
  • Mortgage Bankers Association Prediction on CRE Loan Volume Q&A with David Reed

    CEO and former financial institution executive, Larry Williams, chats with attorney and compliance expert, David Reed, about a recent prediction made by the Mortgage Bankers Association concerning commercial real estate lending.

    Tumbling occupancy, rising interest rates, and concentrations in CRE loans may spell trouble for many community financial institutions. Learn about the risks your credit union may be facing in these areas, as well as how recent events are influencing CRE values and loan volume across the country.

    After the podcast, be sure to check out David’s webinar, New Policy Statement on CRE Accommodations & Workouts. Register and learn more here. Podcast listeners can also use coupon code POLICY10 for 10% off. This coupon is valid through February 2024.

    Here is a quick breakdown of what is covered during the podcast:

    [1:48] What did the Mortgage Bankers Association predict, and how do you see that affecting our community financial institutions?

    [4:15] How does the recent WeWork bankruptcy filing fit in?

    [8:20] Do you see regulators looking more closely on CRE concentrations in upcoming exams?

    [13:35] How will the rising interest rates affect CRE loans due for a rate adjustment?

    [17:33] Is there a connection between the failures of Silicon Valley and Signature Banks and the current state of commercial real estate?

    [21:26] What else should our listeners be looking out for in managing their CRE portfolio risk?

    [25:52] Board’s role in CRE Risk management

    Check out these links for more info!

    Webinar Registration: https://cuwebtraining.com/New-Policy-Statementon-CRE-Accommodations-Workouts

    Speaker’s Website: https://reedandjolly.com/

    Questions? [email protected]

    Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn

    See us on Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/cuwebinars/⁠

    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars

    Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars

    Read our blog: https://cuwebtraining.com/blog

  • CEO and former banker, Larry Williams, chats with compliance expert, Deborah Crawford, about the new beneficial ownership rules and what that means to business owners and your institution.

    Find out when new business account holders and existing business owners need to comply with the new rules, the reason for the changes, and who has access to your information. Plus get 10% off the webinar, Countdown to New Beneficial Ownership Rules: Effective January 1, 2024.

    After the podcast, be sure to check out Deb’s webinar, Countdown to New Beneficial Ownership Rules: Effective January 1, 2024. Register and learn more here. Podcast listenerscan also use coupon code BENEFICIAL10 for 10% off. This coupon is valid through February 2024.

    Here is a quick breakdown of what is covered during the podcast:

    [1:40] When do account holders actually have to comply with the new beneficial ownership rules, effective Jan. 1, 2024?

    [2:35] Has the definition and exemptions of a beneficial owner changed?

    [3:25] What is a reporting company?

    [4:03] What is a company applicant?

    [4:45] What is the overarching reason the government is making these changes?

    [5:45] Who will be able to look at your registered information? Is it a public network or a private network?

    Check out these links for more info!

    Webinar Registration: https://cuwebtraining.com/Countdown-to-New-Beneficial-Ownership-Rules-Effective-January-1-2024 Speaker’s Website: https://cuwebtraining.com/deborah-crawford Questions? [email protected] Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn See us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cuwebinars/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars Read our blog: https://cuwebtraining.com/blog
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  • During this episode, Larry chats with Dale Sheller with the Baker Group about why the Federal Reserve recently decided to not increase interest rates, the implications of the tightening cycle on margins, preparations of financial institutions for the end of the tightening cycle, the reasons for an inverted yield curve, regulators' responses to unrealized investment portfolio losses, and the benefits and structure of the bank term funding program in mitigating risk.

    After the podcast, be sure to check out Dale’s complimentary webinar, Interest Rate Risk Management Today. Register for this free webinar here: https://fin-ed.info/3XIfGu7.

    Here is a quick breakdown of what is covered during the podcast:

    [1:12] The Fed skipped raising interest rates at the last meeting – why did they do that and are they done raising interest rates?

    [2:24] Is the recent fast-tightening cycle good news for net interest margins?

