Why did William Blake create his own gods? What does Blake's cosmology teach us about humanity? What role does Blake's visual art serve in fulfilling his creative vision?
Join me on a journey to The Morgan Library & Museum, where we view Blake's original manuscripts & artworks, to answer these questions.
View the companion gallery for this episode here, including a fully rendered copy of The First Book of Urizen with transcribed text and a diagram of Blake's gods: https://mjdorian.com/blake/
∞∞∞∞∞Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the LIMITED RELEASE SERIES (Jim Morrison & Kurt Cobain), the Red Book Reading series, and all the Episode Exclusives: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorianBuy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3235189073379328069&created=1681912456.228596&printed=1
View an online copy of A Blake Dictionary by S. Foster Damon: https://books.google.com/books?id=HOxpOMQ_Pa8C&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false
∞∞∞∞∞Research Sources:• The Life of William Blake by Alexander Gilchrist• William Blake vs The World by John Higgs• The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake publ. by Anchor Books
• A Blake Dictionary by S. Foster Damon• Fearful Symmetry by Northrop Frye• William Blake: The Complete Illuminated Books
————Audio Editor: Erik TexterAll Music by MJDorian
(With the exception of brief samples of Double Vision by Foreigner and Stranded by Gojira.)Written & Produced by MJDorian————Thank you to my Dream Maker tier!Executive Producer: Mike Hill & Madie Laine---------Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodexInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorianTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian---------
Thank-you's & 'shout outs' to the Shadow Fam!Shadow-Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Arturo Barrios, Barak Talker, Brandon Massengale, Cesar Roman, Chee Sing Kam, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas O’Kelly, Danny Olague, DVM, Elle, Ellis Morton, Gabriel Trudeau, Geo_H, Hamed Iranmehr, Jane Lopardo, Janet Roccanova, Jaskaran Purewal, Jasmine Carroll, Joe Boland, Kahlil Pyburn, Kawika, Kayla Dawson, Kristin Richard, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Maurus Fitze, Michael Lloyd, Nicole Wessel, Owen McAteer, Rach, Rachel Schultz, Rebecca, Ricky, Robert, Romina, Scott Wierzbicki, Sigitas Treciokas, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Hariharan, Tamara, Terry W, Uppity Mantis, Venetia Nadin, Yadie Cisneros, Zarja Menart, and Zuzana. Thank you for your support!---------Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.All rights reserved.
What makes Blake's Songs of Innocent & of Experience a work of genius? What is the nature of vision? What is Blake's concept of fourfold vision? Is it even graspable by the intellect? We will make the attempt. Join us for a deep dive into all of this and much more.
View the companion gallery for this episode here, including read-along versions of the poems: https://mjdorian.com/blake/
∞∞∞∞∞Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the LIMITED RELEASE SERIES (Jim Morrison & Kurt Cobain), the Red Book Reading series, and all the Episode Exclusives: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorianBuy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3235189073379328069&created=1681912456.228596&printed=1
View an online copy of A Blake Dictionary by S. Foster Damon: https://books.google.com/books?id=HOxpOMQ_Pa8C&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false
∞∞∞∞∞Research Sources:• The Life of William Blake by Alexander Gilchrist• William Blake vs The World by John Higgs• The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake publ. by Anchor Books
• A Blake Dictionary by S. Foster Damon• Fearful Symmetry by Northrop Frye• William Blake: The Complete Illuminated Books
————Audio Editor: Erik TexterAll Music by MJDorianWritten & Produced by MJDorian————Thank you to my Dream Maker tier!Executive Producer: Mike Hill---------Thank-you's & 'shout outs' to the Shadow Fam!Shadow-Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Arturo Barrios, Barak Talker, Brandon Massengale, Cesar Roman, Chee Sing Kam, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas O’Kelly, Danny Olague, DVM, Elle, Ellis Morton, Gabriel Trudeau, Geo_H, Hamed Iranmehr, Jane Lopardo, Janet Roccanova, Jaskaran Purewal, Jasmine Carroll, Joe Boland, Kahlil Pyburn, Kawika, Kayla Dawson, Kristin Richard, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Maurus Fitze, Michael Lloyd, Nicole Wessel, Owen McAteer, Rach, Rachel Schultz, Rebecca, Ricky, Robert, Romina, Scott Wierzbicki, Sigitas Treciokas, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Hariharan, Tamara, Terry W, Uppity Mantis, Venetia Nadin, Yadie Cisneros, Zarja Menart, and Zuzana. Thank you for your support!---------Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodexInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorianTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian---------Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.All rights reserved.
