
  • We're on Patreon now if you want extra content: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcastsSo, the situation in Southern Lebanon and Northern Israel is escalating and Cyprus is getting dragged in. I personally donā€™t think a wider war will kick off this weekend, but Israel is no longer a rational actor. Weā€™ve already talked about what that will look like if it happens in a previous episode so today weā€™re going to try something different. Let's start geopolitically micro and go macro. Weā€™ll begin with this Israel/Hezbollah situation and bring Cyprus into it. Weā€™ll use that as a demonstration of the US's political quagmire, expand and draw parallels to Ukraine which will most likely end in a frozen conflict and a Russian "ugly victory," then talk about the overall loss of US soft power to BRICS and discuss, if we have time, Saudi getting off the Petro Dollar.

  • Check us out on Patreon for Exclusive Content: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcastsThis "Tactical Pause" is a Farce. We've looked at it since Saturday. I donā€™t want to get into too much politics in this Episode, because we feel that itā€™s time to revisit what is happening to civilians on the ground in Gaza. So weā€™ve invited Zeena Aqel back on to do just that. You may know her, sheā€™s a prominent Palestinian activist and Journalist, you can check her out on Social media linked below, and has many contacts on the ground. Thanks so much for coming on. Follow Zeena on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/zeenaaqel/

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  • Hello and welcome to Colonial Outcasts and our spur of the moment breaking news Segment - Operational breakdown, where we look at IOF shenanigans from a military perspective.

    Why are we doing this ad hoc episode? Well, the battle plan for the invasion of Lebanon invasion was just approved, and a never-before-seen IDF document surfaced last night with startling new details of Hamas' operational plans to invade Israel; The report outlines Hamas orders to take between 200-250 Israelis hostage.

  • This is generally a Patreon-only video that we put out every Friday, to take a break from the horrors. If you like it, you can access this content and similar for only 5 bucks a month - articles, our discord, live Q&As and other subversive material.

    Cheers Y'all!


  • *We re-uploaded this episode with better audio thanks to Mohammed Kutkut, a Palestinian sound engineer from Gaza.*

    In this Episode Iā€™m joined by another veteran from the special operations community - a former US Airforce Combat Controller - to talk about US complicity in Israelā€™s disastrous campaign in Gaza from the perspective that the US Military, Three Letter Agencies, and perforce the Biden Administration know exactly what is happening on the ground. No investigations necessary. And we keep supporting them with money, weapons and intelligence support regardless of this incontrovertible fact. The blowback from the disastrous and ultimately self-destructive ā€œhostage rescueā€ mission Israel launched this past Saturday, June 9th, is still coming in. There is a question of how much assistance the United States rendered the IDF in this operation - some wild and unsubstantiated rumors of US boots on the ground. There is absolutely no evidence of this, some IDF soldiers have American accents, granted, but that TikTok battlefield rumor is just that. ITā€™s also pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, because United States complicity in this massacre in particular and larger campaign of ethnic cleansing/Genocide in general, is both assured and inescapable.

  • This weekend, according to the NYT - Israel Rescues Four hostages in a hostage in military operation - This is a fact, itā€™s in the active voice and the hostages are numbered. Then ā€œGaza officials Say Scores are killed.ā€ Which is presented as hearsay, in the passive voice and they victims are not numbered. This is pretty egregious. The role of corporate and partisan media in the United States is not to inform but to manufacture consent for the whims of the ruling and political class. ITā€™s becoming apparent that we are some of the most heavily propagandized people on Earth. The easiest way to see that is to note how many think we're the good guys.I argue that The Hostage Rescue Operation conducted early Saturday morning will have far-reaching unintended consequences.

  • So Netanyahu and his cabinet appear to have decided, or at least to be strongly entertaining the idea that they will attack Southern Lebanon. We are talking about an actual invasion with the presumed objective, if they have any defined objectives, of pushing Hezbollah back to the Litani River.

    What could possibly go wrong? In short, just about everything imaginable. In this episode we take this from a broader geopolitical standpoint which examines the challenge to US staying power in the context of the War in Ukraine, and the escalation over Taiwan.

