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    What if you could find a sanctuary in the midst of urban chaos? Today, I share the soothing experience of nurturing my backyard garden, a personal oasis where produce and fruit trees grow and tranquility reigns. I'll walk you through the simple joys of gardening, from the satisfaction of tending to plants to the delight of sharing homegrown herbs with friends. Listen as I reflect on how these small, mindful acts can help carve out peaceful moments in our hectic lives. You too can create your own sanctuary, whether through a hobby, quiet reflection, or daily rituals.

    As we reconnect with our physical awareness, I share a hopeful message for a refreshing and fulfilling summer, urging you to find and cherish your personal oases in life.

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    What if you could transform your summer cookouts with healthier, vibrant dishes that still capture the spirit of the season? Join us on Create Harmony as we explore creative and plant-friendly recipes that are perfect for your Fourth of July celebrations and beyond. Host Sally Burlington reminisces about Southern traditions like pig pickings, but with a twist towards lighter, more nutritious options. You'll discover delightful treats like fruit sparklers made from watermelon and blueberries, and patriotic yogurt bites that can bring a burst of color and health to your picnic table.

    So tune in, celebrate the season, and let's make your summer not just delicious, but nourishing and joyful too.

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    Have you ever wondered how the rhythms of nature can mirror the cycles in our own lives? In this enlightening episode of the Create Harmony podcast, we explore life's beautiful, cyclical patterns, comparing them to the changing seasons. From the dark days of winter to the bright abundance of summer, each phase has its own lessons and joys.

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    What if you could transform your approach to life's transitions? Join me, Sally Burlington on the Create Harmony podcast as we navigate the cyclical nature of our journeys and revisit cherished experiences with fresh insights. We'll share how recognizing the type of travel you’re embarking on—be it a restful vacation or an adventurous trip—can prepare your mind and spirit for the journey ahead.

    This episode also includes a special excerpt from episode 37, where we explored the distinctions between vacations and trips. Discover practical tips to optimize your time and minimize hassles during your summer travels. Whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure, learn how to prepare for the unique experiences each type of travel offers and make the most of every journey you take. Tune in and let’s make your next trip a harmonious and fulfilling adventure.

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    Have you ever wondered how to embrace life’s changes with a heart full of gratitude? Join me on the journey where I share stories from my own life, including witnessing my daughters' educational milestones, and navigating unexpected leadership changes at our church. Each transition has led to reflection on our shared journeys offering valuable lessons on growth and blessings.

    As the season of spring breathes new life into our surroundings, we’ll explore how these natural cycles mirror our personal experiences. By revisiting my childhood city, I’ve encountered a whirlpool of emotions that have made me ponder the beauty of coming full circle. Whether you're amidst your own changes or simply seeking a moment of connection, this episode encourages you to see transitions as opportunities for deeper contemplation and to embrace the future with hope and gratitude. Tune in to discover how we can face life's shifts together, inspired by the promise of new beginnings.

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    Welcome to a refreshing journey of renewal with me, Sally Burlington, as we embrace the rejuvenating tradition of spring cleaning, woven seamlessly with the art of self-care. Imagine transforming the seemingly mundane task of tidying up into an act of joy and personal fulfillment. This episode of Create Harmony takes you a celebration of the new season and a fresh start for your mind, body, and space. Let's embark on this adventure together, discovering how to declutter not just our homes, but our lives, making room for what truly matters.

    We’ll talk about the profound impact of a spruced-up environment on your daily routine and how these tasks can evoke a sense of clarity and preparedness for the sunnier days ahead. So, whether you’re a seasoned spring cleaner or someone looking for inspiration to get started, this episode is your guide to making the process a fulfilling part of your self-care regimen.

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    Ever caught yourself chuckling over a simple, unexpected joy like a quirky coffee mug? On the latest Create Harmony podcast, I, Sally Burlington, delve into the enchanting world of 'glimmers', those fleeting moments of pure delight that can unexpectedly brighten our days. I'll share a personal tale that's sure to tickle your funny bone and demonstrate just how these tiny sparks of happiness can weave a thread of joy through the tapestry of our everyday lives. And it's not just about laughter—these glimmers can anchor us with a sense of peace and safety amidst life's whirlwind.

    As we bask in the glow of life's simple pleasures, I'll update you on the raised bed garden project that's been growing at our house this spring. So, whether it's sipping coffee from a mug that conjures memories or tending to the earth's bounties, let's cultivate an awareness of the good that's all around us, and let those moments lift us through the ebb and flow of daily life.

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    Have you ever caught a glimpse of unexpected joy in the midst of an ordinary day? That's what we're calling 'glimmers,' and in the latest Create Harmony podcast, I, Sally Burlington, guide you through the art of recognizing and cherishing these fleeting moments. Moreover, I reveal my personal tactic for maintaining a positive focus: penning down life's highlights on our family's whiteboard as a beacon of gratitude.

    As springtime approaches, I give an update on my gardening adventures. So join me for a conversation that invites peace and offers companionship as we walk together towards a life filled with more uplifting moments.