    [4:27] How fast does the cost of funds catch up to the yield on earning assets? Has it been faster in this cycle?

    [5:27] How are financial institutions preparing for the Fed to end the tightening cycle?

    [7:50] Why do we have an inverted yield curve?

    [9:42] How are regulators responding to unrealized losses on investment portfolios, and why?

    [11:38] What are the advantages of the bank term funding program for financial institutions?

    [14:37] Could the bank term funding program mitigate the risk of unrealized losses?

    [16:05] Deposits increased dramatically over the pandemic, has that trend slowed down? Are financial institutions seeing most of these deposits as ‘hot money’ or core deposits?

    Check out these links for more info!

    Speaker’s Website: https://www.gobaker.com/

    Questions? [email protected]

    Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn

    Like us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars

    Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars

    Read our blog: https://cuwebtraining.com/blog

  • In this week’s episode Marcia Malzahn does a Q&A on strategic planning. She will answer why your institution needs to have a strategic plan in place and why it needs to be incorporated into enterprise risk management and so much more.

    After the podcast, be sure to check out Maria’s webinar Strategic Planning for Credit Unions. Register and learn more here: https://fin-ed.info/40vSLSy. Podcast listeners can also use coupon code STRATEGIC10 for 10% off this timely webinar. This coupon is valid through December 2023.

    Here is a quick breakdown of what is covered during the podcast:

    [01:15] Should you have a strategic plan in place?

    [02:15] Find out why enterprise risk management (ERM) is being incorporated into the strategic planning process.

    [03:40] Everyone at the credit union should be a part of strategic planning, why is human resources not included in the process?

    [05:21] Senior leadership needs to be a part of the process, but does the board of directors?

    [06:15] The biggest challenge credit unions have related to strategic planning.

    Check out these links for more info!

    Webinar Registration: https://fin-ed.info/40vSLSy

    Speaker’s Website: https://malzahnstrategic.com/

    Questions? [email protected]

    Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cbwn

    Like us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bankwebinars

    Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bankwebinars

    Read our blog: https://financialedinc.com/blog

  • How is your team’s teamwork? What are you doing to increase/improve their efficiency, professionalism, communication, and accuracy?

    During this episode, we visit with Molly Stull of Brode Consulting Services about some of the critical aspects that branch managers and head tellers need to be mindful of as leaders within their credit unions. After the podcast, be sure to check out Molly’s webinar titled, Branch Managers & Head Tellers: Managing the Critical Aspects: https://fin-ed.info/43RtGEi.

    Podcast listeners can use the coupon code MANAGER10 for 10% off this informative webinar.This coupon code is valid through December 2023.

    Here is a quick breakdown of what is covered during the podcast:

    [1:23] What are the critical aspects that branch managers and head tellers need to manage?

    [2:20] What are the benefits of a high-functioning team?

    [3:16] What are the risks of NOT focusing on teamwork within a branch?

    [4:15] What are the first two or three things a new branch manager should focus on?

    [7:00] Can leadership be learned?

    [7:45] What’s the difference between managing and coaching employees?

    [8:19] Tips for time management.

    [11:50] Trust you team.

    Check out these links for more info!

    Speaker’s Website: https://www.brodeconsulting.com/

    Questions? [email protected]

    Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn

    Like us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars

    Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars

    Read our blog: https://cuwebtraining.com/blog

  • In this week’s episode Marcia Malzahn does a Q&A on treasury management. She will detail why your credit union needs to implement this powerful tool to not only grow your core deposits but provide a sustainable source of income.

    After the podcast, be sure to check out Maria’s webinar Treasury Management: A Powerful Tool to Increase Deposits & Fee Income. Register and learn more here: https://fin-ed.info/3UYgtpJ. Podcast listeners can also use coupon code TREASURY10 for 10% off this timely webinar. This coupon is valid through December 2023.

    Here is a quick breakdown of what is covered during the podcast:

    [1:14] Treasury management definition and the importance of having a strong treasury management department.

