
  • What should you quit doing? As we move into a new year, I have found many of my clients planning to do more and add to an already busy schedule.

    But I want to challenge you to think about what you should quit.
    What should you quit doing?

    Relationships that are not productive

    Dating relationships

    Habits that you have formed that are destructive
    Activities that are not getting results

    Work activities
    Nighttime habits

    Social media
    Watching/Listening to the News

    Click here to listen now.
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    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today so you don’t miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Necessary Endings: The Employees, Businesses, and Relationships That All of Us Have to Give Up in Order to Move Forward
    Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts – Becoming the Person You Want to Be
    Get Clients Now! (TM): A 28-Day Marketing Program for Professionals, Consultants, and Coaches
    Five Signs That it’s Time to Quit Your Job

  • So, are you the burger flipper or the boss?

    This is a question I ask my kids often.

    If you are a burger flipper, you do not have to think much. You just wait and do what you are told. You can be totally unengaged in your work.
    If you are the boss, you have 10,000 decisions to make. Everything hinges on you. You have to be self-driven and engaged else nothing happens.

    It is all about ownership and engagement.

    I hear a lot about engagement. Employers want to do everything they can to engage their employees. At the university, we want to engage our students. Why?

    Engagement means money and productivity. Engaged customers and audiences are great for marketing. Engaged employees are great for morale and productivity.

    Engagement is directly related to profit.

    How to Create Engagement in Others and Me

    The problem, according to Marshall Goldsmith in his book Triggers (Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts - Becoming the Person You Want to Be), is that engagement is not something we do to people. Engagement is something they do themselves.

    Anyone who has ever done any coaching (of any kind) will tell you that the coach's job is easy and rewarding if the person being coached wants to learn.  You cannot make a person work harder or perform better if they do not want to do so. You have little control. This is why coaches only want to work with motivated people. (And I will say faculty only want motivated students.)

    So how can we get people more engaged?

    According to Marshall, we should stop asking passive questions and instead start asking active questions.

    Passive Questions

    To understand active questions, you need to understand passive questions and the human response they get.

    We have all been asked to rate ourselves or our team. We often get questions like "Do you have clear goals."

    That simplistic question is charged with meaning based on how we interpret the question.

    First, if you read the question as "does my boss or company provide me clarity in what I should be doing from day to day", then your answer is likely to be negative. Most of us do not feel like we have clarity from above. So, when this question is put into employee surveys, the leadership of the company or team is often frustrated by the response. You will hear them (or you) saying all kinds of things like

    How much clearer do I need to be?
    We have discussed it over and over - what are they missing?

    and similar ideas.

    Active Questions

    But Marshall pitches a second way to interpret the question that yields much better results and engagement. He suggests using active questions such as "Have you done your best to set clear goals."

    This question turns active by using the "Have you done your best..." at the beginning. It is a powerful mindset shift that forces the reader to take responsibility for the goals as opposed to being passive and waiting on when to be told what to do.

    This is why I ask my kids about being a burger flipper or a boss. One is passive, the other - the boss - is active and engaged. In other words - the boss is taking ownership.

    Every employer (including you) wants self-driven people. We want people who are taking responsibility. Heck, even the manager of a fast-food restaurant would prefer self-driven burger flippers!

    Using the active question with the "Have you done your best..." lead-in helps to drive the individual to think "Oh, this is my responsibility.".


    Why Active Questions Work

    Questions asked properly are powerful. The reverse interview process I use often uses questions that get others to talk about themselves - a trick I learned from Dale Carnegie in How to Win Friends & Influence People.  Proper questions are also powerful in marketing messages when they cause you to internalize desire or pain.

    So active questions turn the attention to you and your own responsibility.

    To take responsibility, we have to have skin in the game.

