
  • The Question: What Matters to You?

    'What matters to you?'' is frequently not the same as asking 'What is important to you?' We have to think about the situation we are considering and realize that there is more than a "you" in the asking; there is also an "us".

    Donna and I consider this question from the standpoint of how to go deeper by repeatedly asking the question -- as a prompt -- for each situation we think about. We talk about how asking "What matters to you?" is far better than considering the old metaphor of "Is this the hill you want to die on?". Our work, indeed our lives, should not be reduced to battlefield metaphors. We can use "what matters?" as a kind of mantra-like prompt to help with basic things like mindfulness and consideration.

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall
    Brad Gibson

    Find out more about us at:


    If you like the podcast please share a rating on Apple podcasts or write a brief review. We would love to hear from you!

    Tags for this epidsode: Career, Leadership, Coaching Tips, Coaching and Coach Training, Personal Growth, opportunity, intentions, business coach, business, small business, self-compassion, self-help, self-development, Work, life coach, mentor, mentoring

    We use podcast chapters in our media file so that you can easily move forward and backward through the main sections of the epidsode.

  • The Question: What is insight? (Part 2)

    This is our second episode exploring the question 'What is insight?' We cover a lot of ground:

    talking about laying the foundation for an insight practice sensory changes and feelings collecting insights developing practices for insight building self-compassion and empathy how insights lead us down the road of wisdom.

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall
    Brad Gibson

    Find out more about us at:


    If you like the podcast please share a rating on Apple podcasts or write a brief review. We would love to hear from you!

    Tags for this epidsode: Career,Leadership,Coaching Tips,Coaching and Coach Training,Personal Growth,opportunity,intentions,business coach,business,small business,self-compassion,self-help,self-development,Work,life coach

    We use podcast chapters in our media file so that you can easily move forward and backward through the main sections of the epidsode.

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  • The Question: What is insight?

    'What is insight?' is the kind of question that makes you go, 'Hmmm...' Insight comes from our thinking; in other words, from our brain.

    This is a passionate topic for Brad, who likes to work with clients on developing personal insights and leadership skills. While 'insight' can be used jargonistically, it is at the route of some our biggest ideas and creations. When we are open to insight, we open up a path to success and significance. The coach has a supporting role to play and we are here to help you develop your practice so that you can build an inspired life.

    We had a great time putting this podcast together! It's such a big topic that we will be coming back to What is Insight? in our next episode as well. So have a listen and let us know what you think about your insights.

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall
    Brad Gibson

    Find out more about us at:


    If you like the podcast please share a rating on Apple podcasts or write a brief review. We would love to hear from you!

  • The Question: What if you said no?

    Not being able to say "no" may be a source of guilt, shame or powerlessness. It may also come from our wanting to be agreeable.

    Brad and Donna take a look at the ways that saying "no" may lead to better focus or more "yes's".

    We inevitably touch on the areas of limits, boundaries and values. These are the things that can help us develop ways of saying no in a guilt-free and liberting way. We only have so much time in a week, so what will you say no to today?

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall
    Brad Gibson

    Find out more about us at:


    If you like the podcast please share a rating on Apple podcasts or write a brief review. We would love to hear from you!

  • The Question: What are you willing to sacrifice?

    This is a question that Donna uses in her practice, but that Brad has not yet asked in the same way. Asking 'what you will give up?' is not as impactful or dramatic as asking 'what will you sacrifice?'. Sacrifice implies there is more in play.

    We often think about things we will not sacrifice rather than the things we would be able to give up. That is largely rooted in our values and lifestyle choices, whether we realize it or not. Facing any big decision requires us to accept we will have to sacrifice something. That can often be viewed, however, as a trade-off or an exchange; giving up something that will lead to us getting something else that is more in-line with our values.

    Seek balance in your choices. We don't have to live in a world of manifestation or hustle. We don't always have to be comparing ourselves to others. These can be traps that lead to bigger barriers in our lives. Use this question to reveal what is really meaningful to you.