Mangler du episoder?
William Blake is considered one of the greatest artists and poets of the English language, yet he lived most of his life in poverty. Why? Many of his acquaintances considered him mad while friends who knew his art considered him 'brilliantly mad'. What was so different about Blake?
Join me on this William Blake series as we pry open the mind of this celebrated creative genius to find the true meaning of his enigmatic works.
View the companion gallery for this episode here, including read-along version of the poems: https://mjdorian.com/blake/
∞∞∞∞∞Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the LIMITED RELEASE SERIES (Kurt Cobain & Jim Morrison), the Red Book Reading series, and all the Episode Exclusives: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorianBuy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3235189073379328069&created=1681912456.228596&printed=1
View an online copy of A Blake Dictionary by S. Foster Damon: https://books.google.com/books?id=HOxpOMQ_Pa8C&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false
∞∞∞∞∞Research Sources:• The Life of William Blake by Alexander Gilchrist• William Blake vs The World by John Higgs• The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake publ. by Anchor Books
• A Blake Dictionary by S. Foster Damon• Fearful Symmetry by Northrop Frye• William Blake: The Complete Illuminated Books
————Audio Editor: Erik TexterAll Music by MJDorianWritten & Produced by MJDorian————Thank you to my Dream Maker tier!Executive Producer: Mike Hill---------Thank-you's & 'shout outs' to the Shadow Fam!Shadow-Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Arturo Barrios, Barak Talker, Brandon Massengale, Cesar Roman, Chee Sing Kam, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas O’Kelly, Danny Olague, DVM, Elle, Ellis Morton, Gabriel Trudeau, Geo_H, Hamed Iranmehr, Jane Lopardo, Janet Roccanova, Jaskaran Purewal, Jasmine Carroll, Joe Boland, Kahlil Pyburn, Kawika, Kayla Dawson, Kristin Richard, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Maurus Fitze, Michael Lloyd, Nicole Wessel, Owen McAteer, Rach, Rachel Schultz, Rebecca, Ricky, Robert, Romina, Scott Wierzbicki, Sigitas Treciokas, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Hariharan, Tamara, Terry W, Uppity Mantis, Venetia Nadin, Yadie Cisneros, Zarja Menart, and Zuzana. Thank you for your support!---------Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodexInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorianTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian---------Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.All rights reserved.
Dr. Carl Jung began to have apocalyptic visions in October 1913 which compelled him to engage a dialogue with his unconscious. In the following months, he transcribed these experiences in his personal journals (Black Books). When World War 1 started in June 1914, Jung realized that his visions, dreams, and meditations may have been precognitions of the impending war.
On this minisode, we explore the writings and journals of Dr. Carl Jung to help us better understand this pivotal moment in Jung's life and how it inspired his later psychological theories.
∞∞∞∞∞Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to the Red Book Reading series, as well as other exclusives including the LIMITED RELEASE SERIES (Kurt Cobain & Jim Morrison), and all the Episode Exclusives: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorianBuy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3235189073379328069&created=1681912456.228596&printed=1
————All Music by MJDorianWritten & Produced by MJDorian————Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodexInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorianTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian---------Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.All rights reserved.
Where language breaks, art begins. Language routinely fails us in conversations about art and creativity. In the following essay, I elaborate on the reason for this problem and offer three terms which can help give more depth and clarity to our discussions of art.
The three primary experiential aspects of art:
Art-making: verb, a creative act that results in an art-object.
Art-object: noun, a material or immaterial byproduct of art-making.
Artessence: noun, the state of mind of an art experience.
Read the essay in its original written form here: https://mjdorian.com/language/
∞∞∞∞∞Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the LIMITED RELEASE SERIES (Kurt Cobain & Jim Morrison), the Red Book Reading series, and all the Episode Exclusives: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorianBuy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3235189073379328069&created=1681912456.228596&printed=1
-----------All Music by MJDorianWritten & Produced by MJDorian————Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodexInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorianTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian---------Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.All rights reserved.
What happens to Alexander McQueen when he achieves his life's dream? Is he able to continue creating inspired collections in spite of the intense pressures of global fame? What are the personal meanings behind his most iconic collections? And what leads to his tragic end?
We will explore all of those questions and much more on this finale to the McQueen series.