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  • Quit being a pawn. Stand up and fight back. As you might be noticing yourself, nobody is listening. We have quit talking and turned instead to yelling at each other. And, if nobody is talking, who is controlling the conversation? I have been watching what is going on in our country (I am in the US) for some time. We fight. Nobody is talking anymore. Everything is charged. We all think we have opinions and are fighting for the truth -but we are just being used. They want us fighting against each other. They want division. We are stepping up and marching to their orders.We fight about issues such as politics, global warming, abortion, the second amendment, etc.But nobody is listening to me, or to you, or to anyone. We are just fighting.On TV "news" shows we see the news as one-sided. Even when they talk about having a discussion - it turns into insults and yelling. In the printed media, it is all just opinion laced with a few facts to make their care.And social media - that is the cesspool of it all.They tell us to get along - but is that what they really want?I do not think so. They want us to fight. They encourage it.Truth is - not matter what the issue - you and I likely agree more than we think.!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src="https://rumble.com/embedJS/u41tyt"+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");Rumble("play", {"video":"v8re6z","div":"rumble_v8re6z"});Global warming is one issue.Nobody wants dirty air or water or an out of control environment. We all would agree we need to be responsible. We might differ on what that means or who pays - but if we talked through it we would likely come up with something solid.But we don't because they do not want us to.They want us fighting.Who are they? I do not know - but they are not the media or the politicians They are all pawns.They are not the voices on social media - they too are pawns.They are not even many of the world leaders - they are pawns.People like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are with them - which is why the "system" turns against both. Both men have far different views of things - but both hated by them equally because neither man plays by the rules.Quit being a pawnHow? Start talking to one another. Get off the social media, sit down, care about others, and talk. We are more alike than we are different. Click here to listen now.Subscribe & Review in iTunesAre you subscribed to my Company of One? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today so you don’t miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

  • A conversation I often have with parents is something like this:  
    "College? There Has Got to Be a Better Way".
    College is like a money pit and does not offer such a powerful tool to create wealth and security as perhaps it did. In fact, if chosen poorly, it generates the opposite.

    So today, I want to dive into the issue a little deeper and explore some thoughts.
    College? There Has Got to Be a Better Way
    The college experience has some issues that often go with it.

    massive debt
    wasted time
    opportunity cost
    converting good thinking kids into - well, something else (garbage in and reprogramming)

    Yet as parents, we only hear of a few alternatives

    Trade school
    Living in the  basement forever

    The truth is, we want for our kids the same thing that the college experience used to really offer. We want

    Opportunity to do anything they like
    Ability to earn and prosper
    Success on their own terms

    So to think about this, let's start by unpacking what college does still offer

    A plan - course plan to get a degree that maps to some career
    Measures of success - classes and grades
    Accountability - timelines, deadlines
    Credentials - diplomas showing success

    Now the question is, how do we get this without college?
    Click here to listen now.
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    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today, so you don’t miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review,” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

    148: Can You Become an Engineer (or anything else) without a College Degree [Podcast]
    016: How to Measure the Value of a College Education – A Do-Over! [PODCAST]
    145: Does it Matter Where You Go to School? [Podcast]

  • Moving from tech expert to leader in your organization can be tricky. Scientists, engineers, developers, architects, and many other experts move into leadership positions every day. Many companies expect this transition to take place. But other companies do not see tech experts as leaders - just as tech experts. It is kind of a new "blue-collar" thinking. Either way, the transition is not always easy.

    Leadership positions come in many flavors, but the first moves are often as team leaders - where you are still on the technical side of things but you lead the activity of your peers. Project management or product management is another common path toward higher leadership positions.

    Over the last 20 years, I have been coaching people into leadership - usually out of tech positions. Most go rather smoothly once the new leader to-be understands the game. But too often, the tech leader resists the change and new responsibilities and fails to grow.

    So in today's podcast, I am going to provide some observations from coaches who have helped tech experts makes the cut in leadership.
    Moving from Tech Expert to Leader
    Steps to move from tech exert to the leader.

    Make a decision
    Make it known
    Begin to learn
    Think like the leader now
    Be willing to let go

    Click here to listen now.
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    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today so you don’t miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

    156: How to Lead at Work When There is a Leadership Void

  • My Most Popular Podcast Episodes tell a story. The story is not about me, but more about you.
    What topics catch your attention?
    What are you most interested in hearing from me?
    What are you struggling with?
    Where do you want answers or insight?

