Hello and elcome to Colonial Outcasts, the anti-imperialist podcast that needs a vacation, but is unlikely to get one. Today we are going to be doing a round table of the conflicts arising in the West Asia which I am calling the Global War on Terror 2.0 - and we’re doing 2.0 because 1.0 only lasted twenty years, killed millions from Afghanistan to Lybia, and accomplished pretty much nothing. AQ is still around, the Taliban are still around, there are open air slave markets in Lybia and the Islamic State ideaology has spread its way across Africa in the Sahel. And yes, all the while you got poorer, less educated, and we want more of that.
Join us as we look at the violence of late-stage imperial power.
An emergency episode with Dr. Altalla of the al-Aqsa Hospital in central Gaza who returns to provide a brief update on the latest influx of casualties as the result of Trump’s continuation of Biden’s blank check policy to supply Israel the tools it needs to “finish the job”. In the past 24 hours an estimated 400+ civilians have been slaughtered along with hundreds more injured.
Follow Dr. Altalla on his IG - https://www.instagram.com/dr.mohammed_altalla
#crisis #war #veterans #nurses #doctors #InternationalRelations #GlobalPolitics #ForeignPolicy #Geopolitics #WorldNews #trump #taxes #Diplomacy #GlobalEconomy #UnitedNations #InternationalLaw #GlobalSecurity
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Sign and support Mahmoud here: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/demand-the-immediate-release-of-columbia-student-pro-palestine-advocate-mahmoud-khalil-from-dhs-detentionFollow Nerdeen here for updates: https://x.com/NerdeenKiswaniThis episode is about the disappearing and potential deportation of Mahmoud Khalil - Palestinian activist detained by ICE over Columbia University protests. President Trump has likened him to a terrorist sympathizer for saying such direct quotes as ““As a Palestinian student, I believe that the liberation of the Palestinian people and the Jewish people are intertwined and go hand-by-hand and you cannot achieve one without the other.” He told CNN last spring. We’re going to be talking to Nerdeen Kiswani - Palestinian-American activist and organizer. She is a co-founder and chair of Within Our Lifetime, a pro-Palestinian activist group in New York City, and Marie Adele - third year student at Barnard/Columbia and activist for Palestine who know Mahmoud personally. We’re also going to be doing a know your rights call to action at the end of this because they’re trying to make the 1st amendment - fungible.
Emergency Sunday Episode: Hello and Welcome to Colonial Outcasts, the anti-imperialist podcasts that a lot of people are going to hate and no one is going to be happy and the pro-palestine movement will get refractured again because this is an emergency Sunday episode about Syria… probably the messiest battle space in existence with dozens of warring factions, literally every global and regional power has its fingers invested in this conflict, and there is propaganda coming from every side…
It will be if insane if this totally reasonable interview gets taken down...
We are going to be focusing more on domestic issues today - your healthcare, your declining material conditions, and how both the democrats and republicans will come together to stamp down on any working class dissent.
To that end, we are joined by James from Comrade Workwear. He runs Comrade Workwear which recently got into hot water with nearly every major corporation and the NYPD for a deck of playing cards he designed in the wake of the assassination of Brian Thompson which featured the CEOs of prominent companies and information about their misdeeds. He runs comrade workwear and recently launched Means workwear with the means co-op.
You can follow James here:
So what we are talking about today is the state of the Democratic Party and how much they love to lose. If y’all took a break from the news cycle over the weekend you may have missed the story broken by politico about this DNC operative retreat where a bunch of democratic “strategists” gathered at an east coast resort to talk about how to win mid terms in 2026 and to take the Whitehouse in 2028 by doing the exact same thing they’ve been doing since 2015….
You can follow Blakeley at: https://x.com/_iamblakeleyhttps://www.instagram.com/_iamblakeley/ -
In the end, the shrieking chain-rattling ghost of Henry Kissinger is always right “It may be dangerous to be America enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.” He also said “America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.” Ukrainians and to a lesser extent Europeans are figuring out what it means to be Kurdish, and they are spiraling.
Western Europeans, liberal elites and establishment figures are seeing the face the US presents to nations of the global south, and the truly shocking thing is they’re now getting the same treatment in a humiliating public way.
We are joined today by Nick from Revolutionary Blackout Network: https://x.com/SocialistMMA
I Won’t be recording from this crappy internet location again. Also get ready for run-on sentences.
Anyways, hello and welcome to Colonial Outcasts - the anti-Imperialist podcast that that your problematic Uncle will be increasingly confused by… because we are going in pretty deep on this one, discussing the European Union and the rise of fascism in the modern Era! We’re going to be bringing in Ukraine, potential trade wars with Europe, Frau Genocide, aka Ursula Van Der Leyen, more sanctions on Russia, the militarization of Europe… fun times… but we’re mostly going to be focusing on the great Leader of Europe - Germany… Germany because no one fascists like my people. Round three - here we go!
Check us out of Patreon for more of this content: / colonialoutcasts That bizarre pneumatic human mouth sound you just heard was President Elon Musk shouting with masculine elation while wielding a chain saw gifted to him anarcho-capitalist, officially libertarian, Argentine President Javier Milei in front a cheering sycophantic MAGA horde at the CPAC conference yesterday, February 20th. This is generally Patreon-only episode, but I didn't want to paywall this one...
The Gaza ceasefire stands on the edge of a knife. This political and military reality brings back into focus, though it’s never gone away, the humanitarian situation in Gaza in the wake of the Israeli state policy of systematically dismantling medical infrastructure with the use of US weaponry and clumsily orchestrated direct action IDF raids on hospitals and hospital staff in the name of “finding Hamas.”