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    Our latest Create Harmony podcast episode profiles our latest outdoor project, crafting a raised bed garden. From the challenges of leveling the earth to the triumph of planting herbs you'll get the inside scoop. These endeavors aren't just about cultivating land; they're about sowing seeds of tranquility and reaping glimmers of joy.

    Then, I invite you to lean in to your child-like mind by listening to an excerpt from "The Secret Garden". Whether you've never potted a plant or you're a seasoned gardener, this episode is a call to embrace the rebirth of spring and discover the secret gardens waiting in our own backyards. Join me for uplifting stories and find your unique connection with the natural wonders that await just outside your door.

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    Have you ever paused, amidst a whirlwind day, to savor a fleeting moment that sparked joy? On the Create Harmony podcast, I invite you to do just that. Picture this: a sunroom transformed from simple earth tones into a flourishing garden oasis, complete with a mural that celebrates the vibrance of nature. I recount the creative journey that renewed our family sanctuary, with hopes that it will inspire you to find and cherish the beauty in your own environment.

    In the spirit of rejuvenation, I guide you through a practice designed to reconnect you with your senses, breathe in new beginnings, and exhale heartfelt gratitude. It's not just about the peaceful interlude; it's an invitation to weave these restorative practices into the fabric of your daily life. Join me, as we transform not just spaces but states of being—one glimmer at a time.

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    Embark on a journey with me, Sally Burlington, to unearth the hidden joy in everyday moments as we delve into the transformative power of 'glimmers'. Picture this: the serene dance of sunlight on water, the fleeting smile from a stranger, each a tiny, potent spark of joy waiting to be discovered and cherished. Our latest episode invites you to embrace these instances, to not only enhance your own well-being but to become a beacon of positivity, igniting happiness in those around you. Through simple acts like a heartfelt message or the sharing of an awe-inspiring scene, we'll learn how to amplify the light we cast in the world.

    We immerse ourselves in the spirit of spring, guiding you through a visualization exercise that is as rejuvenating as the first bloom of daffodils. Feel the rush of serenity and joy as we breathe in possibility and exhale gratitude, symbolizing life's cycle from a seed to a resplendent flower. Join me in this exploration of mindfulness. Together, let's cultivate a garden of glimmers, creating a legacy of light and happiness that touches every soul we encounter.

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    Ever felt the paradox of craving rest yet finding it elusive? Join me, Sally Burlington, as we wrap up our series on rest with a poignant realization: true rest isn't a passive state but an intentional act, often requiring the courage to turn down invites and prioritize our well-being. This episode is a deep dive into the nuanced understanding that each of us has unique rest requirements across the social, spiritual, and emotional spectrums. I'll share insights on how distinguishing these needs can shield us from burnout and cultivate a life replete with joy and gratitude. ,

    As we conclude our restful journey, we open our hearts to the spontaneous nature of joy. It's an elusive guest that doesn't RSVP but arrives just when we need it most. We draw inspiration from Donna Ashworth’s "Wild Hope" to underscore that joy often arrives unannounced, in the midst of our perfectly imperfect lives.

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    Ever find yourself worn out but your brain just won't power down? Join me, Sally Burlington, for the final installment of our series on rest, where we uncover the last piece of the puzzle: physical rest. After weeks of peeling back the layers of our daily hustle, we've journeyed through the seven essential types of rest, and it's time to celebrate the harmonious life that emerges from truly understanding and implementing each one. In this episode, we wrap up with a heartwarming conclusion, recognizing that without addressing all facets of rest, achieving genuine physical tranquility might be as elusive as catching a cloud.

    As your guide to serenity, I've shared insights and personal anecdotes that have breathed life into the concept of rest, moving it from the periphery to the cornerstone of well-being. If you've ever struggled with sleepless nights or restless days, this episode is a treasure trove of wisdom that promises restful nights ahead. So, tuck in for a restorative session and join the ranks of the well-rested.

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    Ever feel like you're running on empty, creatively speaking, or that your soul is parched for something deeper? Join me, Sally Burlington, as I navigate the less charted terrains of creative and spiritual rest. It's a misconception that only painters and poets need to recharge their creative batteries; we all do, from tackling daily dilemmas to orchestrating life's logistics. In this episode, we uncover how problem-solving and organization sap our creativity and why nourishing the soul is not a mere indulgence but a cornerstone for a fulfilled life. Guided by the profound musings of Morgan Harper Nichols, Stephen Charleston, and Richard Rohr, we're offered a compass to wander through the landscapes within ourselves, to heal, and to find serenity in stillness.

    This conversation extends beyond the ordinary, as we wrap up our series on the myriad forms of rest that are essential for our well-being. But before we rest our case, this episode gives you a glimpse into how these practices intertwine, influencing each other and our overall health. As we prepare to bid adieu to this series, my hope is that you emerge not just informed but transformed, equipped with practical ways to welcome rejuvenation and harmony into every day. So take a moment for yourself, and let this episode be the guide to rediscovering the joy in your journey.