    My Most Popular Podcast Episodes
    Below is a list of my most popular episodes. When I put them together by category I get this...

    Topic #1 - Getting a job - 3 posts

    Topic #2 - Excelling at work - 3 posts

    Topic #3 - Productivity - 1 posts

    Topic #4 - Starting a company - 2 posts

    While this meets the Company of One mindset (you are all of these things) it is interesting that the tops are still about getting a job and some of the less popular are others about starting a company.

    So where do we go from here? Email me at [email protected] or post to my Facebook. Would love to hear your thoughts?









    Click here to listen now.
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  • Waiting on leadership to show up and take action can be one of the most frustrating issues in corporate America. More frustrating than a bad tyrant of a boss is the absent boss. At least with that tyrant, you might learn what to expect. When absent and you are waiting - you often spend your days in frustration not knowing what matters and what should be let go. 
    In episode 156, I dealt with how you can lead if you have a leadership void. The reason for that podcast was because I find myself with so many clients who find themselves leaderless. My first take when leaderless is to find a way to step up and lead - if even on the small things.

    But unfortunately, that does not always work. Sometimes a lack of a leader just leaves you frustrated.
    Lack of Leadership
    Here is the situation. You have a job to do, but nothing clear about what matters. No one is calling the shots. You have asked the person who is filling the role (often in a temporary role) and get nothing. You are being told by management that things will change soon. They will fill the slot, hire new people, move things around, etc soon. But as you wait for change, you become frustrated and restless.

    But I have found that this is sometimes not even possible. So what do you do?

    What must be done? You know the drill, you know the things that have to get done. Make sure they get done.
    Find ways to contribute during the leadership void. Look around and ask other team members how you can help. Do what you can do.
    Look for new opportunities inside the organization. Use the reverse interview to connect and learn from others.
    Look outside. After all, the leadership void is brought on by poor leadership overall. Be willing to look outside. Doing some reverse interviews just for the fun of it can really open up the doors. Again, use the reverse interview to connect and learn from others.
    Set a deadline. What is your drop-dead point for putting up with this? Are you willing to coast and do little to nothing? Or are you going to give it six months to work out before you leave?

    Click here to listen now.
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    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today so you don’t miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

  • Make money online will help you see the quick and dirty methods of getting started in a side hustle without spending much (or any) money.

    The video from the presentation is below.

    Make Money Online - Outline
    1. Find an idea
    How to find a simple idea that fits you.

    2. Find a platform

    How to use common platforms with lots of traffic to get noticed

    3. Do the work

    Setting up some platforms.

    4. Action TNT

    Continue to grow.
    Click here to listen now.
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    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today so you don’t miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

  • How much should I be spending on my business? Like all other things in life, modern businesses tend to overspend, Especially small businesses that are not making money yet. 
    I constantly am running into startups who are "investing" money to help the business grow. But, too often, they are only growing in the wrong direction.

    Instead, it would be best if you focused on spending that will generate sales. 
    Too many people are spending money on things that will likely not move the needle. Perfect tools that are overkill. Logos design. Software that is way too big for the budget. 
    Focus instead on spending money on things that will impact your customers.

    So let's step back and examine who you should be spending - and on what.
    How Much Should I Be Spending on my Business
    1. Marketing 
    Spending money on marketing is usually the biggest issue that will have the greatest impact. Whether the money is via ads, help to do calls, of just your own time connecting and marketing your business. This is number one for a reason. 
    If you have no income, use a budget of about $10 per week for marketing. If you have more to invest, push it to $100 a week. As you get income, keep marketing as a top expense. Every industry is different, but I like to keep at least 10% of the revenue to use for marketing and advertising.
    2. Legal issues
    If your business is a threat to get sued or to have an injury, you need to spend the money upfront on getting protection. See my post on Do I Need a Business License or LLC?.
    As a rule, I would expect to pay no more than $1000 for this protection (and the insurance) if you need it.
    3. People
    When it comes time to get some help, spend the money on the right people, doing things cheaply (or yourself) is often wasted time and money. Tools like Upwork will help you find the right people for the right price. 