    [1:54] Account analysis statement: how your community bank can put it to good use.

    [03:51] The most common treasury management services that community banks need to offer to their account holders.

    [05:56] Where does treasury management belong in the organizational chart?

    [8:15] How treasury management works with the team, and does it require more than one person to run the department?

    Check out these links for more info!

    Webinar Registration: https://fin-ed.info/3UYgtpJ

    Speaker’s Website: https://malzahnstrategic.com/

    Questions? [email protected]

    Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cbwn

    Like us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bankwebinars

    Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bankwebinars

    Read our blog: https://financialedinc.com/blog

  • The new CECL accounting standard fundamentally changed the way that credit unions estimate loan losses and resulted in material equity adjustments for many. What are regulators focusing on? Is there one “preferred” methodology? What impacts has CECL had on financial statements?

    Join us for a Q&A with Stephen Schiltz of CLA as he answers these questions and more about the newly implemented Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) methodology. After the podcast, be sure to check out Steve’s webinars about CECL:

    CECL: What Auditors & Regulators Will Expect: https://fin-ed.info/42oZz5t

    TDR Comeback: Qualification Under CECL & End of CARES Act: https://fin-ed.info/3oKeGc7

    Podcast listeners can use the coupon code CECL10 for 10% off both of these timely webinars. This coupon is valid through December 2023.

    Here is a quick break down of what is covered during the podcast:

    [1:35] How prepared were financial institutions for CECL’s final implementation?

    [3:07] Is there one specific methodology that regulators will be looking for credit unions to be using?

    [4:39] Quantitative analysis vs. qualitative analysis.

    [7:08] TDR accounting under CECL.

    [9:34] Troubled loan modifications in the current economic environment.

    [10:39] What are the top two or three red flags that you’ve seen in CECL models being used right now?

    [12:44] Validating a forward-looking model with historical data.

    [13:50] Impacts of CECL on other than loans.

    [15:40] Impacts of CECL on a financial institution’s financial statement.

    Check out these links for more info!

    Speaker’s Website: https://www.claconnect.com/en

    Questions? [email protected]

    Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn

    Like us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars

    Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars

    Read our blog: https://cuwebtraining.com/blog

  • [1:10] Is there ETA on debits for Real Time Payments or Fednow?

    [2:13] Some financial institutions charge for Same Day ACH, but do they charge their account holders for RTP payments and for the coming FedNow payments or is it a free service?

    [5:00] What potential for fraud do you need to be aware of?

    [9:16] If an ACH is received through a service provider, do financial institutions need to contact Fed if interested in FedNow?

    [10:15] Can funds be accessed with both direct connection and via service provider?

    [10:47] What type of payment processing system is peer-to-peer (P2P) payments considered?

    [13:38] Do Real Time Payments move through the traditional rails?

    [14:18] How are accounts linked for transfer on RTP and FedNow?

    In this week’s episode Shelly Sipple with EPCOR answers some common questions from her webinar tilted Emerging Payments: Embracing Same Day ACH, RTP & FedNow. Register and learn more here: https://fin-ed.info/3Jw96zN Podcast listeners can also use coupon code EMERGINGPAYMENTS for 10% off this timely webinar. This coupon is valid through February 2022.

    Check out these links for more info!

    Webinar Registration: https://fin-ed.info/3Jw96zN

    Speaker’s Website: https://www.epcor.org/wcm/About_Us/wcm/about/about_us.aspx

    Questions? [email protected]

    Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn

    Like us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars

    Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars

    Read our blog: https://cuwebtraining.com/blog

  • [0:52] How does Google Analytics metric work?

    [3:19] Facebook and LinkedIn don’t work with Google Analytics. What site information can be incorporated?

    [6:04] Does Google rank video the same as written content?

    [8:09] Should you only link to your own website, or should you link to other people’s websites?

    [11:29] Should financial institutions have web pages on multiple platforms?

    [14:33] Best ways to use Google Data Studio.