∞∞∞∞∞View the companion gallery for this episode here: https://mjdorian.com/mcqueen/∞∞∞∞∞
Video of the McQueen's Eclect Dissect (1997) collection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiJH8B2HxGU&t=136s
∞∞∞∞∞Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the LIMITED RELEASE SERIES (Kurt Cobain & Jim Morrison), the Red Book Reading series, and all the Episode Exclusives: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorianBuy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3235189073379328069&created=1681912456.228596&printed=1
-----------Research Sources:• Alexander McQueen: Blood Beneath the Skin by Andrew Wilson• Alexander McQueen: The Life and the Legacy by Judith Watt• McDowell's Directory of Twentieth Century Fashion• Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty• McQueen (Documentary, 2018)• Cutting Up Rough: Alexander McQueen (Documentary, BBC, 1997)————Audio Editor: Erik TexterAll Music by MJDorianWritten & Produced by MJDorian————Thank you to my Dream Maker tier!Executive Producer: Mike Hill---------Thank-you's & 'shout outs' to the Shadow Fam!Shadow-Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Arturo Barrios, Barak Talker, Brandon Massengale, Cesar Roman, Chee Sing Kam, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas O’Kelly, Danny Olague, DVM, Elle, Ellis Morton, Gabriel Trudeau, Geo_H, Hamed Iranmehr, Jane Lopardo, Janet Roccanova, Jaskaran Purewal, Jasmine Carroll, Joe Boland, Kahlil Pyburn, Kawika, Kayla Dawson, Kristin Richard, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Maurus Fitze, Michael Lloyd, Nicole Wessel, Owen McAteer, Rach, Rachel Schultz, Rebecca, Ricky, Robert, Romina, Scott Wierzbicki, Sigitas Treciokas, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Hariharan, Tamara, Terry W, Uppity Mantis, Venetia Nadin, Yadie Cisneros, Zarja Menart, and Zuzana. Thank you for your support!---------Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodexInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorianTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian---------Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.All rights reserved.
All creative geniuses have visions throughout their lives which guide their work. What does it mean to have a vision? How does a vision differ from a goal? How do you discover your own vision? Let's talk about it.
This insight developed from recent studies and reflections I've been engaged in, it is part of my current attempt to define creative genius through several traits which all creative geniuses seem to share. In searching through all of the insights gathered over five years of doing this show, I've noticed that all of the figures we have covered have a vision which, in some way, guides their creativity.
I hope you find this minisode inspiring.
Here are the questions mentioned in the episode. I recommend getting a journal or opening up a notepad on your computer and answering them to compel a vision of your own. Feel free to be as prosaic and lengthy as you like.
What activities / mediums am I most passionate about? What are my strengths in those activities / mediums? What subjects and styles do I find most engaging? What subjects and styles do I love ‘creating in’ most? What’s something the world needs? What’s something I’ve never seen anyone do?Even if the process of answering these doesn’t lead to a new vision immediately, the act of dialogue with your inner world will jumpstart something which will.
Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and gain access to exclusive episodes, including the Kurt Cobain series, the RED BOOK READING series, and all the Episode Exclusives: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorianBuy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3235189073379328069&created=1681912456.228596&printed=1-----------All Music by MJDorianWritten & Produced by MJDorian————Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodexInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorianTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian---------Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.All rights reserved.
More than anything else in the world, Alexander McQueen at 21 years old wants to be a fashion designer. He embarks on a bold journey to flip the fashion industry on its head. But what makes his early collections so revolutionary and controversial? And what leads to him being 'discovered'?∞∞∞∞∞View the companion gallery for this episode (including the video of McQueen's graduate collection) here: https://mjdorian.com/mcqueen/∞∞∞∞∞Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the Kurt Cobain series, the RED BOOK READING series, and all the Episode Exclusives: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorianBuy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3235189073379328069&created=1681912456.228596&printed=1-----------
A transcript is available of this episode on my site: https://mjdorian.com/transcripts/
-----------Research Sources:• Alexander McQueen: Blood Beneath the Skin by Andrew Wilson• Alexander McQueen: The Life and the Legacy by Judith Watt• McDowell's Directory of Twentieth Century Fashion• Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty• McQueen (Documentary, 2018)• Cutting Up Rough: Alexander McQueen (Documentary, BBC, 1997)————Audio Editor: D. Martin SoundAll Music by MJDorianWritten & Produced by MJDorian————Thank you to my Dream Maker tier!Executive Producer: Mike Hill---------Thank-you's & 'shout outs' to the Shadow Fam!Shadow-Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Arturo Barrios, Barak Talker, Brandon Massengale, Cesar Roman, Chee Sing Kam, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas O’Kelly, Danny Olague, DVM, Elle, Ellis Morton, Gabriel Trudeau, Geo_H, Hamed Iranmehr, Jane Lopardo, Janet Roccanova, Jaskaran Purewal, Jasmine Carroll, Joe Boland, Kahlil Pyburn, Kawika, Kayla Dawson, Kristin Richard, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Maurus Fitze, Michael Lloyd, Nicole Wessel, Owen McAteer, Rach, Rachel Schultz, Rebecca, Ricky, Robert, Romina, Scott Wierzbicki, Sigitas Treciokas, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Hariharan, Tamara, Terry W, Uppity Mantis, Venetia Nadin, Yadie Cisneros, Zarja Menart, and Zuzana. Thank you for your support!---------Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodexInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorianTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian---------Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.All rights reserved.