    Some Places to Save Money

    Quit trying to operate like people who are way ahead of you. Find ways to do the work cheaper.
    Quit focusing on minor issues.
    Use the tools you already have and hack them.

    Click here to listen now.
    Subscribe & Review in iTunes
    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today, so you don’t miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Webinar: Make Money Online: Business Ideas You Can Start from Home 
    Do I Need a Business License or LLC?.

  • Five reasons you should consider an online business. I spend a lot of time trying to help people like you start something on the side. (Why You Need to Start Your Own Business Now.)
    Join me Oct 14th at 6:30 PM Central

    We will do a webinar on this subject of Make Money Online: Business Ideas You Can Start from Home live on Oct 14th at 6:30 PM central. Of course, after that, the recording will still be there.
    Five reasons you should consider an online business
    1. Everyone needs a side income
    In Ep 32: Why You Need to Start Your Own Business Now, I explain that everyone needs a second (or third) source of income.
    2. Costs little to start
    Compared to almost every other business, an online business is cheaper to start, maintain, and market. The risks are just low. Expect to pay from zero down and zero per month to just a few hundred dollars a month once you get moving. But you should at very least always break even!
    3. Gets results quickly. A simple way to test ideas
    Using other platforms like eBay, Etsy, and Amazon (to name a few), you can tell if your products and services will hit a nerve. You can test your teaching on Udemy, test your consulting or freelancing skills on Fiverr or Upwork, or test your creative and hobby sales on Etsy. Just so many ways to dip your toe into the market to see if you like it and if you can sell it.

    4. Does not interfere with your day job

    You can work after hours and does not impact the amount of money you make. I have friends who have businesses that made over $200k per year with them working only after hours and on the weekend while keeping their day job.

    5. Easy to scale.

    To go from a small storefront to a larger one costs a lot of money. Same for opening a second store. But to scale an online business is easy and cheap. You can move from selling on eBay or Etsy alone to your own website for a few thousand dollars (or cheaper if you have some skills)
    Click here to listen now.
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    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today, so you don’t miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Ep 32: Why You Need to Start Your Own Business Now
    Webinar: Make Money Online: Business Ideas You Can Start from Home 

  • The five signs that it's time to quit your job are easy to see from the outside. But often in the middle of the beast, we have clouded judgment.
    Here are the five signs you need to go, and some ideas of how to deal with things if you need to stay.
    Five Signs That it's Time to Quit Your Job

    There is no growth path for you.

    You do not fit what they want to promote.
    You are at the top of where you can be.

    The company does not want to grow.
    The company is dying slowly (or quickly).
    The culture is negative.

    You are being discriminated against.
    There is no one you trust in the organization.

    You are no longer passionate about your work.

    What if you Need to Stay?

    You might be near retirement or a significant milestone or have a huge benefit from staying the course.

    Do your job and look for paths to grow for your future gig.
    Take on some new job in the company as a distraction to get rid of boredom.
    Start a side gig to get your mental energies flowing.

    Subscribe & Review in iTunes
    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you're not, I encourage you to do that today, so you don't miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Necessary Endings: The Employees, Businesses, and Relationships That All of Us Have to Give Up in Order to Move Forward 


  • Today we discuss 7 things I have learned from being an entrepreneur. While there are many courses, especially in universities that teach entrepreneurship, I have found a lot of what they talk about and teach to miss the point. The academic model of entrepreneurship just does not translate into the real world if you really want to make money.

    So today - let's talk about seven of those things.
    7 Things I Have Learned from Being an Entrepreneur

    Execution is everything. Action means more than plans.
    You cannot determine how your customers should spend their money.
    Broke people are not really broke.
    Niche market products are better. Think about My Pillow.
    Money is the easy part.
    Marketing is more important than the product.
    Prospects lie, customers speak the truth.