To that end, we are joined by Dr. Mimi Syed, a board-certified emergency medicine physician. She is an assistant clinical professor at University of Washington and Washington State University.
She is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians.Dr.Syed served in Gaza from August 8 to September 5, 2024, and December 3 to December 31, 2024, at both al-Aqsa Hospital and Nasser Hospital.
Follow her on instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/drmimier/
Hello and welcome to Colonial Outcasts, the Anti-imperialist podcast that has way too much crap to talk about and not enough time to do it. It is February 18th and we are seeing titanic policy shifts in Europe, and West Asia - East Asia as well, but we won’t have too much time for that as the Trump Administration takes a more aggressive diplomatic stance towards Taiwan Independence as the Island Nation, territory, whatever you consider it to be, explores $10bn US arms deal to secure Trump’s support. Trump being obsessed with countries paying their own defense budgets to his satisfaction. Anyways, today will be Lebanon, some developments in Syria, Palestine as Always, A brief post mortem on the Munich Security council that signals a landmark shift in European security architeure and a breaking of the trans Atlantic world, and the current peace talks in Riyadh between the US and Russia regarding the termination of the War in Ukraine. It’s a lot - and we a joined for our weekly geo-political round-up by Regular contributor Elina Xenophontos, no longer coming to us from Cyprus, instead the more inhospitable realm of Albion, specifically London.
We are going to be talking about music, revolutionary ideology, the precarious position of empire within the context of this Dark American Experiment, and whatever else we feel like talking about.
Because I am Joined today by Immortal Technique - rapper and activist who you, if you are into rap and have any sort of robust left-wing politics, probably know about. This is a long one. Join Us!
Links for Immortal Technique: https://www.instagram.com/techimmorta... https://www.immortaltechnique.com/
For an extended discussion, check us out on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/ColonialOutcasts
One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent.
It Applies everywhere except the Global South, especially to Palestine.
Stick around for the end of the episode to learn how you can stand against genocide as an animal lover.
This episode was structured off of the article "Imperialism in Crisis: Gaza, Trade Wars and Trump's Geopolitical Mayhem" by Elina Xenophontos, joining us tonight from London, England.
An unstable West Asia security situation has global ramifications and this talk about a voluntary mass exodus of Palestinians from Gaza is unworkable, stilly, and as detached from reality as anything else the United States has done in the Levant over the past 20 years. Why is this scheme doomed to fail: well, we are going to do a whole geopolitical and economic round-up from “the periphery to the metropole." Lets get into it...
Article: https://www.patreon.com/posts/imperialism-in-121608917?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link&fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAabi0sZtPJRUQBZbv6bDk_UFUJDJhDhOm0-n6F6UAl_6YBFlFPRhy3i8gEM_aem_IhiEoMf1RJopZORO1yEG6g
We weren’t going to do an episode today. They take a lot of research and prep, but we felt that we couldn’t not do an episode because President Orange Blob (aka Donal Drumpf) has said some completely asinine things, which he always does, but this instance is about Gaza.
I spent a lot of last night talking to people who were rightly terrified by Trump’s remarks about the US occupying and controlling Gaza, but now is not the time to freak out - yet. So we are going to have a free-form conversation about it so allay some fears. Join us!
"Whiteness” is being used as it always has been: to separate exploited working class white people from intersectional solidarity and serve as buffer between marginalized peoples and the Elites.
Today we are going to be talking about the new Trump administration and the driving force behind all their policies, its blitz of executive orders, the perverse need to control women’s bodies and their obsession with nativism - ie the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants.
Now that American Nativism is extending to South Africa as President Trump Takes of the Cause of Elon Musk, child of South African Apartheid, who is upset that white Akfriaaners are being dispossessed of their lands (they’re really not) and threatens to cut funding to South Africa over an Issue that really has nothing to do with us. Just kidding, newsflash, Israel is involved.
Mother Jones Article: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2025/02/elon-musk-trump-white-genocide-south-africa-aid-white-land-removal-twitter-x/
The thing I appreciated about the IOF is that they name their operations after their actual objectives: Operation Iron Wall = Operation increase apartheid.
Today we discuss the new West Bank operation and the Palestinian Authority, which is neither Palestinian nor an Authority. Also we mention tech oligarchs. Cheers!
It's 2025 and Imperialism will now turn localize in the American continent and turn in on its own citizens, boomerang style. Today we are gonna be talking about oligarchy, Corporate liberal media enabling far-right politics, and the potential resurrection of the global war on terror in this new American Dark age. Gonna be fun!
Welcome to Colonial Outcasts for an impromptu Ceasefire episode. We may repost segments of this to MintPress News but for right now we are going to dive right in because there is a lot to talk about. What is this ceasefire? Is it viable? Why is it happening now? I know a lot of people are confused right now, and we also need to talk about how this ties into the Lebanese presidential elections, and the US Iran policy under the Trump administration, to that end we are joined by Batool Subeiti, energy engineer and political analyst based out of London UK.You can follow Batool here:https://x.com/_batsub / batoolsubeiti
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/c/ColonialOutcastsHello and welcome to Colonial Outcasts the bi-weekly podcast where we demonstrate that the next fifty years are fixing to be really stupid… eh hopefully its only 20, but regardless it is Monday January 13th and we are only two weeks into 2025 - we’ve got disturbed veteran attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas, unprecedented wildfires in LA, it’s Snowing in Texas, Trump is about to Start a trade war with Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal are now on the Imperialist annexation Hitlist, Elon Musk is using his social media platform X to rewrite history to assert old Adolf and the National Socialist party were not fascists, but in fact Communists which is ridiculous - but you know, if a billionaire techno feudal anarch-capitalist oligarch says its true, it must be.
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