Join us as we engage in this heartwarming dialogue around curiosity, neutrality & responsibility in communication, plus resolving challenging moments in relationships with love, harmony & accord. We also dive deep into how to hold oneself to reverse self-abandonment, taking committed risks into vulnerability and how that equates with courage, reconnecting with our hearts, emotions & humanity in a safe way. Together we are creating the movement of UNLEASHING THE OCEAN OF LOVE within each of us!!!!
Today's guest, Kelly Cleveringa, is the Founder & CEO of Clever Communication. Kelly is a renowned expert in communication and transformational leadership with a deep passion for helping leaders unlock their potential through effective communication. With a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, Kelly has helped countless individuals achieve clarity, connection, and confidence in their communication, ultimately leading to more fulfilled and impactful lives.
Find more of her on Instagram: @kelly_cleveringa
Love y'all listeners! Thank you for being here, being YOU and bringing your powerful medicine and magic to the world!
@thejaguarpriestess -
Join us this week as we engage in dialogue around the two-sided coins of joy/grief and passion/anger, giving ourselves permission to feel our feelings, masculine sensuality, the masks we wear between the perceived/ private/ public selves, creating safety from within, and so much more juicy goodness that leads us home to wholeness within ourselves.
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Today I sit down with my dear friend Daryl Tolmich to discuss Navigating Relationships by Harmonizing our Internal Masculine & Feminine qualities, The Dichotomy of Love, The Dot and the Void, as well as sitting in the discomfort of uncomfortable conversations in our relationships, curiosity as the sauce that moves us out of our binary thinking, using our senses to innerstand possibilities and the Infinite & the body as an information processing center. We also talk about the Embodiment of Worthiness & Belonging, the biggest concepts we want to bring into our lives, and shifting the heavy “I don’t know” to the expansive “I’m curious”. Join us.
Daryl B. Tolmich is a poet, sage, and Intentional Communication Coach, who has spent the last several years surrendering to the concept of surrendering. As an author and coach he takes individuals on a journey that “re-collects” language that has been “hijacked” through unconscious emotional charges and sometimes conscious mis-direction. Daryl supports people to reframe the stories that stop them from achieving the Vision for their own lives. His practice is grounded in the pursuit of curiosity.Through evoking questions, he practices, teaches and models listening deeply and speaking clearly. He is committed to creating & holding space for clients to break old paradigms and claim ownership of the sovereign self within community. Daryl’s Vision is for each of us to remember and invoke who we came here to BE.
Connect with him further:
Welcome back to our second episode in this three-part series with my fellow Consciousness Philosopher, Healer & Explorer, Michael Gaio. In this episode we focus specifically on our multitudes of addictions in modern industrial societies and an avenue for true healing via becoming the "medicine" we are seeking externally. Tap in to join us in this conversation about the true potentiality of ceremonial experiences for helping us create the inherent wholeness that we are and healing addictions from the inside out.
Michael Gaio is a creator, educator, and innovator focused on catalyzing human potential, and orienting human evolution in relation with emerging technologies. Michael has a graduate degree in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies. As founder and CEO of Mythic Systems (http://mythicsystems.com/), Michael helps purpose-driven businesses, entrepreneurs, and creators realize potential and connect with their ideal audience through story. Michael writes a newsletter (https://mythicsystems.beehiiv.com/subscribe), and produces video content (https://www.youtube.com/@michael_gaio) on emerging technologies and the story of human evolution.
Find him at:
Follow up with and stay connected with us here at Consciousness Healing via our other episodes & on our host's IG @thejaguarpriestess. Let us know your thoughts, feedback is welcome.
In this episode, I chat with Michael Gaio, a creator, educator, and innovator focused on catalyzing human potential, and orienting human evolution in relation with emerging technologies. Michael has a graduate degree in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies. As founder and CEO of Mythic Systems (http://mythicsystems.com/), Michael helps purpose-driven businesses, entrepreneurs, and creators realize potential and connect with their ideal audience through story. Michael writes a newsletter (https://mythicsystems.beehiiv.com/subscribe), and produces video content (https://www.youtube.com/@michael_gaio) on emerging technologies and the story of human evolution.