    Click here to listen now.
    Subscribe & Review in iTunes
    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you're not, I encourage you to do that today so you don't miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Our Ugly Startup Story – How we started our business (It is not glamorous – so be ready)
    The 15 Minute Business Plan for Your Startup
    Why You Need to Start Your Own Business Now
    Multiple Streams of Income
    Episode 119: Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset
    Master of Engineering Management in Information Engineering and Management

  • Using love as a business strategy might seem like a strange title - especially coming from an engineer. Generally speaking we technical people are pretty much just the facts. The talk of soft skills and focusing on people makes me squeamish - so to start talking about loving your customer is really a leap - for me anyway.
    Over the past few months, I keep hearing pastors talk about being called to love one another. Yes, if you look that up in the Bible - you might find it a time or two - so not really a surprise to hear it. But perhaps I just now have started to hear it clearly. So I have been thinking - what does this mean for me as a university faculty and business owner.

    We have been talking a lot about this inside the business - so much that "love the customer" is becoming a theme.
    Using Love as a Business Strategy
    Loving the customer means...

    Loving your customer means knowing your customer.
    Loving your customer means tuning into their frustrations and needs.
    Loving your customer means treating them like you would want to be treated.
    Loving your customer means people come first.

    Some observations

    We like them more.
    Sales are up.
    Everyone is happier serving them.
    Loving them does not mean they want it for free.

    Click here to listen now.
    Subscribe & Review in iTunes
    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today so you don’t miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

    The Theft of America’s Soul: Blowing the Lid Off the Lies That Are Destroying Our Country
    Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends
    How to Win Friends & Influence People
    This Is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn to See
    Ep 132: How Being a Christian has Made Me Wealthy

  • Want multiple streams of income? How would it feel not to be 100% dependent on just your day job income? Today we want to dive into streams of income that others use to smooth out the edges as things get rough - and in 2020, everybody needs multiple streams of income!
    Develop Your Multiple Streams of Income (MSI)
    Here are some of the more popular categories others use for diversification of their income.

    Your Day Job - Never forget to focus on this income source.
    Providing service through a third party - Pizza delivery, shopper, Uber driver, Amazon driver, UPS, or another delivery driver.

    Pros - They do the marketing.
    Cons - You have little control over what you do.

    Consulting/coaching service - Fiverr, Upwork, etc. - This is the easiest thing to do where you have a little control over what you offer.

    Pros - It is easy to get started.
    Cons - Takes your time to deliver the service.

    Home services - From yard work, small repairs, pressure washing, cooking, cleaning, closet organizing - something for everyone here.

    Pros - We all have something to offer.
    Cons - You have to work on location.

    Creating Intellectual Property - Udemy, teaching, writing books, etc.

    Pros - Recurring income and some platforms help you market.
    Cons - Can feel daunting to start. No money flows until you are complete.

    Real Estate Rentals - Cost more to get started and can be a long haul to start to win.

    Pros - Can be almost passive.
    Cons - The higher cost to get started.

    Buying a Business

    Pros - Can generate much higher returns than others.
    Cons - Takes time to work a deal and can turn into a lot of cash.

    My MSI

    Stocks - The biggest win for growth. Little maintenance, significant growth. Not something that many start with.
    E-Commerce - The most money and the easiest to ramp up or down as I need
    Real estate - This is steady money. Houses paid off. Good renters. Maintenance a constant issue but comes and goes.
    Online courses - Steady income with almost no maintenance activity.
    Books - Money goes up and down at times, but again little maintenance activity.
    Affiliates - These are products from other companies I sell and they ship. Amazon is one. Others are companies that have products which complement my own products.
    Coaching/Consulting - Professional startup and career coaching and business consulting, mostly involving organizational and process improvement. I have never focused heavily on developing this path - but the work is enjoyable.

    Click here to listen now.
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    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:


  • My Reading List for 2020 is a collection of ideas around the topics of success, money, work, time management, and how to think apart from the crowd.
    All in no particular order.
    My Reading List for 2020

    Atomic Habits
    The Greatest Salesman in the World
    The Compound Effect
    I Will Teach You to Be Rich
    Rich Dad Poor Dad
    Thou Shall Prosper 
    Financial Intelligence
    Deep Work

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    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today, so you don’t miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

  • How to deal with a setback...

    That is a question we all encounter from time to time.