How does a boy from a working class London background with no connections to the fashion industry go on to become one of the greatest fashion designers of all time? This is the story of Lee Alexander McQueen. Join me as we dive into the life and work of one of the most celebrated and controversial designers of the 21st century.
Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the Kurt Cobain series, the RED BOOK READING series, and all the Episode Exclusives:
Buy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:
A transcript is available of this episode on my site: https://mjdorian.com/transcripts/
Research Sources:
• Alexander McQueen: Blood Beneath the Skin by Andrew Wilson
• Alexander McQueen: The Life and the Legacy by Judith Watt
• McDowell's Directory of Twentieth Century Fashion
• Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty
• McQueen (Documentary, 2018)
• Cutting Up Rough: Alexander McQueen (Documentary, BBC, 1997)
Audio Editor: D. Martin Sound
All Music by MJDorian
Written & Produced by MJDorian
Thank you to my Dream Maker tier!
Executive Producer: Mike Hill
Thank-you's & 'shout outs' to the Shadow Fam!
Shadow-Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Arturo Barrios, Barak Talker, Brandon Massengale, Cesar Roman, Chee Sing Kam, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas O’Kelly, Danny Olague, DVM, Elle, Ellis Morton, Gabriel Trudeau, Geo_H, Hamed Iranmehr, Jane Lopardo, Janet Roccanova, Jaskaran Purewal, Jasmine Carroll, Joe Boland, Kahlil Pyburn, Kawika, Kayla Dawson, Kristin Richard, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Maurus Fitze, Michael Lloyd, Nicole Wessel, Owen McAteer, Rach, Rachel Schultz, Rebecca, Ricky, Robert, Romina, Scott Wierzbicki, Sigitas Treciokas, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Hariharan, Tamara, Terry W, Uppity Mantis, Venetia Nadin, Yadie Cisneros, Zarja Menart, and Zuzana. Thank you for your support!
Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorian
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian
Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.
All rights reserved.
Ever feel like life is too busy to explore your creativity? Ever feel like you don't have enough time? On this Creativity Tip minisode we explore the idea of finding and utilizing the corners of your day. And the possibility that less time isn't always a bad thing–just ask yourself:What can I do with the time that I have?∞∞∞∞∞Help fund Creative Codex in 2024 with a donation to our Venmo: https://www.venmo.com/u/creativecodexSupport Creative Codex on my Patreon and gain access to the Red Book Reading series, Kurt Cobain series, and other exclusive goodies: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorian∞∞∞∞∞All Music by MJDorianWritten & Produced by MJDorian---------Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodexInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorianTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian---------Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.All rights reserved.---------
All of the questions in this episode were sent in by listeners via Instagram, Patreon messages, or Spotify responses.
Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the RED BOOK READING series and all the Episode Exclusives:
Questions (in order of appearance, with timestamps):
Do you think sadness / heartache / trauma is the secret ingredient to making great art? - Nikita ( 3:33 ) Of all the artists featured so far in Creative Codex, who would you most like to spend a day with – perhaps even working alongside or collaborating on a project? And what question would you most like to ask them? - Tamara ( 6:24 ) Will you ever do an autobiography? - X ( 9:03 ) What is the relation between Alchemy and Christianity, I know Jung wrote some pieces on it? - Tim Susss ( 10:16 ) How the hell do you do it? Is this your full time job? How do you read and dive into so many heads and worlds and then share it in this rich and atmospheric podcast? - Vika ( 11:48 ) What’s something you learned about a creator that caught you off guard and made you laugh? - Nolo ( 13:54 ) In episode 39: Carl Jung and Alchemy Part 1, 15 minutes and 17 seconds in, I would love to know the name of that beautiful piece of music. - Daniel ( 16:41 ) Do you think AI could ever independently tap into individual, animal or human collective consciousness? How will we know what art (say something done by hand like a painting or sculpture) is authentically from that artist anymore? Will imagination become an unused skill through laziness? - Sue Ryan ( 22:05 ) I have started a YouTube channel but I get discouraged very quickly. How do I stop getting discouraged? - Priyanka ( 34:27 ) What are your thoughts on the subject of channelling? - Diana Grigorieva ( 37:22 ) Sylvia Browne clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yzz8vaZgE8 I’d love to know about your writing process, I enjoy your work. Where do you start? - Thomas Widner & Vida013 ( 42:50 ) Do you think the Collective experience of archetypes (to articulate beliefs and ideas) has contributed to the rise of fantasy / collaborative storytelling games and entertainment in the recent years? - Nathan Grabosch ( 45:20 ) I have been reading Jacques Sadoul's “Alchemy and Gold”, and it states that alchemists wrote their discoveries in metaphors, since true knowledge has to remain occult. Why do you think this is? - Romina ( 47:10 ) How do you reconcile the tension between the desire to create something absolutely original with the idea that creativity seems to be the revealing of a truth? Is there anything new under the sun and should we strive for that if there is? - J Kent ( 48:39 ) Do you consider that genius is someone fixated in the stage of the albedo? This stage is the closest point between the ego and the collective unconscious. It’s a fascinating yet perilous stage (psychosis). - Trudy ( 52:45 ) How does Jung remember all these dreams and poignant symbolism so clearly? How could we follow his genius processes of the internal if our dream memories are not nearly as clear, if even present? - Mulnah ( 54:26 ) I’m curious what your feelings are about drugs and creativity? Are drugs a crutch, a useful tool, or something else? - Ben Thurnhoffer ( 56:00 ) I’m curious about how symbolism works in alchemy as well as in Jung’s work, the origin of symbols and such. - Chris DeHaven ( 59:25 ) Do you think that knowledge that Jung left behind was for the creatives and perhaps neurotypicals of today to be re-discovered to heal from modern madness and unlock potential? - Talos_draws ( 01:00:46 ) What is the relationship between art and value? What is the value of art? To elicit an experience? To convey a message? To transform the subjective into the objective? - Al Spaulding ( 01:02:34 ) How has this podcast changed your life? - Clinton King ( 01:05:30 )Creative Codex Soundtrack Vol.1: https://mjdorian.bandcamp.com
Produced by MJDorian
What is your relationship to matter? On this episode–the fourth and final episode in the Jung & Alchemy series–we journey to the heart of alchemy. Through studying examples in alchemy we answer these questions: What are archetypes? What is the collective unconscious? What is individuation?
And the question to end all questions on the matter: What happens when you practice alchemy? Does it confirm Jung's theories? Let's find out.
View my Splendor Solis gallery here: https://mjdorian.com/alchemy/
Join the Creative Codex mailing list: https://mjdorian.com/mail/
Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the RED BOOK READING series and all the Episode Exclusives:
Buy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:
Find the free alchemy and esoteric knowledge courses of Jean Dubuis here: http://www.portaelucis.fr/GB/html/publications/alchimie.htm
View a transcript of this episode here: https://mjdorian.com/transcripts/
Lustr Bustr Brand Supplements ad read by: Glen Vivaris (Follow Glen's escapades here: https://www.instagram.com/glenmakes/ )
Cover art: artwork from Rosarium Philosophorum (1550)
Research Sources:
• The Red Book by Carl Jung
• Psychology and Alchemy by Carl Jung
• Alchemical Studies by Carl Jung
• Mysterium Coniunctionis by Carl Jung
• Alchemical Active Imagination by Marie Louise von Franz
• Alchemical Imagination by Jeffrey Raff
• Atalanta Fugies by Michael Maier
• The Black Sun by Stanton Marlan
• Spagyrics by Jean Dubuis
Audio Editor: D. Martin Sound
All Music by MJDorian
Written & Produced by MJDorian
Thank you to my Dream Maker tier!
Executive Producer: Mike Hill
Thank-you's & 'shout outs' to the Shadow Fam!
Shadow-Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Arturo Barrios, Barak Talker, Brandon Massengale, Cesar Roman, Chee Sing Kam, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas O’Kelly, Danny Olague, DVM, Elle, Ellis Morton, Gabriel Trudeau, Geo_H, Hamed Iranmehr, Jane Lopardo, Janet Roccanova, Jaskaran Purewal, Jasmine Carroll, Joe Boland, Kahlil Pyburn, Kawika, Kayla Dawson, Kristin Richard, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Maurus Fitze, Michael Lloyd, Nicole Wessel, Owen McAteer, Rach, Rachel Schultz, Rebecca, Ricky, Robert, Romina, Scott Wierzbicki, Sigitas Treciokas, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Hariharan, Tamara, Terry W, Uppity Mantis, Venetia Nadin, Yadie Cisneros, Zarja Menart, and Zuzana. Thank you for your support!
Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorian
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian
Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.
All rights reserved.
This is a preview of my new Red Book Reading series, which is now available on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorian
Each month I read the next chapter of Dr. Carl Jung's visionary masterpiece, The Red Book (also known as Liber Novus). Each reading is complete with original music and sound design.
Whether you've already read it once and hope to gain new insights, or you have it but haven't cracked it open yet–this series is for you.
Thank you in advance for your support!
All Music by MJDorian
Written & Produced by MJDorian
Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorian
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian
Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.
All rights reserved.
Join me for a journey back to a time when alchemy was revered by Kings & Queens and practiced in the courts of nobles. A time when Prague was the alchemical capital of the world–drawing occultists to it from all of Europe, and ruled by a King who supported esoteric spiritual practices. Along the way we will find direct parallels between Jung's Red Book and the work of the alchemists, leading us to Jung's most misunderstood psychotherapeutic method: active imagination.
We will also explore these questions: What can a two hundred year old Grimm's fairy tale teach us about alchemy? What value did Dr. Carl Jung see in fairy tales? Why is a scholarly mind one of alchemy's virtues? Is Hermes-Mercurius the God of Alchemy?
View my Atalanta Fugiens gallery (containing all 50 artworks) here: https://mjdorian.com/alchemy/
Join the Creative Codex mailing list: https://mjdorian.com/mail/
Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the RED BOOK READING series and all the Episode Exclusives:
Buy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:
View a transcript of this episode here: https://mjdorian.com/transcripts/
Prague's historic alchemical laboratory, Speculum Alchimiae: http://www.alchemiae.cz/en
Cover art: detail of a Ripley Scroll (1600's)
Christies auction house video about a Ripley Scroll: https://www.christies.com/features/The-fantastic-world-of-the-Ripley-Scroll-8760-3.aspx
Research Sources:
• The Red Book by Carl Jung
• Psychology and Alchemy by Carl Jung
• Alchemical Studies by Carl Jung
• Mysterium Coniunctionis by Carl Jung
• Alchemical Active Imagination by Marie Louise von Franz
• Alchemical Imagination by Jeffrey Raff
• Atalanta Fugies by Michael Maier
• Spagyrics by Jean Dubuis
Audio Editor: Donald Martin
All Music by MJDorian
Written & Produced by MJDorian
Thank you to my Dream Maker tier!
Executive Producer: Mike Hill
Thank-you's & 'shout outs' to the Shadow Fam!
Shadow-Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Arturo Barrios, Barak Talker, Brandon Massengale, Cesar Roman, Chee Sing Kam, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas O’Kelly, Danny Olague, DVM, Elle, Ellis Morton, Gabriel Trudeau, Geo_H, Hamed Iranmehr, Jane Lopardo, Janet Roccanova, Jaskaran Purewal, Jasmine Carroll, Joe Boland, Kahlil Pyburn, Kawika, Kayla Dawson, Kristin Richard, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Maurus Fitze, Michael Lloyd, Nicole Wessel, Owen McAteer, Rach, Rachel Schultz, Rebecca, Ricky, Robert, Romina, Scott Wierzbicki, Sigitas Treciokas, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Hariharan, Tamara, Terry W, Uppity Mantis, Venetia Nadin, Yadie Cisneros, Zarja Menart, and Zuzana. Thank you for your support!
Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorian
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian
Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.
All rights reserved.
What is the hidden link between play and creativity? Why do we discourage adults from play? How do you heal your relationship with play and improve your creativity?
As we journey from childhood into adulthood, the world demands that we abandon play and daydream–relegating them to the domain of childhood. But of the many sacrifices we all must make in our transition into adulthood, this sacrifice is the most damaging to our creativity. It's time we heal our relationship with play and reimagine its place in our daily lives. On this Creativity Tip minisode we attempt to do just that.
Listen to Chapter 1 of my Red Book Reading series for free: https://www.patreon.com/posts/red-book-reading-86794560?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes and goodies:
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All Music by MJDorian (except Gnossiene No. 1 by Erik Satie)
Written & Produced by MJDorian
Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorian
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian
Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.
All rights reserved.
Beneath the surface of Western history––deep within its cavernous tunnels––flows a river of gold.