    [17:09] Is it necessary to get information from Facebook and LinkedIn to use in Google Data Studio?

    [19:49] Photos or Videos? What gains more engagement on social media?

    [25:19] Is Canva a good product to use for social media marketing?

    [28:21] Limitations of WordPress.

    [31:51] Updating/Patching plugins.

    [35:07] Did Meta remove the when your fans are online feature?

    In this week’s episode, Eric Cook with WSI Digital answers some common questions from his webinar tilted, Measure It to Manage It: Understanding Analytics & How to Determine Online Success. Register and learn more here: https://fin-ed.info/3SpV1Ie Podcast listeners can also use coupon code BUSINESSWRITING for 10% off this timely webinar. This coupon is valid through December 2022.

    Check out these links for more info!

    Webinar Registration: https://fin-ed.info/3SpV1Ie

    Speaker’s Website: https://www.wsiworld.com/

    Questions? [email protected]

    Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn

    Like us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars

    Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars

    Read our blog: https://cuwebtraining.com/blog

  • [01:03] Differences between commercial and consumer lending.

    [02:50] What is a consumer and consumer credit under Regulation B?

    [03:41] Common mistakes made by consumer lenders.

    [05:45] What does it take to be a good consumer lender?

    [06:44] Role of a consumer lender.

    [07:57] Consumer lending process.

    [08:40] The “TION” method of making a loan.

    In this week’s episode Jeffery Johnson covers the basics of consumer lending from his webinar, Consumer Underwriting 101: From Application to Approval. Register and learn more here: https://fin-ed.info/3xxCgZJ Podcast listeners can also use coupon code UNDERWRITING101 for 10% off this timely webinar. This coupon is valid through September 2022.

    Check out these links for more info!

    Webinar Registration: https://fin-ed.info/3xxCgZJ

    Questions? [email protected]

    Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn

    Like us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars

    Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars

    Read our blog: https://cuwebtraining.com/blog

  • [1:21] The three medallion stamp security features.

    [4:06] Does the transfer agent need to validate the signature on the medallion stamp?

    [5:31] The difference between a notary, a traditional security guarantee, and the medallion stamp.

    [8:07:] How to handle a situation where a customer wants you to use a medallion stamp that is not a security transaction.

    [9:30] Other products that DO require a medallion stamp.

    [11:27] What if the stock being transferred is valued higher than your medallion bond?

    In this week’s episode Elizabeth Fast covers medallion signature equipment components, the risk of not safeguarding it, transactions that are not covered, as well as what you should do if the transaction is higher than your medallion bond. To register for the OnDemand webinar, Medallion & Signature Guarantee Risks, Rules & Best Practices, please use this link: https://fin-ed.info/3lGEReA Podcast listeners can also use coupon code MEDALLION for 10% off this timely webinar. This coupon is valid through August 2022.

    Check out these links for more info!

    Webinar Registration: https://fin-ed.info/3lGEReA

    Questions? [email protected]

    Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn

    Like us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars

    Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars

    Read our blog: https://cuwebtraining.com/blog

  • Welcome to the Credit Union Overtime Podcast, produced and presented by the Credit Union Webinar Network, powered by FinEd. Today we have Nancy Flynn with us to discuss her webinar Business Writing Boot Camp, Including Critique of Your Own Writing Sample.

    Find Business Writing Boot Camp, Including Critique of Your Own Writing Sample here: https://cuwebtraining.com/business-writing-boot-camp-including-critique-of-your-own-writing-sample

    Business Writing Institute: http://www.businesswritinginstitute.org/

    Find Nancy on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nancyflynntraining

    Find us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn  

    Give us a like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars  

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars   

  • Welcome to the Credit Union Overtime Podcast. Produced and presented by the Credit Union Webinar Network, Powered by FinEd. Today we will be listening to a clip from Michael Christian's webinar An In-Depth Look at Regulation Z's Amended Qualified Mortgage (QM) Rule.