Find him at:
Episode notes:
We get deep fast, as always, and in this episode we chat about Christianity, Bible Studies, Love, Power, Direct Experiences of Christ, God, The Cosmology of the Infinite, NDE’s (Near Death Experiences), the Evolution of Consciousness, Archetypal Cosmology, and the vision given to me by Grandmother Ayahuasca about How Much Each of us Truly Matters. Tune in and join the conversation!
The Bible verse I quoted, 2 Timothy 1:7 says “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (NKJV) or “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline” (NIV) or “For God gave us a Spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (ESV). Note three different meanings based in differing translations. This is why we must be discerning when studying and reading the Bible, it has been translated so many times by many imperfect humans. It is no longer the “perfect” word of God as many Christians claim. It has passed thru humans who are imperfect vessels and vehicles in my opinion.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Feel free to come share them with me on IG @thejaguarpriestess
For more Consciousness Healing, check out our other episodes, and be sure to subscribe, as my intention is to grow this podcast moving forward, and we have many more exciting episodes with creative visionary leaders lined up in production for you all in 2024.
Xo, Stay blessed,
- Alexis -
We are closing out the year with some amazing episodes, brought to you by Consciousness Healing, on our favorite topics, with very cool people... cuz, what better way to invest some of your listening time during this holiday season!
In this episode, I talk with Oliver Wilson, aka Spyke Lee, about strategies for dealing with conflict, dying to our old selves, becoming our own best friends, creating safety & peace through harnessing our creative power, reprogramming the mind from complaining & negativity to love, purpose & sovereignty, as well as the all-important topics of discernment & being supported by tribe/ community.
Spyke is from the Central District (CD) of Seattle (our mutual hometown neighborhood that we mention in the episode), and he came into his path of spirituality at around 16 years old.
His passion is reading to gain knowledge on current events & ancient history, with a particular focus on the systems that worked then and how they affect us today. Throughout many years, cycles and transitions, he now considers himself a jack of all trades & a sage. He bounces between many different religionist texts and ideologies, and has chosen a path of self-enlightenment in this life. In this path he has made it a personal goal to help the men and women around him better understand their emotions by learning to express them through healthy outlets. He is grateful to have these moments with Alexis and for you the listeners as well.
You can find him on IG @supremespyke
This podcast is centered around the premise that we all have thoughts, ideas, and conversations of value to add to the world, and that when we share with each other our community becomes stronger. Usually, our founder, Alexis Hanley-Trione, interviews fascinating, worthwhile experts and pioneering visionaries breaking new ground on the edge of possibility. On this episode of Consciousness Healing, we flip the script, and Taylor Anna Garrett, founder of The Wealthy Changemaker Summit, interviews Alexis. She goes all the way in - a deep, thoughtful, insightful episode regarding a future timeline - what I see as possible for humanity and this planet. She lovingly pulls my vision forth and explores the web of consciousness within my mind - which is connected to the great mind - GOD - source - infinity - LOVE. Taylor is a transformational leadership coach and world traveler that works with humanitarians and peace-builders. You can find her @tayloranna_garrett and www.tayloredcoaching.life
It's 2023 and we're BACK with a new episode of Consciousness Healing my friends! On this episode we are joined by my friend from elementary school (!), Nicola Cardona-Rigor, to talk all things spiritual awakenings, the choppy seas of choosing to live life with eyes open instead of closed, our hometown (Seattle, Washington), the resilient path of the warrior in these times, institutionalized religions, rules, responsibility and so much more! Tune in to catch up with us, and join the conversation @thejaguarpriestess and @nicolunax / @thirdeyepinay
Let's go on a journey together and remember what it means to be a part of something greater. Together we will break, then heal, mend our wounds, find others like us - call them soul tribe, call them family - and learn how to exist in harmony, right relationship, support, love & trust in a whole new way.
Please reach out to me @thejaguarpriestess on Instagram if this episode touches your heart in any way.