On this episode we explore the essential concepts of alchemy, alchemical artwork, Jung's theory regarding the projection of unconscious material, inexplicable dreams with alchemical symbolism, the paradox of consciousness & matter, and the unique role of revelation in alchemy. In the end, we return to The Red Book to track down a special passage which seems to prove Dr. Jung tapped into alchemy through his active imagination method seven years before officially studying it.
Read my Rudiments of Alchemy article and view the Splendor Solis gallery here: https://mjdorian.com/alchemy/
Join the Creative Codex mailing list: https://mjdorian.com/mail/
Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the Kurt Cobain series and all the Episode Exclusives:
Buy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:
View a transcript of this episode here: https://mjdorian.com/transcripts/
Cover art: detail of Plate 4 from Splendor Solis (1553)
Research Sources:
• Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Jung
• The Red Book by Carl Jung
• Psychology and Alchemy by Carl Jung
• Alchemical Studies by Carl Jung
• Man & His Symbols by Carl Jung
• Alchemy by Marie Louise von Franz
• Alchemical Imagination by Jeffrey Raff
• Splendor Solis by Salomon Trimsosin
• Atalanta Fugies by Michael Maier
• Spagyrics by Jean Dubuis
Audio Editor: Marisa Ferdenzi (Check out Marisa's band, Citygirl: https://www.instagram.com/citygirlband/ )
Bob the Law-Bot ad: Glen Vivaris (Follow Glen's escapades here: https://www.instagram.com/glenmakes/ )
All Music by MJDorian
Written & Produced by MJDorian
Thank you to my Dream Maker tier!
Executive Producer: Mike Hill
Executive Producer: Kurt Ward
Thank-you's & 'shout outs' to the Shadow Fam!
Shadow-Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Angela Ramseyer, Deborah Meyers, Barak Talker, Carmella Cole, Corey, Cesar Roman, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas O’Kelly, DVM, Ellis Morton, Geo_H, Glen QuiltSwissy, Hamed Iranmehr, Hilde, Janet Roccanova, Jay, Jen The Atelierista, Jennifer Wilson, Joe Boland, Jye Marchant, Kahlil Pyburn, Kayla Dawson, Keith, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Maurus Fitze, Michael Lloyd, Payton, Rach, Rachel Schultz, Rebecca, Robert, Scott Wierzbicki, Sigitas Treciokas, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Hariharan, Tim Sussss, Terry W, Yadie Cisneros, Cesar Roman, Romina, Kawika, Ristow Fitness, Yasmine Weiss, Danny Olague, Jane Lopardo. Thank you for your support!
Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorian
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian
Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.
All rights reserved.
What is alchemy? Where does it come from? When did it begin? What does Jung find in alchemy? What does it represent to him that is so important, so profound, that it causes him to abandon his inspired work of the Red Book? It’s time to find out.
Join the Creative Codex mailing list: https://mjdorian.com/mail/
Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the Kurt Cobain series and all the Episode Exclusives:
Buy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:
View a transcript of this episode here: https://mjdorian.com/transcripts/
Cover art: detail of the Ripley Scroll (1624), depicting a phoenix eating its own wings, which was a paradoxical image that excited Dr. Jung when he stumbled on it as he first came across while conducting dream analysis of one of his patients.
Research Sources:
• Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Jung
• The Red Book by Carl Jung
• Psychology and Alchemy by Carl Jung
• Alchemy by Marie Louise von Franz
• Man & His Symbols by Carl Jung
• The Secret of The Golden Flower (trans. by Thomas Cleary)
• The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus
Audio Editor: Marisa Ferdenzi (Check out Marisa's band, Citygirl: https://www.instagram.com/citygirlband/ )
Testimonials for BrainChip: Michael Pisano (Check out Michael's project: ThatMakesMeSad: https://instagram.com/thatmakesmesad?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ==
All Music by MJDorian
Written & Produced by MJDorian
Thank you to my Dream Maker tier!
Executive Producer: Mike Hill
Executive Producer: Kurt Ward
Thank-you's & 'shout outs' to the Shadow Fam!
Shadow-Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Angela Ramseyer, Deborah Meyers, Barak Talker, Carmella Cole, Corey, Cesar Roman, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas O’Kelly, DVM, Ellis Morton, Geo_H, Glen QuiltSwissy, Hamed Iranmehr, Hilde, Janet Roccanova, Jay, Jen The Atelierista, Jennifer Wilson, Joe Boland, Jye Marchant, Kahlil Pyburn, Kayla Dawson, Keith, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Maurus Fitze, Michael Lloyd, Payton, Rach, Rachel Schultz, Rebecca, Robert, Scott Wierzbicki, Sigitas Treciokas, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Hariharan, Tim Sussss, Terry W, Yadie Cisneros, Cesar Roman, Romina, Kawika, Ristow Fitness, Yasmine Weiss, Danny Olague, Jane Lopardo. Thank you for your support!
Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorian
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian
Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.
All rights reserved.
This is a special guided meditation episode which takes you on a journey to meet your inner child and start a dialogue with them. It is inspired by Dr. Carl Jung's active imagination method.
My hope is that this meditation will introduce you to a new way of relating to your inner world. A way that is playful and engages one of the most powerful and seemingly overlooked tools humans have: imagination.
In becoming familiar with the method of active imagination, and how to engage a dialogue with a part of your unconscious, we will have a way to not only understand Jung's theories in the following Jung & Alchemy series, but to also experience them.
Read the session notes from 3 of my Inner Child meditaitons here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/guided-inner-82881641?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Join the Creative Codex mailing list: https://mjdorian.com/mail/
Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the Kurt Cobain series and all the Episode Exclusives:
Buy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:
Executive Producers (Dream Maker Tier): Mike Hill, Kurt Ward
Written & Produced by MJDorian
Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorian
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian
Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.
All rights reserved.
This is the final part of a three part series about the legend of performance art: Marina Abramović. In this episode we explore Marina & Ulay's hypnosis inspired performance pieces, we follow them into the Australian outback for their six months living with aborigines, and finally explore what leads to their last performance–walking the Great Wall of China.
Pieces discussed in order of appearance in the episode:
• Hypnosis inspired series (1980): Nature of Mind, Point of Contact, Timeless Point of View, Rest Energy
• Nightsea Crossing (1981-1987)
• Lovers (1988), The Great Wall of China
• The Artist Is Present (2010)
Join the Creative Codex mailing list: https://mjdorian.com/mail/
Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the Kurt Cobain series and all the Episode Exclusives:
Buy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo:
Research Sources:
Walk Through Walls: A memoir by Marina Abramović When Marina Abramović Dies by James Westcott Marina Abramović Writings 1960 - 2014 Psychoanalyst Meets Marina Abramović by Jeannette Fischer Documentary: No Predicted End————
Audio Editor: Marisa Ferdenzi (Check out Marisa's band, Citygirl: https://www.instagram.com/citygirlband/ )
All Music by MJDorian
Written & Produced by MJDorian
Thank you to my Dream Maker tier!
Executive Producer: Mike Hill
Thank-you's & 'shout outs' to the Shadow Fam!
Shadow-Fam: AKD, Anna Wolff, Aranea Push, Angela Ramseyer, Deborah Meyers, Barak Talker, Carmella Cole, Corey, Cesar Roman, Clark Price, Clinton King, Dallas O’Kelly, DVM, Ellis Morton, Geo_H, Glen QuiltSwissy, Hamed Iranmehr, Hilde, Janet Roccanova, Jay, Jen The Atelierista, Jennifer Wilson, Joe Boland, Jye Marchant, Kahlil Pyburn, Kayla Dawson, Keith, Kristina Lamour Sansone, Maurus Fitze, Michael Lloyd, Payton, Rach, Rachel Schultz, Rebecca, Robert, Scott Wierzbicki, Sigitas Treciokas, Simon Bonanno, Sowmya Hariharan, Tim Sussss, Terry W, Yadie Cisneros, Cesar Roman, Romina, Kawika, Ristow Fitness, Yasmine Weiss, Danny Olague, Jane Lopardo. Thank you for your support!
Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorian
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian
Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian.
All rights reserved.
Why do we start journals with so much enthusiasm, only to lose interest within a month? What is the point of a good journal? What are the profound benefits of journaling and how do we engage them?
On this Creativity Tip, we explore the possibility that we are all journaling wrong. Pop culture has handicapped our ability to journal effectively, romanticizing the 'art of journaling' and externalizing our attention away from inner life. We explore two of the most important experiences a good journal provides: self-excavation and self-conversation. And finally, how a new type of journal engages both: The Garbage Journal.
Creative Codex Merch Shop–as mentioned at the end of the episode, you can order the official Creative Codex t-shirt at the merch shop: https://mjdorian.com/store/
At the shop, you'll also find the Creative Codex mug, for all your coffee inspired creative time.
Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and get access to exclusive episodes, including the Kurt Cobain series and all the Episode Exclusives: https://www.patreon.com/mjdorian
Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/creativecodex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjdorian/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdorian
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjdorian
Written by MJDorian
Produced by MJDorian
All rights reserved.
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