    We're now on Patreon! Check us out for extra content! https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts

  • Have you Ever Heard that Israel is the Westā€™s greatest strategic ally in the Middle East? Well, weā€™re going to talk about how that is blazingly untrue and weā€™re going all the way back to 1947 to do it. Welcome to Colonial Outcasts, your semi-friendly neighborhood anti-Imperialist podcast, and hot-darn it! We just pulled some Top Secret documents from the depths of the national archives, declassified but still unseen, from 1947, in which the Joint Chiefs of Staff advised then president Harry Truman that partitioning Palestine and recognizing the state of Israel will screw US global interests over in the long run. And we wanted to highlight these memos, written by guys who your Dad would probably credit with winning World War II, in this episode because arenā€™t yā€™all absolutely sick of hearing ancient grey-haired politicians gas on about how Israel is Americaā€™s most important strategic ally in the Middle East? We are. Check us out on patreon for extra content!

  • Welcome to Colonial Outcasts. This a ceasefire-related episode. It is currently Sunday June 2nd. Things are going to move fast so weā€™re going to keep it short-ish and jump right in. Elina Xenophontos, regular political analyst calling in from Cyprus, is here with us today. Weā€™re going to talk about the Biden ceasefire proposal, Obamaā€™s passive-voiced endorsement of said proposal, Netanyahuā€™s seeming rejection of said proposal, and now soft-floated watercolor talk that the Israeli government might actually accept it. At 6:30 am Central Daylight Time NBC published that ā€œAn aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel had agreed to the framework for President Joe Bidenā€™s plan to bring an end to the war in Gaza, though he said it was ā€œnot a good deal.ā€Biden announced Friday that Israel had proposed a three-part plan that would ultimately lead to a complete cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, as well as the release of all hostages who have been held there for the last eight months. Itā€™s ā€œtime for this war to end,ā€ Biden said. It wasnā€™t a plan that Israel proposed, but weā€™ll get into that.

  • We will be discussing how Israel and the Mossad, excuse me - the Mob-ssad - have been spying on the international criminal court and threatening South African Ministers, but not in a sophisticated spy-agency James Bond villain type way. Iā€™d say it was a mob way, like ā€œIā€™ll make the South African Foreign Minister an offer she canā€™t refuse.ā€ But according to these articles by the Guardian, Local Call, and +972 - the publications that broke this story - Iā€™d say that Israeli conduct would actually be an insult to the mob.

  • Late Sunday night Israel carried out an airstrike on a refugee camp in southwest Gaza which has lead to the death of at least 45 Palestinians with at least 3x that in wounded, producing graphic images of non-contained tent fires and literally a decapitated toddler. The tent encampment was set alight - it being designed to house internally displaced Palestinian civilians. This is a developing situation. Israel has claimed responsibility for a strike in this area, which is, based on obvious battle damage assessments - twisted rebar, shattered concrete, splintered metal - the cause of this destruction. The IDF is of course looking in to it. This is separate from an event that happened earlier Sunday - Hamas shooting rockets out of Gaza into central Israel. Eight rockets, reportedly shot out of southern Gaza, East Rafah in a separate location from the camp. Still waiting for confirmation on where those rockets were actually shot from, but itā€™s a separate incident, at least militarily, from this refugee airstrike. More on that in a bit. The Strike took place in the Tel-Al Sultan Refugee camp in West Rafah. So just to be clear, the Tel-Al Sultan neighborhood is not part of the IDFā€™s new designated safe-zone, which by now we know doesnā€™t exist and canā€™t accommodate all the million plus displaced Palestinians, but this neighborhood also wasnā€™t on the evacuation list. The area where the strike took place was actually a designated stafezone as of two weeks ago. More on that as well. The IDF says they are aware of a fire that was started because of this strike and several civilians were harmed. The incident is under review. They assert that the targets of this strike were two senior Hamas commanders responsible for organizing resistance efforts in west bank. Also weā€™ll get into that because it makes no sense that West Bank operations would be coordinated through Gaza as opposed to Jordan or Syria. So thatā€™s dumb on a very profound level. Hamas says they hold the US president and administration fully responsible for this massacre, the PA accuses the Israelis of deliberately targeting the tents. Israel will investigate, the US will say theyā€™re waiting for the results of that investigation and that all civilian deaths are bad. Also, The Knesset is set to vote to designate Unwrap as a terrorist organization, and Egyptian and Israeli forces exchanged gunfire at the Rafah border crossing. One person is killed.

