
  • Do you REALLY need to have a website - can't you just use social media to run and grow your business? In this episode, Kristin discusses the importance of having a website for your business, even if you are using social media. She highlights the benefits of a website, such as increased credibility, the ability to guide visitors through your brand and offerings, and the opportunity to grow your email list. Kristin also clarifies that a website serves as a home base for your online presence, linking to other platforms and functionalities. Starting with social media is recommended, but eventually, having a website becomes essential for a more professional and comprehensive online presence. Reasons you want to have a website vs. just relying on social media: #1- Having a website increases your credibility and makes your business more legitimate online #2- You're able to guide someone through who you are, your values, your services, all your offers, etc in a thoughtfully crafted manner - vs. all the random posts on social media #3- Grow your email list with opt-ins #4- Your home for everything on the web

  • In this impromptu episode, Kristin shares her approach to getting into the groove with work when feeling low energy. She discusses the importance of choosing an approach that feels aligned to you and highlights the difference between a masculine and feminine energy approach. Kristin emphasizes the significance of putting your own state and energy first before tasks, as it leads to better outcomes. She also provides tips on how to create a positive environment and mindset for tasks you don't feel like doing.

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  • I am changing the Girlboss Designer name. EEEK! And I want to walk you through all of this in the latest podcast episode.

    I'll go over why I'm changing it, why I'm changing it NOW, what the new name is, just the whole kind of behind the scenes of this name change and how it's going to play out.

  • In this episode, Kristin shares her experience of living back in the US for the past nine months -after six years of being in Australia. She discusses the positive aspects of living in a nice, safe and convenient suburb of Chicago, being closer to family, friends and team, and having a settled routine for her son Jack. However, she also talks about missing the beach and the challenges of flying and traveling so often. Overall, she reflects on the ups and downs of her transition and looks forward to what the future holds.

  • In this episode, Kristin shares three recent wins in her business and her biggest takeaways from each that you can apply to your journey. The first win is a 40% increase in business revenue in 2023 compared to 2022. The second win is the transition of a team member from part-time to a full-time salaried employee with benefits. The third win is the purchase of one of Girlboss Designer's website templates by Manifestation Babe for their latest venture - Manifested Adventures. The main takeaways from these wins are the importance of focusing on money management, not basing the future on the past, small steps forward can lead to big accomplishments that feel normal, and realizing that people you admire are in closer proximity than you think.

  • The time has finally come when you're ready to share your brand new website to the world, how exciting! Maybe you're a brand new business or you've redone an existing website. Either way, it's so much fun to show off your new website to everyone. I want to give you some tips to help maximize this, so you can get the most out of this really exciting moment to increase your visibility and leads for your business. I've broken this down into two parts. One part will be talking about tips for maximizing your website launch for a brand new business. And then I also want to touch on if you're an existing business doing a relaunch of your brand or website, how to maximize it for you. There are definitely a lot more tips for the brand new business because there's just a lot more going on here. Like it's a brand new business. You're revealing it for the first time. Someone who's established, who's relaunching their website. They've already kind of been building that audience over time. People already know who they are. It's a little bit of a different situation, but I do want to touch on both. And we're going to start with the brand new business. FOR A BRAND NEW BUSINESS Begin building your social media and audience ahead of time vs waiting until the website is done Begin your email list ahead of time (add existing personal and professional contacts) Have a way to capture emails easily on the site when it goes live (freebie) - the launch will be the most high-traffic time Get your audience excited with a lead up & maybe even sneak peeks SHARE big time everywhere when you're ready! (email list, all socials, mailable card etc) Ask your friends and family members to share FOR AN EXISTING BUSINESS DOING A RE-LAUNCH Have a way to capture emails easily on the site when it goes live (freebie) - the launch will be the most high-traffic time Get your audience excited with a lead up & maybe even sneak peeks SHARE big time everywhere when you're ready! (email list, all socials, mailable card etc) If you're changing your business name with this launch - start talking about the transition ahead of time

  • In this episode, Kristin shares a major client success story (a 6-figure client booking!) and highlights the key takeaways we can all learn from this big win. She emphasizes that a website is like a storefront and digital business card in the online space, and even if most of your business comes from referrals, people will still look you up. Kristin also discusses the benefits of using website templates instead of custom websites, explaining that templates can be customized to fit your branding and messaging. She then outlines key elements of a successful website, including clear messaging, legibility, and a professional vibe. Finally, Kristin reminds listeners that building a business takes time and that each client can contribute to its growth.

