The Coasthawk Talk podcast explores deep discussions between entrepreneurs, athletes, and sport enthusiasts about their passion projects. On this podcast you’ll hear about the next frontier of business, NFTs, philanthropy, and amazing stories told by our guests. Our goal is to unpack how athletes and entrepreneurs have created some of the world’s most successful products and services.
Audio journal of a startup founder. Behind the scenes of building a venture backed business.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New York City. Two founders. Two drinks. Two mics. Unfiltered conversations. Follow our journeys from behind the scenes and join our Happy Hour on topics that most people don't talk about out loud. We do.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Life Behind Startup Lines.
In this podcast, we talk to entrepreneurs about building sales in early-stage businesses.
Building and running a business is a daily battle.
You operate behind enemy lines disrupting incumbents with improved products and services.
You live with the reality that plans rarely survive first contact with the market.
So join me as we explore the experiences of successful startup founders. -
Так вышло, что мы — Екатерина Кронгауз и Андрей Бабицкий — некоторое время вели подкаст «Дело случая», обсуждая сложные моральные коллизии современного человека. Это оказалось очень увлекательным делом, потому что и ситуации случаются — нарочно не придумаешь, и отношение к ним в обществе меняется довольно быстро. Тот подкаст не вернуть (хотя можно послушать!), но мы вдвоем собираемся делать новый, собственный и независимый. Он и будет называться «Так вышло».
Наш телеграмм канал:
Наш патреон:
Это подкаст студии «Либо/Либо».
Наш Instagram: @libolibostudio
Наш YouTube канал: ЛибоЛибо
Вконтакте: -
Kuuntele Mimmit sijoittaa -podcastia ja audioartikkeleita!
Mimmit sijoittaa -media puhuu sijoittamisesta, ihmisistä ja taloudesta. Käsittelyssä ajankohtaisuudet, sijoittaminen, säästäminen, ura ja raha.
Lue artikkeleita osoitteessa ja seuraa meitä Instagramissa, LinkedInissä, TikTokissa ja Facebookissa!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information. -
Hyvinvointialan yrittäjä, työhyvinvointivalmentaja ja luennoitsija Joni Jaakkolan sohvafilosofisia ajatuksia terveydestä, hyvinvoinnista, suorituskyvystä ja väkevästä elämästä. [email protected],,
Ysistä viiteen — Työmatkan pituinen podcast työelämästä ja bisneksestä. Studiossa elämästä nautiskeleva toimistorotta-Vivian sekä yrittäjä ja työnarkkari-Nata. Nappaa tästä kuumimmat keskusteluaiheet kahvipöytään!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Discussing political philosophy, current events, activism, and the inevitable historical downfall of capitalism from a revolutionary leftist perspective.
Like many people, James Berg regularly has chats about business and gets advice from his Dad. The difference for James is that his Dad, Phil Berg, is a sought-after speaker and trainer who went from selling carpets on a market stall to presenting, helping and influencing thousands of businesses all over the world. Known for his heartfelt, inspiring and common-sense approach, Phil is one of those rare people who can take an audience on a journey of feel-good emotions; reinforcing belief in themselves and leaving them feeling inspired to pursue their life and business goals. Outside of his speaking engagements, people don't often get the chance to hear Phil's brilliant advice, so James decided to start this podcast to share the business chats him and his Dad have with all of you.
Euroopan teillä, oranssilla pakettiautolla seikkaillut Van Elämää -kolmikko on takaisin tien päällä, ja sen myötä ilmoille kajahtaa podcastin kolmas tuotantokausi. 600 päivää on vierähtänyt tien päällä, Lapin talvisessa erämaassa ja missä lie erikoisoloissa. Nyt matka jatkuu pohjolan yöttömään yöhön.
Vuonna 2019 uutisankkuri Aino Huilaja otti loparit, luopui kodistaan ja muutti pakettiautoon miehensä Jerryn ja jääräpäisen Arska-koiransa kanssa. Taakse jäivät vuosien varrella rakennettu oravanpyörä, kiire ja aikataulut. Mitä lähes kaksi vuotta nomadielämää on opettanut? Onko pakettiautoretkikunta löytänyt elämän tarkoituksen? Ovatko he nähneet valon? Hyppää oranssin pakun kyytiin, lähde kiehtovalle roadtripille ja anna maantietarinoiden viedä!
Yhteistyössä Autoliitto. -
Courtland and Channing Allen interview the ambitious indie hackers who are turning their ideas and side projects into profitable online businesses. Explore the latest strategies and tools founders are using to capitalize on new opportunities, escape the 9-to-5 grind, and create their own personal revenue-generating machines. The future is indie!
Deep discussions on entrepreneurship and personal development books. If you're looking to build your business, increase your productivity and learn unique methodologies to optimize various aspects of your entrepreneurial endeavours, you'll enjoy this podcast.
En intervjupodcast med Daniel Redgert.
Redaktör: Daniel Frölander
Welcome to #ABtalks, a YouTube show discovering the human behind the title by shining the spotlight on the 'raw' side of celebrities, achievers and influencers from across the world. Hosted by Anas Bukhash, one of the most successful entrepreneurs and interviewers in the Middle East region, the show is the fastest growing show of its kind and is now also available on Netflix.
Girlboss Radio is back with a new host and a renewed mission to help women achieve success on their own terms. Meet our host, Avery Francis! Francis is a veteran HR thought leader who specializes in implementing diversity, equity and inclusion practices in as many workplaces as possible through her consultancy, Bloom. Francis has been featured in Forbes and named a Top 40 Woman in Tech by Betakit. Her ethos? Work should work for all of us. The podcast features weekly chats with inspiring executives, founders and A-listers including filmmaker Domee Shi, mega-influencer Matilda Djerf, Knix founder Joanna Griffiths, and Netflix star Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, among others. Girlboss Radio is your destination for no-BS career advice—each episode, you'll walk away with tangible takeaways and success stories that'll help you level-up in your career *and* your life.
A weekly podcast that explores the best growth marketing tools through interviews with today's top marketers. Hosted by Nicholas Scalice.
The Guerrillapreneur Podcast is a show about and for Entrepreneurs and Business Mavericks who use the Sharing, Gig and Circular Loop economies to defeat corporate Goliaths. If you are not a Maverick, you don't have to go home, but you gotta get up out of this podcast.
#startup #startupstrategy #bootstrapping #levelingup #guerrillapreneur -
Berkshire Hathaway Letter to Shareholders by Warren Buffett. Letter are from 1977-2017. Audio was created by Sponge Audio.