Proto Pemza pasirodo ten, kur susitinka tikri nusikaltimai, siaubą keliantys įvykiai ir ekscentriški kuriozai. Keturiese pasakojame apie smalsumą keliančius nutikimus, nepelnytai dūlančius saugyklose užrakintų laikraščių puslapiuose. /// Esame radikalūs mėgėjai, tačiau kiekvienai laidai ruošiamės atsakingiau nei savo senatvei. Todėl ką nors naujo išgirsite kiekvienas. Mažų mažiausiai garantuojame ledlaužį vėsiam pokalbiui praskaidrinti. /// Siekiame gerai praleisti laiką, pakeliui jums atskleisdami netikėčiausius gyvenimo atspalvius. Užsukite, čia jūsų laukia istorijos įdomybės, susidūrimai su antgamtiniu pasauliu bei pasakojimai apie reiškinius, geriau suprantamus tiktai šiek tiek pašveitus smegenis.
Это подкаст «Арест активов». Мы делаем его на основе книги Билла Браудера «В поисках правосудия. Арест активов». Каждый эпизод – это одна глава книги, её вы можете скачать и прочитать по ссылке в описании к этому подкасту.
А если вам удобнее слушать, просто включайте этот подкаст, новые эпизоды будут выходить каждую неделю.
Билл Браудер – основатель фонда Hermitage Capital, автор закона Магнитского. Он написал эту книгу, чтобы рассказать про расследование убийства своего адвоката Сергея Магнитского и про организованную политическую кампанию направленную на замораживание всех зарубежных активов российских коррумпированных политиков. -
Hometown Ghost Stories dives into the history of haunted locations and investigates why and how these places earned their terrifying reputation. Rob, Dave and Jesse go live every Tuesday night, after a 15-20 minute uninterrupted, documentary-style breakdown on the case. You can even join the show - as many do, during the live broadcasts on YouTube, Tuesday nights at 9pm EST, as we talk ghosts, demons, poltergeists, and the horrifying true tales that led to these hauntings.
A Spoopy PodcastCreated by 2 sisters who enjoy all things spoopy be it conspiracies, paranormal, or true crime. Join us as we delve into the mysteries of the world around us.Email us at, and follow us on Instagram @madderthanacaterpillarIf you like what you hear feel free to rate and review our podcast on Podchaser!Join us on Patreon - Support this podcast:
Welcome to Killers you’ve never heard of. The true crime world is very anglo-centric, focusing on the United States, Australia, UK and Canada. There are important stories to be told and highlighted around the world that do not get enough attention and the victim’s stories are not told. Killers you have never heard of is going to flip that, our intention is to highlight crimes from each country around the world in English, to spread the understanding of these wider. Some countries do not have readily available information, such as North Korea, so, in those cases we may stray away from the theme of serial killers. A warning to anyone listening, that there will be descriptions of crimes that are disturbing, including sex crimes and murders, the descriptions are not graphic for drama, but to help you understand the horror of the crimes. We are not speakers of each language, so, we will do our best to get pronunciation as close as possible for names and places. One last thing, if you have any suggestions for crimes you would like highlighted, please message us on Instagram, @killersyouveneverheardof where you can also see pictures and maps that will help illustrate the scenes.
Brie & Summer discuss past and current events related to psychology, paranormal, fiction, serial killers, movies, spirituality and curiosities.
Host and creator of the "Macabre Mondays" universe, Malia Miglino brings you her first ever podcast, "Madames & Murderers."
"Madames & Murderers" is a historical podcast where Malia shares her favorite tales of murder, crime, Victorian Madames and everything macabre. -
Whispers in the trees is a dark podcast focusing on the great white North. Surrounding all of the grisly truths from the kindest place on earth, to the head scratching unknowns hidden beneath the snow. This isn’t just eh-nother dark podcast, these are the whispers in the trees.
Please consider helping me out on Buy Me A Coffee to support this show and allow me to continue this passion. -
Get your true crime fix every Thursday with true crime lovers, Hannah and Jadhai.
The truth about the criminal justice system and law-enforcement. Learn what the truth is. Don’t listen to the lies.
For all things True Crime and Paranormal! Join me as we dig deep into the world of the sinister ♥️
Consider this your safe place to discuss the things that make you feeel...not so safe. The paranormal, extraterrestrials, general spooky stuff and, of course, true crime to remind us all how terrifying our everyday world can be.
Three authors examine true crime cold cases and solve them from a fictional perspective.
We discuss bizarre and horrific crimes that involve black and POC victims because our stories often go untold, unsolved, or buried. It’s time to shed light on those who have been left in the dark. True Crime for US.
Join mother-daughter duo, Shannon and Chloe, as they discuss true crime documentaries, true crime cases and reality tv!
Cousins Taylor and Mia grew up just outside of the southern gate of Yosemite National Park. The Yosemite area sees an average of 4 million visitors each year from all over the world, which in turn attracts visitors to the Sierra National Forest where Yosemite lies. More than 1,500 deaths have occurred in Yosemite since 1851, as of 2017 there have been over 233 rescue missions, and at least 30 missing persons cases have never been solved.
Join us as we chat about our home town, true crime, and the mysteries of our favorite National Park. -
Spending late nights watching true crime series on Netflix? Us too. From cases widely reported in the news to 30 year old cold cases, Crime Spotlight discusses each story and its chilling facts.
About Last Night brings small town crimes to the forefront. We work with local sources to get the facts and bring attention to situations that need it. This justice-driven show not only provides a thrilling account of true crime, but will also inspire you to advocate on behalf of voices that have been silenced.
In this podcast, we dive deep into the mysterious case of the serial killer who went by the name of Axeman. Who was he and what was his effect on the innocent people?
Ιστορίες εγκλήματος, μυστήριο, σκοτεινά μυαλά και ερωτήματα που ζητούν απαντήσεις. Γιατί υπάρχει το έγκλημα; Ο εγκληματίας γεννιέται ή γίνεται; Ο Μάνος Τεχνίτης δικηγόρος - εγκληματολόγος, υποδέχεται επιστήμονες και επαγγελματίες και μέσα από διηγήσεις και εγκληματολογικές συζητήσεις, προσπαθήσει να "μπει" στο μυαλό του εγκληματία.
Το CrimeCast τελεί υπό την αιγίδα και επιστημονική διεύθυνση του Κέντρου Μελέτης Εγκλήματος (KE.M.E.) και σε συνεργασία με το ηλ. περιοδικό