  • During Christmas time in the midst of a conversation with a family friend, I mentioned how I wanted to work the same amount of time I work now and make WAYYYY more money.

    She laughed a little like as if wanting to say "well, wouldn't that be nice!". Her reaction to this was like I was a bit crazy and it's not possible.

    Then I gave her real life examples of people creating exponential quantum leap type growth in their business. Women I follow in the online space tripling their business's income in a year. Women making multi-millions of dollars working part time hours with their kids.

    I could see her mind starting to open up and shift a little bit more.

    It can be easy sometimes to buy into other people's opinions about what we want to with our life.

    I'm sure you've been there at some point where you open up to someone about an idea or goal you have: whether it be creating a new business, switching careers, making more money, working while raising kids, travel dreams, lifestyle dreams.

    And their reaction or comments about what you've shared creates a bit of doubt or deflation in you.

    When this happens we can sometimes second guess ourselves, lower our dreams and expectations, or feel a bit frozen in indecision.

    Sometimes people sit for so long on big ideas or changes because of the doubt that was instilled in them from others.

    First I want you to remember - no one else can actually do this to you.
    No one else actually has the power to make you doubt yourself, to feel deflated, or to make you second guess yourself.

    We are in control of taking outside information in (other people's opinions) - and deciding what we want to do this that information.

    And so in this episode I want to share a few useful perspectives on how we can approach receiving opinions from other people about our goals and dreams that are not in our favor.

  • Welcome to a brand new year! It's that time when many set new intentions/goals for the year, and get excited about what's to come.

    As I've been going through my own goal setting and future visioning process for this year, I've felt called to share more of how I'm approaching this with you all.

    The traditional way people approach setting their goals for the year would be to write down a list of what you want to achieve for the year (however long or short).

    This is typically a simple and to the point list of changes you'd like to make, and what you'd like for your life to look like in the future.

    Listen to the full episode to check out the tips for working with your unconscious mind with goal setting.

    If you want to learn more about how to actually implement this for yourself....

    Join me for the Aligned Goal Activation Workshop!

    After going through my own goal activation process, I've been feeling pulled to share this with you in a very practical and actionable way!

    Here's what this workshop will look!

    DAY 1: Chose your aligned goal(s) for this year
    DAY 2: Write a detailed visualization of your goals incorporating subconscious language (using NLP - bringing in all 5 senses)
    DAY 3: Create your Vision Board - templates for phone background, printable, & laptop background
    DAY 4: Have a plan for what to do next moving forward

    Sign up for this LIVE workshop here: https://checkout.kristinrichards.co/aligned-goal-workshop-live/

  • We're about to close one year and open another, which is the perfect time to reflect back on everything that's happened over the past 365 days. In this episode I'm sharing my personal and professional reflections from 2023. My biggest moments, biggest lessons, what I'm most proud of, and what I envision going into 2024.

  • The phrase "acting as your future self" is used often in the personal development space and is a key part of manifesting our goals and dreams. In manifestation "like attracts like" - so the more we show up as that future version of our self NOW, the faster we will see that dream show up in our reality. Seems pretty simple, but I see a lot of misconception about this happening. And so as we are about to close one year and enter into a brand new year, with new goals and visions for our life, I thought it would be a great time to dive deeper into this. First of all - when we say "like attracts like" - how this REALLY works with manifestation is your beliefs and self image (how you see yourself) attract situations with the same beliefs and vibration of that self image. It's less about what you are DOING - and more about who you are BEING. What are your beliefs? What are your attitudes toward things? What do you assume to be true? What are you emotions/thoughts/feelings about something? How do you see yourself? You can be taking all the actions "acting as if" - but if the underlying belief systems don't match up with whatever it is you're manifesting - it will either not come, or when it does come you will subconsciously push it away. This is when self sabotage starts to take place. Someone beliefs don't match up to whatever it is they've received (money, success, peace, love, etc) - so even if they "want" that thing so badly - if their inner beliefs aren't aligned they will sabotage the situation. This may look like spending all the $ they've received, starting fights in a relationship, creating more chaos in their life, etc. The first step here is to dive into your BELIEFS surrounding whatever your goal is - and then we can get into the "acting as if" actions part of the process.