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    Feel overwhelmed by the relentless buzz of your phone, the unending torrent of emails, and the cacophony of modern life? Let me, Sally Burlington, guide you through the tranquil paths of sensory rest on the Create Harmony podcast. We're bombarded every day with an excess of sensory stimuli, and on this episode, I illuminate the steps to reclaiming your peace. I share wisdom from the likes of Richard Rohr and Douglas McKelvey, and sprinkle in tales from my own journey with media fasts, offering you a blueprint to carve out moments of serenity amidst the chaos.

    Embark on a journey within, where silence is not merely the absence of noise, but a space for growth and self-discovery. Join me as we continue to explore the multifaceted wonder of rest in the weeks ahead.

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    Ever feel like socializing leaves you drained rather than replenished? Discover how to harness the power of social rest with me, Sally Burlington, in the latest episode of the Create Harmony podcast. We navigate the often-missed avenues to rejuvenation, exploring Dr. Sandra Dalton Smith's seven types of rest, specifically the social rest that comes from nurturing life-giving relationships. Our journey doesn't stop there; we'll also immerse ourselves in restful meditations, drawing wisdom from Kate Bowler and Donna Ashworth, to learn how to surround ourselves with the lighthouses rather than the rocks in our social seas.

    Tackling rest deficiencies can feel like a daunting task, but it's a transformative one. In this episode, I'll guide you through a candid look at where we may be falling short in our rest routines and how to celebrate the strides we've made while extending grace to ourselves where we need to grow. Tune in and take a step towards a life that's not just busy, but rich with rest and balance.

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    Embark on a transformative journey with me, Sally Burlington, as we uncover the unsung hero in our quest for well-being: rest. This episode of the Create Harmony podcast, inspired by Dr. Sondra Dalton Smith's illuminating work, promises to deepen your understanding of emotional rest and its crucial role in balancing our lives. Prepare to discover the power of setting boundaries to honor our need for tranquillity. Through the words of Kate Bowler, Donna Ashworth, and Stephen Charleston, we offer a serene moment for reflection, inviting you to embrace a life marked by peace and internal fulfillment.

    Join me next time for another peaceful conversation, as we continue to seek balance and joy on the path to rested living.

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    Do you ever feel like your brain is on a never-ending treadmill, racing from task to task without a moment's respite? Join me, Sally Burlington, as we unlock the secrets to achieving mental serenity in a world that seldom slows down. In our latest episode, we delve into the transformative power of mental rest, underlining why it's as crucial to our cognitive vitality as sleep is to our bodies. Guided by Dr. Sandra Dalton Smith's insights on the seven types of rest, I offer up a treasure trove of actionable tips—think meditation, daydreaming, and mindfulness—that promise to rejuvenate your mind as effectively as a good night's slumber.

    As we wander through the landscapes of tranquility, I draw on the poetic wisdom of Morgan Harper Nichols and Donna Ashworth to paint a picture of a more restful state of mind. Discover how simple pleasures, like the quiet moments of a solitary drive or the gentle embrace of nature, can serve as sanctuaries for your overworked thoughts. Tune in and learn how to match your rest needs with the perfect restful activity—your mind will thank you for it. So let's embark on this journey together, with each step bringing us closer to a life of balance, peace, and mental rest.

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    Embrace the silent symphony of rest with me, Sally Burlington, as close our Winter Well-Being Series on the Create Harmony podcast. Have you ever considered that our relentless pursuit of busyness could leave us unacquainted with the rejuvenating forms of rest? Together, we dive into the teachings of Dr. Sandra Dalton Smith, who shares the seven types of rest that replenish not just our bodies but our minds, hearts, and souls. This isn't about succumbing to exhaustion; it's about enriching our lives with the rest we so often overlook.

    As our series wraps, I invite you to a rest revolution. It's a challenge against the notion that rest comes only after work is done—an awakening to the idea that rest is an integral part of a harmonious life. Listen as I share stories and strategies for integrating rest into even the most chaotic of schedules, ensuring that peace and well-being aren't just seasonal guests, but year-round residents in your world. Share this journey with friends craving calm in the clamor of life, and let's cultivate the art of rest together.

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    Witness firsthand the power of camaraderie in my husband's transformative journey with F3—a unique workout group where sweat, laughter, and heartfelt conversations converge. As your guide, Sally Burlington, I'll unravel the profound impact that fitness, faith, and fellowship can have in forging indelible bonds, serving as the cornerstone of our discussion on the art of creating meaningful adult connections. Our latest Winter Well-Being installment is a tapestry woven with personal anecdotes, practical advice on vulnerability, active listening, and the simple yet impactful steps toward deeper, more fulfilling relationships.

    Together, we'll reflect back on former friendships and deciding which lessons to pack for our journey ahead. Let's cherish this moment to pause, reflect, and celebrate the connections that make our lives richer and more vibrant.

    To learn more, go to mycreateharmony.com