    Setbacks look like a lot of things:

    Job loss
    Project failed
    Did not get the job you hoped for

    How to Deal with a Setback

    Own it - take 100% responsibility. Placing the blame is great - but it takes you out of control. You have become a victim, and you cannot change the circumstances. We want to blame others because

    Relationship issues

    Write down the thoughts  - How do you feel. 

    I lost this job and will never get another good job again.
    I was overlooked for the promotion because they found me out - I have hit my peak.
    Since I am [black, white, male, female] I will never get ahead in this [industry/company]

    Write down the reality - What is more likely the truth.

    I got this job, can get another. I know more now. I am more valuable.
    I have learned more and can do more - if I want to. Do I?
    Others who are [black, white, male, female] have done remarkable things in this [industry/company]  - so can I.

    What has this failure offered you?

    Freedom to explore
    Opportunity to reset
    Get some training.

    Improve the situation - Define some steps you can do to improve the situation

    Job loss - Stop and define what you want now. This setback is a chance to reset.

    Get my head in gear and ask for mentorship and help from my leadership. I must be missing something.
    Congratulate the person who got the job over me. I might be their boss soon!

    Failed project - What can I do to improve on the situation? Get the team together to come up with a plan.

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    Links mentioned in this episode:

    How to Stop Worrying and Start Living


  • When it comes to your financial success at work, it is all about the money.
    Yet,  in the United States, over 70% of the population lives paycheck to paycheck - barely making enough to make it through the month. I can only assume this is true of most other countries also.

    And - the amount of money does not matter. People are living in poverty to those who should have - based on their monthly income - plenty of money.

    As I have worked with entrepreneurs - and wannabe entrepreneurs, money is often the trap keeping them from taking the leap.

    But as we look back at the roles in your Company of One, the financial role is a big one. Their Chief Financial Officer or CFO.

    I usually refer people to Dave Ramsey or I Will Teach You to  Be Rich to learn these concepts, but too often, I find myself in conversations with coaching clients where I have to teach them some basics about money.

    So today, I am picking back up on your Company of One - and diving into the role of your chief financial officer.
    It's All About the Money

    The number one thing keeping us from being free is bad decisions with money.
    Simple rules for winning with money:

    Have a plan for your money (spending plan).
    Pay yourself first (The Richest Man in Babylon)
    Get rid of the debt (See Dave Ramsey and I Will Teach You to Be Rich

    Avoiding the number one trap - comparing yourself to others.

    Realize the truth - many people are lying about how much wealth they have.
    Some people are temporarily wealthy. They have short term wins they think will last forever.
    Truly wealthy people do not need to prove how wealthy they are.
    The truth will always come out sooner or later.

    Click here to listen now.
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    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you're not, I encourage you to do that today so you don't miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select "Ratings and Reviews" and "Write a Review" and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

    The Richest Man in Babylon
    I Will Teach You to Be Rich
    Dave Ramsey

    Previous Episodes on this Topic

    The Company of One Model

    Episode 174: Grow Your Own Company of One
    Episode 175: The Three Kinds of People at Work. Which one are you?
    Episode 176: Seven Things You Must Know About Your Boss

    Your Chief Operations Officer Role

    Episode 177: Become Better at Your Job
    Episode 178: Three Tools for Powerful Focus and Incredible Results

    Your Chief Marking Officer Role

    Episode 179: 17 Ways to Market Yourself
    Episode 180: How To Calculate How Valuable You Are To Your Boss
    Episode 181: How To Become More Valuable To Your Boss 
    Episode 182: 11 Steps to a Better LinkedIn Profile for Marketing Yourself
    Episode 183: Use Your Curiosity to Market Yourself on the Job

  • Ready for some business ideas you can start from home?