  • Excited for this unique episode! It's my first time doing a travel-related podcast. Join me as I take you behind the scenes of our trip to Tamarindo, Costa Rica. This episode isn't your typical traveler's guide; I'm sharing my personal experience — where we stayed, what we did, and the restaurants we visited. Let's dive into the details that made this trip unforgettable. Where We Stayed: Tamarindo Diria For more information, you can visit their website at https://www.tamarindodiria.com/ What We Did: Surfing at Witch's Rock Surf Camp For more details, you can explore their offerings at https://witchsrocksurfcamp.com/ Where We Ate:

    Patagonia - Argentinian Grill & Restaurant

    La Baula - Pizza

    Dragonfly Bar & Grill - Seafood, Sushi, Grill

    Nari - Pizza

    La Oveja Surf House - Drinks

    Pico Bistro - didn't go but looks cute (AC!)

    Previous Trip to Costa Rica:

    Traveled with Under 30 Experiences

    Find out more at https://www.under30experiences.com/.

  • Excited for this unique episode! It's my first time doing a travel-related podcast. Join me as I take you behind the scenes of our trip to Tamarindo, Costa Rica. This episode isn't your typical traveler's guide; I'm sharing my personal experience — where we stayed, what we did, and the restaurants we visited. Let's dive into the details that made this trip unforgettable. Where We Stayed: Tamarindo Diria For more information, you can visit their website at https://www.tamarindodiria.com/ What We Did: Surfing at Witch's Rock Surf Camp For more details, you can explore their offerings at https://witchsrocksurfcamp.com/ Where We Ate:

    Patagonia - Argentinian Grill & Restaurant

    La Baula - Pizza

    Dragonfly Bar & Grill - Seafood, Sushi, Grill

    Nari - Pizza

    La Oveja Surf House - Drinks

    Pico Bistro - didn't go but looks cute (AC!)

    Previous Trip to Costa Rica:

    Traveled with Under 30 Experiences

    Find out more at https://www.under30experiences.com/.

  • #1: You can get started designing right away.

    - Most designers are booking a certain amount of time in advance, there is usually a waiting period to get on their calendar.

    - There is also prep work needed before being able to get started anyways, so this wait time comes in handy.

    - The prep work may include: brand design, copywriting, finalizing your programs or business concept, collecting materials, photoshoots.

    #2: A designer provides the writing for the website for you.

    - This is a totally different skillset! It's like going to an apple tree expecting to pick apples AND oranges.

    - Unless the design agency has an in-house copywriter, the client is expected to provide the writing for their website.

    - You can choose to write this yourself, or hire a copywriter.

    - This is the biggest pieces of the prep work, BEFORE you begin designing, and why the wait period to get started is really helpful.

    #3: You should wait until you have everything together to find a designer.

    - Because there typically is a waiting period to get on a designer's calendar, if you want until you have EVERYTHING ready to contact a designer - you are going to be waiting even longer to launch your website.

    - It's best to get in touch with a designer when you're in the earlier planning stages.

    - Having this conversation will also have you more easily prepare what's needed for the project.

    #4: The designer handles everything and you can have almost no involvement.

    - It is 100% true that hiring a designer WILL save you tons of time/energy since they are doing a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

    - BUT - you are needed as an active participant in your project to create a successful result and launch.

    - Beyond the prep work period, once the project begins the clients is needed for revision feedback and any missing items needed to complete the project.

    - The biggest project staller will be a client who doesn't create the time to be present and involved in their project.

    #5: Providing feedback when you don't like something is a "bad" thing

    - Our #1 goal is for you to LOVE your brand and website!

    - We are here to do whatever we can to help accomplish that, so we WANT to know what you honestly think

    - Revisions is part of the process

    - Sometimes things flow easily with minimal feedback, and other times it might take a little bit more to get to that desired end result

    - We want to better understand your taste, so we can make whatever adjustments we need to create your vision

  • Features are the specific characteristics or functionalities that a product or service offers. They're the details that describe what's included and what the thing can do.

    Benefits are the advantages you get from the product or service.

    Outcomes are what happens as a domino affect of the benefits of the product or service.

    Why is it important to identify this?