    Find An In-Depth Look at Regulation Z's Amended Qualified Mortgage (QM) Rule here: https://fin-ed.info/3LHyylR

    Michael Christians Consulting Website: https://www.mchristiansconsulting.com/

    Find Michael on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-christians-3a435a7b

    Find us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn  

    Give us a like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars  

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars   

  • Welcome to the Credit Union Overtime Podcast. Produced and presented by the Credit Union Webinar Network powered by FinEd. Today we will be listening to a clip from Elizabeth Fast's webinar Lending on Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Projects.

    Find Lending on Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Projects here: https://cuwebtraining.com/lending-on-low-income-housing-tax-credit-projects

    Spencer Fane LLP Website: https://www.spencerfane.com/

    Find Elizabeth on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabethfast

    Find us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn  

    Give us a like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars  

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars   

  • Welcome to the Credit Union Overtime Podcast, produced and presented by the Credit Union Webinar Network, powered by FinEd. Today we have Molly Stull with us to discuss her webinar Head Teller Development: Improving Teller Performance.

    Find the full webinar Head Teller Development: Improving Teller Performance here: https://fin-ed.info/3rhE9GT 

    Brode Consulting website: https://www.brodeconsulting.com/

    Find Molly on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/molly-stull-03aa54147

    Find us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn  

    Give us a like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars  

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars   

  • Welcome to the Credit Union Overtime Podcast, produced and presented by the Credit Union Webinar Network, powered by FinEd. Today we have Molly Stull with us to discuss her webinar New Employee Required Training. 

    Find the full webinar New Employee Required Training here: https://fin-ed.info/3ttSDX8

    Brode Consulting website: https://www.brodeconsulting.com/

    Find Molly on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/molly-stull-03aa54147

    Find us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn  

    Give us a like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars  

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars   

  • Welcome to the Credit Union Overtime Podcast, produced and presented by the Credit Union Webinar Network, powered by FinEd. Today we will be listening in on an excerpt from David Reed’s webinar Finding Lost Borrowers: The New World of Skip Tracing.

    Find the full webinar Finding Lost Borrowers: The New World of Skip Tracing here: https://fin-ed.info/3zXcvTt

    Reed & Jolly website: https://reedandjolly.com/

    Find David on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-reed-96390428

    Find us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn  

    Give us a like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars  

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars   

  • Welcome to the Credit Union Overtime Podcast, produced and presented by the Credit Union Webinar Network, powered by FinEd. Today we have Michele Barlow with us to discuss her webinar Reg E Investigation & Requirements for Debit Card Error Resolution.

    Find the full webinar Reg E Investigation & Requirements for Debit Card Error Resolution here: https://fin-ed.info/2ZdpJOd

    Macha/PAR website: https://www.macha.org/aws/MACHA/pt/sp/home_page

    Find Michele on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michele-barlow-27630531/

    Find us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn  

    Give us a like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars  

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars   

  • Welcome to the Credit Union Overtime Podcast, produced and presented by the Credit Union Webinar Network, powered by FinEd. Today we have Kevin Olsen with us to discuss his webinar FedNow: Faster Payments, Future, Feasibility.

    Find the complimentary webinar FedNow: Faster Payments, Future, Feasibility here: https://fin-ed.info/3xLmZnY

    Payments Professor Website: https://www.paymentsprofessor.com/about-us 

    Find Kevin on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paymentsprofessor/

    Find us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn  

    Give us a like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars  

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars   

  • Welcome to the Credit Union Overtime Podcast. Produced and presented by the Credit Union Webinar Network powered by FinEd. Today we have Client Learning Strategist Diana Kern with us to discuss her webinar on Mastercard Debit Card Chargebacks.

    Find Mastercard Debit Card Chargebacks here: https://fin-ed.info/3qjme3S

    SHAZAM Website: https://www.shazam.net/

    Find Diana on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diana-kern-40726b197

    Find us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cuwn  

    Give us a like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuwebinars  

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cuwebinars