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall
    Brad Gibson

    Find out more about us at:


    If you like the podcast please share a rating on Apple podcasts or write a brief review. We would love to hear from you!

  • Coaching Questions - Episode 013

    What is your intention?

    In our last episode, we asked: What do you want to do? This time we ask What is your intention? There is a difference.

    A BIG difference.

    Intention is the question that can get to the heart of knowing what you want to feel. It is one of the best self-coaching questions you can ask. It is not asking of you what you expect to accomplish; instead, intention lets you think about the impact or results of time spent doing something.

    We use a couple of examples in our discussion involving recruiting or being part of a networking event. In both of these cases, if we think beyond the mechanics of the project or event, we can imagine an impact that goes far beyond the event itself.

    Our most important insights around intention involve business and career. Intention can be a magnet for attention. Intention can be the "thing" that brings meaning to those regular tasks that eat up alot of your time.

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall
    Brad Gibson

    Find out more about us at:


    If you like the podcast please share a rating on Apple podcasts or write a brief review. We would love to hear from you!

  • Coaching Questions - Episode 012

    What do you want to do?

    As it happens... after a brief pause in our recording schedule, we were very happy to get on the mic. This time we deal with the question so many of us face on a regular basis; What do you want to do?

    The question does not have to be intimidating; especially in a coaching context. What we have found is that some issues can be both big AND simple at the same time. In addition, we may not know all of the possible answers, solutions or scenarios. We must remain flexible in the face of overwhelm or indecision.

    What we want to do is about us. It's important to not feel pressured or coerced. Wanting to do something should not always lead to some quantifiable, measureable outcome. In fact, we could really be asking ourselves, "What do you want to feel?" as a real measure of where our decision to "do" something leads us.

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall
    Brad Gibson

    Find out more about us at:


    If you like the podcast please share a rating on Apple podcasts or write a brief review. We would love to hear from you!

  • Coaching Questions - Episode 011

    What do you get from worry?

    This is a great question that came up on an episode of the Mind and Life podcast with Guest Dr. Jud Brewer.

    We went a little deeper with this question because worry comes up a lot in coaching conversations. We worry about big, global issues and sometimes about the smallest things. Whether it is a career decision or something else, we cannot always plan for every scenario. We don't even know what every scenario might be. We can however use the results of our worry to analyze a situation; worry can become a source of information. We can also use our sense of worry to trigger a mindful response.

    We also touch on the loop that can form with worry and procrastination. Remember, we are human. We are not perfect. We can make course corrections and we have the ability to correct mistakes.

    Thank you for listening to our podcast. Please rate and review Coaching Questions on Apple Podcasts or where ever you get your podcasts from. We would like to hear from you and are grateful for your support.

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall
    Brad Gibson

  • Coaching Questions - Episode 010: The Second Surprise Question!

    Brad surprises Donna with an in-the-moment question: "If you could miraculously transform your life tomorrow, what's the first thing you would change?"

    Could you come up with an answer to that on the spur of the moment? Probably not. We examine why that is and then focus on the word "miraculously". Our conclusion is that it's better not to wait on a miracle. Sometimes a question is framed in a way that detracts from progress, so we consider a better alternative: "If you could transform your life, what's the first thing you would change?"

    Change can be hard and usually requires some thoughtful work. Your coach can be an important part of that process. It's a process that is built on accountability and trust.

    Thank you for listening to our podcast. Please rate and review Coaching Questions on Apple Podcasts or where ever you get your podcasts from. We would like to hear from you and are grateful for your support.

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall

    Brad Gibson

  • Coaching Questions - Episode 009: The Surprise Question

    Donna surprises Brad with an in-the-moment question: "What surprised you?"

    From there we look at surprise from the standpoint of what can happen at work, the emotions we feel when we are surprised, surprises that shock us and surprises that delight us.

    Thank you for listening. Please rate and review Coaching Questions on Apple Podcasts.

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall

    Brad Gibson

  • Coaching Questions - Episode 008: What would you have done differently? (What will you do differently?)