  • In this new episode of Colonial Outcasts we to map out, and draw connections in a very basic way between two conflicts (Gaza/Ukraine) and a potential armed flashpoint (Taiwan), because, as people have begun to realize since October 7th, itā€™s all connected, man. Not in a conspiracy sort of way, but in a very run-of-the-mill Imperialist way - the most basic definition of which is the wikipedia one, which for our purposes is more than acceptable. Imperialism is the practice, theory or attitude of maintaining or extending power over foreign nations, particularly through expansionism, employing both hard power and soft power. Imperialism focuses on establishing or maintaining hegemony and a more or less formal empire. Think of Hard power as military force and proxy wars, and soft power as diplomatic and economic pressure like treaties, sanctions etc. So, the US/Europe is fighting a proxy war in Ukraine in order to weaken Russia, which has spectacularly backfired. We are funding a disastrous campaign of genocide in Gaza which is Isolating both Israel and by extension the United States from the international community, and now the US is stoking tensions with China over Taiwan, which could turn into a military flashpoint. We are seeing an Empire in decline. It seems like US politicians still believe that America has the same staying power and power projection that we had in the early 90ā€™s. But the working class is being depleted, rising levels of non-living wages and poverty are pervasive. We canā€™t afford another conflict, but the question is - can the American People people be deceived into fighting another war?#warinukraine #warinukraine2024 #taiwannews #chinataiwan #chinataiwanconflict #israelpalestinenewsupdates #israelhamaswar #militaryindustrialcomplex #icj #antiimperialism #decolonize #ceasefire #uspolitics #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #breakingnews #internationalnews #warzoneclips #veteran #politicalnews #palestina #politics #political #internationalrelations #internationallaw #colonialoutcasts #counterterrorism #globalsecurity

  • The ICC is a Western institution that has often been used to advance Western foreign policy objectives, such as the issuing of an arrest warrant against the President of Russia, premised on unsubstantiated and limited evidence.The impact of such a decision is thus politically emblematic as a Western institution, after 7 months of a genocide and the most gruesome war we have seen this century, has been coerced to issue arrest warrants against a key Western ally.The arrest warrant does three things:1) It is a futile attempt to salvage the declining reputation of the Western "international rules-based order."2) Undermines the current Israeli establishment.3) Exhibits the mounting tensions between Israel and the U.S.The fact that an arrest warrant has now been issued against senior Israeli officials, alongside the ongoing ICJ trial, places all the more pressure on the U.S and its unwavering support for Israel.It further highlights the U.S's desire to get rid of Netanyahu and as such, to revamp Israel's image by placing a new "moderate" political regime in power.Cover art by: https://www.instagram.com/rickyisolation/#icj #antiimperialism #decolonize #ceasefire #uspolitics #israelhamaswar #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #breakingnews #internationalnews #warzoneclips #veteran #politicalnews #palestina #politics #political #internationalrelations #internationallaw #colonialoutcasts #counterterrorism #globalsecurity

  • So the basic premise of this discussion, as I see it, will be - The UN General Assembly wants to vote to potentially recognize a Palestinian State, which Israel desperately does not want. The US supports Israel unconditionally thus far, but if the UN, which is essentially a US construct which gives America geo-political legitimacy and influence around the globe, votes to recognize Palestine - the United States will finally have to choose between its two children.

    To back Israel no matter what and damage the legitimacy and marginal effectiveness of the UN, or compel Israel to comply with the creation of a Palestinian State, which could lead to massive civil strife in Israel and lead to its inevitable colonial dissolution.

    Thanks to Elina Xenophontos for coming on! https://www.instagram.com/elina_linax/
    #news #politics #youtube #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #antiimperialism #uspolitics #humanrights #militaryindustrialcomplex #ceasefire #foreignaffairs #israelhamaswar #decolonize #progressive #leftist #democrats #liberal #counterterrorism #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism#unitednations #unga

  • Will the Israeli State Survive to Celebrate 100 years? So it is currently May 14th, Israelā€™s Independence Day. And thereā€™s a whole mess of contention about its long-term, existential survival. Will domestic fury and fierce civil strife cumber all the parts of Israel Proper?Israel does have a polarizing civil unrest problem on its hands, and statistics like ā€œ60 percent of Israelis believe the IDF isnā€™t using enough force in Gazaā€ give us outsiders that mistaken impression that Israeli society is a monolithic violent colonial entity, instead of a multipolar violent colonial entity that is incidentally experiencing a period of unprecedented socio-cultural fragmentation. So... eventual civil war? This is Part 1. Thumbnail Image Credit: Itai Ron#news #politics #youtube #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #antiimperialism #uspolitics #humanrights #militaryindustrialcomplex #ceasefire #foreignaffairs #israelhamaswar #decolonize #progressive #leftist #democrats #liberal #counterterrorism #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism

  • With a long history of activism, Pomona College students live up to their reputation of never backing down from mobilizing against oppression. We conducted a brief interview with a PR spokesperson for the Pomona Divest Apartheid, a resilient on-campus pro-Palestinian movement that has only grown more determined and larger in student numbers and support despite the administration's heavy handed initial approach against its own students (and traditions) using local law enforcement as its mercenaries. Their message is simple: their college has no business investing in any entity that supports a genocide.Show them love and support via the links below:https://www.instagram.com/pomonadivestapartheidhttps://twitter.com/i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2FPomonaDfAhttps://linktr.ee/pomonadivestapartheidhttps://t.me/s/PDfASolidarityEncampmenthttps://docs.google.com/document/d/15p-PeTkXC0170GF2RHjCWVzYFcfLgyo1wPuAa_PT7g8/edit#Pomona #southerncalifornia #California #columbiauniversity #ucla #uspolitics #universityoftexas #emoryuniversity #stopcopcity #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #ceasefire #foreignaffairs #humanrights #israelhamaswar #militaryindustrialcomplex #vietnam #vietnambacklash #antiwarmovement #endwar #ceasefire #ceasefirenowšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø #militaryindustrialcomplex #blackrock #vanguard #haliburton #boeing #genraldynamics #raytheon #merchantsofdeath #aipac #veteran #veteransforpeace #humanrightswatch #savethechildren #ccr #icj #icc #warcrimes #amnestyinternational

  • On this episode of our coverage and analysis of Israel's Rafah assault, we examine the geo-political factors influencing the changing US policy towards Israel and the mounting international pressure to halt this misguided military action. We are joined today by returning geo-political analyst, Elina Xenophontos.https://www.instagram.com/elina_linax/#israelpalestineconflict #ceasefire #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #israelhamaswar #counterterrorism #militaryindustrialcomplex #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism #militaryhistory #veteran #veteransforpeace #egypt #icc #icj #ihl

  • Now, Three months ago I said the Rafah assault probably wouldnā€™t happen. Itā€™s operationally impossible, Israel has no achievable goals, the resistance is still active in the north, but sometimes I forget that every decision Israel makes is in its own worst interest and its only agenda is genocide and ethnic cleansing at all costs. Its absolute insanity, but letā€™s breakdown the major developments and what they mean going forward. Video credit: https://www.instagram.com/zirafamedia/#israelpalestineconflict #ceasefire #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #israelhamaswar #counterterrorism #militaryindustrialcomplex #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism #militaryhistory #veteran #veteransforpeace

  • Pro-Palestine student protests have flared up across the country in conjunction with campus and police crackdowns, with many students learning that their universities are essentially collegiate hedge funds. They demand divestment from Israel. The level of state violence they have endured at the hands of police has not been seen since the Vietnam Backlash. In this Episode we discuss the Imperial Boomerang, or the thesis that governments that develop repressive techniques to control colonial territories will eventually deploy those same techniques domestically against their own citizens.Our struggles are connected, keep pushing.

  • Most American conservatives support Israel but are completely unaware of Israel establishing Epstein's empire, their cultivation of corruption with our politicians, their alliance with and monopoly over the main stream media and Hollywood, their involvement in supplying tyrannical regimes (including our own) with surveillance technology, their psyop of manipulating the American church culture to believe that Israelis are the "ancient Israelites", and their cooperation with big multinational corporations in subverting the American economy.

    Patriotic Palestinian-American activist and entrepreneur, Wally Rashid, returns as guest to discuss why being pro-Israel is the opposite of the "America First" philosophy, why the conservative right in the US is a vital ally in our fight to free America from Israeli sabotage of our constitutional rights, and how we can educate the right-wing grassroots demographic in Israel's involvement with all of the corruption that is destroying America.

    Artwork by @rickyisolation https://www.instagram.com/rickyisolation/Wally's links:

    #patriot #USA #israel #Jesus #2A #conservative #republican #americafirst #verterans #army #USMC #USAF #Navy #constitution #libertarian #china #uspolitics #corruption #terrorism #church #business #tactical #2ndamendment #thebible #redneck #country #freedom