
I have published many peeks into my classroom before on the show. I have never shown you our opening class minutes before. This is where the real work happens. The “warm-up.” Or, as I would rather call it, “voice building time.” In this episode, you will have a front row seat (video version recommended on …
Continue reading "Episode 216: What is a Choir “Warm-up” Anyway with the LSHS Choirs"
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