Questions from the sermon are found at the bottom of the description.
Nick Brennt teaches about friendship and the process of making new friends as an adult. He talks about how awkward it sometimes is to make friendships as an adult and explains how necessary and important it is as we get older to hold on to our friends. Nick goes into 1 Samuel to look at the friendship between King David and Jonathan, King Saul's son and how their friendship grew towards one another. He then gives practicals on how to find a good friends and how to develop friendships with them.
Round 1
Who are your 5 closest friends?
Who are your 15 homies? :)
Round 2
Are you a Person of Conviction?
Are you learning/developing new interests and growing as a person?
Are you too guarded or too vulnerable?
Do you have a clear mission in life or a sense of adventure?
Round 3
Are you living full-on for Jesus?
Do you want to invest time in building relationships?
Do you want covenant relationships?
What commitments do you want to bring to the table?
Round 4
What skills or hobbies have you been wanting to learn?
What would constitute a "Perfect" day for you?
Tell your story in 4 minutes or less in as much detail as you can. Give the IMDB summary of your story.
What's the biggest thing you feel God is challenging you in? -
Michael Koulianos comes to speak about Jesus. He reads out of 1 Corinthians 2 about how we cannot rely on our own skills and talents to lead, but we must rely on the message of Jesus above all else. Michael tells us that the power of God has never and will never move past the cross and we must do the same. He calls out the different appearances of Jesus throughout the scriptures and commands us to find Jesus for ourselves in the scriptures. This is so that we can live out a lifestyle of dying to ourselves and living in the fullness of Christ in our lives.
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Sam Storms talks about the power of partnering with God in prayer to influence the world around us. He reads about the testimony of the early Church in the book of Acts and their desire to devote themselves to prayer, and how we must also follow suit. Sam tells us that our language while praying must change to match the prayers that God is praying. He gives us 10 reasons why our prayer is so important and calls us to engage in a deep pursuit of a personal prayer life.
Nick Brennt speaks on the Church community and our purpose as members of the Church. He confronts the modern culture which tries to change and reject the church and calls us higher in representing Jesus as a church. Nick addresses the way we isolate ourselves from others and end up in distress and challenges us to engage and take part in what Jesus is doing in the church. He recalls several facts about the early church and calls us to invest in building the church like the believers in the book of Acts.
Zach Nash speaks on the significance of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection; and how life truly is hopeless without the Gospel. He reads scripture throughout the New Testament that highlights how significant Jesus' life is for us. He then emphasizes how God reconciling Himself to us is incomplete without the Good News of Jesus. He talks about how we must put Jesus at the center of our hearts-replacing our selfish desires for His selfless love. Zach ends the message by encouraging us to give Jesus full lordship over our lives and trust in his sovereign plan for us.
Derek Mack speaks on the character and nature of the Holy Spirit, and what He does. He first explains the difference between hearing about God and having head knowledge versus knowing Him personally, which can only come from developing a relationship with Him. Derke goes through the Old and New Testaments to point out the attributes and Godhood of the Holy Spirit. He then explains our need for the Holy Spirit in our life: to guide us, lead us, and bring us closer to the Father. He ends the message with a reminder that the Holy Spirit is our comforter and that He is always with us when we walk through the valleys of life.
Zach Nash continues the series on the book of Acts talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He shares his own experience encountering the Holy Spirit for the first time in Teen Challenge. He clarifies some of the misconceptions about the infilling of the Holy Spirit and explains why it's so important for us. It's an important message for us to allow God's Spirit to fill our lives and treasure his Spirit in us.
Nick Brennt begins a new series on the book of Acts, seeking to build faith not only in God but also the Holy Spirit. He reminds us how often we can often put trust in our own plans and strategy but forget our need for the Holy Spirit. That it's our response to God's leadership that activates us, but it's the declaration of the Christian faith to be utterly dependent on God. It's a call to radically seek and desire for the Holy Spirit to speak in our lives and submit to his leadership.