    People buy for the outcomes and benefits (emotional), and justify it with the features (logical)

    Features of Our Web design Service:

    - Restyle of one of our GBD Showit website templates
    - Design of all pages included in our templates (list out all pages)
    - Wordpress blog design & setup
    - Mobile-friendly responsive website
    - Photography sourcing & optimization
    - Connect email marketing opt-ins
    - Embed CRM Forms & Calendars
    - Pop up promoting your opt-in

    Benefits of Our Services:

    - Saves time, energy, stress and confusion
    - Their business looks amazing online
    - They're taken seriously in their industry and seen as a professional

    Outcomes of Our Services:

    - They're proud to show off their business to others
    - Feeling more confident
    - Attracting more potential clients as a result
    - Booking more clients and making more money

  • Imagine you're meeting your blind date for the first time. You haven't spoken to them before, seen them before - this is the first moment you're having any kind of interaction with them. Before you begin speaking, you take in their appearance. Their face, their build, hair, clothes, how they carry themself, if they make eye contact, their small mannerisms as they approach you. These first few quick moments are creating an immediate reaction in your body and how you interpret them. You may feel yourself lean in more, perk up with interest, smile, get the warm tingleys because you are liking what you're seeing!! You may on the other hand feel some hesitation, slightly cringe, doubt, draw back, feel some sort of level of disappointment. Now as we know, looks aren't everything! You may find even if you weren't attracted to their appearance initially, their personality has changed that for you and you see them in a new light. They become more attractive to you overtime. But you needed to stick around long enough to allow that to develop. Now, why am I telling you about dating when we're talking about high end brands here?! First impressions matter, and they happen within seconds. And in the online space, oftentimes people aren't sticking around longer to learn more about if they are less than impressed with that first impression. So we want to make those first seconds count. If you want your brand to be perceived as a high-end brand (therefore attracting clients who are ready to invest at a higher price point for your offers), there are a few easy ways you can create that first impression. Listen to the full episode to check them out!

  • Recently I had the pleasure of experiencing first hand, an entire brand experience done right. This was outside the typical online space that we spend so much of our time in. And instead was with a massage company, The NOW Massage. From start to finish I was obsessed with this company, I couldn't help but share. And NO this is not a paid promo! It was just so fun to experience successful branding out in the real world, and how it made me feel as a result. In this podcast episode I am going to walk you through the key branding areas I felt this company totally nailed. And then I'll tie each of these areas back to your own business. These key branding areas we will look at are: Style & Aesthetic Ease of Customer Entry Enjoyable Experience & Great Results Deeper Mission, Values & Culture Customer Loyalty & Brand Awareness

  • Whether you’ve been rocking your online business for a while or are still in the daydream stage, I want to shed some light on 3 website lies you may have been believing up until now - to make sure you’re putting your time and money where it matters most with your biggest online asset. (and not getting lost in the endless “planning” stage!)

    Because if you’re on your way to owning and running a successful online business (whether in travel, coaching, consulting… whatever your passion is) …

    … I want you to stand out in your industry and attract your dream clients on repeat!

    Having a polished, professional and profitable website can be SO MUCH more accessible and easier than you may think.

    Get your game face on, ‘cause in this episode I’m going to bust through these beliefs:

    XX You should invest in a custom built website in order to stand out in your industry (um, nope) XX Having lots of inspirational and informational content on your website helps convert clients (BIG depends here…) XX Your website isn’t that important with social media these days (just shut your mouth right there!)
  • Over the past few months I've been in a slower phase personally in my business due to our big move and sorting out our childcare schedule. And while I haven't been outwardly producing a lot (though my team has been killing it on the design side!) - I've been really going inward and digesting so much. Slowing down in life and busineess allows you to go deeper vs. going fast and spreading yourself wider. In the process of spreading ourself wider, if we don't have our roots in deep to begin with we could end up over worked, spread too thin, and burnt out. Ive been reflecting on things like: What my company's values are and why we're here How we can better live our company values - which translates into What the future looks like for both Girlboss Designer & my coaching business In this episode I go into detail about all of the above and why I am so fired up about what's to come for the future of both companies (design business and coaching business) One of the people in the online space I've really been diving into hard these past few months that I talk about in this episode is Andrea Crowder, she has a brand called the Unruley Entrepreneur. Her approach to business and her focus on working with your subconscious has really been resonated deeply with me and I've been soaking it all up! Programs of Andrea Crowders's I've taken that I reference in this episode: Regulate Mantras that are Blocking Your Manifestations Daddy Energy No Doubt in the DMs $100k in a Day Masterclass The Pleasure Model (currently going through this one!)

  • It’s my first podcast episode after making the big move from Australia to the States! I’m giving you a little behind-the-scenes look of our first few weeks here, and then sharing my journey of buying my car. Some interesting mindset shifts popped up throughout this process, including limiting beliefs, spending money according to your values, and so much more.