    I get asked all the time for ideas - so today, I just wanted to share a few of them to help you see what is possible.
    Business Ideas You Can Start From Home

    Coaching families or kids

     Sports training
    Health care for kids with special needs (like food allergies)

    Consulting for small businesses

    Social media
    Tech support
    Customer service

    Ecommerce site

    Sell products you make
    Become a value-added reseller
    Create online courses

    Sell products on eBay or Amazon
    Freelance your services - Design, writing, copywriting

    Get started Now

    Start with the easiest product or service - Do something you do anyway.
    Start the easiest way - Use sites like Shopify, Amazon, or eBay to sell your products. For courses, use Udemy.
    Start now - Just do it now.
    Start imperfectly - Forget polish. Just post and then edit later

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    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

  • Is overcoming the fear of failure in your side hustle something you have been thinking about?
    It should be. That fear of failure is likely holding you back and keeping you from making the bold moves you need to make.

    Want help in your side hustle?

    Schedule Your 45-Minute Discovery Session with Dale
    Overcoming the Fear of Failure in Your Side Hustle
    1. Identify the fear. Put it in writing. 

    Looking stupid
    Doing the wrong thing
    Making the wrong decision
    Wasting your time and getting nothing of it
    My idea has already been done
    I do not know enough.

    2. Speak the truth about the fear 

    What does failure mean? Quitting and trying something else. No big loss.
    The only people who think you are stupid are those not doing anything. If you are going to operate as an entrepreneur - or anything out of the norm, you may look stupid to others. What this means is they think you are not acting normal. Good. Broke is normal. Hating your job is normal. Being frustrated with less income is normal. Not taking real action is normal. Do not be normal.
    Decisions are not black and white. Which marketing approach do you use? May not matter, just start and commit to something (Check out Get Clients Now!)
    Wasting your time? What would you have done anyway? Watched more TV? I mean, most of us are underutilized. We call ourselves busy - but much of what we are busy doing does not matter. Much of our business is our own decision. Groups we are part of. Activities we have volunteered for. And when a business does fail, most will tell you it was not a waste, it was step 1 of the right path.
    Your idea has been done. It is guaranteed it has been done. In fact, you hope it has. You hope other people are selling products and services like yours. That means - other people are spending money on products and services like yours. This is a good thing. If they spend on others, they are more likely to spend on you.
    When will you know enough? Does it really matter? You just need to be able to help people who either know less than you or who just want help from someone so they do not have to do what they hire you or buy your product to do.

    Click here to listen now.
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    Are you subscribed to my Company of One? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today so you don’t miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Schedule Your 45-Minute Discovery Session with Dale
    Miracle Morning Podcast #333
    Get Clients Now!

  • Ever take a course on how to make money?
    Did you find it awesome and frustrating at the same time?
    A while back I got a random phone call from a woman in New York. I have no idea how she got my name or number, but she said that she wanted my help. She was trying to get a business started so she could replace her income at her $60,000 per year job. But she was having no luck. She said "I have spent $12,000 trying to learn how to start and grow a company. Nothing has worked. I have bought books and taken courses at $2000 a whack. I am overwhelmed and still no income."
    Most of my coaching clients will say something similar. I will mention marketing from some pros like Amy Porterfield, Jeff Walker, or .... so many others. These clients do not doubt that what Amy, Jeff, and the many others teach works - but they are overwhelmed with the amount of work they have to put into an unknown. They also get new information daily via a blog post or Facebook ad. What do they do?
    How to Make Money without Information Overload to Profit
    1. Define clearly what business you are in.

    Who do you want to impact and how? 
    2. What is your initial goal? 
    Forget things like $10,000 per month or to quit my day job. These are fine as goals go, but in startup mode, you need to think shorter term. What is the test going to look like?
    Real goal examples:

    Get two testimonies from happy customers
    Generate 10 phone calls with prospects
    Generate and ship my first 10 sales
    Get 10 people to sign up for my webinar or workshop

    These are all small starts - and be glad of that.
    3. If you have to create a product, start with a service instead. 
    This might be a short workshop you do or a coaching session. Maybe a 1 hour pre-recorded video that helps answer a specific question.
    If you must create a product, start very simple.
    4. Find a way to develop accountability and perspective. 
    Click here to listen now.
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    If you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I also love reading them and connecting with you. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Why You Need to Start Your Own Business Now

    The Greatest Salesman in the World
    Atomic Habits
    Schedule Your 45-Minute Discovery Session with Dale