In the first Monday Nights of the year, Yasmin Pierce shares on Jesus’s resurrection power to those that believe in Him. She highlights how in modern culture we medicate our afflictions when we need revival, which is only found in Jesus. It’s a wakeup call for Christians to pray and believe in Jesus for resurrection in our generation.
Carlton Bates shares a special message about receiving our identity from God, continuing our series on friendship with Jesus. He goes all the way back to the beginning of scripture to unpack the original struggle with identity in the garden of Eden. He states that knowledge does not equal power, and that our identity comes from beholding the one who made us. It’s a powerful message about letting go of our own works and performance to get our identity and receiving our identity from God.
Derek Mack continues on the series of friendship with Jesus illuminating how we get to experience Jesus as our shepherd. He unpacks Psalm 23 and how shepherds will take their sheep into the wilderness to lead them to green pastures, and how that relates to our relationship as God's sheep. God meets us in the valleys of life, and it's the joy of a Chirstian experience that we get to embrace to be led and guided by him in the low places.
Zach Nash begins a new series on the character of Jesus and teaches about our ultimate privilege, knowing Jesus and being known by Him. He brings us into Matthew 7:21-23 to show us God is not interested in our works, but rather a deep personal relationship of knowing who we are. This is important because our ability to discern the presence of the Lord wherever we are is based out of our ability to know his voice.
Nick Brennt finishes the series on the fruit of the Holy Spirit on self-control and self-mastery. He emphasizes that mastery over yourself is one of the most important fruits of the Holy Spirit that we get to receive and teaches us that the worldly value of self-control is different from a follower of Jesus, which can only come from beholding the Father and surrendering ourselves to Jesus. Nick challenges the modern believer to let go of striving for self-control by ourselves, and to receive the love of Jesus and let him be your master.
Amy Ward teaches from 1 Corinthians 12 teaching on the gifts of the Spirit and answers questions from the CRX about how to operate in them. She defines the gifts of knowledge, discernment of spirits, the gifts of power, and the vocal gifts and goes through how each one operates and their purpose in the body of Christ. Amy talks about how we can let our presumptions about how the Holy Spirit operates can get in the way of the Holy Spirit and she teaches the CRX how to operate in each gift in a way to represent Jesus rightly. It is an important lesson on how to be a human and operate in the power and knowledge of the Holy Spirit by loving well and making mistakes.
Amy Ward teaches the CRX how the Holy Spirit is God and who he is and where he appears throughout the scriptures. She brings the school of the reality of waiting and experiencing the Holy Spirit fall at Pentecost. She then teaches about the attributes of the Holy Spirit in the Bible and how he can operate in our daily lives.
Chloe Mack continues the series on the fruit of the Holy Spirit, with a message on peace. She gives a report of our generation, which has been plagued by mental illness and the extreme views surrounding it, and she brings us into the many ways Jesus has healed her of anxiety in her own life. She calls us to the only solution to the issue of our generation, Jesus, and invites us to take bold steps to break the stronghold of anxiety over our generation. Check out the livestream for the video mentioned during the message https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZvclGM-xf8&t=521s
Peter Louis answers some questions from the students from the DTS.
Peter Louis begins the second day teaching about the perfection of the cross. He talks about how our old self has been buried and how we must walk in the new inheritance he’s given us. He talks about how we must release the power we’ve given to man-made ministry and behold the power of the cross. He dives deep into a revelation of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus and he tells us to surrender to the crosses all encapsulating love of God.
Peter Louis starts day one of gospel week explaining how we must not only know the gospel, but we must also consume and take part in it. He urges us to never look beyond the cross and the sacrifice of Jesus for everything, because everything else will fall short of our expectations. It’s an invitation to allow the gospel to offend, change, and speak truth into our lives and never move past the blood of Jesus.
Michael Pierce teaches during Voices week on the importance of understanding the significance of Christianity in all races and cultures. He goes into the scriptures to highlight the evidence of people from many different backgrounds that were affected by God and the Bible. He confronts the belief that Christianity belongs only to white men by talking about the history of missions while also addressing the history of injustices done by people who've warped Christianity.
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