    Two questions in one episode! This time we consider "done" and "do" with respect to different outcomes. For us it comes down to careful consideration of our regret, ourselves and the situations we are describing to our coach.

    When we brainstorm, role play or consider others communication styles, we can often see possible different outcomes. Those outcomes are something we can achieve the next time we find ourselves in a similar situation. We even consider how understanding ourselves and others through assessment tools may be helpful in considering difference.

    Thank you for listening. Please rate and review Coaching Questions on Apple Podcasts.

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall
    Brad Gibson

  • The Question: What does Sucess Look Like?

    Well here we are... the success question. Success is something that we can have but seemingly also not feel like we have achieved. When we compare ourselves to others and their success we may realize that success shouldn't be about judgement. Success is subject to so many external factors that we may feel overwhelmed by its impact. Talking to a coach can help with how you want to approach success. Achieving a personal sense of fulfillment may be part of that process.

    Please leave us a review on Apple podcasts if you are enjoying the show!

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:

    Donna Hall Brad Gibson

  • Coaching Questions - Episode 006:

    Does Coaching Work?

    Many people do not believe coaching works. Others are on the fence about it. If you think coaching is something you would like to try, then this episode is for you.

    We discuss early coaching experiences, as well as the differences between coaching & mentoring. When coaching "works" it is transformative. The client arrives with no pre-conceived expectations and opens up to the process.

    During our discussion, Brad mentioned a study that looks into the effectiveness of coaching. You can find it here:

    Comparing the Effectiveness of Individual Coaching, Self-Coaching, and Group Training: How Leadership Makes the Difference

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:

    Donna Hall Brad Gibson

  • Coaching Questions - Episode 005: What if it was fun?

    Donna has a powerful story to tell us about this question. Brad reflects on fun through a child's eyes.

    Together we both discover that we all need to be less judgemental. And yes... we had a lot of fun recording this one!

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:

    Donna Hall Brad Gibson

  • Coaching Questions - Episode 004: Given this situation, what would you like to create?

    We first heard this question on Phil Goddard's Coaching Life Podcast (Episode 80) with Steve Chandler.

    While some creations do not see the light of day, our personal creations are usually intended to be shared. That's how we build on our avocation, practice or business; through creative contributions for those we serve.

    Brad's vision encompasses creativity so that he can fulfill his coaching mission. Donna sees creativity in her clients and brings creativity to the development of her mission.

    We had a lot of fun building scenarios and situations for this podcast. Let us know what you think, or leave a review at Apple Podcasts.

    You can contact us through LinkedIn:
    Donna Hall
    Brad Gibson

  • In episode 003, Donna and Brad explore the question: What would you like to have at the end our conversation that you don't currently have? We talk about it in terms of a formal coaching conversation, and arrive at an interesting spot: This question is about setting an intention with curiosity. Coaches help by "nudging with curiosity". How could you use this question in your own life with your own inner dialogue? Do you do informal coaching or support for friends or colleagues now? This question may help them unlock a different way to see "intention".

    Donna is an awesome coach and can be reached through DonnaHallCoaching.com

    Brad's coaching is all about the possible. You can find out more at YourPossibility.Coach or BradfordGibson.com

  • In this episode, Donna and Brad discuss the focusing question, 'What Keeps You Up At Night?'. A coaching session can move from big issues, to more specific issues and back again before we really get to the heart of what is causing us to be stuck.

  • Contemplate the question of the moment with two professional coaches.

    In our first episode, we introduce the concept of questioning in a coaching context. "What would you like to talk about today?" is an open ended question that can elicit some very general responses. The question -- while generic -- is a great conversation starter. It gives the respondent space and it gives them control of the discourse.

    You can use this question yourself with colleagues in One-on-One scenarios, or even in a self-dialogue.

    Want to know more about coaching or us? Check us out at the sites below:

    Your coaches are Donna Hall of Donna Hall Coaching and Brad Gibson, who you can find at BradfordGibson.com or through Current Thinking Inc.