Thank you for being here for this, for us, for me, for you...... every way in every day.
Here's the link to the Teal Swan video I mentioned about what 2022 has in store energetically for us, so we can be prepared; it also contains beautiful info about the new creations aka babies coming to earth this year!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHm2I9V4q2A
Sawubona & salutations to all my spirit fam around the world. We are loved. We are worthy. We are enough.
Esta semana les traemos una gran hermana-maestra, Adriana Jalife, para conversar sobre la sanación a traves de los instrumentos sagrados e antiguos como el tambor y la voz, y lo que significa para nosotras unirnos a rezar a traves de estos instrumentos en grupo. Aquí en la Baja California Sur, México, tenemos la bendición, fortuna y privilegio de contar con la presencia de una Nana Huehuetzin al que tocamos cada semana en manada. La Nana es una "abuela" tambor cómo las que se tocan en las danzas de luna, ambas temas que tocaremos en este episodio. Adriana es Trofóloga, Terapeuta de Hidroterapias de Colon, y Herborista al servicio de la Madre Tierra. Desde muy joven la vida le llevó a encontrar su camino de sanación a traves de los temazcales, las danzas de luna, las carpas rojas y círculos de mujeres; así poniendo su camino y enseñanzas al servicio para tejer comunidades mas sanas e unidas. Unete al rezo y quédate pendiente para una sorpresa inolvidable al final!
Pd. Para cualquier persona que pude haber sentido ofendido con el uso de la palabra chingada en este episodio, les invito a que lean este articulo: https://www.sdpnoticias.com/columnas/chingada-1.html -
Listen to this week's episode for help dealing with stress, health issues & overwhelm. Lean in & listen deeply, feeling what resonates in your own frequency to decode your source power from within ✨
Our guest Abby Navarro is a Peruvian-American Multifaceted Spiritual Creative, Translator of Spiritual Law, Activist, Holistic Therapist, Philanthropist, Practitioner of the Healing Arts, & a great friend. She works with the McKenna Academy, School of Natural Philosophy and is co-creator of Illuminating Color, an interdisciplinary masterpiece whose website is linked below. In all of her practices, she shares intuitive energy work, authentic movement, integrative therapy, guidance and empowerment. Her passion lies in transmitting unconditional love, service and ensuring that individuals have the integrative tools to continue their path after heart/mind opening experiences.
Check out her podcast: Light Warrior Goddess, and her Instagram @lightwarriorgoddess
More info about the Illuminating Color Sacred Self Retreat in The Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru can be found here: illuminating-color.com, and on their Instagram page: @illuminatingcolor
Abby's blog: undertheinfluencesince88.com
El primer episodio oficial del podcast - y en español! Lanzamos con todo, hablando con José Villalpando, decodificador bioemocional y estudioso de las 5 leyes biológicas en Córdoba, Argentina. La biodecodificación es un sistema de prevención y sanación a través del reconocimiento de los orígenes emocionales, mentales, espirituales y en muchos casos, inconscientes, de cada enfermedad. Se trata al ser como el conjunto completo de diversos y complejos componentes que es.
Para saber mas de la "bio" aqui te dejo unos links recomendados que te puedan acompañar:
Y haz tus propias investigaciones por internet.
Declaracion de exención de responsabilidad legal: Nada que decimos, ni Jose ni yo, en este episodio debe ser tomado como consejo médico. Ninguno de los dos es medico licenciado. Simplemente estamos compartiendo información que nos ha sido de ayuda en nuestros caminos aqui como material educativa. Cada decisión medica se le aconseja consultar a un profesional de salud confiable y licenciado.
Si quieres ir más a fondo de lo que hablamos en este episodio, o quieres una sesión personal con José, su información de contacto es lo siguiente: Email: jav.cba@gmail.com; Teléfono (para llamadas) : +54 351 6141929; WhatsApp: +54 9351 6141929; IG: jav.cba -
An introduction to what consciousness healing is & what we’ll be exploring in this podcast. Let’s look forward together!